Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-09-07 Thread Alan Francis
External Email - Use Caution

Thank you so much Yujing!

On Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 5:45 PM Huang, Yujing 

> External Email - Use Caution
> Try just one dash. Flair image needs to be provided with -flair  image>.
> Here are explanation and examples of -T2, -FLAIR, -T2pial, -FLAIRpial
> flags:
> “
> Pial surfaces can be improved using the different contrast in T2 or FLAIR
> images. The original pial surfaces without T2/FLAIR data are saved as
> ?h.woT2.pial or ?h.woFLAIR.pial, and new ?h.pial surfaces are created.
> One
> example where this is useful is when there is dura in the brainmask.mgz
> that
> isn't removed by skull stripping. The flags for these commands are:
>   -T2   or -FLAIR 
> (Specify the  path to the T2 or FLAIR image to use)
>   -T2pial or -FLAIRpial
> (Create new pial surfaces using T2 or FLAIR images)
> An example of running a subject through Freesurfer with a T2 image is:
>   recon-all -s subjectname -i /path/to/input -T2 /path/to/T2_input -T2pial
> -all
> T2 or FLAIR images can also be used with Freesurfer subjects that have
> already
> been processed without them. Note that autorecon3 should also be re-ran to
> compute statistics based on the new surfaces. For example:
>   recon-all -s subjectname -T2 /path/to/T2_volume -T2pial -autorecon3
> “
> Best,
> Yujing
> *From:* <
>> *On Behalf Of *Alan Francis
> *Sent:* Friday, September 1, 2023 5:11 PM
> *To:* Freesurfer support list 
> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> I tried the following command with the --flair flag but it did not work:
> [DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00033] alanfrancis% recon-all -s S00033
> -i t1.nii.gz -i t2.nii.gz --flair  -all
> ERROR: Flag --flair unrecognized.
> Could you please tell me where the --flair flag is slotted?
> thanks,
> Alan
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 9:08 AM Douglas N. Greve 
> wrote:
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> Sorry, you need to pass it to recon-all with --flair or --T2
> On 8/21/2023 1:19 PM, Alan Francis wrote:
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> Hi Doug:
> Thanks for your reply. I am trying to set the T1.nii.gz as 001.mgz and the
> T2.nii.gz as 002.mgz. So will the following command work?
> mri_convert t2.nii.gz --flair 002.mgz
> or is it:
> mri_convert --flair t2.nii,gz 002.mgz
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM Douglas N. Greve 
> wrote:
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and the
> 002.mgz to be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You should pass the
> FLAIR with the --flair flag. recon-all will register them together. Or do
> you just want to register them outside of recon-all?
> On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:
> *External Email - Use Caution*
> Good evening Doug et all:
> I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However,
> the T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I opened the T2
> image on Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a second brain.  Same
> problem. Appears normal on Freeview but recons wont run.
> So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without problems.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> [DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid
> NCANDA_S00042/
> fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
> Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
> cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
> -rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24
> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version
> freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
> $Id$
> Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
> 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
> pid 9192
> Current 

Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-09-01 Thread Huang, Yujing
External Email - Use Caution

Try just one dash. Flair image needs to be provided with -flair .

Here are explanation and examples of -T2, -FLAIR, -T2pial, -FLAIRpial flags:


Pial surfaces can be improved using the different contrast in T2 or FLAIR
images. The original pial surfaces without T2/FLAIR data are saved as
?h.woT2.pial or ?h.woFLAIR.pial, and new ?h.pial surfaces are created.  One
example where this is useful is when there is dura in the brainmask.mgz that
isn't removed by skull stripping. The flags for these commands are:

  -T2   or -FLAIR 
(Specify the  path to the T2 or FLAIR image to use)
  -T2pial or -FLAIRpial
(Create new pial surfaces using T2 or FLAIR images)

An example of running a subject through Freesurfer with a T2 image is:

  recon-all -s subjectname -i /path/to/input -T2 /path/to/T2_input -T2pial -all

T2 or FLAIR images can also be used with Freesurfer subjects that have already
been processed without them. Note that autorecon3 should also be re-ran to
compute statistics based on the new surfaces. For example:

  recon-all -s subjectname -T2 /path/to/T2_volume -T2pial -autorecon3



 On Behalf Of Alan Francis
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 5:11 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

External Email - Use Caution
I tried the following command with the --flair flag but it did not work:

[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00033] alanfrancis% recon-all -s S00033 -i 
t1.nii.gz -i t2.nii.gz --flair  -all
ERROR: Flag --flair unrecognized.

