Re: [FRIAM] Some Facts about Arrays!

2009-11-26 Thread Marcus Daniels wrote:

There is NO SUCH THING AS A BOW WAVE in incompressible continuum flows. 

Wind farms only involve incompressible flows?

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[FRIAM] Some Facts about Arrays!

2009-11-25 Thread plissaman

I assume FRIAM folks want to increase their knowledge - or mebbe not.  

Credentials: I have supervised wind tunnel tests of vehicles in arrays at USC 
and made extensive theoretical calcs with grad students on this subject , have 
tested my own designs (the Sunraycer and GM Impact) in the Caltech tunnel and 
the GM tunnel, and probed the wakes.  I have driven instrumented test vehicles 
in the wake of bluff bodies at a decommissioned airfield in CA, at our test 
base at El  Mirage Dry Lake, CA, and the GM Proving grounds in AZ.  It's pretty 
hairy. I hold the patents on two truck drag reduction airshields.  

Here's the received knowledge, that I take to be correct: 

There is NO SUCH THING AS A BOW WAVE in incompressible continuum flows.  The 
field equations are elli ptic, won't permit same, and Nature agrees! Bodies in 
a fluid stream create a wake of low energy flow that trails behind ( but NOT as 
a CYLINDER!). Statements that wak e pathlines are longer than in undisturbed 
flow are correct.  The idea that this somehow forces the flow to go faster is 
VOODOO fluid mechanics that I didn't know was still accepted.  Wake flows are  
actually much slower than freestream.  Said wake contains a lower energy flow, 
and lotsa turbulence.  It extends for about 12 scale lengths astern of the 
body, until re-energzied by turbulent entrainment from the surrounding flow. 
The drag of a body immersed in this wake is significantly reduced (but not the 
drag coefficient).  For bluff bodies like cars, bikes or peoples the velocity 
deficit of the wake is very pronounced. The wake is influenced by ground effect 
(unlike the prop turbine case), and is very turbulent, with eddies of about the 
same as the body scale, especially when the body does no work on the flow, as 
is the case with bikes etc.   There are no lifting components here (at least 
in the correct, nonFRIAM, use of the word), but severe crosswind disturbances 
usually occur. 

These wake effects are us ed to great advantage in peletons and in drafting for 
formula race cars.  And also by crazy people (like one of my professional 
drivers, since killed !) for fun behind trailers on freeways. 

There's no mystery about anything in this sort of array interference, except 
the apparently eternal riddle of turbulence.  

I'll be glad to answer furth er questions, if I know the answer! 

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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