[ft-devel] [GSoC 2018] Improve Fuzzing for FreeType

2018-04-23 Thread armin
Thank you so much, Alexei, Kostya, and Werner, for choosing to mentor my
project this year! I can't wait to get started! :D

Have a great remaining Monday,

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] [GitHub] Mirrors

2018-04-30 Thread armin
As of today, FreeType has its own GitHub account [1] -- hurray :)

Its main purpose for now is to prevent others from snatching it away (it
belongs to Werner now). That being said, I will set up a proper avatar image
and a short description that links to https://freetype.org.

Another (immediate) plan for this account (finally connecting this story
with its title) involves setting up mirror repositories of FreeType's
repositories that currently live on Savannah [3, 4]. There are absolutely no
plans to move from Savannah to GitHub, however, having automated mirrors on
GitHub cannot hurt and could even help people to get in touch with the

This is not just an information message, however, there are also two

(1) Does anyone know, if Savannah allows server-side git hooks? That would
make mirroring the repository to GitHub extremely easy. So far, I only know
that Savannah does not allow access to CVS roots [4].

(2) If server-side hooks are not an option: there are plenty of mirroring
services out there. In addition, such scripts can easily be written by hand.
What are your experiences on this matter?

Thanks for your thoughts + have a great day :)

[1] https://github.com/freetype
[2] git://git.sv.nongnu.org/freetype/freetype2.git
[3] git://git.sv.nongnu.org/freetype/freetype2-demos.git
[4] https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/AccessToCVSROOT/

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Continuous Integration is Live

2018-05-19 Thread armin
I would love to ring in the era of FreeType's CI.  As of today, FreeType's
master branch will be run against OSS-Fuzz's findings automatically once per
day.  If you're interested in such kind of things, feel free to check out:

- https://github.com/cherusker/freetype2-testing
- https://travis-ci.org/cherusker/freetype2-testing

Setting up CI for FreeType is the first part of my GSoC project this year;
more fun stuff is about to come :)  Also feel free to let me know if you
have any thoughts on FreeType && CI -- may it be details like my coding
style or general things like possible future use cases of FreeType's CI.

Have a great Sunday,

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Continuous Integration is Live

2018-05-21 Thread armin
> All those scripts should run with plain `sh' ...

Totally, sorry, I overlooked that!  However, I would use `sh` to invoke the
script to keep the setup independent of Debian.  It might be more
future-proof to use `chmod +x foo.sh; ./foo.sh` but I generally try to me
rather explicit when writing code.  Please let me know if you have any
preferences there (`chmod ...` vs. `sh ...`) -- I'm happy to follow these
guidelines :)

> Ooh! You beat me to it. Since ft is supposed to compile with every
> damn compiler that supports fPIC, I wanted to set up a win/Lin/macOS
> ci thing that compiled everything on every commit. We'd need some basic
> for that though.

Hehe -- I'm glad I could spark something there :D  So far, Travis CI is
somewhat limited when it comes to customised setups.  Current limitations
seem to:  no Windows, no 32bit and no native ARM.  Workarounds in the form
of docker images exist for some things but I'm not sure if they cover all
issues that could arise when working "natively" on these platforms.  As for
Windows, AppVeyor might be an alternative.  In general, however, I think
that only self-hosted solutions (Azure + Jenkins etc) could really guarantee
a proper setup to test builds on all thinkable platforms.
All that being said, Travis CI is amazing for what it is:  there are
(almost) no limitations to what they let you compute on Debian Machines and
Macs -- no matter what space, time, or bandwidth.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Continuous Integration is Live

2018-05-22 Thread armin
> A basic smoke test would be e.g. loading a font and rendering all glyphs (and
> throwing the bitmaps away) or something. That would catch build system
> mistakes for static and shared versions.

That sounds easy enough -- I put that on my list and will tend to it if there 
is some free time :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Continuous Integration is Live

2018-05-22 Thread armin
> We are perhaps miscommunicating.

No - I don't think so; at least the direction from-you-to-me works fine;
that's exactly what I understood ;)  I might have to work on the
from-me-to-you direction though; sorry, for being ambiguous.

I just didn't like the idea of using `dash` explicitly since it's focused on
Debian and does not come pre-installed on, e.g., Fedora.  However, calling
`sh` should do the trick, independently of any distro -- on Debian systems
that would call dash, on Fedora etc. it would call bash, executing in a
special `sh` mode.

The question that I then had was just a question of preferred style --
whether to call the script directly via the shebang or indirectly via
specifying a shell.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Static website themes for API reference

2018-05-30 Thread armin
> [...] Let me know if there are any questions/comments!

A few quick thoughts (attention -- highly biased content ahead! :D):

#1: MkDocs, #2: Material, #3: ReadtheDocs

- In terms of navigation, I think the order is #3 (best), #2 (2nd), and #1 
- When speaking of space efficiency, the order is #1 and #3 (best), #2 (worst).
- Search: #2 obviously has the best search function (I like instant search and 
highlighting of keywords).  #1 has at least instant search, but keywords do not 
get highlighted which is a bit sad.  #2 does neither -- no instant search and 
no highlighting.  Generally, all search results look adequate (from what I was 
able to test), however #2 seems a tiny bit more spot than the rest.
- And finally, when talking about what meets my eye, I would go for #2 (best), 
#3 (2nd) and #1 (worst).

Please take all of that with a grain of salt :)

> I am also considering trying out https://jekyllrb.com/ [...]

I think Mono (http://www.mono-project.com/) works successfully with Jekyll.

Have a great day/night,

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Review commits

2018-06-02 Thread armin
>> I'll take care of it. btw which editor you suggest to use?
> You can use whatever you like. I personally use Visual Studio Code with 
> Microsoft's C/C++ plugin.
> Regarding formatting: maybe have a look at clang-format. It's flexibly
> configurable and takes care of formatting for you. Thinking about formatting
> is a waste of brain cycles.

I use Emacs and most things of FreeType's codestyle work out of the box with 
it.  Emacs is, of course, a whole different beast to get used to, if you 
haven't worked with it before.  If you're interested though, I will gladly 
share my settings :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Unused Variables `xMin' and `xMax'

2018-06-03 Thread armin
Commit ae248034106b600e8e3fa9ccc17f63db44b04db3 (yesterday) rendered the
local variables `xMin' and `xMax' obsolete;  they light up as compiler
warnings now.  Can we remove them (patch attached)?

Have a quiet and nice Sunday everyone,

Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] [GSoC] Update From the Fuzzing Front

2018-06-15 Thread armin
Hi everyone,

this is a quick update about my GSoC project :)

Recently, I explored ways of splitting the fuzz targets that keep
engineering and runtime overhead at a minimum (esp. the upcoming engineering
efforts) while providing flexibility when it comes to designing fuzz targets
that target specific drivers (also adding, altering, and removing specific
aspects of said targets quickly).  At this point, I am convinced that my
current approach (strategy/iterator/visitor) is flexible enough to provide
everything that will be needed from the fuzz targets while it adds only a
moderate code overhead (I managed to go without factories + proxies which
I'd usually do :P).

So far, I concentrated on the TrueType target while designing the core and
some "extensions".  In the next days, I will add dedicated targets for the
CFF + CID drivers and finally start tackling code coverage head-on.  I
really can't wait for that :D

Also: currently, I keep track of all (un)used interface functions of
FreeType (`FT_*') internally.  The plan is to migrate this overview to the
README.md to add some transparency about what is (technically) covered and
what is missing.

Feel free to have a look at https://github.com/cherusker/freetype2-testing
(esp. fuzzing/src) and feedback as you see fit:  code style, comments, OOP,
C++, etc.  I am always happy to exchange thoughts :)

Have an amazing weekend!

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] Update From the Fuzzing Front

2018-06-17 Thread armin
> Looks good!  Are you going to document your approach in
> `README.md' file?

Absolutely, definitely! :)  However, I plan to have a separate README for
"working with/extending the the fuzz targets" to avoid polluting the main
README of the testing repository.  The same is true for the (looong) table
of fuzzed FreeType interface functions.  But I'm not sure yet how "complex"
the documentation (and the whole `freetype2-testing' repo) should get in the
end.  After all the fuzz targets should be "simple" tools that are as tiny
as possible and 98% self-explanatory.  Hence I use a few "hacks" (in OOP
sense) to get better trade-offs between flexibility and "as little code as

> Everything looks very clean :-)

Thanks a lot, that's encouraging to hear :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] All those glpyhs ...

2018-06-24 Thread armin
Hi all,

out of curiosity for everyone who works on FreeType somewhat longer than I
do:  how often do compilers tell you it's spelled "glYPh" not "glPYh"? :D
Is it just me and will my fingers get in sync eventually or is this a rather
widespread phenomenon and should I better get used to that?  :D

Have a great weekend,

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] FT_Done_MM_Var + FT_Library

2018-07-03 Thread armin
Today I played with multiple masters and naturally I came across
`FT_Done_MM_Var'.  I wonder, why I have to set `FT_Library` explicitly to
deallocate `FT_MM_Var'?  On the surface, it would be convenient if
`FT_MM_Var' could keep track of its library (or face) internally and
`FT_Done_MM_Var' could extract that value automatically.  This would (1)
make working with C++ deleters more convenient and (2) I could avoid
bubbling the `FT_Library' pointer through the whole program just to
deallocate a specific gimmick of a specific face.

Thought I quickly share my thoughts on that with you but I'm sure there are
good reasons why `FT_Library' is required here.

Thanks for shedding some light on this matter + 
have a wonderful evening everyone :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FT_Done_MM_Var + FT_Library

2018-07-03 Thread armin
Thanks for the explanation :)

> the most natural choice was `FT_Library'.

I see.  Judging from an API user's perspective (and from a rather special
angle, maybe not THE standard usage) I think I would've preferred to rather
use an `FT_Face' as additional parameter instead of `FT_Library' since I
need that `FT_Face' anyways to get `FT_MM_Var' from `FT_Get_MM_Var' in first
place.  Further, it would create some kind of parameter symmetry between
getting + freeing `FT_MM_Var'.  This is highly biased of course.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FT_Done_MM_Var + FT_Library

2018-07-03 Thread armin
> Note, however, that you can use
>  face->glyph->library
> since FreeType always creates an `FT_GlyphSlot' object if the face index
> >= 0.  In other words, it is not necessary to carry both `FT_Face' and
> `FT_Library'.

O, that is an amazing life hack, thanks! :D  Couldn't find the library
in `FT_FaceRec' directly and expected it to be in `FT_Face_Internal' which
is why I stopped looking for it anywhere else.


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] [GSoC] Plans for the Finale of Fuzzing for FreeType

2018-07-10 Thread armin
Hello dear readers of this wonderful mailing list :)

I want to give you a quick update on the fuzzing side of things:

The targets are growing on a daily basis and will be integrated into
OSS-Fuzz in a matter of hours, maximum a day or two :)  They will not be
complete by then (technically, they will never be complete) but they are in
such a state that Kostya and I decided it's worth throwing them into the
machinery and watch the outcome.

Apart from that, I plan to achieve the following things during the 3rd (and
final) stage of GSoC 2018 (I am so sad, I cannot believe it's more than 50%
over already :/)

(1) Further work on the API checklist
d) and adding even more API functions to that list (esp. parts of the
"Support API" that is not sufficiently being used indirectly).