Could you please tell me where the --flair flag is slotted?



On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 9:08 AM Douglas N. Greve>> wrote:

External Email - Use Caution
Sorry, you need to pass it to recon-all with --flair or --T2
On 8/21/2023 1:19 PM, Alan Francis wrote:

External Email - Use Caution
Hi Doug:

Thanks for your reply. I am trying to set the T1.nii.gz as 001.mgz and the 
T2.nii.gz as 002.mgz. So will the following command work?

mri_convert t2.nii.gz --flair 002.mgz

or is it:

mri_convert --flair t2.nii,gz 002.mgz



On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM Douglas N. Greve>> wrote:

External Email - Use Caution
How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and the 002.mgz to 
be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You should pass the FLAIR with the 
--flair flag. recon-all will register them together. Or do you just want to 
register them outside of recon-all?
On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:

External Email - Use Caution
Good evening Doug et all:

I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However, the 
T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I opened the T2 image on 
Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a second brain.  Same problem. 
Appears normal on Freeview but recons wont run.

So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without problems.



[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid NCANDA_S00042/
fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o 
Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o 
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24 

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5 22:21:53 
PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
pid 9192
Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying 
Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
#@#% fs-check-version match = 1
fs-check-version Done
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5 22:21:53 
PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
#@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
Found 2 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
\n mri_robust_template --mov 

Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-09-01 Thread Alan Francis
External Email - Use Caution

I tried the following command with the --flair flag but it did not work:

[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00033] alanfrancis% recon-all -s S00033 -i
t1.nii.gz -i t2.nii.gz --flair  -all
ERROR: Flag --flair unrecognized.

Could you please tell me where the --flair flag is slotted?



On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 9:08 AM Douglas N. Greve 

> External Email - Use Caution
> Sorry, you need to pass it to recon-all with --flair or --T2
> On 8/21/2023 1:19 PM, Alan Francis wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Doug:
> Thanks for your reply. I am trying to set the T1.nii.gz as 001.mgz and the
> T2.nii.gz as 002.mgz. So will the following command work?
> mri_convert t2.nii.gz --flair 002.mgz
> or is it:
> mri_convert --flair t2.nii,gz 002.mgz
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM Douglas N. Greve 
> wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and the
>> 002.mgz to be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You should pass the
>> FLAIR with the --flair flag. recon-all will register them together. Or do
>> you just want to register them outside of recon-all?
>> On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Good evening Doug et all:
>> I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However,
>> the T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I opened the T2
>> image on Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a second brain.  Same
>> problem. Appears normal on Freeview but recons wont run.
>> So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without
>> problems.
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
>> [DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid
>> NCANDA_S00042/
>> fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
>> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
>> Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
>> cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
>> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
>> -rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version
>> freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
>> $Id$
>> Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
>> 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
>> pid 9192
>> Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
>> Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying
>> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/build-stamp.txt
>> Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
>> No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
>> #@#% fs-check-version match = 1
>> fs-check-version Done
>> INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
>> Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
>> Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
>> 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
>> #
>> #@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
>> Found 2 runs
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz
>> Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
>> Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
>> #---
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042
>> \n mri_robust_template --mov
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz --average 1
>> --template /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz --satit
>> --inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001-iscale.txt
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002-iscale.txt
>> --subsample 200 --lta
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.lta
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n
>> 7.4.1
>> --mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz
>> as movable/source volume.
>> --mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz
>> as movable/source volume.
>> Total: 2 input volumes
>> --average: Using method 1 for template computation.
>> --template: Using
>> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz as template output
>> volume.
>> --satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
>> --inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
>> --fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
>> --noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
>> --iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
>> --iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
>> --subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!

Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-08-22 Thread Douglas N. Greve
   External Email - Use Caution

Sorry, you need to pass it to recon-all with --flair or --T2

On 8/21/2023 1:19 PM, Alan Francis wrote:

External Email - Use Caution

Hi Doug:

Thanks for your reply. I am trying to set the T1.nii.gz as 001.mgz and 
the T2.nii.gz as 002.mgz. So will the following command work?

mri_convert t2.nii.gz --flair 002.mgz

or is it:

mri_convert --flair t2.nii,gz 002.mgz



On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM Douglas N. Greve 

External Email - Use Caution

How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and
the 002.mgz to be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You
should pass the FLAIR with the --flair flag. recon-all will
register them together. Or do you just want to register them
outside of recon-all?

On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:

External Email - Use Caution

Good evening Doug et all:

I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons.
However, the T2's are giving me an error message. Please see
below: I opened the T2 image on Freeview. It looks normal. I
tried running a second brain.  Same problem. Appears normal on
Freeview but recons wont run.

So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without



[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid
fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s
NCANDA_S00042 --o
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul
 5 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
pid 9192
Current FS Version
Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying
Subject FS Version:
No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
#@#% fs-check-version match = 1
fs-check-version Done
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul
 5 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
#@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
Found 2 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
\n mri_robust_template --mov
--average 1 --template
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz --satit
--inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout
--subsample 200 --lta
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n

--mov: Using
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz as
movable/source volume.
--mov: Using
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz as
movable/source volume.
    Total: 2 input volumes
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz as
template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
--fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
--noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
--iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
--iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
--subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
Setting iscale ...
reading source
converting source
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz' to
bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source

Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-08-21 Thread Alan Francis
External Email - Use Caution

Hi Doug:

Thanks for your reply. I am trying to set the T1.nii.gz as 001.mgz and the
T2.nii.gz as 002.mgz. So will the following command work?

mri_convert t2.nii.gz --flair 002.mgz

or is it:

mri_convert --flair t2.nii,gz 002.mgz



On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:17 PM Douglas N. Greve 

> External Email - Use Caution
> How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and the
> 002.mgz to be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You should pass the
> FLAIR with the --flair flag. recon-all will register them together. Or do
> you just want to register them outside of recon-all?
> On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Good evening Doug et all:
> I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However,
> the T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I opened the T2
> image on Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a second brain.  Same
> problem. Appears normal on Freeview but recons wont run.
> So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without problems.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> [DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid
> NCANDA_S00042/
> fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
> Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
> cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
> /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
> -rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24
> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version
> freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
> $Id$
> Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
> 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
> pid 9192
> Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
> Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying
> /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/build-stamp.txt
> Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
> No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
> #@#% fs-check-version match = 1
> fs-check-version Done
> INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
> Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
> Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
> 22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
> #
> #@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
> Found 2 runs
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz
> Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
> Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
> #---
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042
> \n mri_robust_template --mov
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz --average 1
> --template /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz --satit
> --inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001-iscale.txt
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002-iscale.txt
> --subsample 200 --lta
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.lta
> /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n
> 7.4.1
> --mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz as
> movable/source volume.
> --mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz as
> movable/source volume.
> Total: 2 input volumes
> --average: Using method 1 for template computation.
> --template: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz
> as template output volume.
> --satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
> --inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
> --fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
> --noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
> --iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
> --iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
> --subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!
> --lta: Will output LTA transforms
> Setting iscale ...
> reading source
> '/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz'...
> converting source
> '/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz' to bspline ...
> MRItoBSpline degree 3
> reading source
> '/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz'...
> converting source
> '/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz' to bspline ...
> MRItoBSpline degree 3
> ERROR: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: images have different voxel sizes.
>   Currently not supported, maybe first make conform?
>   Debug info: size(1) = 0.4688, 0.4688, 0.6   size(0) = 0.9375, 

Re: [Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-08-20 Thread Douglas N. Greve
   External Email - Use Caution

How did you set up the T2? Did you set 001.mgz to be the T1 and the 
002.mgz to be the T2FLAIR? If so, that will not work. You should pass 
the FLAIR with the --flair flag. recon-all will register them together. 
Or do you just want to register them outside of recon-all?

