Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread Marcus Daniels

Glen writes:

But, again, you're being very binary.  Practically, each member will be a 
member in part because they're aligned ideologically, in part because they 
contribute to the mission, and in part for promotional/egotistical reasons.  
Those sets aren't disjoint, regardless of what the participants think about 

Sure, ideological and technical preferences and selfish motivators can be 
correlated and causality can be hard to pin down.   I'm claiming in my case low 
correlation, but not no correlation.   

Suppose individual preferences are represented by universal bit strings.   The 
bit strings can encode floating point numbers or yes/no, or triples to say 
yes/no/don't care, or programs or whatever.Then there are other bit strings 
representing something global like Hackage, or the Library of Congress, a 
software company's intellectual property, or what's on Food Network.Couple 
all the individual preferences to the global bit strings as an Ising system 
with random weights. 

A clever marketing department (or a politician) figures out what bits matter 
and directs resources to select/change their bits to change frustration in the 
system to make their bits more crucial -- to be towards the center of the 
network.They can only have so many bits, so they have to choose the right 
ones.User-facing tools are an instance of those bits that happen to be 
strongly correlated to a lot of other individuals' bits.   It's arbitrary what 
the semantics are for the bits.   It's just history and a popularity contest.   
But investment will occur in controlling the state of an evolving set of owned 
bits so as to maximize influence the evolution of other bits.   Meanwhile, 
preference bits of an individual have broader connectivity to other preferences 
(and their own) and global state bits.  Different communities would be seen 
from the user-facing software vendor as isolated graphs given some minimum 
cutoff for what is a connection, and their cutoff would be relatively h
 igh compared to a free software developer.

My claim is that free software developers, and GPL developers in particular, 
have a preference for exploring this broader type of connectivity, and are 
especially interested in the frustration of the interconnections amongst the 
global bits than in the relationship between individual preference bits or the 
relationship between the individual and global bits.  Any slice or subset of 
bits might not be interesting by itself, but the concept of growing and 
compressing the totality of global bits is a core value.

 If FOO and BAR represent different kinds of strong technical preferences then 
 that could explain why cooperation around multi-aspect software is harder.   
 There's too much to fight about.   But then consider loose cooperative 
 efforts like Hackage, or CTAN, CPAN, CRAN, etc.  each representing millions 
 of lines of code.  To say these aren't multi-aspect is absurd.   They are 
 very, very high dimensional, interdependent, and open-ended.

Yes, but it would be a stretch to think of things like CPAN as user-facing 
tools.  They are more middle-ware or back-end.  At best, you can only think of 
the front-end script that accesses the databases as the front-end part.  And 
that's certainly not multi-aspect.  That /usr/bin/cpan script has a very narrow 
focus in handling the packages.

I don't mean the script or the tool to manage the collection, I mean the 

These collective efforts are more like federations than applications.  And 
federations are methodological approaches to handling large sets of opinionated 
members ... like the EU or the US.  They are explicitly _designed_ to handle 
the extremists and their _splat_ of opinions on everything under the sun, 
because they allow even the extremists a way to focus in on the minimal 
agreement required to cooperate.

This goes back to the Cathedral vs. the Bazaar.  Large commercial organizations 
aren't automatically cathedrals just because they assert a mission.   A plan 
needs to be identified and socialized over and over.  That negotiation acts 
more like a Bazaar -- figuring who can do what, who they can work with, and how 
to reward and control them.   A small organization of like-minded people can 
take the cathedral approach straight away but will be limited by available 
manpower.  (Assuming there is in fact a distinction between conceptual work and 
detail work at all.)

Large hierarchical organizations of the kind that make most user-facing 
software have some small group of people making executive decisions.   They are 
just people though and not _that_ much better than the people on the leaves of 
the tree.  So they cannot take on fundamentally _harder_ problems, they can 
only keep throwing human resources at it, provided they can keep their story 
straight about what problem they are solving.   A hard problem is one that 
takes more intelligence to solve and that will be limited 

Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread glen
On 07/17/2015 09:44 PM, Russell Standish wrote:
 I do know about emacs. It survives, because it is bloody good at being
 a text editor, particular for programming. I suppose vi is the same -
 I've seen some people make vi stand up and sing, but for me, its
 behaviour when interacting with vt100 style terminals has always put
 me off.