(2) Play with driver properties.

(3) Build another set of fuzz targets for fuzzing glyph related stuff
(stroking, rendering, ...) that happens independently of the driver-driven
targets (that are the actual focus of my GSoC project).  Some things from
the driver-driven targets will then be moved to these glyph-driven targets.

(4) Integrate some profiling to identify bottlenecks and maybe put scary
bits into separate targets and/or isolate them otherwise (if necessary).

So far, so good.  I hope you're still with me, b/c I do also have a question
for everyone in here:

Does anyone know font geeks?

If possible, I would love to ditch the "old" corpus since its fonts are huge
(they are proper fonts) and repetitive (not exactly the initial fuzz corpus
of your dreams).  While I do know more/less exactly what the perfect fuzzing
fonts should look like, I would much rather spend my time improving and
expanding the fuzz targets than creating those fonts.  So, if there are any
font enthusiasts listening (or if you know any people who would love doing
that) please step forward; that would really be a great help :)

Ben (bungeman) already did a great job in providing a base set of sample
fonts that are optimised for fuzzing (small fonts, few glyphs, concentrating
on a few, very distinctive features) but there could be a lot more
truetype/bungeman etc.).

For reference: I will also contact HarfBuzz and see if they have interesting
stuff and IF they do, if they would share that with FreeType :)

I hope everyone is doing great and to my GSoC co-workers: have a happy
coding finale :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] Plans for the Finale of Fuzzing for FreeType

2018-07-10 Thread armin
> Hi Armin,

Hi pat, great to see you :D

> My graduate student Zeming has been making good progress this term on TTF
> bytecode analysis. So we don't have a corpus, but we can now easily manipulate
> bytecode for existing fonts. If there's anything specific you have in mind, we
> should figure out whether we can make that happen.

Oh cool!  Feel free to use any fonts that are suitable for you in 
https://github.com/cherusker/freetype2-testing/tree/master/fuzzing/corpora :)  
A quick wish list:

- fonts that contain (small) glyph bitmaps (all drivers)
- fonts with kerning information that can be accessed via FreeType (drivers: 
CFF, PFR, TrueType, Type 1)
- fonts that contain multiple masters / font variations (drivers: CFF, 
TrueType, Type 1)
- CID-keyed fonts (drivers: CID Type 1, CFF)
- fonts that explore unicode variation sequences 
(all drivers)

All fonts should be really small: they should only contain a handful of glyphs 
(just enough to cover different/edgy aspects within a font).  Small does not 
imply "simple" however:  "complicated" fonts of any shape and form are welcome 
(many faces, many instances, combination of many aspects, ...).  Furthermore, 
if possible, fonts should be licensed with the SIL Open Font License.

These are really the most important aspects at the moment;  thank you so much 
upfront for looking into this :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Fuzzing for FreeType moved to FreeType's GitHub Account

2018-07-19 Thread armin
Hi all, a quick update:

I have just moved FreeType's testing repository to FreeType's GitHub
account: https://github.com/freetype/freetype2-testing.  If you have used
`cherusker/freetype2-testing' before, I would kindly ask you to check out
`freetype/freetype2-testing' in the future since its master branch will be
noticeably more stable.  I will use my own forked version of
`freetype2-testing' to play around with experimental features;  there will
be a lot of rebasing and breaking going on ;)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Move `src/tools/ftfuzzer' to the testing repository

2018-07-20 Thread armin
As discussed earlier this week I would like to move the sources of the
legacy fuzz target to the testing repository.  I have already copied it to
the new repository:
.  It would now be time to remove it from the freetype2 repo;  please find
the according patch attached.  Is the Changelog message (in combination with
the README.md at the new location) enough to explain the move or should I
add more information?

Thanks + hope you're all fine :)

Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Move `src/tools/ftfuzzer' to the testing repository

2018-07-20 Thread armin
> [...] and don't break URLs in the ChangeLog. [...]

Even if it breaks the rule of 78? ;P

(anyways, sure + consider it done :))

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Tiny Docs Patch

2018-08-10 Thread armin
I suggest this tiny patch in the documentation of the driver properties:

diff --git a/include/freetype/ftdriver.h b/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
index 2384dc61..c893c545 100644
--- a/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
+++ b/include/freetype/ftdriver.h
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ FT_BEGIN_HEADER
*   {
* FT_Library  library;
-   * FT_UInt hinting_engine = FT_CFF_HINTING_ADOBE;
+   * FT_UInt hinting_engine = FT_HINTING_ADOBE;
* FT_Init_FreeType( &library );

As stated above in line 348: `FT_CFF_HINTING_ADOBE' is deprecated.

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-20 Thread armin
I wonder what's the best solution to get FreeType's error strings from its
error numbers?  E.g. "cannot open resource" from `FT_THROW(
Cannot_Open_Resource )'.  Since I cannot locate anything in the docs I
wonder if


is the best solution (seems quite hacky :P) and/or if I (or someone else)
should add a function like `strerror' to FreeType's API?

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-20 Thread armin
>> I wonder what's the best solution to get FreeType's error strings from 
>> its error numbers?  E.g. "cannot open resource" from `FT_THROW( 
>> Cannot_Open_Resource )'.  Since I cannot locate anything in the docs
> This must be an oversight on your side, since FreeType comes with a
> chapter for that:

Sure, sorry, forgot to mention this b/c it uses that idea anyways but wraps
it up somewhat nicer (as I think) since it does not need to store anything
in variables.

>> I wonder if
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31161284/how-can-i-get-the-corresp
>> onding-error-string-from-an-ft-error-code
>> is the best solution
> It is, but the code formatting in the link is extremely ugly and thus hard
> read and understand.

What don't you like about the formatting?

>> (seems quite hacky :P)
> I don't think so.  It definitely makes the FreeType library itself smaller
> since there is no need to store the error strings...
>> and/or if I (or someone else) should add a function like `strerror'
>> to FreeType's API?
> Not necessary, I believe.

Am I the first (or third) person to request/use that?  I believe such a
function (that minimises boilerplate on FreeType's users' end) would be nice
when using FreeType in combination with loggers since strings are definitely
easier to review/debug for humans than numbers.  How about a
default-no-but-optional-yes-macro in `ftoption.h'?

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-21 Thread armin
 is the best solution
>>> It is, but the code formatting in the link is extremely ugly and thus 
>>> hard to read and understand.
>> What don't you like about the formatting?
> Indented cpp lines!  AFAIK, the `#' should always be on the first line.  I
> also don't like that the cpp statements are put into the array, making it
> difficult to grasp what's going on.

Agreed with `#'.  However, I am not sure if I completely understand the
other thing:  do you prefer the solution by `N. Yoda' on StackOverflow (1)
or the solution presented in `fterrors.h' (2)? (the latter uses the array,
the former uses a switch/case)

1. Switch/case is somewhat slower than array accesses but, IMO, the code is
better to read (although I would exchange the lines with
`FT_ERROR_START_LIST' and `FT_ERRORDEF' for improved readability) and it
results in less code in total.  Also no global variables.

2. Faster execution but IMO results in somewhat messier code.  Also global

Efficiency is generally nice, however somewhat neglectable when it comes to
debugging and really, it shouldn't be THAT much of a difference.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and I'll willingly agree to whatever
you prefer.

 and/or if I (or someone else) should add a function like `strerror'
 to FreeType's API?
>>> Not necessary, I believe.
>> Am I the first (or third) person to request/use that?
> IIRC, yes.

That's interesting;  I use `strerror' (and equivalent functions/methods in
other libs and languages) sooo much :D

>> I believe such a function (that minimises boilerplate on FreeType's 
>> users' end) would be nice when using FreeType in combination with 
>> loggers since strings are definitely easier to review/debug for humans 
>> than numbers.  How about a default-no-but-optional-yes-macro in 
>> `ftoption.h'?
> I don't object.

Thank you :)

> Do you want to provide a patch?

I do! :)  Just finishing fuzzing the bitmap handling API first, but right
after that! :)

> I can imagine to activate that automatically if tracing is active, doing a
> call within the `FT_THROW' macro.

Totally, why not :)  However, for my (fuzzing) purposes, I'd appreciate it
if `FT_Get_Error_Message' was independent of tracing since I usually don't
use FreeType's tracing but do log all return values (esp. `if ( error != 0 )

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Love the new docs!

2018-08-22 Thread armin
A quick word of appreciation:  using Nikhil's preview for browsing the docs
since yesterday and man that's fast + convenient!  No need for Google or
browser bookmarks or Ctrl+F or tabbing or ... very well done, I love it! :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] FT_Bitmap_Convert: source == target >> boooom?

2018-08-22 Thread armin
I assume that `source != target' is true for `FT_Bitmap_Convert' (esp. since
there is some reallocating going on).  I suggest putting a quick note into
the docs to clarify that and probably extend the entry check:

diff --git a/src/base/ftbitmap.c b/src/base/ftbitmap.c
index c04eec43..6037538d 100644
--- a/src/base/ftbitmap.c
+++ b/src/base/ftbitmap.c
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
 if ( !library )
   return FT_THROW( Invalid_Library_Handle );

-if ( !source || !target )
+if ( !source || !target || source == target )
   return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

 memory = library->memory;

Further, I believe that similar rules apply to `FT_Bitmap_Blend'.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FT_Bitmap_Convert: source == target >> boooom?

2018-08-22 Thread armin
>> I assume that `source != target' is true for `FT_Bitmap_Convert' (esp. 
>> since there is some reallocating going on).  I suggest putting a quick 
>> note into the docs to clarify that and probably extend the entry check:
> I can explode fscanf too with invalid pointers.

True, however, the documentation of `fscanf' is pretty intense and seems to
cover pretty much everything there is to know about it -- if you read it,
you don't have to check the implementation to figure out what to do with it
and what to avoid.
> Only so much you can do to protect against it. You only capture one
> case.

True as well, it's the case I just encountered when I wondered if I can feed
it the same bitmap twice (would generally be a legit use-case IMO).  Simply
wanted to share my thoughts (pretty much as "your regular API user" at this
point) with you :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-23 Thread armin
I'm still working on the bitmaps and just ran into an interesting access
violation that happens with using the API exactly (?) as it is intended to:

FT_Load_Glyph( face, index, load_flags ); // no load flags (0x0), PCF driver

FT_Get_Glyph(  face->glyph, &glyph ); // lazy copy in

FT_Done_Glyph( glyph );   // frees the bitmap in the face's
  // GlyphSlot (due to the lazy

FT_Get_Glyph(  face->glyph, &glyph ); // proper copy in
  // `ft_bitmap_glyph_init' and
  // `FT_Bitmap_Copy' fails with an
  // access violation

I am not quite sure how to fix/tackle the issue and what the exact purpose
of fastpath is but in that case it seems somewhat overly fast (unless I
misunderstand the API usage) :)

Only tested with the PCF driver but the issue might be similar with other

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FT_Bitmap_Convert: source == target >> boooom?

2018-08-23 Thread armin
>> > Only so much you can do to protect against it. You only capture one
>> particular
>> > case.
>>  I wondered if I can feed it the same bitmap twice.
> The cost-benefit analysis is in order. Is it worth checking a great number of
> valid uses to capture the invalid one?

Sure, I totally get that and the check was just in addition; my main question 
was if that information should find its way into the docs to clear out any 
issues upfront ... design by contract + such.

