Feeling burnt out on agentscript, I thought I'd, on my 75th birthday, to
insert something new in my live, so thought of writing.
​  ​

​I need some help on how to make these "stories" rather than boring tech
talks. But still appealing as interesting tech for those needing it. So any
critiques appreciated.

Medium has turned out to be an interesting publishing platform: more words,
less fuss. Way well designed, and anyone who wants a lightweight "blog"​.

My next set of posts (4 I think) will be on migration to es6 modules. A
story is brewing on helping "legacy" folks. When I converted to them, I got
in touch with about a dozen authors of libraries I use which have not yet
been converted. Their responses were great, and very diversified, and even
one pretty nasty.

Thought I'd round them up into a story too, ending with helping one of them
to "see the light" ... er .. to migrate.

Anyway, any of us with experience writing, not just tech .. I'd love some

   -- Owen
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