I agree (that both emacs and vi) are good text editors.  But emacs, at least, 
is much more than just a text editor.  I've used emacs as a window manager, 
spreadsheet, IDE, file manager, database, etc.  It definitely has multiple and 
diverse aspects.  But Marcus is right that it doesn't field the morons (or 
pander to users).  The same is perhaps even more true of vi.  You have to be a 
particular type of person to use the tool.  But I think I disagree slightly 
with Marcus.  Although it doesn't _pander_ to users, it provides a very 
navigable (damn near user-friendly, actually) exception system.  You don't have 
to be a rocket scientist to figure out what went wrong when you do something 
stupid.  You just have to be a little persistent.  Such an exception system is 
always necessary for a tool with such a diverse set of functions.  And that is 
in contrast to the sharply focused tools that dominate open source software.  
Mess up the configuration of, say, postfix, and you could spend a long

while trying to figure out what you did wrong.  So emacs is much more like 
libreoffice than it may seem at first glance.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread glen
On 07/17/2015 11:22 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
 My claim is that free software developers, and GPL developers in particular, 
 have a preference for exploring this broader type of connectivity, and are 
 especially interested in the frustration of the interconnections amongst the 
 global bits than in the relationship between individual preference bits or 
 the relationship between the individual and global bits.  Any slice or subset 
 of bits might not be interesting by itself, but the concept of growing and 
 compressing the totality of global bits is a core value.

OK.  Yes, I agree for the most part.  Free developers will usually have a more 
synoptic view of software and more ... cumulative (for lack of a better term) 
goals.  But the point I was trying to make with those 3 articles still stands: 
that people who join communities for community's sake are not necessarily only 
drags on, disrupters of the system.  They provide something like a dampening 
baffle that traps and eliminates the noise of the extremists, the purposeful 
missionaries.  In fact, without _enough_ of that sort of middling or 
joiner, a project is more at risk when/if extremists fail to cohere.  And I 
think this is true in open source projects as well as proprietary ones.

 A hard problem is one that takes more intelligence to solve and that will be 
 limited by individual human ability, not just orderly communication and a 
 command and control apparatus.

I'm still not convinced. 8^)  I think there are some hard problems that succumb 
to the wisdom of crowds and brute force ... but then again, I've spent the 
overwhelming majority of my career writing simulations, which are numerical 
solutions to problems I'm not smart enough to solve analytically.  So, of 
course, I'd have that bias, eh?

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread Marcus Daniels

But the point I was trying to make with those 3 articles still stands: that 
people who join communities for community's sake are not necessarily only drags 
on, disrupters of the system.  They provide something like a dampening baffle 
that traps and eliminates the noise of the extremists, the purposeful 
missionaries.  In fact, without _enough_ of that sort of middling or 
joiner, a project is more at risk when/if extremists fail to cohere.  And I 
think this is true in open source projects as well as proprietary ones.

Right, but from the missionary's point of view, the truth is out there, and if 
one project dies another will fill its place..  It is the truth that matters.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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[FRIAM] How Text Editing is like Riding a Bike, was: speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread Steve Smith

Text Editing Nostagia Conflated with Bicycle Riding:

I learned to ride on paper tape and punch cards... kind of like one of 
those toddler's early walker toys that looked like a flying saucer 
maybe?  It had bumpers all around, a built in rattle, didn't move too 
fast, and the sling-like seat was easy to clean.

Then I graduated to a tricycle with timesharing and line-oriented text 
editors...  maybe one of the precursors to VI like ED or EX... it was a 
big step up, especially when I got onto a CRT based terminal rather than 
a line-printer or thermal style where there was a full record of your 
mistakes and lots of paper to toss or recycle after a few hours of 
intense editing.  My paper-tape/card experience made me very thoughtful 
and careful about my work, but still... one could generate a lot of 
paper.  It was interesting sometimes to have a record of your revisions 
(a roll of yellow paper with every line of typing and every line of 
replacement insert or substitute commands...   especially as I 
typed all my creative writing papers in this mode... thought my CR 
teacher didn't care for the line-printer style paper I submitted on 
she liked it better than my lousy handwriting, and she fortunately liked 
the content of my work.

When VI  came along it was like my first Schwinn two-wheeler. The 
ability to go back to EX commands on demand for things like global 
pattern replaces was like training wheels...  I could always revert to 
what I knew to get things done.   I *still* ride my first Schwinn.   My 
road racing friends call it a clunker bike but it gets me around.

Most of you under 50 were screaming down the streets in those Plastic 
Big Wheels you got for Xmas that year!

When Emacs came out, I wanted desperately to be a hipster and use it.   
By then VI had some syntax directed editing features, but for the most 
part, Emacs just felt like climbing on a fancy english racing bike after 
my comfy beach-cruiser style VI...  the seat was high and hard, the 
handlebars were slung for aerodynamics, not comfort, and the gears were 
mostly just confounding... VI with syntax-coloring and brace matching, 
etc. was like adding a 3 speed hub to my Schwin...  a little more range 
for low grinding hills and high speed whe! down the highway, but 
what do you do with those other 7 gears?  And don't you dare get off the 
smooth pavement!

