
We are trying to work freeswitch into an older system as a conference bridge.

Our existing gateways can hand off the call and they pass some DTMF
signals to route everything.

Currently, the gateway sends * and then freeswitch returns a # to
accept the call for the conference.

When that transaction is done the gateway waits 2 seconds to send
either a 0 or 1 and indicate if the caller is a moderator/admin of the

Everything works until we get to the moderator flag. That part never
appears in the logs or debug info in the console.

But the person on the call, can hit 0 or 1 and then enter the
conference call correctly. If they don't it will timeout and drop

>From what we know the gateway is sending the moderator DTMF flag, but
freeswitch is only listening on the call for it.

Any idea would appreciated.


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