Re: [Freevo-devel] Recording TV

2003-03-07 Thread Aubin Paul
On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 12:03:17PM -0500, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
 Yes, that would work.  But the waste of screen-space on the right must
 truncate the names somewhat.  IMHO, the picklist should use the full
 width of the screen and forget the eye-candy.

Perhaps; of course, you're talking to the guy who has been in favour
of eye candy :) But this is configurable without editing code.

If you want no covers, and full width titles, you disable 'movie'
covers and set the menu width to whatever width you want. I like the
cover image, not just for a picture, but also for showing extended

Like, if I get the daemon outputing xml files with the show title,
description, etc. it would be nice to browse and see it.

 That spot on the right for icons might work alright for MP3s with
 putting an album cover there or something, but do you really need to
 see an icon for a recorded television program?  That space should be
 given to the date/time/program/episide-title information.

Not really, but I don't want to dictate what other people use... I've
worked on my skin with the intention of it being pretty, simply
because it's in my living room. But I've done some things to improve
real estate and sacrifice cosmetics by getting rid of the 'back/prev'
buttons on the bottom for example.

 Yes.  Do you really need a cover image for a television program?  You
 are sacrificing being able to see details about an episode just to see
 a picture of what?  A single frame in the episode?  Surely using that
 space to give more textual information is of more use.

I would, but I want to use it for more textual information that the
filename might allow; like episode name, summary, etc.

Someone at xmltv is working on a tv_imdb thing to cross reference the
xmltv listings with the extra information from imdb, so the two could
be used in concert.

 Yes.  For MP3 player that is fine.  But for television programs, what
 could you put in the cover image that would be of any real use in
 conveying information about the episode?

Image is the wrong word; think of it more as 'extra information', a
cover is just one possibility.

 A brute force search where you have thousands or tens of thousands of
 loop iterations and comparison operations?  I doubt Python will be any
 better at it than Perl was.  C is orders of magnitude faster at it
 than Perl was.  In any case, lots of iterations has not been needed
 for my small list of choices, so Python would probably work.  But
 somebody out there is going to have a lot of choices and complain that
 the process is too slow and processor intensive.

I'd be happy to try wrapping your code in Python, it's not too
difficult, and it's mainly your optimized loop that needs to be in C,
correct? File opening and closing, parsing should be easier in Python
and then put the optimized loop in C. 

 Just cancel it?  It won't try to find the same program/episode on at
 another time?  This is the entire point of the scheduler.  It finds
 repeated episodes and uses them to work out the best schedule of
 recording such that the user gets as much as they can.  This is also
 why time-slot based recording totally sucks.  If you record based on
 name, you can let a process find the best time to record it.

That's true. and of course, since none of this is past meatspace at
this time, we could be more clever in how we do it. Nothing is
written yet, and we certainly aren't locked in any corners.

 Well, scoring along with taking advantage of repeating episodes is the
 way to do it.

That might work, but because of the somewhat sparse information on one
channel versus say, a proper detail on another, it's hard to tell

Like, I like watching the simpsons and there are at least 6 different
episodes here. One channel provides an episode title, summary, etc.
another only says Homer and Marge take care of their kids or
something. How do we deal with those? For that matter, it's easy for
me to read that and see it's a general summary, but how do I know it's
not a specific one?

 I don't see how.  If you keep track of programs that you have
 seen/recorded before, their score is automatically nil due to the fact
 that you aren't going to even consider the need to record it again.
 Scoring really has nothing to do with not recording previously
 recorded programs.


 What is a Season Pass list?

It's a term I picked up from the Tivo; a season pass is just a general
flag on the Tivo that says record all of this show

 Kinda like that.  Basically for every conflict that involves an
 episode that has a repeat showing you have double the number of _possible_
 schedules.  You double for every occurance of that.  You can see why,
 when using powers of 2 the number of tests you have to do can grow
 quite quickly.  You go through each possible schedule, adding up the
 scores of the programs that would be recorded in that schedule and
 choose the one that yeilds the highest score.

That makes sense.