I now use whatever IDE is appropriate for a project (I feel I can 
ride/drive pretty much anything with wheels, skis, tracks, or pontoons) 
but when the going gets tough, I revert to my trustly VI (Schwinn 
Cruiser with 3 speed hub, ape-hanger bars and well sprung fat gel seat, 
and extra fat knobby tires for gravel, not for speed) and my array of 
Unix Text processing tools like SED (cushman mini-bike) and Awk 
(go-cart) and PERL (high-displacement dual-sport motorcycle with a full 
complement of spare parts in the panniers, barkbusters on the handgrips, 
electric and kick start, and flat-proof tires.

Really, text editing is just like riding a bike... you don't forget what 
that first real bike feels like, and it IS fun to wipe the dust off of 
it and cruise down the boardwalk ogling the young and the reckless with 
their toned tans, but from one old fart to the rest of you, don't forget 
the ape-hangers, the gel seat, and the three speed hub.Nothing beats 
a global pattern replace or building a chain of complex macros to get 
you from here to there in comfort and ease!

Like Curious George, I can VI with both hands behind my back, doing a 
wheelie while whistling dixie even though I only dust it off once every 
few months or more!

- Steve

On 07/17/2015 09:44 PM, Russell Standish wrote:

I do know about emacs. It survives, because it is bloody good at being
a text editor, particular for programming. I suppose vi is the same -
I've seen some people make vi stand up and sing, but for me, its
behaviour when interacting with vt100 style terminals has always put
me off.

I agree (that both emacs and vi) are good text editors.  But emacs, at least, 
is much more than just a text editor.  I've used emacs as a window manager, 
spreadsheet, IDE, file manager, database, etc.  It definitely has multiple and 
diverse aspects.  But Marcus is right that it doesn't field the morons (or 
pander to users).  The same is perhaps even more true of vi.  You have to be a 
particular type of person to use the tool.  But I think I disagree slightly 
with Marcus.  Although it doesn't _pander_ to users, it provides a very 
navigable (damn near user-friendly, actually) exception system.  You don't have 
to be a rocket scientist to figure out what went wrong when you do something 
stupid.  You just have to be a little persistent.  Such an exception system is 
always necessary for a tool with such a diverse set of functions.  And that is 
in contrast to the sharply focused tools that dominate open source software.  
Mess up the configuration of, say, postfix, and you could 

Re: [FRIAM] How Text Editing is like Riding a Bike, was: speculative Q

2015-07-18 Thread Marcus Daniels
Steve writes:

Really, text editing is just like riding a bike... you don't forget what that 
first real bike feels like, and it IS fun to wipe the dust off of it and 
cruise down the boardwalk ogling the young and the reckless with their toned 
tans, but from one old fart to the rest of you, don't forget the ape-hangers, 
the gel seat, and the three speed hub. 

I still have the motors skills for ed and sometimes still use it when an 
internet connection is slow.   The motor skills amount to using regular 
expression ranges instead of scrolling around, and making changes with what 
amount to using tiny context dependent programs to make the edits.   It does 
require one be very facile with tagged regular expressions.It's not a crazy 
way to program, actually.  If one can't formulate the code change they want to 
make with code, it may well not even make sense.   And programs are just 
grammar constrained graphs, after all.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] [WedTech] 'Playing' Versioned Source Repositories

2015-07-18 Thread Roger Critchlow
Look at gitk, unless you're actually looking for an animation of the tree
of files and directories over time.  Though tk might be a good choice for
doing that, too, if Ben Bederson's Pad++ is still working.

-- rec --

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Arlo Barnes wrote:

 So Etherpad (that collaborative editing web-app
 that was closed source, got real popular at one point, closed shop, was
 cloned into 'PiratePad', then the original acquired and open-sourced by
 Apache) has this feature called 'Timeslider', which allows one to watch the
 progression of the document edit-by-edit from inception to the current

 Is there a way to do this for Git (for example, through Github) or other
 source control softwares? Of course, instead of 'document' it would be

 -Arlo James Barnes

 Wedtech mailing list

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: [FRIAM] 'Playing' Versioned Source Repositories

2015-07-18 Thread Marcus Daniels
Magit for Emacs should come close to this.   It can control git to apply patch 
sets, e.g. in time order.   Of course, most developers will commit working code 
changes, not all the details of their edits.   The deltas will be  batch edits, 
not keystroke by keystroke, or line by line.   But it will highlight the diffs 
in context.
Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs
Magit is an Emacs interace to it Git

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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[FRIAM] 'Playing' Versioned Source Repositories

2015-07-18 Thread Arlo Barnes
So Etherpad (that collaborative editing web-app that
was closed source, got real popular at one point, closed shop, was cloned
into 'PiratePad', then the original acquired and open-sourced by Apache)
has this feature called 'Timeslider', which allows one to watch the
progression of the document edit-by-edit from inception to the current

Is there a way to do this for Git (for example, through Github) or other
source control softwares? Of course, instead of 'document' it would be

-Arlo James Barnes

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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