[Freesurfer] error in lme_mass_fit using matlab tools

2013-06-19 Thread Catherine Bois
Dear Freesurfer experts,

I have a question about fitting linear mixed models to mass-univariate  
data using the lme tools in matlab.

I am currently trying to compute the initial vertex-wise temporal  
covariance estimates by [lhTh0lhRe] =  

However, I keep getting this error message:

Undefined function 'matlabpool' for input arguments of type 'char'.

Error in lme_mass_fit_init (line 74)
if (prs==1) || (matlabpool('size') ~= prs)

Error in lme_mass_fit_EMinit (line 69)
[Theta1,Re1] = lme_mass_fit_init(X,Zcols,Y,ni,[],prs);

I have defined X, Y etc according to the previous steps available on  
the wiki. Would be very grateful for any clarification on why this  
error message keeps coming up.

Thank you very much,


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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[Freesurfer] error in lme_mass_fit using matlab tools

2013-06-20 Thread Catherine Bois

Thank you for your response. I am actually using two random effects  
(time and intercepts), and have fixed my design matrix to incorporate  
this. We are actually running R2011b Matlab, however I just realised  
that we do not have the Statistics toolbox. Could this be what is  
causing the errors? Is the Statistics toolbox freely available to  

Best Wishes,


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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Re: [Freesurfer] error in lme_mass_fit using matlab tools

2013-06-19 Thread jorge luis

Hi Cathy

You are getting that error likely because your Matlab version is too old 
(before 2011) and it doesn't support 'matlabpool' parallel computing. Also, I 
notice that you are using only a single random effect (the second column of 
your design matrix). In that case I don't expect a significant increase in 
power from the spatiotemporal model. So you can simply use the traditional 
vertex-wise model 

 lhstats= lme_mass_fit_vw(X,[2],Y,ni,lhcortex);

You can find as attachment a non-parallel version of those scripts that may 
work on your Matlab version (I have not written the non-parallel version of the 
spatiotemporal model yet). The scripts are name as their parallel versions but 
with the sufix "1".


> De: Catherine Bois 
>Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
>Enviado: Miércoles 19 de junio de 2013 10:39
>Asunto: [Freesurfer] error in lme_mass_fit using matlab tools
>Dear Freesurfer experts,
>I have a question about fitting linear mixed models to mass-univariate  
>data using the lme tools in matlab.
>I am currently trying to compute the initial vertex-wise temporal  
>covariance estimates by [lhTh0lhRe] =  
>However, I keep getting this error message:
>Undefined function 'matlabpool' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>Error in lme_mass_fit_init (line 74)
>if (prs==1) || (matlabpool('size') ~= prs)
>Error in lme_mass_fit_EMinit (line 69)
>[Theta1,Re1] = lme_mass_fit_init(X,Zcols,Y,ni,[],prs);
>I have defined X, Y etc according to the previous steps available on  
>the wiki. Would be very grateful for any clarification on why this  
>error message keeps coming up.
>Thank you very much,
>The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>Freesurfer mailing list
>The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
>addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
>contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine 
>http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
>but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and 
>dispose of the e-mail.
>function fstats = lme_mass_F1(stats,CM)
% fstats = lme_mass_F1(stats,CM) 
% Inference for the fixed-effects in the linear mixed-effects model. Allows 
% to test a different model at each voxel/vertex (Depends on the Statistics
% toolbox).
% Input
% stats: Structure array containing statistiscs for every voxel/vertex (see
% lme_FSfit for more details on these statistics).
% CM: Structure array containing a contrast matrix CM.C for each and every 
% voxel/vertex. If length(CM)==1 the same contrast matrix CM.C is tested at
% each and every voxel/vertex.
% Output
% fstats.F: F-Statistic.
% fstats.pval: P-value of the F-Statistic.
% fstats.sgn: Sign of the contrast.
% fstats.df: Degrees of freedom of the F-Statistic.
% $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/02/02 11:25:52 $
% Original Author: Jorge Luis Bernal Rusiel 
% CVS Revision Info:
%$Author: jbernal$
%$Date: 2012/02/02 11:25:52 $
%$Revision: 1.1 $
% References: Bernal-Rusiel J.L., Greve D.N., Reuter M., Fischl B., Sabuncu
% M.R., 2012. Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Neuroimage Data with Linear 
% Mixed Effects Models, NeuroImage, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.10.065.
if nargin < 2
error('Too few inputs');
nv = length(stats);
nCM = length(CM);
if nCM ~= nv
if nCM == 1
CM(1:nv) = struct('C',CM.C);
error(['The number of elements (contrasts) in CM must be equal to the'...
' number of locations (length(stats))']);
for i=1:nv
if (stats(i).lreml ~= -10^10)  &&  (size(CM(i).C,2) ~= length(stats(i).Bhat))
error(['The number of colums in the contrast matrix CM('...
num2str(i) ').C is different from the corresponding number'...
' of fixed effects in stats(' num2str(i) ').Bhat']);
F = zeros(1,nv);
pval = ones(1,nv);
sgn = zeros(1,nv);
df = zeros(2,nv);
display(' ');
display('Computing F statistics, degrees of freedom and P-values ...');
for i=1:nv
if stats(i).lreml ~= -10^10
Bhat = stats(i).Bhat;
C = CM(i).C;
Zcols = stats(i).Zcols;
q = length(Zcols);
nth = q*(q+1)/2+1;
invEI = stats(i).i