FWIW I think I read on reddit someplace chatGPT was made to be more family
friendly after people used it to write way less than family friendly
fanfictions. so stuff like F^^^ Sh*.* etc*.* .  Would be included in chat.
I think it's a hoot it's not just this popular. But also decently able to
have a convo. Now the Matrix would argue that it's a machine trying to
become sentient. With all the cons. and pros that come with it.
Do we know if (or when) MS buys it, that they'll further it's training?
Scarily enough I might prefer MS over Google because of their ADHD.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 11:05 PM Russ Abbott <russ.abb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the pointer to this article. I found the new Bing chat engine
> quite impressive. To a surprising extent it felt like the author was
> interacting with an actual human being. The following brief exchange
> doesn't sound or feel like it was generated by stringing together words
> found during training. This was a part of the conversation in which the
> author accused the Bing chat engine of defaming him. He is claiming that
> the misinformation he was given (about an article he had written) was
> "published" and hence subject to libel laws.
> [image: image.png]
> -- Russ
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 11:31 AM Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't think it is necessarily the case a very large neural net would
>> need to backtrack.   It could devote more and more resources to different
>> hypotheses so long as it was not energy constrained.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> On Behalf Of Santafe
>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 3:11 AM
>> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam@redfish.com
>> >
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] ChatGPT is not very smart...
>> So probably this has all been analyzed to death already, by people who,
>> unlike me, know what they are talking about.
>> But in re-reading it, I feel like the structure of the problem is
>> characterizable.
>> It is as if “facts” that are constraints on the sentences to be composed
>> are ordered in a way that is somewhat like lexicographic ordering.
>> Lexicographically, azzzzzzz is before zaaaaaaa; no subsequent letters
>> even get consideration (much less the set of them all in aggregate), until
>> the first letter has dictated as much of the sorting as its values can
>> index.
>> Likewise, somewhere chatGPT was stuck in a local valley, where there was
>> a “fact” that a particular list of two states is “the core of the answer”
>> to this set of questions, and membership in the list is the first condition
>> in a selection-tree for replies.  However tortured, the following sentences
>> have to operate within a reality that has already been truncated by the
>> “first fact”.
>> (Again, since this is obvious, my even belaboring it is kind of dull once
>> I see it on the page.)
>> Come to think of it, it reminds me too of Vygotsky’s claim that children
>> first assign category terms by what he called “family resemblances”, and
>> only later at the age where some developmental threshold is crossed, do
>> they form “predicates” in the sense we would use the term in langauge
>> semantics.  “Family resemblances” can be, effectively, anything, are very
>> idiosyncratic to the experiential history of any particular
>> child-in-context, and in that sense are fragile categories.  The
>> distinction in predicates, once they emerge, is that they seem to be much
>> less fragile, which amounts to being exchangeable across thinkers and
>> across situations for a single thinker.
>> As predicates, membership-in-a-list, letter-count, being-a-state-name,
>> are of quite unlike types.  As there is a kind of Venn-diagram intersection
>> logic that can be applied to letter-count and being-a-state-name, which
>> does not exist in general form for membership in arbitrary lists, we learn
>> that the latter predicates should get priority in navigating streams of
>> thoughts and of sentences.  But if, to chatGPT, those are not yet
>> predicates, but rather various modes of family resemblance, all comparably
>> eligible, one can scan how a dialog of the below form would be a derivable
>> outcome.
>> If that is the right analysis, the step of getting stuck in a pre-emptive
>> membership-in-a-list commitment is not the revealing, or by that criterion
>> the interesting, part of the dialog below.  The interesting part becomes
>> the suddenly much-higher need for “cleverness”, to find flowing sentences
>> that can be forced to the far side of an unresolvable contradiction.  It’s
>> like my laptop, when some internet-check-in step becomes unsatisfiable, and
>> it will dump more and more CPU into trying to do something that got
>> mis-configured, the fan ramps up, and this will spiral indefinitely until I
>> stop what I am doing to kill the offending process.  One can imagine that
>> “learning” what predicates “are”, that they “have” logics, and what those
>> logics “are”, is a feedback loop of trying to avoid the mental costs of
>> getting into blind alleys.  The deeper the backtrack to find the unbinding
>> choice, the harder the learning program is, until we get up to scientific
>> categories, where it becomes quite difficult to recognize that we had
>> invalid meanings for “time”, “space”, and “state”.  But a kind of
>> continuous process of rewarding laziness across all those levels of
>> organization of thought.
>> I also, of course, cannot keep out of mind the George Santos characters
>> or similar pathological liars, who live full-time in this navigating-snags
>> mode.  Police interrogators think they can wear even pathological liars
>> down — catch them out — because the effort level is high enough that
>> eventually nobody can sustain it.  But at the same time, humans have a wide
>> talent range for different tasks, and I could believe that for the
>> pathological liar, this snag-navigating can be done much more fluently and
>> with lower effort, than the same degree of performance would demand of a
>> “normie”.
>> All the above feels about as satisfying as listening to somebody explain
>> a joke.  Oh well.
>> Eric
>> > On Feb 2, 2023, at 1:49 PM, Barry MacKichan <
>> barry.mackic...@mackichan.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > or is obsessed with four-letter words. From an email from another
>> group. Paragraphs with an initial capital are ChatGPT’s responses. The
>> others are input:
>> >
>> > Chat GPT dialog, courtesy of Paul Ginsparg:
>> >
>> >
>> > “how many states in the united states have four letter names?
>> >
>> > “There are actually two states in the United States that have
>> four-letter names: Iowa and Ohio. Both states were named after Native
>> American words, with Iowa derived from the word "ayuxba," which means "this
>> is the place," and Ohio coming from the Iroquois word "ohi-yo," meaning
>> "great river.
>> >
>> > “what about utah?
>> >
>> > “Utah is not a four-letter word. It is a state in the western United
>> States, named after the Ute tribe of Native Americans. The word "Utah" is
>> derived from the Ute word "yuttahih," which means "people of the mountains."
>> >
>> > “how many letters does utah have?
>> >
>> > “The word "Utah" has four letters. It is the name of a state in the
>> western United States, known for its natural beauty, including parks like
>> Arches National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park. The state was named
>> after the Ute tribe of Native Americans and has a rich history and culture.
>> >
>> > “then why did you say utah is not a four-letter word?
>> >
>> > “I apologize if my previous response was unclear. I did not mean to
>> imply that the word "Utah" is not a valid word or that it does not refer to
>> the state in the United States. My previous response was intended to
>> address the specific question of whether Utah was one of the states in the
>> United States with a four-letter name. As I mentioned, there are only two
>> states in the United States with four-letter names: Iowa and Ohio. Utah,
>> while it is a four-letter word, is not one of those states. I apologize if
>> my previous response was confusing. Please let me know if you have any
>> other questions.
>> >
>> > “but didn't you just say that the word utah has four letters and is a
>> state in the united states?
>> >
>> > “Yes, that is correct. The word "Utah" has four letters. As I
>> > mentioned in my previous response, it is the name of a state in the
>> > western United States. The state was named after the Ute tribe of
>> > Native Americans and is known for its beautiful landscapes and outdoor
>> > recreational opportunities. I apologize if my previous response was
>> > unclear. My previous response was intended to address the specific
>> > question of whether Utah was one of the two states in the United
>> > States with four-letter names. As I mentioned, there are only two
>> > states with four-letter names: Iowa and Ohio. While "Utah" is a
>> > four-letter word, it is not one of those states. I apologize for any
>> > confusion. Please let me know if you have any other questions
>> >
>> > —Barry
>> >
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