RES: [Freesurfer] Cannot allocate memory / can't allocate region

2009-07-01 Thread ppj
Check ulimit -m 

That's the max mem per process.

ulimit -m 0 

Maybe will help.

-- Pedro Paulo Jr 
E71 Nokia
-Msg original-
De: Jürgen Hänggi
Enviada:  01/07/2009 02:36:36
Para: Freesurfer Mailinglist
Assunto:  [Freesurfer] Cannot allocate memory / can't allocate region

Dear FS experts

I am using high resolution (0.75x0.75x0.75 mm) data within FS but the
following error occurred:

vertex spacing 0.69 +- 0.21 (0.00-->6.06) (max @ vno 265258 --> 114262)
face area 0.19 +- 0.10 (0.00-->4.49)
mris_make_surfaces(49536) malloc: *** mmap(size=1355776) failed (error
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
MRIalloc(937, 361, 612): could not allocate 1353028 bytes for 356th slice

000: dt: 0., sse=4822516.5, rms=2.25
rms = 2.94, time step reduction 1 of 3 to 0.250...
043: dt: 0.2500, sse=4898456.5, rms=1.89
rms = 1.86, time step reduction 2 of 3 to 0.125...
044: dt: 0.2500, sse=5293477.5, rms=1.86
045: dt: 0.1250, sse=5277681.5, rms=1.76
046: dt: 0.1250, sse=5237215.5, rms=1.70
rms = 1.69, time step reduction 3 of 3 to 0.062...
047: dt: 0.1250, sse=5270459.0, rms=1.69
positioning took 16.1 minutes
inhibiting deformation at non-cortical midline structures...
correcting aseg with surfaces...
Cannot allocate memory
Darwin juergen-haenggis-mac-pro.local 9.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue
Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

recon-all exited with ERRORS at Wed Jul  1 04:20:34 CEST 2009


I am using FS 4.4, Mac OSX 10.5, 8 GB RAM, memoryuse unlimited, descriptors

The process terminated before all RAM is active and no swap is used.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

Juergen Haenggi
Ph.D. (Dr. des.)
Division Neuropsychology
Institute of Psychology
University of Zurich
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
BIN 4.D.04 (office room number)
j.haenggi[at] (email) (website) (private website)

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Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

RES: Re: [Freesurfer] Where can I read the manual for old freesurfer version (some new information)

2009-06-29 Thread ppj


In the wiki page there's a feature to check the previous version of each page.

-- Pedro Paulo Jr 
E71 Nokia
-Msg original-
De: Bruce Fischl
Enviada:  29/06/2009 17:30:10
Para: Zhang, Xiaochu (NIH/NIDA) [F]
Cc: ''
Assunto:  Re: [Freesurfer] Where can I read the manual for old freesurfer 
version (some new information)

I'm not sure we have it so easily. Does anyone know?
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, 
Zhang, Xiaochu (NIH/NIDA) [F] wrote:

> The freesurfer I am using now is this version, 
> "freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v3.0.4". I knew there is much 
> improved in the current version.However, I have about 80 participants done in 
> this old version. I only want to add several new participants and do some 
> group anlaysis. Today I read the wiki and found a lot of things in 
> "GroupAnalysis" have been changed. I tried to follow the new workflows but I 
> found it is not suit to old verison. Who can do me a favor and give me the 
> manual for the old version? My advisor asked me for result just now.
> Thank you so much!
> Xiaochu Zhang PhD
> Visiting Research Fellow
> Neuroimaging Research Branch
> National Institute on Drug Abuse - IRP
> Biomedical Research Center
> 251 Bayview Blvd.
> Suite 200 (NIDA)
> Baltimore MD
> 21224
> Tel: 443-740-2619
Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

RES: [Freesurfer] volume group analysis

2009-06-25 Thread ppj
To make analysis of volumetric data export volumetric data to csv and use your 
statistical package.

-- Pedro Paulo Jr 
E71 Nokia

-Msg original-
De: Anita di Iasio
Enviada:  25/06/2009 06:04:38
Assunto:  [Freesurfer] volume group analysis

Hi all,

I have 2 groups of subjects and I want to do a volume group analysis
to compare volumes of subcortical structures.
I have to run my analysis with the command-line methods  but I don't 
know the correct flags to
use with the commands (mris_preproc and mri_glmfit).
Can you help me? Can you give me some suggestion?

thank you in adavanced,
Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

RES: [Freesurfer] qdec start

2009-06-15 Thread ppj

1) Yes. You should run -qcache

2) Yes. This file is used to describe your experiment. You can have more 
details in the FreeSurfer tutorial for group analysis.