> Whether your program crashes or gives an error, you have to fix the bug in
> your program (unless there is a security implication, which changes the cost
> balance).

Sure, totally agreed.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FT_Bitmap_Convert: source == target >> boooom?

2018-08-23 Thread armin
>>>  I wondered if I can feed it the same bitmap twice.
>> The cost-benefit analysis is in order. Is it worth checking a great 
>> number of valid uses to capture the invalid one?  [...]
> I've now slightly improved the documentation.  Please check whether it is
> clear.

As clear as day now, thank you sir :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-23 Thread armin
>> FT_Get_Glyph(  face->glyph, &glyph ); // lazy copy in
>> `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'
> I think the else (proper copy) condition is bogus. If bitmap is not owned,
> is not valid and you cannot copy it, which leaves us with lazy case only.
> Elsewhere, we do not even free the bitmap buffer in the FT_GlyphSlot if it
> not owned.

Personally, I think the "else" is the only "proper" way to proceed in that
situation (even though it is way more expensive):  the glyph that is being
allocated in `FT_Get_Glyph' is basically a deep copy of whatever resides in
the face's glyph slot (at least that's the way it is advertised).  Apart
from my expectations (1), I also have to free the glyph that `FT_Get_Glyph'
crafts (according to docs) and that flushes the bitmap buffer of said glyph
(which causes the issues in first place).

(1) I expect to be able to use the returned glyph however I like.  Knowing
it won't affect the glyphslot in the face ... that way I can do fancy things
to it without the need to reload the glyph in the face -- which renders
`FT_Get_Glyph' pretty much useless.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-24 Thread armin
>> I'm still working on the bitmaps and just ran into an interesting 
>> access violation that happens with using the API exactly (?) as it is 
>> intended to:
>>   FT_Load_Glyph( face, index, load_flags );
>>   FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph );
>>   FT_Done_Glyph( glyph );
>>   FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph ); // fails with an
>>// access violation
> Looks like a bug.  Please provide a simple compilable example that I can
> for debugging.

Sorry, sure, I forgot!  You could use `2018-08-20-bitmaps' on my private
fork like:

$ git clone https://github.com/cherusker/freetype2-testing.git
$ cd cherusker-freetype2-testing
$ git checkout 2018-08-20-bitmaps
$ cd fuzzing/scripts
$ ./custom-script.sh
...  ...
$ ../build/bin/driver --glyphs-bitmaps-pcf
...  ...

Is that OK, or should I extract a teeny-tiny sample with just the 4 to 5
necessary API calls?

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-25 Thread armin
>>> Looks like a bug.  Please provide a simple compilable example that I 
>>> can use for debugging.
>> Sorry, sure, I forgot!  You could use `2018-08-20-bitmaps' on my 
>> private fork like:
>> $ git clone https://github.com/cherusker/freetype2-testing.git
>> cherusker-freetype2-testing
>> $ cd cherusker-freetype2-testing
>> $ git checkout 2018-08-20-bitmaps
>> $ cd fuzzing/scripts
>> $ ./custom-script.sh
>> ...  ...
> Following this recipe (using git 3763871e) it fails [...]

Mhm ... strange, but I can see the same fail with Travis as well;  no worries, 
won't be delivered that way ;)

>> Is that OK, or should I extract a teeny-tiny sample with just the 4 to 
>> 5 necessary API calls?
> The latter would be really nice, especially if written in C.

Sure, no worries;  you can find a tiny C function + build script attached.  
Please make sure to build FreeType with `clang' and `-fsanitize=address' for it 
to work :)
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-25 Thread armin
>> Sure, no worries; you can find a tiny C function + build script 
>> attached.  Please make sure to build FreeType with `clang' and 
>> `-fsanitize=address' for it to work :)
> Thanks.  I see two possibilities to fix the bug.
> (1) Avoid lazy copying in `FT_Get_Glyph'.

How frequently is `FT_Get_Glyph' used and in which context?

> (2) Update the documentation:
>   By default, `FT_Get_Glyph' can be used only once.[*] If you want
>   more copies, use either `FT_Copy_Glyph' or call
>   `FT_GlyphSlot_Own_Bitmap' before calling `FT_Get_Glyph' again.

If I'm not mistaken, `FT_Glyph_Done' is still problematic in that case:

(1) if `FT_Glyph_Done' is NOT called, we (might?) end up with mem leaks, but

(2) IF it is called, the bitmap in the face's glyph slot gets erased
that is not expected IMO) and the whole loaded glyph cannot be used

> What do you prefer?

This question is not targeted towards me (I think) but if the overhead of
properly copying the bitmaps is OK with `FT_Get_Glyph's current use cases
(do we have any statistics on API usage?), I would lobby for that outcome.
Esp. since `FT_Get_Glyph' has the potential of being something really
powerful ... however, the lazy copy makes it unintuitively and complicated
to use (beware: opinion!) ... then again, I currently use the API in
somewhat unconventional ways, other people might have other preferences

>> I think the else (proper copy) condition is bogus.  If bitmap is not 
>> owned, it is not valid and you cannot copy it, which leaves us with 
>> lazy case only.
> Yep.  This must be fixed.
> [*] This statement is valid only for FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP objects.
> For FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE objects, FreeType always creates a
> copy.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-25 Thread armin
> If I'm not mistaken, `FT_Glyph_Done' is still problematic in that case:

Please ignore that, got the other message too late :D

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-25 Thread armin
> Yeah.  Another proposal.
> (3) Make `FT_Get_Glyph' always do a deep copy.  Add new function
> `FT_Get_Glyph_Lazy' to do a lazy copy if it holds a bitmap object.

I would like that very much :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-26 Thread armin
>>>> Please keep FT_Get_Glyph light.
>>> Why?
>> Because it is meant to be used once followed by as many FT_Glyph_Copy 
>> as you want.
> OK.  Armin, can you change your usage pattern to something like the
>  FT_Load_Glyph( face, 0, 0 );
>  FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &reference );
>  FT_Glyph_Copy( reference, &glyph1 );
>  ...
>  FT_Done_Glyph( glyph1 );
>  FT_Glyph_Copy( reference, &glyph2 );
>  ...
>  FT_Done_Glyph( glyph2 );
>  FT_Done_Glyph( reference );
> Together with an update of the documentation this doesn't look too bad

Mhm;  I mean I get it -- changing to deep copy here would also introduce
semantic changes which is never anything you really want in an API.

Just another proposal (feel free to decline!):  how about coming back to (3)
and introduce something like `FT_Get_Glyph_Deep'?  Internally, the same
logic could be used;  I would simply add a switch (bool var) that gets
propagated down to `ft_bitmap_glyph_init' to skip the lazy copy?  I could
even prepare the patch if you like, no work for anyone ;)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-26 Thread armin
Please find my first proposal for `FT_Error_String' attached.

Feel free to request any changes;  not only but especially regarding
documentation.  I tried to copy as much style as I could but I'm sure there
are numerous change requests as this is a highly subjective topic and I
haven't properly worked with_IN_ FreeType yet.

Regarding `FT_THROW':  for pitch #1, I decided to link it to
`FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR' as this association comes naturally and does not
require any new macros and/or logic.  I can, of course, also add an own
macro (`FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_THROW' or similar, as suggested earlier).  The print
output style is copied from `FT_ASSERT'.

Regarding differentiation between `#include FT_ERRORS_H' as "enum + function
prototypes" vs. "special use case", I decided to add
`FT_INCLUDE_ERR_PROTOS'.  I think, this is a pretty clean solution, IF the
prototype of `FT_Error_String' (and potentially more functions in the
future) should stay in `FT_ERRORS_H'.  Of course, it could also be moved
into its own module (`FT_ERROR_UTILS_H' etc. :PP).  I, personally, think it
fits in there quite well.

Regarding `fterrors.c':  I believe, the name is suitable (if
`FT_Error_String' gets defined in `FT_ERRORS_H').  I am not entirely sure if
this file should be added to some files in the `/build' subdirectory.
Judging by other (similar) files, this is not necessary.

A general note: I ignored the module identifiers for now since (1) I don't
need them (I think) and (2) they should not really be used for anything else
but debugging FT's internals (according to the docs).  Should anyone be
interested in pretty-printing the module identifiers however, I can add

One more related question:  if I haven't overlooked anything, this part of
the documentation in `FT_ERRORS_H' is wrong:

   *  Note that `FT_Err_Ok` is _not_ defined with `FT_ERRORDEF` but with
   *  `FT_NOERRORDEF`; it is always zero.

I haven't dug in FT's git log yet but I suspect this is an ancient artefact
since `FT_ERRORDEF' _is_ now used by `FT_NOERRORDEF_' as well (which is used
to define `FT_Err_Ok').

Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] PCF: Issues with lazy copy in `ft_bitmap_glyph_init'

2018-08-28 Thread armin
> Werner, Armin,


> Here is all the confusing parts about FT_Get_Glyph:
> - It takes ownership on the bitmap without copying the data. Thus, it should
> not be called twice on the same GlyphSlot and should fail if
> FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP is not set. The current behavior with deep copy when
> FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP is not set is a bug that need to be fixed.
> - It copies the outline data without modifying original ownership. So it is
> the opposite of bitmap glyphs. To add to the confusion FT_OUTLINE_OWNER is in
> a different place.

> I think we should stick to the lazy copy in both cases because it is usually
> used once. The deep copy is a waste because FT_GlyphSlot is usually discarded.
> I do not think the deep copy is useful.

What is the usual use case and why are there two (very) different glyph 
containers in first place (`FT_Glyph' and `FT_GlyphSlot')?  I would expect that 
`FT_GlyphSlot' is a wrapper around `FT_Glyph' to add more information that is 
e.g. needed for rendering etc.  But it turns out that they are two rather 
distinct things.

I totally agree with whatever the two of you cook up;  just trying to shed some 
light from a user's perspective who tries to work with FreeType only (!) 
reading the API docs (not trying to understand any of the black magic that goes 
on in the depths of FT):

The docs surrounding `FT_Get_Glyph' really make it look like I get an 
independent `FT_Glyph' that can be used whatever.  I would definitely add 
several warning signs to the docs.  Also, can FreeType become the owner of that 
generated `FT_Glyph'?  That way the confusion with `FT_Done_Glyph' would vanish 
& it would be clearer that I will always get the same (maybe, but who cares?) 
object from calling `FT_Get_Glyph' -- changes that I make to that object might 
get propageted into `FT_GlyphSlot' (also something that should be put into the 
docs explicitly IMO).  Reflecting on it, I do really believe that the call to 
`FT_Done_Glyph' is the source of much confusion (at least for me).

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Documentation guidelines file

2018-08-28 Thread armin
> I've attached the `docs/DOCUMENTATION' file (from the draft work at
> https://github.com/nikramakrishnan/freetype-docs/wiki/Documentation-Guidelines-for-The-FreeType-Project).
> This should cover everything needed to understand the basics and the
> markdown formatting of the docs.

Thanks, very informative! :)  The only thing missing (if I haven't missed it) 
is the fact that apostrophes are used to refer to other parameters of the same 
function ... eg:

  /** ...
   * ...
   * @description:
   *   Uses 'a' to meep 'b'.
   * ...
  FT_EXPORT( void )
  FT_Meep ( A a,
B b );

> A few things, such as preference of uppercasing may be added to this
> From a previous thread:
>> * Shall we mention that we prefer two spaces after a full stop ending
>  a sentence?  