On 8/14/2023 2:46 PM, Alan Francis wrote:

External Email - Use Caution

Good evening Doug et all:

I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. 
However, the T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I 
opened the T2 image on Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a 
second brain.  Same problem. Appears normal on Freeview but recons 
wont run.

So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without 



[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid 
fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o 

Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 
--o /var/folders/z4/3sg7yzm101vbwnsmzcdx70n4gq/T//tmp.W6p7a1
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24 

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5 
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

pid 9192
Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying 

Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
#@#% fs-check-version match = 1
fs-check-version Done
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5 
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

#@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
Found 2 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
\n mri_robust_template --mov 
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz --average 1 
--template /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz 
--satit --inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout 
--subsample 200 --lta 
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n


--mov: Using 
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz as 
movable/source volume.
--mov: Using 
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz as 
movable/source volume.

    Total: 2 input volumes
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using 
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz as template 
output volume.

--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
--fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
--noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
--iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
--iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
--subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
Setting iscale ...
reading source 
converting source 
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz' to 
bspline ...

MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source 
converting source 
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz' to 
bspline ...

MRItoBSpline degree 3
ERROR: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: images have different voxel sizes.
  Currently not supported, maybe first make conform?
  Debug info: size(1) = 0.4688, 0.4688, 0.6   size(0) = 0.9375, 
0.9375, 1.2
*error: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: voxel size is different 

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5 
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

recon-all -s NCANDA_S00042 exited with ERRORS at Mon Aug  7 16:06:29 
CDT 2023

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR Images

2023-08-14 Thread Alan Francis
External Email - Use Caution

Good evening Doug et all:

I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However, the
T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below: I opened the T2
image on Freeview. It looks normal. I tried running a second brain.  Same
problem. Appears normal on Freeview but recons wont run.

So I tried running the recons on the T1 alone and it ran without problems.



[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid NCANDA_S00042/
fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
pid 9192
Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying
Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
#@#% fs-check-version match = 1
fs-check-version Done
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
#@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
Found 2 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
\n mri_robust_template --mov
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz --average 1
--template /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz --satit
--inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout
--subsample 200 --lta
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n

--mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz as
movable/source volume.
--mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz as
movable/source volume.
Total: 2 input volumes
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz
as template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
--fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
--noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
--iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
--iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
--subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
Setting iscale ...
reading source
converting source
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source
converting source
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
ERROR: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: images have different voxel sizes.
  Currently not supported, maybe first make conform?
  Debug info: size(1) = 0.4688, 0.4688, 0.6   size(0) = 0.9375, 0.9375, 1.2
*error: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: voxel size is different

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

recon-all -s NCANDA_S00042 exited with ERRORS at Mon Aug  7 16:06:29 CDT
Freesurfer mailing list
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted).  If you do not wish to 
continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of 
this message immediately.  Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after 
receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to 
continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail. 

[Freesurfer] T2 FLAIR images

2023-08-11 Thread Alan Francis
External Email - Use Caution

Good evening all:

I am trying to coregister T1 and T2 images and run the recons. However, the
T2's are giving me an error message. Please see below:



[DMK6P4G6FJ1G:~/SUBJECTS] alanfrancis% recon-all -all -subjid NCANDA_S00042/
fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
Mon Aug  7 16:06:21 CDT 2023

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
cd /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/bin/fs-check-version --s NCANDA_S00042 --o
-rwxrwxr-x@ 1 alanfrancis  faculty 18565 Jun 13 23:24

