Mathworks loves their parallel toolbox. We love using Condor.

I won't go into the reasons.

We have negotiated an unlimited license of for Matlab and I have freesurfer
recon-all broken into the three phases. This gives us currently 1700 
dedicated cores
where we can process brain scans for groups on the Madison, WI campus.
We are contractually prevented from running anything but compiled Matlab
on any cluster on the UW-Madison campus.

I have had to modify "mris_computer_lgi" to call compiled matlab entry 
after setting up a Matlab runtime within the Freesurfer 5.1.0 staged 

What I ran into was a type mismatch from the way I now call the matlab

Is there a known solution for this or do I have to change the matlab 
entry points
to do initial type changing?

We are working on a work flow to not only process the brains but also do
FSL and matlab post processing at the same time and/or take preprocessed
subjects  and do either FSL or Matlab processing.

I automate researchers on campus and don't actually program Matlab
though I can work my way through this. As a computer Scientist I don't
really want to be changing the code base in an unmanaged way.

in call
# make_outer_surface.m
# create the outer surface from the filled volume
set MLF = /tmp/mos"_$$_".m
set arg1 = ${tmpdir}/${input}.filled.mgz
set arg2 = ${closespheresize}
set arg3 =  ${tmpdir}/${input}-outer
rm -f ${arg3}
# bt commented out for converting to compiled
echo "Calling compiled matlab make_outer_surface"
echo "make_outer_surface('${arg1}',${arg2},'${arg3}')"
make_outer_surface ${arg1} ${arg2} ${arg3}
#echo "make_outer_surface('${arg1}',${arg2},'${arg3}'); exit" > $MLF
#echo "================="
#echo "`cat $MLF`"
#echo "================="
#if ($RunIt) then
   #cat $MLF | ${MATLAB} -display iconic -nojvm -nosplash


Calling compiled matlab make_outer_surface
reading filled volume...
closing volume...
??? Error using ==> iptcheckinput
Function STREL expected its second input, R,
to be one of these types:


Instead its type was char.

Error in ==> strel>ParseInputs at 1308

Error in ==> strel>strel.strel at 143

Error in ==> make_outer_surface at 41



Bill Taylor 608-263-2656 (cell 608-219-4430)
Center for High Throughput Computing(CHTC)
Condor project
Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin, Madison

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