Please do, esp. for people who're new to FreeType;  I plan to add a whole code 
style guide, once the new website is online :)  Generally (not always, but very 
often true):  the more information the better, esp. when well organised :)

>> Ditto for details on uppercasing in section titles (US
>>  style, for example `This and That'), how to cite a C function
>>  (without trailing parentheses), etc., etc.

Ditto, please do, for the sake of everyone who's new to contributing to FT :)

> Also, I'm not sure about the `forced' line filling to column 71 as seen
> in other files in the `docs' directory.

I don't exactly know what you mean but I'm sure this one is targeted towards 
Werner, who will know :D

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-28 Thread armin
Please find pitch #2 attached.

> We now use our special Markdown flavour for documentation (in particular
> longer `xxx' but either `xxx` or 'xxx', depending on the intended use);
> update your patch accordingly.

Oh right, sorry I forgot that, changed now (if I understand the new system

> Maybe the debugging output can be made a bit more compact?

Done :)

In addition, I removed `FT_UNUSED( ... );' since this is not true any

Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Documentation guidelines file

2018-08-29 Thread armin
> Ah, this is due to my formatting using Emacs, which has a default line width
> of 72 chars.  For the sake of consistency the style guide should rather
> mention to use 78 chars.  On the other hand, a well-formatted document with a
> shorter line length doesn't hurt...

Nooo ://  Please, ... 78 is already ... sooo ... short ... ^^ ...  We 
should instead rather start a fundraiser to collect money for a bigger screen 
for Werner :D

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-29 Thread armin
>> Please find pitch #2 attached.
> Excellent, thanks!  Attached is my version with slight whitespace fixes;
> please apply (together with a proper ChangeLog entry).

Wonderful, thanks, will do :)  Cross referencing the other thread:  should I
change 'error_string' to `error_string`?

> Ah, and `fterrors.c' should be added to the `_sources' string in
> `src/base/Jamfile' also.

Will do, sorry, I missed that! ...  note to myself: we should setup a Travis
build row that uses Jam.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Documentation guidelines file

2018-08-30 Thread armin
> Seriously: We talk about formatted plain text documents with prose (more or
> less) and thus to be viewed with a typewriter font.  Much longer line lengths
> for such documents are a bad idea; it's no longer convenient to read – the eye
> can easily lose the current line.

I totally see where you are coming from and it totally makes sense (there are 
lots of rules like these to keep text manageable for readers (lines should 
neither be too narrow lines nor too wide, also rules about vertical flow, etc) 
and there is also some belief when it comes to that topic.  I, personally, 
would not restrict writers too much (ultimately not my decision with FT, for 
good reason! just trying to explain my point of view):

If you take 
 as an example (I know it's markup, but still), "hard 72" (or 78 for that 
matter) has/would have several impacts:

(1) Well formatted tables can still be read easily, even if 72 (78) total width
is exceeded (as long as the cells themselves are well formatted).

(2) Deeper nested lists can suffer from rigorous restrictions like these as
every indentation cuts off a piece of the cake.

Maybe something like "lines of straight text should not exceed X but the total 
width of a line of code should stay within Y" (e.g. X = 78, Y = 120 (which is 
still too narrow for the shown tables in my example but would probably work for 
most cases))

Just a thought, feel free to ignore it ;)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Error Description Strings

2018-08-30 Thread armin
>> Cross referencing the other thread: should I change 'error_string'
>> to `error_string`?
> For consistency with the rest of the API documentation: Please no.

Applied, woohoo :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] `ft_glyphslot_preset_bitmap' breaks the build atm

2018-08-31 Thread armin
In file included from
base/ftobjs.c:365:7: error: non-void function 'ft_glyphslot_preset_bitmap'
should return a value [-Wreturn-type]

Introduced in `1dacbd893d3c2f027b5c79f504d8899a68112c0c'.

I assume, it should be `return 0'?

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Freetype fails to build

2018-08-31 Thread armin
> El divendres, 31 d’agost de 2018, a les 22:39:44 CEST, Albert Astals Cid va
> escriure:
>> /src/freetype2/src/base/ftobjs.c:365:7: error: non-void function 
>> 'ft_glyphslot_preset_bitmap' should return a value [-Wreturn-type]
>>   return;
> I guess it's my fault for compiling with -Werror,

I can see no fault there ;)

> but i guess it's still a
> warning that makes sense to fix.

Absolutely, I'm sure Alexei is already on it, there was just some discussion 
going on around this very issue in another thread: 


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] ccache support for `freetype-testing'

2018-10-07 Thread armin
Werner asked me about this a few days ago and since there are a few people
using this repo I thought it is worth mentioning it in the ft-devel list:  I
just added `ccache' support to `freetype-testing'
(https://github.com/freetype/freetype2-testing).  It can be turned off
(default is "on" though) and the option should only appear if `ccache' can
be located on the target system.  I ran a couple of tests on different
machines and different setups but obvs. I cannot test EVERYthing so please
let me know if you run into any weird caching issues (spec. when recompiling
the thing over-and-over again with different settings) :)

Apart from that, have a great Sunday :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] New Documentation

2018-11-19 Thread armin
Is there a timeframe yet when the new documentation will be released?  I use
Nikhil's preview whenever I dive into FreeType but I think everyone would
really benefit from having access to it, spec. to the search function :)

PS:  a low-key thumbs-up to Nikhil again, extremely well done IMO :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Question

2018-11-28 Thread armin
> Łukasz,
>> How can I write text directly on a painted bitmap?  I am sending you 
>> my source code.
> we don't have time to look at arbitrary code.  if you want us to help you we
> need a command line program that can be easily compiled, a so-called `minimal
> working example', MWE.  It should produce something, and you should explain
> what you get and what you expect instead.

Add: there are some fine tutorials online 
(https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/tutorial/index.html) -- they might 
even answer some questions you have about workflows that include FreeType 
and/or explain the general scope of FreeType.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] color framework

2018-12-18 Thread armin
> Let's see whether someone is interested in this.  What about making
>   Add SVG support
> a GSoC project?  :-)

Ooohhh that's an extremely interesting and tempting thing; I wish I could 
participate again (or had more time in general) :D

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [SPAM] Re: color framework

2018-12-18 Thread armin
>>> Let's see whether someone is interested in this.  What about making
>>>   Add SVG support
>>> a GSoC project?  :-)
>> Ooohhh that's an extremely interesting and tempting thing; I wish I 
>> could participate again (or had more time in general) :D
> The former is possible AFAIK,

I think you can only participate twice in total?  Also, if everything goes
well, I should be done with university in February ^^

> the latter is your very own problem :-)

True, true ...

> In general, the idea is as follows.
>   * Evaluate the freely available SVG libraries which would fit the
> job best.
>   * Define FreeType API functions and hooks for transferring data from
> the font's `SVG' table to the external library.
>   * Ditto for transferring the resulting (bitmap) output back into
> FreeType.

I am surprised that the API currently doesn't have anything like that;
isn't there support for external rendering already?

> Anything else?

Sounds good to me.  Should be a lot of fun to do :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-22 Thread armin
> Please don't use an external library.  Logging in FreeType is for developers
> only, and some parts maybe for font designers.  Clients who just want to
> render text don't need the logging capabilities.  Just keep it simple.

Obviously a logging library has to be completely compiled out by default and 
should not interfere with other projects that use FreeType as a library only 
(unless they want to run some tracing but that should not be the case usually?).

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-22 Thread armin
Hehe I was just preparing a detailed answer myself to bridge the gap until you 
have time to answer ... but you beat me ;)

Also: hi Yash, welcome to FreeType :)

>>> Anyways, a simple solution to an inaccessible stderr is to print log 
>>> messages directly into a file.  Our code will work independently of 
>>> whether stderr is accessible or not.
> Yes.

Seems sensible.

>> Can you elaborate on what are your exact targets in this project?
>> Does the project only aim for "platforms with inaccessible stderr"?
>> Can you explain me some difficulties we may face?  If you feel zlog 
>> is suitable for this project, I want to start contributing to 
>> freetype in gsoc as well.

Do you plan to contribute as part of GSoC or outside of it?  For GSoC you can 
expect reasonable mentoring to ease you into working with/on FreeType but 
outside of that you're a bit more on your own due to lack of personnel ;)  
Please mind that participating GSoC organisations are only revealed later in 
February and, while unlikely, there is a chance that FreeType will not be 
chosen to take part this year.

> The target is to improve and streamline FreeType's debugging capabilities.  
> Please have a look at file
>   https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/freetype/freetype2.git/tree/docs/DEBUG
> to see how debugging works.
> Armin, can you chime in?  You probably know better than me what could be
> improved.  And would you be willing to act as a mentor for this GSoC project?

Exactly, the main idea is to get rid of the current logging system and 
completely replace it with a state-of-the-art logger that is being developed 
"out of house".  The idea is to simply "use" that logger and not to care about 
developing/debugging/adjusting/fixing it.

I think it all starts with carefully evaluating the current logger (it's 
definitely not to be underestimated;  it has quite a few nifty features!) and 
make sure that everything stays possible one way or another _OR_ have good 
reasons for dropping/replacing features.  It's not just about adding a nice 
logger but about finding something that convinces Werner to drop his own 
brainchild and switch over to the new one ;)

That being said, a big downside of the current logger (in my opinion, Werner 
will disagree probably) is it's lack of "ease of use".  I, personally, think a 
logging library has to be able to get you started with reading less than 3 
sentences about it (looking at it from both sides:  the person who puts the 
logger into some piece of source code as well as the person who's trying to 
retrieve messages of a specific level/domain -- that second part is 
specifically difficult with the current system IMO).  As I see it, part of the 
project should also involve writing a short but exhaustive documentation about 
how the logger should be used in the context of FreeType (just setting up a few 
basic guidelines to have everyone on the same page).

As for the logger itself it should be tried and tested across all thinkable 
(reasonable) platforms that FreeType supports (that should not be 
underestimated).  Also it should be supported by a community that can be 
trusted with developing it for a foreseeable future as we don't really want to 
replace the logger on a yearly basis ;)

That's all I can think about it for the moment ... if I come across something 
else I will add it to the thread.

@Werner:  I would be happy to help out as much as I can, I just don't know any 
details about my Summer yet.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-22 Thread armin
> That's all I can think about it for the moment ... if I come across
> else I will add it to the thread.

To keep this memo board somewhat complete:  a key aspect of the logger
should also be the ease of "extegration";  meaning the logger has to be
compiled out completely by default (not leaving _any_ traces) -- (1) obvs.
for performance reasons but (2) also for all the projects that use FreeType
as a library (like we would use the logger).  Since we're in `C'-land this
is typically done using some sort of preprocessing magic but some loggers
might be easier to extegrate than others.

@Werner: I just checked https://www.freetype.org/gsoc.html and, if you like,
I can try to briefly (!) summarise more details to make it easier to
understand the challenges (and possible approach) when choosing this


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-22 Thread armin
>> Of course.  Only if some preprocessor macros are defined at configure
>> time, this feature is available – I won't change that.  In other
>> words, it will stay as a developer-only feature.
> Right.  Which makes using en external library overkill.