 I do that 

Re: [Freevo-devel] Recording TV

2003-03-06 Thread Aubin Paul
On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 07:55:05PM -0500, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
 I have lots of experience at this part.  I hope I can help, at least
 with suggestions if not code.  The latter will depend on my time.

That works for me :)

 I must admit that I am still not using Freevo, but maybe that can
 change soon.  How are you using the UI to choose recorded television
 program to watch?  Are you just using the Movies menu?  How do you
 know that you are watching program episodes in the order they were
 shown without any kind of date display or date sort on that menu?

I have a folder under Watch Movies called 'Recording' and it
contains the files that are recorded. The files are tagged by date and
time, and then by show name and title. Like this:

03-02 9:00pm - The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XI
03-03 9:30pm - The Daily Show with John Stewart

 This really needs to be addressed, as well as the real-estate issue in
 general.  I have ony used the default skin, but I find that it
 wastes too much screen space to eye candy and does not give enough
 space to the business at hand... choosing media to play.  It would be
 nice if there were a no-nonesense, low-eye-candy-lots of well-used
 real-estate skin.  Oh, with a scrollable media chooser.  Next/Prev
 page just sucks.

I'm not sure what space is wasted. On my screen I have an info bar on
the top, a vertical menu on the right 2/3 of the screen and room for
cover images on the left. In my hacked MP3 player, the cover image
shows the album title, year and total track length under the cover.

 I have that written already, albeit in `C', for efficiency.  If I get
 time (not hopeful) I might try re-writing it in Python just to test
 out my python skills.  :-)

Shouldn't be too bad; Python isn't usually slower than C in my
experience, at least not in this type of application.

 And what happens if that adding causes conflicts?  That is what my
 scheduler deals with.

What /will/ happen is that scheduled shows (since they're processed in
advance) will be highlighted in red in the TV guide, and if you want
to record at that time, it'll cancel the scheduled record. The only
thing I need to do to get that to work is to add that info to the
record file.

 You need scoring for programs to help resolve conflicts in a way that
 you get what you want recorded and some heuristics to try and do the
 right thing.  For instance, it has been my experience that programs
 that have episode titles normally, do not have them when the episode
 is a repeat.  You want to decrease a programs score in that instance.

Hmm... that might work, though in fairness, I'm not recording that
much yet so conflicts haven't happened yet. The current model doesn't
handle conflicts at all, but it's not impossible to do 1:1 conflicts.
I'm not sure how to handle multiple conflicts without a logic like

 You also want to track what you have recorded, again for optimal
 conflict resolution.  For instance, you do not want to record an
 episode of a program you have already seen at the expense of another
 show who's episode you have not seen.

Scoring would probably help that; I would imagine that the Season
Pass list would have scores, I'm not sure how to add them to the main
recording menu without making it overly complex. I suppose we could
set a default of, say, one below high priority.

 Conflict resolution _can_ be processor intensive.  If you have a lot
 of programs in your wanted list, you will wind up with a large
 matrix of conflicts that you have to resolve by brute force.  My
 experience (with my recording schedule) is that this is not an issue.
 It was in one of my early implementations but I found an optimization
 that reduced searches by many orders of magnitude.

That I'd be interested in; because it sounds like the only way I would do
it is to sort an array of shows by priority and pick the highest one. 

 I will want one for lavrec, but that should be quite easy.  Your
 encoder plugin model is like the record script from my OpenPVR

Should be easy enough; just write a small python script and set a

 Not watching live TV rules!  'Specially so when you take a couple of
 minutes before watching to remove all commercials.  Then you sit and
 watch a whole program without having to touch the remote.

I haven't done that, but mostly, hitting the 60 second fast forward
handles most of the commercials. I don't know if I could watch shows
and manually set commercial breaks, though, hypothetically, there is
no reason it would be difficult, since we intercept the remote before
it's passed to mplayer, and we could just split based on those breaks.

 It all revolves around a scheduling daemon.  The daemon accepts inputs
 of several varieties.  It will of course take a list of programs by
 name, but also by recurring date/time (I usually refer to this as
 timeslot programming and avoid it at all costs because it's
 unreliable) or simply by a one-time date/time specification.

