Re: [fricas-devel] Additive Abelian Groups

2016-03-29 Thread Kurt Pagani
Hallo Martin

I've been glancing over your code @github...algebraictopology.spad and
I'm quite impressed how elaborate it is. Although I didn't
perform any calculations yet, I can see that one can already solve some
simple problems. I'm using an embedding of Kenzo at the moment -- -- because I'm not
aware of any algtop code in Fricas. It would be nice of course to have
the "power" of Kenzo (natively) in spad ;)

I'd be content if only cubical homology (à la would be available, what
seems to be computationally (more) feasible in Fricas.

Regarding CoChainComplex'es, I think this will become of interest only
in connection with some topological assumptions, e.g. DeRham currents
vs. differential forms. DeRhamComplex in Fricas should be completed by
its "dual", DeRhamCurrent(s), then we had at least "integration over
simple manifolds" (glueing of elementary surfaces/chains, e.g. pushing
forward simplices or cubes).

Of course abstract and/or algebraic homology/cohomology is also useful,
however, the laboured problems usually come from topological duality
(I'm quite aware that we cannot implement 'continuity', 'compact
support' and so on, but at least one could circumvent a lot of tedious

I will have an eye on the progress of your code :)

Best regards

Am 26.03.2016 um 11:47 schrieb Martin Baker:
> On 15/03/16 13:31, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
>> For the other stuff I first have to read your explanation, but just from
>> your mail I understand that elements in your "additive abelian group"
>> are of the form
>>z1 * m1 + z2 * m2 + ... + zn * mn
>> where the mi are from some set with at least equality on it, i.e. you
>> want to add and subtract such Z-linear combinations).
>> Maybe the following session helps, see below.
>> However, look at
>> Waldek is about to remove FreeAbelianGroup.
>> But it's good that you posted your example. The replacement
>> "IndexedDirectProductObject" should then work for your case.
>> Currently it doesn't since it would require "Matrix Integer has
>> Comparable", which is currently false.
> Its been a couple of weeks and so I thought I would check if anyone has
> any thoughts on this?
> I have already implemented simplicial complexes and delta complexes
> which appear to work well as far as I can tell. They are here:
> I now want to add chain complexes and co-chain complexes which are an
> algebriation of the complexes implemented above.
> I am reluctant to do too much work on this without knowing how this
> potentially interacts with the existing zoo of largely unexplained
> categories and domains.
> The ChainComplex domain would be contain a sequence free abelian groups:
> C0,C1,C2 ... 0
> Which are defined like this:
> C0 = Zero dimensional chain
> = free abelian group on vertices.
> Elements of C0 are intergral linear combinations of vertices such as:
> 2x+7y+5z
> C1 = One dimensional chain
> = free abelian group on directed edges (1-cells).
> Elements of C1 are intergral linear combinations of edges such as:
> 2xy+7xz+5yz
> These don't necessarily need to be a cycle or even connected.
> C2 = two dimensional chain
> = free abelian group on directed triangles (2-cells).
> It seems to me that, at this stage we are mostly interested in the
> linear algebra structure so it would seem to be an unnecessary overhead
> to carry around the vertex representation, perhaps we can just think of
> vertexes as indexes and implement each chain like this:
> Rep := List(Integer)
> However, what gives it its structure is the mappings between these free
> abelian groups. So we also need (non-free) abelian groups as quotients
> of free abelian group.
> So the chain complex holds a set of free abelian groups (chains) and a
> set of group homomorphisms.
> Rep of ChainComplex needs to be represented by:
> C0,C1,C2 ... 0
> delta1:(C1) -> C0 , delta2:(C2) -> C1 ...
> where delta is a group homomorphism which respects the group structure:
> delta(u+v) = delta u + delta v
> delta(u^-1) =(delta u)^-1
> I think these group homomorphisms need to be represented by:
> Matrix(Integer)
> so that we can solve using IntegerSmithNormalForm?
> So the types of function that I would like to implement on ChainComplex
> are:
> image: (ChainComplex,delta) -> chain
> kernel: (ChainComplex,delta) -> chain
> and we need to find cycles by finding null space of augmented matrix,
> presumably using IntegerSmithNormalForm?
> Beyond this I would like to implement the (co)homology so it needs a way
>  to test if a given abelian group is isomorphic to the integers (Z) or
> some sum of Z or similar structure.
> Also for a potential CoChainComplex domain, how would this relate to