Not really, you want your logger to be as top-notch as the rest of your program 
(spec. fast + as helpful as possible).  In-house logging is fun but like with 
everything else:  if there are people who specialise on something, why not 
taking advantage of that?  Improving the logger over the years is not really a 
strong focus of developers who want to contribute to _FreeType_ (as I 

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-23 Thread armin
>> Well, as far as I can see, it's exactly as Armin described the
>> situation: people insert `printf' statements for debugging.  And the 
>> final code usually missed important debugging calls...
> How does that justify adding new logging library or changing the current
> logger code? That sounds more like current tracing statements should be
> improved.

May I ask you, Dmitry, what are your concerns with introducing an external
logger?  Obviously, the goal is to improve the overall situation for
everyone or (at least) keep things equally fine as they are at the moment.
Following our discussion here, it seems to me as if changes would affect you
negatively which should (obviously) be avoided.  Necessity aside (who cares
if it's necessary if someone else does it (properly) and it has no negative
effect on anyone), what are negative consequences for you personally or for
FreeType in general and how can they be avoided/tackled/justified/eased?

@Yash: sorry for spamming your thread, but it seems as if you question has
sparked some conversation here :P

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-01-23 Thread armin
> There's a simple rule: don't try to fix something that is not broken.

I 100% agree.  However, as Werner and I have pointed out earlier, there are
a few issues with the current implementation of the logger.  At least, there
are things that could clearly be improved.

> Another consideration would be to leave the decision to people who
> works with Freetype code, and who is used to work with existing code base.

My word might not mean that much to you as I'm not actively developing FT
features but I'm rather on bug hunting missions (and only joined recently).
However, also Werner addressed different issues.

When it comes to choosing a logger, this will (of course) not be done
blindly and/or "behind the scenes".  As you can imagine, the hardest part
will be to convince Werner of accepting the new thing ;)  Apart from that I
can only imagine that it will be addressed in the mailing list as well so
everyone is free to offer their thoughts.

> Also, obviously there is no point in inventing new dependencies for such a
> simple thing as logging.

This is probably where I disagree the most.  Logging/tracing in itself is
far more than "a simply thing";  it is a tremendous debugging tool (when
done right).  Instructions that are (1) dead easy to insert and (2) generate
output that is spot-on for whatever you're looking for in any specific
situation can make the difference between firing up `gdb' or finding an
issue within a few seconds.  The current logger is great, but there are far
better solutions out there.

> IMHO if something is going to be changed or improved this shouldn't be an
> external library,

I will leave it at that ...

> and new things should be left compatible with existing ways of usage.

... and I strongly agree with that!  That should totally be worked into a
the possible overhaul!


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] fuzz timeouts

2019-02-21 Thread armin
> Armin,

Hi Alexei :)

> We have 73 timeouts and counting:
> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/list?can=1&q=Timeout+proj%3Dfreetype2
> The best solution is to limit the cumulative total to 1 Gb of rendered
> bitmaps. Is this hard to implement?

This solution would (maybe) remove most timeout reports immediately but it 
would also silently hide unreached parts of those fuzz targets.  I really, 
really, really want to avoid that.  The best solution (IMO) is to take the time 
and trace lengthy calculations within the targets and make sure that those 
calculations are kept to a minimum (either by splitting targets or capping 
certain actions).

There has been some progress with that (e.g. capping the maximum glyph render 
size) and the results are generally promising.  It's just not finished yet 
which is why those timeout reports still exist.

Personally, I would treat those reports as temporary, implicit "Won't fix" 
until I (or someone else) have enough time to carefully examine those timeouts 
on a per-target level.  (I will gladly do that btw, it's only a matter of 
having enough time at some point ...).  At the moment, OSS-Fuzz shows only 
one of those timeout reports per target until that report gets made public.  
Only then, a new timeout report for the same target will show up.  I think 
that's not too much noise, compared to the alternative of silently missing 
parts of fuzz targets.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] fuzz timeouts

2019-02-21 Thread armin
>> > We have 73 timeouts and counting:
>> > https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/list?can=1&q=Timeout+pro
>> > j%3Dfreetype2
>> This solution would (maybe) remove most timeout reports immediately but it
> would also silently hide unreached parts of those fuzz targets.
> The blanket approach to loading flags is extremely wasteful. The fuzzing
> without FT_LOAD_RENDER would be so much faster.

All targets without `-render' in their names follow that path very successfully.

> The only productive way to fuzz the rendering is your glyphs-outlines, on the
> other hand.

The question is, if any of the `-render' targets help the other targets 
(`glyphs-outlines' as well as non-`render' targets) with code coverage, which 
they did back in October.  This could be re-evaluated of course.  However, I 
rather have overlaps than gaps, esp. if it is _free_ (for FreeType at least :P).

> Why is this not a solution?

Are you talking about a hard cap on totally (cumulatively) rendered pixels per 
target (e.g. for `glyphs-outlines')?  If so, imagine the target (any target) 
has a multiple subtasks (render modes + sizes) that it executes, one subtask 
after another.  If we introduce a hard cap, that target would categorically 
execute earlier subtasks more often than later subtasks without any feedback 
(no one would know).  Obviously, that's a very bad thing as "luck" decides 
which tasks are done more regularly than others.  The better solution is to 
understand which of the tasks actually take up too much time and put those 
tasks into separate targets (or limit those _specific_ tasks in other ways).

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] GSOC 2019

2019-03-02 Thread armin
> Hello Shibajyoti!

Hi Shibajyoti :)

Sorry for being somewhat late to this discussion,

>> My name is Shibajyoti Debbarma, Pre-Final Year Engineering Student 
>> from India, looking forward to contribute to the Freetype Project 
>> "Replace FreeType's tracing and debugging facilities with an external 
>> logging library".  I have proficiency in C and C++ languages so can 
>> anybody kindly guide me how to get started and any suggestions for me.
> Please go back to FreeType's GSoC page at
>   https://www.freetype.org/gsoc.html
> and read the paragraph at the top printed in red.
> I urge you to also read the GSoC student guide
>   https://google.github.io/gsocguides/student/

just a quick additional hint:  there has also been a lengthy discussion in
the devel mailing list two or three weeks ago that addressed quite a few
details about the community aspect of the new logging/tracing framework.
That discussion ultimately led to updating
https://www.freetype.org/gsoc.html.  You definitely want to check out that
as well :)

Best Armin

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Want to work on a project to add support for the 'SVG ' OpenType table to render color fonts.

2019-03-04 Thread armin
Hi  Alekh,

> I had also discussed about *librsvg* by GNOME as potential library that can
> fit the job.Although as told by Werner Sir it is porting to rust but still its
> API is in C.

`librsvg-2' looks fine to me:  it is widely supported (on Linux at least), 
developed by a trustworthy team, and proven to be stable + fast.  Rust as 
source language doesn't put me off (for all I care it can be JavaScript as long 
as it works :P); `librsvg-2' would solely be used as a prebuilt library (like 
`libpng' is being used already).

> Whether to edit both Glyph positioning(otvgpos.c) and substitution tables
> (otvgsub.c) or only positioning,I want to know about this.

I am not sure about that, Werner might have an answer for you there :)

> And rather than creating a new module editing API stuff by defining function
> to transfer data from font table to the external library and bitmap output
> back to Freetype can prove to work.

There is enough time to discuss both approaches within GSoC but since you're 
bringing it up:  what's keeping you off the module approach?  To me, a 
proxy/wrapper seems a lot cleaner and reusable. 

> Sir, please suggest me how can i test Freetype 2 to analyse the changes.And I
> will welcome any other suggestions.

I am sure you have cloned and built FreeType from 
http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/freetype/freetype2.git/ by now.  For quick 
first tests, I would take a random SVG font, and follow the online tutorial 
(https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/tutorial/index.html) to try to load it 
(use `dlopen' with _your_ compiled version of FreeType).  As soon as you have 
managed to load the SVG file (with _your_ build), start making changes to 
FreeType itself, recompile it, and see how things change :) 

Best Armin

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Old URLs breaking with the Update

2019-03-17 Thread armin
The latest update (to the new, superhot docs :D) breaks all old URLs (Google
as well as my personal bookmarks) due to an additional `site/' in them.

Please ignore this if the changes were deliberately.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Old URLs breaking with the Update

2019-03-17 Thread armin
>> The latest update (to the new, superhot docs :D) breaks all old URLs 
>> (Google as well as my personal bookmarks) due to an additional `site/' 
>> in them.
>> Old:
>> https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/reference/ft2-error_code_value
>> s.html
>> New:
>> https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/reference/site/ft2-error_code_
>> values
>> .html
>> Please ignore this if the changes were deliberately.
> It was a deliberate change, but hmm.  Nikhil, do you have a suggestion?

If things are too complicated for what it's worth, we could put a simple 301
forwarding from `non-site' to `site' into an `.htaccess' file somewhere in
that tree (granted that `.htaccess' is not in any way blocked by the hosting
server).  I could provide that file, if needed :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Old URLs breaking with the Update

2019-03-17 Thread armin
>>> It was a deliberate change, but hmm.  Nikhil, do you have a 
>>> suggestion?
>> Well, a simple fix would be to move all files from 
>> `docs/reference/site' to `docs/reference'.
> Done, together with updating all links.  Please check.

Wonderful, everything works perfectly fine again, as far as I can see :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Logging library proposal

2019-03-29 Thread armin
>> Armin, Nikhil, wasn't there a plan to set up a FreeType mirror?  Could 
>> you do that?
> Here are some possible ways we could do this:
> 1. Set up a server side post-receive hook so that all commits are pushed
> the mirror immediately.

This (option #1) is the only viable option IMO as it is `pure' in the sense
of complete independence of any 3rd party scripts/servers/etc that need to
be maintained (by whom? long-time?).  I have already tried to set up a
receive-hook GitHub mirror in late Spring 2018 when GSoC started.  Savannah
Hacker Team (which is responsible for hosting the `freetype2' repo) wasn't
suuuper happy about my request but I think one person of their team is
generally interested in helping us out there.  That being said, I haven't
talked to him in months and will use this occasion to follow up on that old
request :)

While I do enjoy setting up elaborate and ingenious toolchains myself, I
strongly argue against using 3rd parties where they are not strictly
required.  For this matter, there is a direct (and foolproof) way for
mirroring repositories, which I would strongly advice to use.

PS sorry for my delayed reply on this matter.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] GSOC -Project Availability

2019-04-08 Thread armin
> Hello everyone,

Hi Sadeep

> I looked into the (apparently) the same project which was done by Kushal in
> GSOC 2017. I want to know what are the limitations in his implementation.

Having applied for the same project last year (however I got selected for a 
different project), Kushal's approach seems somewhat unfinished and somewhat 
difficult to (re)use due to extensive scripting (apart from other things).  I 
suggest try to understand what FreeType really does (and what it does not) 
first.  Based on that insight, try to find an approach that makes sense for 
FreeType and its developers (!).  It must be super easy to use (next to no 
manual needed while still being flexible to set up), and produces maximum 
useful output.  Basically thinking about the whole thing from the perspective 
of the FreeType's developers (almost no one works full time on FreeType!) who 
don't want to have to _learn_ how the framework works :)

> Also does this project have a confirmed student?

Afaik such things do not exist here.

> Has anyone applied for this?

I don't know but feel free to apply either way and convince Werner -- the best 
students/proposals will be chosen :)

(And no, I could not apply this year ;))

> If so is there any other project in FreeType that I can apply to?