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
pid 9192
Current FS Version freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
Subject does not have a bstampfile, copying
Subject FS Version: freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460
No constraints on version because REQ=UnSet and FsVerFile=NotThere
#@#% fs-check-version match = 1
fs-check-version Done
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64
#@# MotionCor Mon Aug  7 16:06:22 CDT 2023
Found 2 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
\n mri_robust_template --mov
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz --average 1
--template /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz --satit
--inittp 1 --fixtp --noit --iscale --iscaleout
--subsample 200 --lta
/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.lta \n

--mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz as
movable/source volume.
--mov: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz as
movable/source volume.
Total: 2 input volumes
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using /Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/rawavg.mgz
as template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--inittp: Using TP 1 as target for initialization
--fixtp: Will map everything to init TP!
--noit: Will output only first template (no iterations)!
--iscale: Enabling intensity scaling!
--iscaleout: Will perform intensity scaling and output results
--subsample: Will subsample if size is larger than 200 on all axes!
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
Setting iscale ...
reading source
converting source
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/001.mgz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source
converting source
'/Users/alanfrancis/SUBJECTS/NCANDA_S00042/mri/orig/002.mgz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
ERROR: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: images have different voxel sizes.
  Currently not supported, maybe first make conform?
  Debug info: size(1) = 0.4688, 0.4688, 0.6   size(0) = 0.9375, 0.9375, 1.2
*error: MultiRegistration::loadMovables: voxel size is different

Darwin DMK6P4G6FJ1G 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Wed Jul  5
22:21:53 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

recon-all -s NCANDA_S00042 exited with ERRORS at Mon Aug  7 16:06:29 CDT


*Alan N. Francis PhDAssistant Professor of NeuroscienceInstitute of
*University of Texas, School of Medicine*

*Rio Grande Valley*

Freesurfer mailing list
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted).  If you do not wish to 
continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of 
this message immediately.  Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after 
receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to 
continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail. 

Re: [Freesurfer] T2/FLAIR images longitudinal stream

2013-05-08 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Donald,

the T2/FLAIR should also work for longitudinal processing (just pass 
-T2pial along in cross and long).
Long grabs the image from the cross run and improves it surfaces.

Best, Martin

On 04/30/2013 06:46 PM, MCLAREN, Donald wrote:
 Martin and others,

 As the T2/FLAIR image is only available for cross-sectional
 processing; if we are doing a longitudinal study, is there any
 advantage of using the T2/FLAIR image? Will the improved pial surface
 can transferred to the base and long surfaces?

 Best Regards, Donald McLaren
 D.G. McLaren, Ph.D.
 Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and
 Harvard Medical School
 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GRECC, Bedford VA
 Office: (773) 406-2464
 This e-mail contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION which may contain PROTECTED
 intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the
 reader of the e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent
 responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
 notified that you are in possession of confidential and privileged
 information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying or the taking of any
 action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
 prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail
 unintentionally, please immediately notify the sender via telephone at (773)
 406-2464 or email.
 Freesurfer mailing list

Dr. Martin Reuter
Assistant in Neuroscience - Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor in Neurology   - Harvard Medical School

A.A.Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 Thirteenth Street, Suite 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: +1-617-724-5652
Web  :

Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
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contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[Freesurfer] T2/FLAIR images longitudinal stream

2013-04-30 Thread MCLAREN, Donald
Martin and others,

As the T2/FLAIR image is only available for cross-sectional
processing; if we are doing a longitudinal study, is there any
advantage of using the T2/FLAIR image? Will the improved pial surface
can transferred to the base and long surfaces?

Best Regards, Donald McLaren
D.G. McLaren, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GRECC, Bedford VA
Office: (773) 406-2464
This e-mail contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION which may contain PROTECTED
intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the
reader of the e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent
responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that you are in possession of confidential and privileged
information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying or the taking of any
action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail
unintentionally, please immediately notify the sender via telephone at (773)
406-2464 or email.
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.