--- Begin Message ---
I finally figured it out - restoring the original Makefile helped because
this time it ran configure from the build/unix directory.

It took a few attempts (first time, make just ran configure in build/unix
again, erasing everything, and I needed to add a "make clean" to get it to
actually recompile everything. Might not have been necessary, but did not
want a stray "/usr/local" in some string constant!

Many thanks for looking! As I had not seen any comments from the list yet
(read my own posting) I did not want to post again immediately - creating


which reminds me: time to get started on finishing my packaging of php

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > I would like to run configure to change the default directories (do
> > not use /usr/local) but when I run ./configure - even with no
> > arguments I get the following message
> >
> > root@x104:[/data/prj/freetype/freetype-2.4.10]./configure
> > make: *** No rule to make target `setup'.  Stop.
> Are you using a recent GNU make?  In case you are on Windows, are all
> files using CRLF line endings?  Do all files and directories have read
> permissions?  Besides that, I'm running out of ideas.
>     Werner

--- End Message ---
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