> I am willing to do some implementation before the application period is over 
> (<48hrs) as a proof of concept.

Go ahead but I think a clever (well thought-through) design (may it be words or 
pictures) are probably more convincing than a (small) working prototype.  GSoC 
is generally the time for implementing chosen ideas.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] GSOC -Project Availability

2019-04-08 Thread armin
> A random thought on testing FreeType: I recently read about a small testing
> library for C code, here: 
> https://www.bassi.io/articles/2019/03/14/a-little-testing/.
> Might be interesting. Another option could be using the freetype-py wrapper
> and test with that (pytest is nice). One thing that would be welcome is a
> continuous integration ready approach, meaning that every commit would trigger
> test runs under different operating system images and compilers. This could
> help with uncovering differences due to compilers.

Wait Nikolaus, not so fast :D

The project described by Sadeep was the rendering test framework.  I don't 
think it's super possible to have a (reasonable) CI-ready test suite in 3 
months (due to many, many reasons).  As far as I see it (also Kushal's 
approach), you have to go for qualitative testing not for quantitative testing 
there.  Something along the lines of outputting `the old' result (with a 
reference version of FreeType) and `the new' result (with the version under 
test) and have a way of sorting through differences efficiently for human users 
(devs) with most important ones on top.  Like some senseful ranking of 
differences by some value, detecting "simple" shifts etc + having a good 
(clean) UI to inspect the diff (highlighting of differences one way or another).
The main problem (afaik) is that tiny differences can always occur and 
sometimes they're known and benign due to some change within some module.  But 
other times you have small changes between version that actually hint at grave 
issues;  finding a reasonable ranking algorithm seems difficult enough but 
finding one that is completely automatable within CI might not be possible 

That was at least the idea behind that project last year -- not saying that's 
the only way of approaching it :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Supporting OT-SVG out of the box

2019-05-12 Thread armin
d code blob.  
>If that fails (usually an issue with the library) you get linker errors that 
>complain about missing functions etc.

There's then the difference between dynamic, static + runtime linking but for a 
general understanding, it all works the same :)

Hope I could help at least a bit.  If not, let me know, I'll be sitting in 
front of my computer for a few more hours today.


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Supporting OT-SVG out of the box

2019-05-12 Thread armin
>> I assume yes, very much so.  FreeType has never used (git) submodules of
>> sorts (afaik) and quite frankly, even though it got a lot better, submoduling
>> is still pretty painful, even with modern git.  (Beware:  this is my
>> _personal_ opinion) 
> I've had a bit of experience with those. Couldn't agree more. Quite painful.
> You would have to take care of building all of the submodules within your own
> build system, I guess?

Exactly, this is one issue that you can avoid when using `installed' libraries 
instead (if you can).  But also the process of setting up submodules, updating 
them and -- god forbid! -- deleting them can cause a lot of headache.

>> In contrast, using (`linking') external libraries on Linux (FreeType's main
>> target system) is and has always been easy and super-efficient.  You don't
>> have to care about _any_ updates (changes to other build systems, e.g.) of
>> those libraries and you can link them in all sorts of funny ways (dynamically
>> [pretty much standard for many things], statically, or even at runtime within
>> your application).  Also, you don't have to care about target specific
>> weirdness of those other libraries.
> Yea, I didn't actually know that dynamic linking is the standard these days
> until today. It is amazing how complex dependency trees can be treated with
> ease using dynamic linking. I compiled a very simple program that uses
> FreeType today and tried to link everything statically. It's really painful. I
> had to seek out `.a' files of the dependencies of FreeType and then those of
> their dependencies. With something as less-dependent as FreeType, the process
> was hard, I can imagine how terribly hard it would be for more complex things.
> The size is another issue it solves. Am I correct?

You're describing two main benefits of dynamic linking and why it so popular.  
As far as I'm concerned, static linking is rather used for edge cases like 
static code analysis or when you can't be certain that a required library 
exists on a system when want to run your program. 

>> From a library user's perspective, all you (usually) do (on Linux) is [...]
> Thank you for writing a very clear explanation. I have been on Linux for some
> time and have been doing a lot of building from source so have learned these
> things over time. Your explanation really allowed me to confirm my concepts
> and verify them as correct, so thank you very much. :)

That's great to hear, no worries at all :)  Also sorry, haven't had the chance 
yet:  congratulations and welcome to FreeType :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Supporting OT-SVG out of the box

2019-05-12 Thread armin
>> I think Werner took the day off today so let me quickly jump in with a 
>> few thoughts that might help you until Werner is back :)
> Thanks!  It's mother's day...

Thanks for reminding me!  Haha, joking, already called ;) ... also, happy 
mother's day, Werner :)

>>> 1. We specify `svgnative' and `cairo' as a dependency, just like 
>>> 'libpng' is defined currently (provided it is configured to be `yes' 
>>> in ./configure step).
> No.  We *only* specify `svgnative' as a dependency.  What graphics backend
> `svgnative' is actually using should not bother us.  During FreeType's
> `configure' test for the usability of the library, a function from
> `svgnative' should be called that returns the library's graphics capabilities,
> namely whether it can actually generate and return a bitmap.

Sorry, I missed that part!

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Supporting OT-SVG out of the box

2019-05-12 Thread armin
>> You're describing two main benefits of dynamic linking and why it so popular.
>> As far as I'm concerned, static linking is rather used for edge cases like
>> static code analysis or when you can't be certain that a required library
>> exists on a system when want to run your program. 
> Yea, I see. The thing is, I had this really wrong image in the back of my mind
> that since FreeType is being used on so many different devices, it is supposed
> to be self-contained. In that sense, I expected `libpng' to be a part of it. I
> was dead wrong. Thanks to you guys, it's clear now! :)

Let me just throw this in here for reference;  _generally_ FreeType tries to 
avoid dependencies like these where it can;  you aren't wrong there ;)  As you 
can see, FreeType doesn't really have many dependencies, compared to a lot of 
other important Linux libraries.  You can find numerous discussions about 
using/not-using external libraries in FreeType's mailing lists -- a recent one 
was about the usage of whether to use an external logging library;  that was 
leading up to GSoC.  So people here are wary (for good reason) when it comes to 
dependencies like these -- they will always be discussed extensively.  BUT, 
adding source code like the entirety of `svgnative' is just no option (as 
discussed earlier).  The question there is rather whether FreeType _should_ 
provide functionality that requires external libraries.  One thing to consider 
is that FreeType is `as low as it gets on the font rendering stack' (as Werner 
likes to explain) and there are a great amount of libraries out there that are 
still considered `low-level' that build atop of FreeType to provide glyph 
colouring, shaping, etc.  In the case of SVG support, however, discussions have 
led to the conclusion that FreeType would benefit from it without betraying its 
core principles (of providing low-low-low-level utilities for font rendering).  
Also, SVG support is optional, so you can build + run FreeType without 
requiring it.  This is in analogy to PNG/emoticon support, btw.  If you follow 
FreeType long enough, you will definitely stumble into situations where 
external libraries are the centre of heated discussions :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] The criterion for comparing SVG Rendering libraries

2019-05-14 Thread armin
>> 3. *How much work to do make it work with FreeType*: Does it need a
>>C API wrapper?
> Yes.

This is really the main criterium IMO;  as discussed two days ago, as long as 
the library is shipped as a prebuilt code blob for most Linux distros, that's 
perfect and no one needs to care about its source code.  Even better would 
obviously be libraries that come packaged for / are distributed by the top X 
[insert random number here] Linux distros out there as you don't even have to 
bother with dependencies.  Not necessarily the best source but just something I 
could come up quickly: 
https://www.fossmint.com/best-linux-distros-for-laptops-in-2019/  ... maybe 
someone has better and more credible sources.

I think, this is the most important feature of a library to even be considered 

(1) Proper C interface that is well maintained.  Some libraries offer, say, a 
C++ interface first and the C interface is maintained by volunteers which are 
not directly related to the project.  If that can be avoided it's probably a 
good idea as those half-hearted C interface ports may fall back one day, even 
if the library itself stays well-maintained.

(2) Packaged for / distributed by top X (10/20 minimum?) Linux distros and ... 
maybe ... even pre-installed on some of them like Ubuntu or such.  `Top' has to 
be defined, obviously, like `most used', `most talked about' or such.

>> 5. *Testing: *Is the library well tested?  Is there a need for
>>aggressively testing SVG glyph renderings from our side?
> `Aggressively testing' on the FreeType side will be done with the fuzzer, more
> or less.[*] On the other hand, it is always nice to have an extensive test
> suite.

Whoop, whoop, I cannot wait to get my hands on it :D

> [*] The fuzzer has the tendency to find issues in other libraries
> also.  For example, the current setup (for Chromium's ClusterFuzz
> incarnation) links with `libarchive', and I remember to have seen
> about 10 bugs related to it that the fuzzer reported over the last
> year.

Can confirm ;)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] An analysis of Librsvg

2019-05-21 Thread armin
> what annoys me with resvg is that another compiler is needed. I guess that
> unix, there is no problem with package managers, as resvg is is already
> compiled. For (native) Windows, i will be a bit more complicated

I was thinking about that as well but what about using a different renderer
for Windows?  _If_ resvg turns out to be `the perfect' solution for Linux
that's a big big step.  Then, finding something else that's probably equally
perfect for Windows might be a better solution altogether than having one
thing that works `meh' across all platforms?  That's also the core idea
about FT's modularity.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FreeType into Chromium autoroller

2019-05-30 Thread armin
Hi Ben,

> At [0] there is now an autoroller from Chromium's mirror of the FreeType
> repository [1] into Chromium. [...]

thanks a lot for the update :)

> [...] If there are any issues with permissions or being able to see enough
> interesting information through these links, let us know.

So far I can confirm that I can step through everything I click on;
sometimes the system asks for authorisation but my Google account works fine
whenever that happens.  The whole infrastructure seems pretty extensive
though, I might've missed something on my initial walkthrough.


[0] https://autoroll.skia.org/r/freetype-chromium
[1] https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2/

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FreeType development cycle

2019-06-06 Thread armin
Hi Moazin,

> I want to inquire about how FreeType devs, whenever they are fixing a bug or
> adding a new feature, code and test the new additions? 

I think everyone has their own way of approaching it, just quickly highlighting
my approach and, TLDR; your approach pretty much sums it up IMO -- it can just
be optimised a bit.

> I have the following approach in mind:
> - Code the new stuff in the repo
> - Write a program (with a `main' function) that will eventually trigger the
>   "newly added" part somehow.
> - Use GDB to set a break point on the "newly added" part and then step through
>   it and confirm whether everything works or not.
> - Repeat
> This approach feels slow because for each new modification, the library as
> well as the program that uses it will have to be rebuilt. Is this the right
> approach? Is there a better one? Please let me know.

As for ideas:

  - Build automation via a simple shell script is HIGHLY advisable;  have a
script that builds the library, builds your main program, links the lot, and
also starts `gdb' with the desired settings and the desired input.  If that
script is then somewhat customisable (e.g. define main features via simple
variables), you're pretty well off :)

  - To speed up the build process of the library, spec. when only a few files
are changed, look into `ccache';  it's hella crazy and should speed up
your rebuild of FreeType dramatically :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] [Beta, GSoC] Code Style Guide for FreeType

2019-06-08 Thread armin
Dear FreeType devs,

Werner and I have put together a style guide for writing C-like code for
FreeType.  By no means is it complete but it should give a quick
introduction into the most important aspects/concepts that differ from other
C-like code.

