I asked on the users list, doesn't look like anyone is a crap as me at
testing new things ;-)

I simply *cannot* get freevo to record/watch tv with dvb, although the
commends freevo sends work fine from the command line (ie cut from
log, paste to console, and it works..).

What things can I look at?  I'm running as root, GID and UID and set
to default (0 & 0).

Here is the main-0.log (play dvb)
tvguide.py (142): TVGUIDE EVENT is MENU_SELECT
main.py (465): clear: True
rc.py (422): register callback: <bound method ChildApp2.poll of
<childapp.ChildApp2 instance at 0xb4
rc.py (418): register shutdown callback: <bound method ChildApp2.stop
of <childapp.ChildApp2 instanc
e at 0xb496fc0c>>
self.t1.isAlive()=True, self.t2.isAlive()=True
childapp.py (317): stderr: No data, stopping (pid 18417)!
childapp.py (317): stdout: No data, stopping (pid 18416)!
ChildApp.__init__(), pid=18415, app= /usr/local/bin/mplayer -vo mga
-fs -autosync 100 -nolirc -autoq
 100 -screenw 768 -screenh 576 -fs -slave "dvb://7 Digital" -vf
pp=de/fd -cache 1024 , poll=0
main.py (465): clear: True
1099806892.48: started tv app
main.py (289): handling event VIDEO_START
autocolor.py (88): Recieved VIDEO_START event
main.py (307): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_START
rc.py (434): unregister callback: <bound method ChildApp2.poll of
<childapp.ChildApp2 instance at 0x
rc.py (438): unregister shutdown callback: <bound method
ChildApp2.stop of <childapp.ChildApp2 insta
nce at 0xb496fc0c>>
childapp.py (206): done the easy way
main.py (289): handling event PLAY_END
childapp.py (197): already dead
main.py (289): handling event VIDEO_END
autocolor.py (92): Recieved VIDEO_STOP event
tvguide.py (142): TVGUIDE EVENT is VIDEO_END
autocolor.py (92): Recieved VIDEO_STOP event
menu.py (414): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_END
main.py (289): handling event VIDEO_END
autocolor.py (92): Recieved VIDEO_STOP event
tvguide.py (142): TVGUIDE EVENT is VIDEO_END
autocolor.py (92): Recieved VIDEO_STOP event
menu.py (414): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_END
main.py (289): handling event PLAY_END
tvguide.py (142): TVGUIDE EVENT is PLAY_END
tvguide.py (128): update schedule
screen.py (136): show, force update

and recordserver log:
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,36,] start recording
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,36,] Recorder::Record:
/usr/local/bin/mplayer -dumpstream
 -dumpfile /tv_recordings/11-07_14:50_Manual_Recorded.ts "dvb://ABC TV Perth"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,36,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:06 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 251 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,37,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:06 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 230 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,38,] GET: reading cached
file (/var/cache/freevo/record_s
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,38,] Return cached data
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,38,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:06 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 62372 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run: mode=record
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [*RecordServer*] Record_Thread::run:
cmd=/usr/local/bin/mplayer -dumpstream -du
mpfile /tv_recordings/11-07_14:50_Manual_Recorded.ts "dvb://ABC TV Perth"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [*RecordServer*] Record logging to
"/var/log/freevo/recorder_stdout.log" and "/
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [*RecordServer*] popen  /usr/local/bin/mplayer
-dumpstream -dumpfile /tv_record
ings/11-07_14:50_Manual_Recorded.ts "dvb://ABC TV Perth"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,39,] GET: reading cached
file (/var/cache/freevo/record_s
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,39,] Return cached data
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,39,]
self.t1.isAlive()=True, self.t2.isAlive()=True
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,39,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:07 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 16467 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,39,] ChildApp.__init__(),
pid=6674, app= /usr/local/bin/m
player -dumpstream -dumpfile
/tv_recordings/11-07_14:50_Manual_Recorded.ts "dvb://ABC TV Perth",
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,40,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:08 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 243 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,41,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:08 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 241 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,42,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:08 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 242 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,43,] - -
[07/Nov/2004:06:50:08 +0000] "POST / H
TTP/1.0" 200 243 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,44,] childapp.py (317):
stdout: No data, stopping (pid 66
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,44,] childapp.py (317):
stderr: No data, stopping (pid 66
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,44,] Record_Thread::run:
past wait()!!
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,44,] childapp.py (206):
done the easy way
2004/11/07 14:50 WST [HTTPChannel,44,] Record_Thread::run:
finished recording

*any* tips appreciated.  


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