Re: [FRIAM] The Blunders that lead to the catastrophe - Humpty Dumpty's modeling school

2008-10-16 Thread Phil Henshaw
Yes, there have been lots of blunders. We've also not been looking at
how environment is becoming increasingly unresponsive, turning a great many
of our assumptions about it upside down.  :-o is just one
of many kinds of divergent in new complexities for development that we have
no place to put in our models., and so leave them out of the analysis only
because we don't know what to make of them.   Things like this are signals
of systemic physical system change.   In this case, directly, that when the
price went up more food and energy were not produced.   That sort of thing
could also lead to blunders, couldn't it??  :-)





Of peter
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 10:50 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: [FRIAM] The Blunders that lead to the catastrophe - Humpty Dumpty's
modeling school


The main article 
( : ( : pete
Peter Baston

The blunders that led to the banking crisis

*   25 September 2008 
*   From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe  and get 4 free
*   Rob Jameson
Printable version

WHAT'S the quickest way to kill a bank? As recent events in the financial
world have shown, the answer is to deny them access to ready cash. Over the
past year, a string of banking institutions have found themselves in such a
liquidity crisis: unable to convince the market they can honour their
promises to pay back money they owe. The result has been a series of
high-profile failures, from Northern Rock in the UK last year to Lehman
Brothers last week.

The crisis did not come without warning. Ten years ago this month, a giant
hedge fund called Long-Term Capital Management collapsed when it too
suffered a liquidity crisis. Yet banks and regulators seem not to have
heeded the lessons from this wake-up call by improving the mathematical
models that they use to manage their risk.

That raises two key questions. How did the risk modellers get it so wrong?
And what can they do to prevent similar crises in future?

Banks are vulnerable to liquidity crises because they borrow money that may
have to be repaid in the short term, and use it to back up more lucrative
longer-term investments. If depositors withdraw their money and other
lenders refuse to lend the bank the funds they need to replace it, the bank
ends up in trouble because it can't easily turn its long-term assets into
cash to make up the shortfall.

Banks pay enormous sums to lure researchers away from other areas of science
and set them to work building complex statistical models that supposedly
tell the bankers about the risks they are running. So why didn't they see
what was coming?

The answer lies partly in the nature of liquidity crises. By definition
they are rare, extreme events, so all the models you rely on in normal times
don't work any more, says Michel Crouhy head of research and development at
the French investment bank Natixis, and author of a standard text on
financial risk management. What's more, each liquidity crisis is inevitably
different from its predecessors, not least because major crises provoke
changes in the shape of markets, regulations and the behaviour of players.

Liquidity crises are rare, extreme events, so all the models you rely on in
normal times don't work any more

On top of this, banks wrongly assumed that two areas of vulnerability could
be treated in isolation, each with its own risk model. When the two areas
began to affect each other and drive up banks' liquidity risk there was no
unifying framework to predict what would happen, explains William Perraudin,
director of the Risk Management Laboratory at Imperial College London.

False assumption

The first set of models covers the bank's day-to-day trading. These models
typically assume that market prices will continue to behave much as they
have in the past, and that they are reasonably predictable. Unfortunately,
while this assumption may hold for straightforward financial instruments
such as shares and bonds, it doesn't apply to the complicated financial
instruments which bundle up different kinds of assets such as high-risk
mortgages. What's more, information about the market prices of these
products usually goes back only a few years, if it is available at all.
Statistical models based on short time series of data are a terrible way to
understand [these kinds of] risks, says Perraudin.

The models also assumed that the bank would be able to sell problematic
assets, such as high-risk sub-prime mortgages, and this too turned out not
to be true. It's the combination of poor price risk modelling and being
unable to sell out of the position that has produced the nightmare
scenario, Perraudin says.

[FRIAM] The Blunders that lead to the catastrophe - Humpty Dumpty's modeling school

2008-10-15 Thread peter

The main article 
( : ( : pete

The blunders that led to the banking crisis

   25 September 2008
   From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe
and get 4 free issues. 
  Rob Jameson

the quickest way to kill a bank? As recent events in the financial
world have shown, the answer is to deny them access to ready cash. Over
the past year, a string of banking institutions have found themselves
in such a "liquidity crisis": unable to convince the market they can
honour their promises to pay back money they owe. The result has been a
series of high-profile failures, from Northern Rock in the UK last year
to Lehman Brothers last week.
crisis did not come without warning. Ten years ago this month, a giant
hedge fund called Long-Term Capital Management collapsed when it too
suffered a liquidity crisis. Yet banks and regulators seem not to have
heeded the lessons from this wake-up call by improving the mathematical
models that they use to manage their risk.
raises two key questions. How did the risk modellers get it so wrong?
And what can they do to prevent similar crises in future?
are vulnerable to liquidity crises because they borrow money that may
have to be repaid in the short term, and use it to back up more
lucrative longer-term investments. If depositors withdraw their money
and other lenders refuse to lend the bank the funds they need to
replace it, the bank ends up in trouble because it can't easily turn
its long-term assets into cash to make up the shortfall.
pay enormous sums to lure researchers away from other areas of science
and set them to work building complex statistical models that
supposedly tell the bankers about the risks they are running. So why
didn't they see what was coming?
answer lies partly in the nature of liquidity crises. "By definition
they are rare, extreme events, so all the models you rely on in normal
times don't work any more," says Michel Crouhy head of research and
development at the French investment bank Natixis, and author of a
standard text on financial risk management. What's more, each liquidity
crisis is inevitably different from its predecessors, not least because
major crises provoke changes in the shape of markets, regulations and
the behaviour of players.
Liquidity crises are rare,
extreme events, so all the models you rely on in normal times don't
work any more
top of this, banks wrongly assumed that two areas of vulnerability
could be treated in isolation, each with its own risk model. When the
two areas began to affect each other and drive up banks' liquidity risk
there was no unifying framework to predict what would happen, explains
William Perraudin, director of the Risk Management Laboratory at
Imperial College London.
False assumption
first set of models covers the bank's day-to-day trading. These models
typically assume that market prices will continue to behave much as
they have in the past, and that they are reasonably predictable.
Unfortunately, while this assumption may hold for straightforward
financial instruments such as shares and bonds, it doesn't apply to the
complicated financial instruments which bundle up different kinds of
assets such as high-risk mortgages. What's more, information about the
market prices of these products usually goes back only a few years, if
it is available at all. "Statistical models based on short time series
of data are a terrible way to understand [these kinds of] risks," says
models also assumed that the bank would be able to sell "problematic"
assets, such as high-risk sub-prime mortgages, and this too turned out
not to be true. "It's the combination of poor price risk modelling and
being unable to sell out of the position that has produced the
nightmare scenario," Perraudin says.
second set of risk models is intended to estimate the risk from
borrowers failing to repay money they owe the bank. Because it's harder
to sell off loans than bonds or stock, these models assume that the
banks may have to bear the risks for longer. Such models were often
regarded as the cutting edge of risk modelling, using sophisticated
mathematics to predict how different debtors might be affected by
economic conditions.
Perraudin says these models mostly overlook how bad news can affect
banks' ability to raise funds. "The real risk," he says, "turns out to
be a cycle of drops." It plays out like this: word gets around that
banks have got something on their hands that has dramatically lost
value; this makes other institutions reluctant to lend them money to
help them out, which in turn makes the value of their assets shrink
further. The overall effect is to suck liquidity out of the market.
is working on a model for a hedge fund that takes account of this
feedback, but he says it's a fiendishly difficult problem, partly
because the models have to include a factor that captures the
relationship between a bank's