Please feel free to discuss further aspects that should be mentioned but
also keep in mind that this guide should stay super brief in order for
people to actually READ it ...  knowing that from my own experience -- long
guides are rarely read with great attention ;)

Also, please refrain from discussing details of FreeType's _code style_ as
the style itself is not up for discussion.  It's really just about
reporting/formalising the existing style and helping out people who start
contributing to FreeType.


FT Code Style Guide.md
Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [Beta, GSoC] Code Style Guide for FreeType

2019-06-08 Thread armin
> This is great thank you. I started writing code in FreeType repo for the first
> time yesterday and it was taking a lot of time to first decode the "styles"
> used and then use them. This will save a lot of time. :-)

I'm really glad if it helps -- and please feel free to report missing aspects 
that you come across :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [Beta, GSoC] Code Style Guide for FreeType

2019-06-08 Thread armin
> I always wondered if ‘indent’ can do the bulk of the work. I remember using it
> a while back and it was wonderful. I basically did not care about formatting,
> just ran it periodically.

I have no experience with `indent' but I surely believe the process can be 
automated;  the style is consistent enough.  Do you still have the 
setup/options lying around somewhere?  Would be cool to attach :)

For me personally `emacs' works out of the box btw.  Also, I don't mind giving 
formatting a few extra thoughts as it lets me think about the code I've written 
at least twice, which is kind of a free code review :P

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] [Beta, GSoC] Code Style Guide for FreeType

2019-06-08 Thread armin
Hi Nikhil,

> Great guide! It's short but super-informative; exactly what people should know
> (and can always review) while writing code in FreeType.

That is the plan and I hope it works out that way -- anyways please let me know 
if you come across things that should be added/changed :)

> P.S.: s/MarkDown/Markdown

Whoopsi, yes haha THX :D

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Modification in FT_Gzip_Uncompress

2019-06-08 Thread armin
>> After using zlib in a separate program on the same data I figured out 
>> the problem.  [...]
> Great!

That is amazing work! :)

> Please prepare a patch for master.  In case there are problems I guess that
> the FreeType fuzzers will catch them, probably unveiling hidden bugs.

Whoop, whoop I certainly hope so!  Also, I hope to find time soon to write 
specific fuzzers for the support API like discussed with/requested by Alexei a 
few weeks ago;  that would be grand as the fuzzers are generally crazy good at 
sniffing out issues almost instantly :)  A shout-out to Kostya and his team 

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Modification in FT_Gzip_Uncompress

2019-06-09 Thread armin
Good morning Moazin,

> I hear a lot about the `fuzzers' here in the community. I tried grepping it in
> the library source as well as `freetype2-demos' and found no significant
> match. Can anyone here tell me where can I see these fuzzers?
> A google search revealed a folder `ftfuzzer' in src/tools but it doesn't exist
> there anymore. :D

Hehe your search was close;  `ftfuzzer' was used until last summer before it 
was retired in favour of the new fuzzing framework that was my GSoC'18 project: 
 https://github.com/freetype/freetype2-testing/tree/master/fuzzing :)

In short, the fuzzers are a set of test harnesses that try to call the whole 
API in respect to all different scenarios (font drivers, settings/properties, 
...).  OSS-Fuzz (https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz) then takes these harnesses 
and shoots randomized input at it, with the hope of crashing it 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzing) -- so far, LLVM's AddressSanitizer and 
UnedfinedBehaviorSanitizer are used to instrument FreeType to find issues and 
crash the harnesses (apart from timeouts).  Due to Google's enormous 
infrastructure, these harnesses are being worked on 24/7 and with several 100 
inputs per second.  Due to that, many newly introduced issues (in terms of 
address violation or undefined behaviour (overflow of signed ints etc)) to code 
that is already covered by the harnesses can be detected pretty much instantly, 
giving some peace of mind in terms of CI :)  You can find some fixes that are 
based on OSS-Fuzz' findings in the ChangeLog and the git log by looking for 
messages tagged with `bugs.chromium.org'.


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] FreeType vs Gamma Correction

2019-06-18 Thread armin
Nikolaus, Alexei,
  and everyone else :)

I would be very happy if you quickly helped me verify the correct process of
using FT to get _correct_ output rendering results (basically what Nikolaus
described in his article --
https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/text-rendering-general.html).  So
really, the best way to apply FreeType to any random surface.

My understanding of applying FreeType (the out-of-the-box version, no custom
configuration) is:

  1. Take any surface in _linear_ space (transform the surface to linear
 if required).

  2. Take any FreeType rendered bitmap and blend it with the surface however
 you wish (b/c the _standard_ output bitmap of FreeType is also in

  3. Once done, _after_ blending, "gamma correct" the whole thing by
 the sRGB transformation or the pow-function separately to every channel
 (R, G, B) of the blended result.  Paint the result and be done.

Please correct me where my assumptions are wrong (I also gladly accept links
to further reads) -- I'm just trying to finally clear out a lot of myths and
beliefs that I have about gamma correction in combination with FreeType;
also in respect to Veeki's GSoC project.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FreeType vs Gamma Correction

2019-06-18 Thread armin
>> Please correct me where my assumptions are wrong
> I think you are confused. FreeType simply provides *colorless* coverage
> i.e., fraction of each pixel covered by an outline. This coverage is a
> proportion of a text color to be mixed/blended with a surface color. It is
> just a proportion, it is never never transformed.

Perfect thanks, this is exactly what I expected/meant;  sorry for my
imprecise description :D

> A client app should be using gamma-corrected colors but it happens outside
> FreeType.

Thanks, that really confirms what I was after;  basically the question if
the coverage map is generally considered to be in "linear space".


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] FreeType vs Gamma Correction

2019-06-19 Thread armin
>> > FreeType simply provides *colorless* coverage map, i.e., fraction of 
>> > each pixel covered by an outline. This coverage is a proportion of a 
>> > text color to be mixed/blended with a surface color. It is just a 
>> > proportion, it is never transformed.
>> Perfect thanks, this is exactly what I expected/meant;  sorry for my 
>> imprecise description :D
> You got it the first time. Even LCD maps are still just coverage maps for each
> color channel separately. ClearType filtering or Harmony shifting ensures that
> each color channel has the same *integral* coverage to avoid color fringes in
> thin features - cut all the crap about visual perception.

Thanks so much for clarifying this -- I haven't given gamma correction in 
combination with FreeType too much thought on a technical level before Veeki's 
GSoC project;  I think I'm all caught up now :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Accessing FT_Stream API

2019-06-25 Thread armin
Hi all,

what's the best way to access `FT_Stream*' from outside of FreeType?

I'm finally building the zipping fuzz targets (GZIP, LZW, and BZIP2) and it
would be suuuper handy to create streams on the fly with
`FT_Stream_OpenMemory' (and release them with `FT_Stream_Close').  As far as
I understand, I need `FT_INTERNAL_STREAM_H' which is defined

However, I can only use `FT_INTERNAL_INTERNAL_H' with `FT2_BUILD_LIBRARY'
and I think I don't want to set that (no idea what that macro activates but
it cannot be good :D).  As such, I currently include
`freetype/internal/internal.h' manually but it feels hacky;  basically:


I guess no one ever needs to work with FreeType like that but is this the
best I can do or is there a nicer way to include the stream API?


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Accessing FT_Stream API

2019-06-25 Thread armin
>> However, I can only use `FT_INTERNAL_INTERNAL_H' with `FT2_BUILD_LIBRARY'
> That is a fine solution if FT_SYSTEM_H is not enough for you.
> https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/reference/ft2-system_interface.html

Alright, thanks a lot :)

Also, I just ran into the issue of `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' requiring the stream to 
having a valid `memory' field, which is not provided by `FT_Stream_OpenMemory' 
(for obvious reasons).  Anyways ... would it be a good idea to add that 
requirement (a valid `memory field') as defined precondition of `source' to 
`FT_Stream_OpenGzip' etc.?  ... as far as I know, streams within FreeType 
_could_ be created and passed around without valid `memory' fields?

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Accessing FT_Stream API

2019-06-28 Thread armin
>> Also, I just ran into the issue of `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' requiring the 
>> stream to having a valid `memory' field, which is not provided by 
>> `FT_Stream_OpenMemory' (for obvious reasons).
> This looks like a bug, both in documentation (which doesn't mention
> it) and implementation (which doesn't correctly check for a valid `memory'
> field).
>> Anyways ... would it be a good idea to add that requirement (a valid 
>> `memory field') as defined precondition of `source' to 
>> `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' etc.?
> Yes.  Please provide a patch :-)

Sure, please find it attached :)  -- were you thinking of something like
that?  If so, I can gladly push it with a ChangeLog entry, otherwise I'd
kindly ask for change requests ;)

Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Accessing FT_Stream API

2019-06-28 Thread armin
>> > This looks like a bug, both in documentation (which doesn't mention
>> > it) and implementation (which doesn't correctly check for a valid `memory'
>> > field).
>> Sure, please find it attached :)  -- were you thinking of something 
>> like that?  If so, I can gladly push it with a ChangeLog entry, 
>> otherwise I'd kindly ask for change requests ;)
> I am still confused though.
> "memory The memory manager to use to preload frames. This is set
> internally by FreeType and shouldn't be touched by stream implementations."
> This means that FreeType takes care of it. Now you suggest otherwise.

Not sure if we're talking about the same thing but _if_ we are, then the 
problem arises from `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' requiring a memory manager and due to 
its interface it can only acquire it through the source stream (spec. since 
there is no way of addressing the library itself ... there might be a good 
reason for `FT_Stream' not carrying around `FT_Library').  A such, the source 
stream within `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' has to provide the manager and whoever 
throws a stream at `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' has to make sure that such a manager 
exists.  Agreed though, it feels somewhat unclean, at least at first glance.

> Elsewhere in FT_Stream_OpenGzip and friends:
> "The source stream must be opened before calling this function."
> How?

Well if a stream resides purely in memory (e.g. a simple conversion from some 
memory blob to `FT_Stream' with `FT_Stream_OpenMemory') this stream can be 
considered "opened" by default (IMO?) but it still does not contain a memory 
handle.  Also, afaik, streams without memory handles circulate within FreeType 
so there might be a chance that they end up as input to `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' 
when using ` FT_Stream_OpenGzip ' without inspecting the code first.  Maybe I 
got the whole stream interface wrong, however :)

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Accessing FT_Stream API

2019-07-14 Thread armin
>>>> Also, I just ran into the issue of `FT_Stream_OpenGzip' requiring 
>>>> the stream to having a valid `memory' field, which is not provided 
>>>> by `FT_Stream_OpenMemory' (for obvious reasons).
>>> This looks like a bug, both in documentation (which doesn't mention
>>> it) and implementation (which doesn't correctly check for a valid 
>>> `memory' field).
> After some thinking I now believe that we have to solve this issue in a
> different way.  A stream should always be created with `FT_Stream_New';
> other things it ensures that there is a valid `stream->memory' field.  If
> encounter a situation where `memory'
> is NULL it seems that either `FT_Stream_New' wasn't properly called, or
> `stream' wasn't set up correctly.  Can you investigate that?