[fricas-devel] length and magnitude

2016-03-29 Thread Waldek Hebisch
Another thing which we should probably clean up.  In vector.spad
we have:

if R has RadicalCategory and R has Ring then
  length : % -> R
++ length(v) computes the sqrt(dot(v, v)), i.e. the magnitude
  magnitude : % -> R
++ magnitude(v) computes the sqrt(dot(v, v)), i.e. the length

and they are exactly the same.  IMO we should have only one.
My preference would go to 'length', however it seems that
documentation uses 'magnitude'.  Looking at uses of 'length'
I have found some inconsitencies: usually number of elements
is given by '#', however QueueAggregate and Tuple use 'length'
(in QueueAggregate 'length' is just a synonym for '#',
but in Tuple there is only 'length').

  Waldek Hebisch

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[fricas-devel] passing functors to a package

2016-03-29 Thread Ralf Hemmecke
Hello Waldek,

the code below is a cut down version of what I would like to have.
In fact, the code works if I replace the line

  Y: (E: EuclideanDomain, A: QEtaAlgebra E) -> QEtaComputationCategory(E, A)


  Y: QEtaComputationCategory(C, F)

and use Y instead of Y(C, F) in the body of algebraBasis.

However, I would like Y to be a functor, because, roughly speaking,
there would be another parameter F2: QEtaAlgebra(C) and I would like to
call a function from Y(C, F2).

I've seen a similar construction in Aldor.

  UP: (R: Join(ArithmeticType, ExpressionType), avar: Symbol == new()
   ) -> UnivariatePolynomialAlgebra(R), _
  R :Ring, _
  V : VariableType):  RecursiveMultivariatePolynomialCategory0(R,V) with {
univariate: % -> UP %;
  ++ `univariate(p)' returns `p' as a univariate polynomial
  ++ w.r.t. its main variable. This assumes that `p'
  ++ is not a constant.
multivariate: (UP(%), V) -> %;
  ++ `multivariate(p,v)' returns `p' as a multivariate
  ++ polynomial whose main variable is `v'. An error
  ++ is raised if one coeffcient of `p' does not have
  ++ degree zero w.r.t. `v'.

} == add {

  import from Boolean, R, V, Z, MI, NNI;

  RVU ==> Record(var:V,terms:U);
  U ==> UP(%);
  Rep == Union(base:R,poly:RVU);

There, the R in the definition of the argument UP is local and not the
same as the R: Ring (second argument of RecursiveMultivariatePolynomial0).

When I compile the attached qq.spad, I get the following...

   initializing NRLIB QETAPKG1 for QEtaPackage1
   compiling into NRLIB QETAPKG1
   compiling exported algebraBasis : (F,List F) -> List F
** comp fails at level 4 with expression: **
error in function algebraBasis

 (LET (|:| |y| (Y C F))
   (|initialize| | << m >> |))
 (|exit| 1 (|return| 1 (|basisElements| |y|
** level 4  **
$x:= m
$m:= (List A)
|y| #) (|m| # . #1=#) (|t| # #) (|m| . #1#) ...)))

   >> Apparent user error:
   Cannot coerce m
  of mode (List F)
  to mode (List A)

Replacing A by F in the specification of Y, is not an option, since
eventually, I like to call Y(C, F2) and it doesn't work anyway. It gives

   initializing NRLIB QETAPKG1 for QEtaPackage1
   compiling into NRLIB QETAPKG1
   compiling exported algebraBasis : List F -> List F
   Internal Error
   Error while instantiating type YCF

Any idea how I can pass a functor in SPAD?


