When you say "gray matter volume", does it mean you are trying to do a 
VBM-style analysis? You can't do VBM with FS. You can do an analysis of 
cortical GM volume in a similar way. When you run mris_preproc, specify 
"volume" as the --meas

On 12/12/19 12:58 PM, Marisa Cathryn Ross wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hello,
> Thanks in advance for your patience with what is probably a very basic 
> question!
> We would like to run a group analysis with gray matter volume at the 
> voxel level following manual edits, and we are unsure which .mgz file 
> is the proper output to use as the final output from manual edits. We 
> do not have brain.finalsurfs.manedit.mgz files. Which subject file is 
> the recommended output to use for a whole-brain voxel level group 
> analysis after manual edits? I have included a screenshot of an 
> example subject’s /mri directory below.
> A screenshot of text Description automatically generated
> Thank you,
> Marisa Ross
> -- 
> /Marisa C. Ross, MPA/
> PhD Candidate
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