-- Pedro Paulo Jr 
E71 Nokia
-Msg original-
De: Jose Soares
Enviada:  15/06/2009 06:38:02
Assunto:  [Freesurfer] qdec start

Hi all,
I am starting with qdec and i have a simple question. I have 30 recon-all 
subjects but I didn't do the -qcache option. 
1- I want to know if I need to run this -qcache option even if I use the 
fsaverage target subject, or this is only necessary if se my own average 
2- Where do I make the connection between my subjetcs and qdec? It is only 
in qdec.table.dat?
 Thanks for the help,

  Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] GM

2009-03-30 Thread ppj

Sent from my Nokia phone @E71
-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Go.Es.
Sent:  30/03/2009 07:14:32
Subject:  [Freesurfer] GM



I want to use GM volume stats, i don't know whether it is or not, where?

I had understood that FS does not calculate the total GM volume, how can I make 

and can I calculate it for an individual ROI on a specific area?




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Freesurfer mailing list

RE: Res: [Freesurfer] Doubt about GM

2009-03-30 Thread ppj
Did you check aseg.stat

Sent from my Nokia phone @E71
-Original Message-
From: Kelly Silva
Sent:  30/03/2009 05:46:36
To: Bruce Fischl
Cc: freesurfer
Subject:  Res: [Freesurfer] Doubt about GM

   Thank you for your answer, Bruce. I am looking for the colheader that brings 
the total GM and the GM for each hemisphere, but I did not find. Can you tell 
me how its the file and how is the name of the variable? 
    Thanks and regards, Kelly

  Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] merging rh and lh surfaces

2009-03-19 Thread ppj
I think Bruce or Douglas can explain better. 

However, the reason for both hemispheres being separated is that you need to 
mantain an S2 topological space.

Sent from my Nokia phone @E71
-Original Message-
Sent:  19/03/2009 19:07:48
Subject:  [Freesurfer] merging rh and lh surfaces


I would like to have a single surf file that composed of both right and
left pial surf. Is there a way to do it in freesurfer?


Seok Lew, Ph.D.
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Building 149, 13th Street, Mailcode 149-2301
Charlestown, MA 02129-2060

FAX 617 726 7422

Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

RE: [Freesurfer] brazil course

2009-02-17 Thread ppj
We still have four places.

Sent from my Nokia phone
-Original Message-
From: Nick Schmansky
Sent:  17/02/2009 18:36:08
To: Sam Torrisi
Cc: Freesurfer Mailing List
Subject:  Re: [Freesurfer] brazil course


Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira's email is:

ppj at 

The original post is here:

with details here:

A course is being offered in Boston in April, but its already full.  You
can register for it anyway to be put on the waiting list for that course
or future courses.  That course description and link to the registration
page is here:

There will likely be a one-day Freesurfer component to an FSL course
that might be offered in San Francisco just before HBM in June, but
you'll have to monitor the FSL site to check on the status of that (and
noting that the Freesurfer component is not separate from the main FSL


On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 13:11 -0800, Sam Torrisi wrote:
> hello there,
> i have questions for Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira regarding the upcoming  
> Brazilian FS course but cannot find his email address anywhere in the  
> archives or his announcement.  also, do you know if there is another  
> upcoming course in the states, preferably on the west coast?  thank you
> -Sam Torrisi
> Neuroscience IDP PhD student
> University of California Los Angeles
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Cluster on Demand

2008-03-26 Thread ppj

That's good.

Quotes from the site below. Maybe creating a VO for FreeSurfer users is an

Best Regards,


""I want to use OSG resources." 
OSG does not currently support individual researchers. Rather, users of the
OSG are required to band together into Virtual Organizations (VOs). The
VO-based security infrastructure of OSG is probably the most important
reason for this policy, although by no means the only. OSG operates much as
a "wholesaler" network, and VOs are expected to provide the "retailer"
functions to their users, e.g., user support, application debugging, and so

Therefore, to access OSG resources you must join a VO. OSG offers three

If you are an individual or small group wanting to use the OSG for your
independent research, you may join OSG’s general-purpose VO named,
confusingly(!), OSG. Send email to Goc at opensciencegrid dot org
requesting admission to the “OSG” VO. 
Join an existing member VO (See the list of current OSG VOs ) whose scope
includes the applications you want to run (e.g., OSGEDU – the education
VO for students and teachers). To join an existing VO you need to contact
its Support Center. Check the List of Support Centers and problem reporting
addresses to find your Support Center. If you have questions, ask Goc at
opensciencegrid dot org. 
Form a new VO for your research community and register it with OSG. This
process is described below. 
Once you're in a VO, you'll need to run your application. Some VOs provide
an interface for you (you'll need to check with your VO support center and
your application administrator in that case). For information on running
jobs, navigate from the Technical documentation hub. "