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)abbrev category QETAALG QEtaAlgebra
QEtaAlgebra(C: CommutativeRing): Category == CoercibleTo OutputForm

)abbrev category QETACAT QEtaComputationCategory
QEtaComputationCategory(C: EuclideanDomain, F: QEtaAlgebra C): Category == with
initialize: List F -> %
basisElements: % -> List F

)abbrev package QETAPKG1 QEtaPackage1
QEtaPackage1(C, F, Y): Exports == Implementation where
  C: EuclideanDomain
  F: QEtaAlgebra C
  Y: (E: EuclideanDomain, A: QEtaAlgebra E) -> QEtaComputationCategory(E, A)
  Exports ==> with
algebraBasis: List F -> List F
  Implementation ==> add
algebraBasis(m: List F): List F ==
y: Y(C, F) := initialize(m)
return basisElements y

Re: [fricas-devel] Additive Abelian Groups

2016-03-29 Thread Kurt Pagani

Am 27.03.2016 um 21:04 schrieb Waldek Hebisch:
> I will not rush removal of FreeAbelianGroup.  AFAICS
> FreeModule and IndexedDirectProductObject should be improved
> to serve as replacement for FreeAbelianGroup.  Also,
> Comparable should propagate to more domains to
> allow efficient implementation.

In the meantime I had the same idea as you suggested below: to use a
macro, and indeed, it seems not to be a big deal fixing my code this
way. After the first shock I think I could live without FAG :)

> Concerning nomenclature: I fell some sympathy to this argument.
> But mathemetically free abelian groups and free modules are
> isomorphic and structure of Z-module is helpful even if you
> want to work with group.  Having different type creates
> artificial barrier for code reuse.  IME in similar situation
> it is better to have single type.

Probably true, however, IMO it depends on the level of expertise, you
know the "types", I have to look for them (what's admittedly much
simpler since we have Ralf's API search function ...).

> Concerning breaking code: you should be able to write
> something like:
> FreeAbelianGroup(S : SetCategory) == FreeModule(Integer, S)

Yes, it worked in most cases.

> and then use your code as nothing happened.  Of course this
> assumes improved FreeModule and may require a bit more code
> above to handle changed function names.
> Currently for programmer FreeModule and FreeAbelianGroup
> differ in "accidental" way: type allowed for S, names and
> extra convenience functions.  IMO such "accidental" differences
> should be eliminated.

If possible, by all means.

>> FrameVector(R,s,r) : Exports == Implementation where
>>   R:Field
>>   s:Symbol
>>   r:Segment(NonNegativeInteger)
>>   OF   ==>  OutputForm
>>   NNI  ==>  NonNegativeInteger
>>   CARD ==>  CardinalNumber
>>   Exports == Join(CoercibleTo OutputForm, VectorSpace R) with
>> getFrame : () -> List(%)
>> dim : % -> NNI
>> coerce : % -> OutputForm
>> coerce : % -> Vector R
>> coerce : Vector(R) -> %
>>   Implementation == FreeModule(R,OrderedVariableList _
>>   [subscript(s,[j::OF]) for j in lo(r)..hi(r)]) add
>> B:=OrderedVariableList [subscript(s,[j::OF]) for j in lo(r)..hi(r)]
>> L:List(B):= enumerate()$B
>> n:NNI:=#L
>> Rep := FreeModule(R,B)
> Hmm, I do not see why you need Rep here.  If you really need
> this code and simpler without Rep will not work we probably
> should think about improvements to compiler or Spad language.

You're probably right, it might work without 'Rep', but it's not so
important to me anymore. I used the code just for convenience (sparse
vectors/covectors with n>17), just to avoid long lists in the types.

Thank you

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