
  I have two dvd disk:
  - 5 element
  - i,robot
  Each of them have it's own set of audio tracks
  - 5 element (ru - ac3(normal), ru - dts(normal), en - ac3(normal))
  - i,robot (en - ac3(normal), de - ac3(normal), de - dts(normal),
             en - ac3(2 channel comments1), en - ac3(2 channel
             comments2), en - ac3(2 channel comments3))

  I set DVD_LANG_PREF = 'ru,en,de' in local_conf.py

  When I load any of this disks in dvd drive and start playing from
  freevo menu without any changes (from any chapter) all work fine.

  BUT if first I change in "Audio selection" audio track and after
  that start from any chapter I lost all sound track!

  I made some little detection of problem and found it:
  1) if I choose any audio track freevo add in command line of mplayer
     parameter '-aid n'(where 'n' is a number of audio track i listing
  2) if start up mplayer standalone with command line
        # mplayer dvd://1 -chapter 2 -ao alsa -v > test.log
     then in test.log I found strings with right aid parameters!
     In my case it must be
     - 5 element: 128 for ru - ac3(normal)
                  137 for ru - dts(normal)
                  130 for en - ac3(normal)
     - i,robot: 128 for en - ac3(normal)
                129 for de - ac3(normal)
                138 for de - dts(normal)
                131 for en - ac3(2 channel comments1)
                132 for en - ac3(2 channel comments2)
                133 for en - ac3(2 channel comments3)
     (audio track with remark 'comments' - is a actors comment track
     for movie)
  3) if this aid number was substitute in command line of mplayer all
     work fine.
  Can you test this features and tell what changes must be done for
  right audio selection?

  PS Sorry for bad english - it's not my native language!
WBR, Alexander

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