Re: [Freevo-devel] Recording TV

2003-03-06 Thread Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
 --- Brian J. Murrell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: 
 On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 01:12:33AM -0500, Aubin Paul wrote:
 This really needs to be addressed, as well as the real-estate issue
 general.  I have ony used the default skin, but I find that it
 wastes too much screen space to eye candy and does not give enough
 space to the business at hand... choosing media to play.  It would be
 nice if there were a no-nonesense, low-eye-candy-lots of well-used
 real-estate skin.  Oh, with a scrollable media chooser.  Next/Prev
 page just sucks.

Press d (DISPLAY) when in movies menu. You'll have a preliminary
Extended Menu. In near future, that will be the default and you will
have more menu states: text-listing, icon-listing + view + info,
icon-listing. And text-listing should not use the submenu (Prev/Next)

 But I digress...
  3. The last thing I'd like to see is a auto-scheduler based on
 I have that written already, albeit in `C', for efficiency.  If I get
 time (not hopeful) I might try re-writing it in Python just to test
 out my python skills.  :-)
  What would happen ideally is that when the is
  processing the guide (something I do at 3am) it looks for certain
  programme names in a file, and adds them to the record list.
 And what happens if that adding causes conflicts?  That is what my
 scheduler deals with.
  A programme list file or Season Pass would look something like a
  file with line by line shows, when runs, it would
  this list to the processed guide, and auto-schedule the favourites.
 You need scoring for programs to help resolve conflicts in a way that
 you get what you want recorded and some heuristics to try and do the
 right thing.  For instance, it has been my experience that programs
 that have episode titles normally, do not have them when the episode
 is a repeat.  You want to decrease a programs score in that instance.
  We'd add a line to the Record parameters menu called Record all
  name) and then add that to a list, and use the pickled guide to
  the days worth of stuff.
 You also want to track what you have recorded, again for optimal
 conflict resolution.  For instance, you do not want to record an
 episode of a program you have already seen at the expense of another
 show who's episode you have not seen.


  This should be dead simple to add and if you process your guide in
  middle of the night, almost invisible to the user.
 Conflict resolution _can_ be processor intensive.  If you have a lot
 of programs in your wanted list, you will wind up with a large
 matrix of conflicts that you have to resolve by brute force.  My
 experience (with my recording schedule) is that this is not an issue.
 It was in one of my early implementations but I found an optimization
 that reduced searches by many orders of magnitude.


  I've started the plugin stuff for the different encoders, I have
  working now, but I want to make sure we have one for mencoder
 before I
  commit anything. 
 I will want one for lavrec, but that should be quite easy.  Your
 encoder plugin model is like the record script from my OpenPVR
  Last of all, let me just recommend the recording stuff to anyone
  hasn't tried it. I don't think I've watched live television in a
 Not watching live TV rules!  'Specially so when you take a couple of
 minutes before watching to remove all commercials.  Then you sit and
 watch a whole program without having to touch the remote.
 I have been thinking about recording architure design a bit.
 I used to think at and at jobs were sufficient to manage recording
 I have since changed my mind.
 This is my idea of a recording framework:
 It all revolves around a scheduling daemon.  The daemon accepts
 of several varieties.  It will of course take a list of programs by
 name, but also by recurring date/time (I usually refer to this as
 timeslot programming and avoid it at all costs because it's
 unreliable) or simply by a one-time date/time specification.
 The daemon re-evaluates the recording schedule after every input
 change and always has a chronological list of what's going to be
 recorded for as far out as it has information.  If you have 2 weeks
 XMLTV data, your scheduler will know what it's going to record for
 next 2 weeks.
 Of course, what is going to record could change at any time due to
 input (manual or XMLTV fed).  Indeed, I would give it a whole new 2
 week XMLTV schedule every day, to keep up with the programming
 that happen on North American television networks on a daily basis.
 But even entering a one-time programming request (with score) could
 change the schedule as a conflict resolution is performed after every
 The scheduling daemon is responsible for farming out recording jobs
 one or more recording daemons on one or more (local and/or remote)

Re: [Freevo-devel] Recording TV

2003-03-05 Thread Brian J. Murrell
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 01:12:33AM -0500, Aubin Paul wrote:
 I've got a few moments to think about the recording interface, and
 this is what I've come up with. A few slight modifications to the 
 recording system may be helpful.

