[Freesurfer] Paired Analysis Questions

2019-04-08 Thread brain health
External Email - Use Caution

Dear Dr. Greve:

Thank you so much for your time and help. I am working on the Paired
Analysis that you suggested. Very appreciated!

I am interested if there are different within-group changes in brain
structure for an Intervention (PA) and Control (C) group.

Does the paired-diff.fsgd file (peek below) look correct?
PAC Groups
Class Main
Variables Group
Input sub107 Main PA
Input sub112 Main PA
Input sub113 Main C
Input sub118 Main PA
Input sub131 Main C
Input sub132 Main C
Input sub136 Main C

What would be the contrast of interest to include for my question?

Just want to make sure I am running the correct model.

I am also reading the guide about how to interpret the results of the
mri_glmfit commands (e.g.,
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/mri_glmfit). Is there another
guide to follow regarding the output of the Paired Analysis?

I appreciate your guidance!
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[Freesurfer] Group X Time Interaction in Qdec

2019-03-28 Thread brain health
External Email - Use Caution

*What is the best way to run a whole- brain Group (intervention group,
control group) x Time (Pre, post) interaction via QDEC?

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