If I'm not mistaken, one such place is
c#n770 (this is where I got my initial idea from :)) ... there are generally
a few more cases in combination with `FT_Stream_OpenMemory' and possibly
more instances with other initialisation methods.  Do you suggest patching
those cases or just suggesting `FT_Stream_New' as "best practise" in the

> So please commit the `memory' checks but not the documenation fix, which
is an
> internal detail Joe User shouldn't take care of (as Alexei correctly

Tbh, I'm not sure how much these checks help;  if you have half initialised
(non-zeroed-out-first) objects from `FT_Stream_OpenMemory', these checks
won't help (e.g. in `ftmac.c').  Afaik there's no policy about throwing
half-initialised things at `FT_Stream_OpenMemory' (which does not zero-out
anything either).  These NULL-checks are only useful when used on properly
initialised objects which, most likely, stem from `FT_Stream_New' anyways
and don't need those checks.

Please correct me where I'm wrong! :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

[ft-devel] Travis CI broken: OSS Regression Suite

2019-07-28 Thread armin
Hi all,

I am aware of the fact that Travis CI is broken since midweek and I'm trying
to talk to someone from Travis to get that fixed.  Afaik, we're using a
pretty standard setup that's even been advertised in their how-to section so
I suspect an issue within Travis CI itself.

If anyone is interested in it, the latest failed build is

I'll keep you updated once it's been fixed :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Travis CI broken: OSS Regression Suite

2019-07-28 Thread armin
>> I am aware of the fact that Travis CI is broken since midweek and I'm 
>> trying to talk to someone from Travis to get that fixed.  [...]
> Thanks!

Sorry for spamming, it's fixed already, turns out Xenial broke our build :P

  - https://travis-ci.com/freetype/freetype2-testing


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

2019-08-06 Thread armin
Thanks for sending that in -- looks harmless but is worth fixing;  if for 
nothing else but avoiding these kinds of reports in apps that fuzz FreeType ;)

I'll happily look into it later and provide a fix.


-Original Message-
From: Freetype-devel  On 
Behalf Of Nikolaus Waxweiler
Sent: 06 August 2019 20:08
To: freetype-devel 
Subject: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: 
Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

Forwarding the following message I received regarding a fuzzer find. 
I'm not sure what to do about it.

-- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --
Von: kkal… via monorail 
Betreff: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in 
Datum: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 00:34:24 -0700
An: madig...@gmail.com

{ "@context": "http://schema.org";, "@type": "EmailMessage",
"potentialAction": { "@type": "ViewAction", "name": "View Issue",
"url": "https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=977845"; 
}, "description": "" }
Labels: M-76 Test-Predator-Wrong

Comment #5 on issue 977845 by kkal...@chromium.org: pdf_font_fuzzer: 
Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

Unable to provide possible suspect using Predator, CL and Code Search.
Could someone please look into the issue.

Thank You...

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  1. You were specifically CC'd on the issue

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Freetype-devel mailing list

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

2019-08-07 Thread armin
> Thanks for looking into it. FWIW, my commit merely re-enabled an older
> path.

NW we've already fixed a lot of those that came up in our own fuzzers :) ...
it's actually harmless but a side product of fuzzers throwing super random
input at apps.  Some overflow when facing gigantic glyphs but no one who's
truly interested in rendered results would ever use FreeType with such
inputs.  The idea is to keep the overflow as it is, but have it done in
`unsigned' world where it is actually "defined" behaviour (resulting in the
same value most likely tho).

I left a comment at
https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=977845#c7 which would
help me figure out the exact line of peril much more quickly :)


Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

2019-08-10 Thread armin
>> .. and undo those macros?
> Well, if you then can? Signed integer overflow being undefined strikes me as a
> severe deficiency in the C language. This of course makes -wrapv a compiler
> level workaround, which may not be available to every compiler FreeType wants
> to support. Hm.

It's one of many oddities of C ... Problem is that it's undefined behaviour and 
compilers are technically free to do anything with the calculation, including 
optimising statements away completely that have to be preserved when assuming 
wrap-around that could, maybe, end up becoming an actual bug with buffer 
overflow or whatever.  Haven't constructed such an example yet though.

Also, I agree with both of you:  I think the current solution (casting 
everything for the sole purpose of silencing UB fuzzers) is an ugly way or 
introducing technically irrelevant overhead to the code base.  On the other 
hand;  the C standard is what the C standard is (maybe for good reason, maybe 
due to lobbying) but at least it is a standard that is being obeyed.  As such, 
I don't think it's a good idea to suggest people should build FreeType in ways 
that change the C standard on a compiler level.

This, sadly, brings us back to the current way of dealing with these things;  
adding ugly macros that transfer these operations from UB space into defined C 
space ...  Not saying I'm happy with that but I believe this is the cleanest 
solution in the big picture right now.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

2019-08-13 Thread armin
> Whether with -wrapv or with the unsigned macros, we simply disable some
> compiler optimizations, perhaps some good optimizations too.

Most certainly, yes.  But there are a lot more things that slow down the 
potential performance of FreeType -- C in itself is a trade-off between 
maintainability and performance.

> Why? Is it because we got scared? There is absolutely no evidence of real bugs
> in FreeType. It is reasonable to disable optimizations with  -wrapv, if
> scared, but macros are too rigid. Some compilers recognize /* fall through */
> comment to suppress particular warnings. I wish we could just add a comment to
> silence these warnings after adjudication.

It's not about being scared but about making sure we understand _what_ the code 
within FT does.  If we proactively mark operations that have a certain 
behaviour we make those operations explicit to whomever reads that thing in the 
future.  `-wrapv' has two downsides IMO:  (1) we lose track of what it does and 
_where_ ... maybe, really covering up bugs (2) we rely on 3rd parties to 
compile FT in a very specific way to avoid certain types of reports.

Freetype-devel mailing list

Re: [ft-devel] Fwd: Issue 977845 in chromium: pdf_font_fuzzer: Integer-overflow in compute_glyph_metrics

2019-08-13 Thread armin
>> Whether with -wrapv or with the unsigned macros, we simply disable 
>> some compiler optimizations, perhaps some good optimizations too.
> Most certainly, yes.  But there are a lot more things that slow down the
> potential performance of FreeType -- C in itself is a trade-off between
> maintainability and performance.
>> Why? Is it because we got scared? There is absolutely no evidence of 
>> real bugs in FreeType. It is reasonable to disable optimizations with  
>> -wrapv, if scared, but macros are too rigid. Some compilers recognize 
>> /* fall through */ comment to suppress particular warnings. I wish we 
>> could just add a comment to silence these warnings after adjudication.
> It's not about being scared but about making sure we understand _what_ the
> code within FT does.  If we proactively mark operations that have a certain
> behaviour we make those operations explicit to whomever reads that thing in
> the future.  `-wrapv' has two downsides IMO:  (1) we lose track of what it
> does and _where_ ... maybe, really covering up bugs (2) we rely on 3rd parties
> to compile FT in a very specific way to avoid certain types of reports.

For reference, find the patch attached (most code in that area is already 
wrapped in `*_LONG' macros).

@Werner: should I apply it?


Description: Binary data
Freetype-devel mailing list

RE: Logging Library-GSOC

2020-05-21 Thread armin
> Armin, could you chime in and add your opinion?

Gladly, sorry for the delay guys!

>> I'm sorry but that doesn't make any sense to me.  There is absolutely 
>> no point in making part of FreeType depend on a specific external 
>> logger library at this point.  Also we don't even know which library, 
>> or which API.  This looks like a solution looking for a problem.
>> Also we don't necessarily send logs to stderr, e.g. there are already 
>> several versions of ftdebug.c, i.e. the one under builds/windows/ uses 
>> OutputDebugStringA(), or the one under builds/amiga/ uses KVPrintf(), 
>> etc..  All Werner wants is structured outputs, which can easily be 
>> done in the current code base with minimal refactor of the FT_TRACE 
>> macro implementations.
> Mhmm, yes and no.  For example, if you want to have time stamps in the
> output, too, you have to take care of the OS since you are entering
> platform-specific behaviour.  It would be nice if this is completely

Agreed;  also in addition, the two biggest things to be improved from my

  1. Dynamic change of desired output log levels
  2. Dynamic log redirection

I've recently been working on long-running (for days/weeks straight) video
transcoders, depending on several libraries like FFmpeg, FreeType, ...  One
thing that is 100% needed is to change log levels on the fly (enable more
logging as things go south) and be able to redirect logs to wherever I want
them to go, separate for each library, maybe prefixed differently on the fly
(files, memory, ...  best case, again, changeable at runtime).  I consider
both things reasonably standard and something I'd love to see in FreeType as
well :)

About external dependencies:  everything you don't build yourself leaves
more time for the things you actually want to build.  I do get the concern
(it's a trade-off) but the question IMO is how easy it is to replace
dependencies.  In terms of an external logging library I imagine it to be
very easily replaceable should that become interesting at some point.

A few more thoughts about recent messages (didn't chime in since, by the
point I read it, it was already answered in a way that I agreed with):

  - 100% submodule + static linking

  - Let's keep using various FreeType macros within the code base and use
external library mainly for writing out + the filtering / forwarding /
flexibility part

The biggest upside of an external logging lib IMO is not to care about its
implementation and cross platform compatibility, just use something that's
been tried + tested and spend all the more time on the core business of font
rendering.  Also provide users of FreeType a way to extract logs in an
extremely flexible way that does not require users to dig deep into the
implementation of the codebase in order to write a personalised log callback
function that filters and converts relevant logs and requires users to do
all sorts of nasty downcasts that really only library implementers are
comfortable doing.

Just a few thoughts, happy to discuss further :)

RE: Logging Library-GSOC

2020-05-24 Thread armin
Hi Priyesh,

> 2. Modifying the output stream at runtime.
>a. Dynamic change of desired output log levels.
>b. Dynamic log redirection.
> [...]
> All of this should be configurable either with a config file or with
> environment variables.  I'm not sure how item 2 can be handled best; if this
> feature is active it maybe makes sense to force re-reading of environment
> variables and config files as sonn as a FreeType API function is called.

I believe a good way to handle point 2 (and blend in well with the rest of the 
project) is to allow overrides of the these values (from the config file or env 
variables) with dedicated functions at runtime; something like

  FT_Trace_Set_Level( FT_Trace_Level  level );

  typedef void
  (*FT_Trace_Callback)( FT_Trace_Level  level,
const char* fmt,
va_list args );

  FT_Trace_Set_Callback( FT_Trace_Callback  callback );

  FT_Trace_Set_Default_Callback( void );

Note this is just a quick sketch and the actual callback function might have a 
forth parameter for the module ...  or this can be part of `fmt` and `args` ... 
 tbd :)

One thought also on the timestamps:  let's plan them flexible please (at least 
on/off toggle-able per env variable) as there's a good chance that you want to 
use your own TS format when retrieving the logs through the callback.

I totally agree with the rest :)

Have a lovely Sunday,


2020-05-29 Thread armin
Hi Greg,

> My plan is to write a basic compilation test and render test for one font to
> start then build upon that.

Sounds good :)

> I could use some suggestions on types of render modes and types of fonts to
> test as well any common pitfalls you see in commits.

I think we should aim for a broad spectrum of different modes + fonts that can 
be plugged + played as we see fit.  Thus, I suggest to start using any modes 
and fonts that you prefer and we can define specific cases along the way.  
Let's aim to build a flexible framework rather than a very specific setup.


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