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:22:56 -0500, "U. Hasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pedro,
> That's right. I should have realized that  from the name / email address.
> However, the good news is that the open science grid (OSG) doesn't
> have this limitation.
> They do have foreign users. The principle there is that they expect
> users to share their own resources or otherwise contribute to the
> enterprise if sharing local resources is not an option.
> Uri
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I entered Teragrid web and I saw this info:
>>  " To qualify for an award, the principal investigator (PI) must be a
>>  researcher or educator at a U.S. academic or non-profit research
>>  institution. A qualified advisor may apply for an allocation for his or
> her
>>  class, but a high school, undergraduate or graduate student may not be
> a PI.
>>  A postdoctoral researcher can also be a PI. (After receiving an award,
> PIs
>>  can request that students be granted accounts to use the PI's
> allocation.)
>>  In general, TeraGrids follow the guidelines outlined in the current NSF
>>  Grant Proposal Guide. However, investigators with support from any
> funding
>>  source, not just NSF, are encouraged to apply. If your institution is
> not a
>>  university or a 2- or 4-year college, special rules may apply. Contact
>>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details."
>>  Since I'm outside US I believe I'm not elegible. Is that right?
>>  Tks
>>  PPJ
>>  -Original Message-
>>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of U.
> Hasson
>>  Sent: quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008 13:08
>>  To: Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr
>>  Cc: Freesurfer Mailing List
>>  Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Cluster on Demand
>> You might consider applying for a (free) Teragrid account with which
>>  you can relatively easily obtain  30 thousand CPU hours in a
>>  Development Allocation. We're using a few allocations for neuroimaging
>>  analysis workflows including FreeSurfer.  Just to understand, would
>>  they have charged you 33*100*0.75 ($2475) dollars for this?
>>  See:
>>  On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr
>>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > Dear Freesurfers
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > I was testing a Cluster-on demand, pay-per-hour-used service US based
> and
>>  it
>>  > seems pretty good. I ran 100 recon-all in 33 hours!!!
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >

[Freesurfer] Regarding QDEC Figure

2007-12-20 Thread ppj
In the attached figure:

The numbers (-28.25, -12.73, -0.57) refer to fsaverage. How can I export
the Thickness values of the subjects for this cordinates?

The numbers (-28.25, -12.73, -0.57) are in Talairach space?


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Two questions regarding Matlab

2007-12-20 Thread ppj
1) Two procedures:
a) set the variables: FREESURFER_HOME and FSFAST_HOME
b) Paste these lines in Octave:
fshome = getenv('FREESURFER_HOME');
fsmatlab = sprintf('%s/matlab',fshome);
clear fshome fsmatlab;
fsfasthome = getenv('FSFAST_HOME');
fsfasttoolbox = sprintf('%s/toolbox',fsfasthome);
clear fsfasthome fsfasttoolbox;

On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 19:49:35 -0200, "Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr"
> Sorry for the stupid questions, I promise to put it on the FAQ after the
> answers:
> 1)  Is it possible to use Octave instead Matlab for curv files?
> 2)  Given a Talairach coordinate how can I get the thickness value in
> Matlab?
> Thanks in advance
> Pedro Paulo Jr
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] OpenGL, GLX, X11, VNC with FreeSurfer

2007-09-15 Thread ppj

FreeSurfer rendering under VNC is very slow and sometimes not possible. You
may try UltraVNC (freeware - worked with me once) that has a better OpenGL

I strongly recommend that you install a local copy of FreeSurfer and use it
to visualize the data.

Best Regards,

Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 16:16:54 -0600, Troy Mcan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to connect to a computer remotely to use freesurfer. However,
> when I log in and try to load up a surface in freesurfer, I get the
> following message:
> -No glx extension!
> -Surfer: failed, trying double buffered window
> -Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "computer name"
> -Window type not found!
> -Surfer: failed, no suitable display found
> I am using a VNC viewer (from to log into the computer.
> Are there any software rendering solutions for freesurfer so the VNC
> doesn't run into the openGL problems? Or, on the other hand, are there
> VNC clients that are known to work with freesurfer?
> Thank you very much!
> _
> Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s
> our way of saying thanks for using Windows Live™.
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] running time v4

2007-09-10 Thread ppj

I would like to ask if there's already a benchmark performance of V4
compared to V3. In my environment V3 run a full recon-all in 21 hours full
brain. How long I should expect the running time of V4 if I install it?


Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr.
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] read_surf error under Matlab R14 Linux

2007-09-08 Thread ppj


I was using Matlab R14 in Linux to read a surface and compute a thickness

I noticed that the read_surf function fails in every lh.thickness or
rh.thickness file. Even in bert dataset.

Here the error:
[vertex,f] = read_surf
??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Error in ==> read_surf at 41
faces(i,n) = fread3(fid) ;

I'm using Freesurfer 3.0.5


Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr.

P.S. - I know that this issue has been previously discussed here but I have
patients with a cortex thickness larger than 5mm and the truncation makes
the statistical calculation fault in some aspects of my work. It would be
possible to have a "raw thickness" calculation?

Tks again

Freesurfer mailing list