I have lots of experience at this part.  I hope I can help, at least
with suggestions if not code.  The latter will depend on my time.

I must admit that I am still not using Freevo, but maybe that can
change soon.  How are you using the UI to choose recorded television
program to watch?  Are you just using the Movies menu?  How do you
know that you are watching program episodes in the order they were
shown without any kind of date display or date sort on that menu?

This really needs to be addressed, as well as the real-estate issue in
general.  I have ony used the default skin, but I find that it
wastes too much screen space to eye candy and does not give enough
space to the business at hand... choosing media to play.  It would be
nice if there were a no-nonesense, low-eye-candy-lots of well-used
real-estate skin.  Oh, with a scrollable media chooser.  Next/Prev
page just sucks.

But I digress...

 3. The last thing I'd like to see is a auto-scheduler based on program

I have that written already, albeit in `C', for efficiency.  If I get
time (not hopeful) I might try re-writing it in Python just to test
out my python skills.  :-)

 What would happen ideally is that when the is
 processing the guide (something I do at 3am) it looks for certain
 programme names in a file, and adds them to the record list.

And what happens if that adding causes conflicts?  That is what my
scheduler deals with.

 A programme list file or Season Pass would look something like a
 file with line by line shows, when runs, it would compare
 this list to the processed guide, and auto-schedule the favourites. 

You need scoring for programs to help resolve conflicts in a way that
you get what you want recorded and some heuristics to try and do the
right thing.  For instance, it has been my experience that programs
that have episode titles normally, do not have them when the episode
is a repeat.  You want to decrease a programs score in that instance.

 We'd add a line to the Record parameters menu called Record all (Show
 name) and then add that to a list, and use the pickled guide to add
 the days worth of stuff.

You also want to track what you have recorded, again for optimal
conflict resolution.  For instance, you do not want to record an
episode of a program you have already seen at the expense of another
show who's episode you have not seen.

 This should be dead simple to add and if you process your guide in the
 middle of the night, almost invisible to the user.

Conflict resolution _can_ be processor intensive.  If you have a lot
of programs in your wanted list, you will wind up with a large
matrix of conflicts that you have to resolve by brute force.  My
experience (with my recording schedule) is that this is not an issue.
It was in one of my early implementations but I found an optimization
that reduced searches by many orders of magnitude.

 I've started the plugin stuff for the different encoders, I have mp1e
 working now, but I want to make sure we have one for mencoder before I
 commit anything. 

I will want one for lavrec, but that should be quite easy.  Your
encoder plugin model is like the record script from my OpenPVR

 Last of all, let me just recommend the recording stuff to anyone who
 hasn't tried it. I don't think I've watched live television in a week!

Not watching live TV rules!  'Specially so when you take a couple of
minutes before watching to remove all commercials.  Then you sit and
watch a whole program without having to touch the remote.

I have been thinking about recording architure design a bit.

I used to think at and at jobs were sufficient to manage recording but
I have since changed my mind.

This is my idea of a recording framework:

It all revolves around a scheduling daemon.  The daemon accepts inputs
of several varieties.  It will of course take a list of programs by
name, but also by recurring date/time (I usually refer to this as
timeslot programming and avoid it at all costs because it's
unreliable) or simply by a one-time date/time specification.

The daemon re-evaluates the recording schedule after every input
change and always has a chronological list of what's going to be
recorded for as far out as it has information.  If you have 2 weeks of
XMLTV data, your scheduler will know what it's going to record for the
next 2 weeks.

Of course, what is going to record could change at any time due to new
input (manual or XMLTV fed).  Indeed, I would give it a whole new 2
week XMLTV schedule every day, to keep up with the programming changes
that happen on North American television networks on a daily basis.

But even entering a one-time programming request (with score) could
change the schedule as a conflict