[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 59

2010-03-09 Thread phayz

commit 9143f457f1491bf12fc1cb62f295fe8cfb47c7f0
Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) russelldicken...@gmail.com
Date:   Tue Mar 9 23:09:34 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 59

* initial release

new file:   issue59.html
modified:   ../xml/news.xml

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue59.html 
new file mode 100644
index 000..92953fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue59.html
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+  h2Frugalware Linux Newsletter - Issue 59/h2
+  h2...to inform...to educate...to entertain/h2
+  pAn SQL query goes into a bar, walks up to two tables and asks, Can I 
+  you?/p
+  h2Welcome/h2
+  pThe newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's happened
+  recently in the world of the Linux distribution 'Frugalware'./p
+  pFeatures of this issue include:/p
+  ul
+liJump for Frugalware/li
+liFrugalware's developers are people too - Pingax/li
+liFLOSS developers are people too - Marc Kerbiquet/li
+liTips and tricks - Search and replace text in multiple files/li
+  /ul
+  h2img src=event.png align=leftEvents/h2
+  pHere's a selection of events which have occurred since the previous
+  newsletter:/p
+  h3Locris is here!/h3
+  pOn 8 March 2010, Miklos Vajna a href=http://frugalware.org/news/163;
+  announced/a the release of Frugalware 1.2 - code-name Locris. It has been
+  a great 6 months since the previous release, with several major improvements.
+  Everyone who contributed to this release - the developers, artists and
+  translators - can be very proud of the results of their hard work. Thanks 
+  to everyone who took the time to report bugs they found, because 1.2 is a
+  better release for your effort./p
+  h3Icons added to the newsletter/h3
+  pIcons for each main section of the newsletter were recently added to make
+  it look better. This is something I have been wanting to do for several
+  months, but never quite managed to get done. Soon after I added a task for
+  this to the Frugalware Bug Tracking System (BTS), developer Devil505 added
+  them. Since then I have replaced one of the icons and made some formatting
+  adjustments. I believe the newsletter looks better with these icons added,
+  but I would like to hear others' opinions. Thanks to Devil505 for his work in
+  adding the icons, without which it may never have been done. :)/p
+  h3Jump for Frugalware/h3
+  pTo celebrate the release of Frugalware 1.2, the entire team has decided to
+  make a skydive together. During the dive they will maneuver themselves into
+  position to spell out the word Frugalware. Practice has gone well so far,
+  although this has only been in an airport hanger. WebEagle has been given the
+  role of jump master, since he's the only team member with skydiving
+  experience. If the jump goes well the team will have celebrated in style. If
+  the jump doesn't go well then 1.2 will be the last Frugalware release. Keep
+  your fingers crossed! :P/p
+  h2img src=community.png align=leftFrugalware's developers are people
+  too/h2
+  pThis is the latest in the ongoing series of interviews with Frugalware's
+  developers. This issue's interview is with Pingax, who is a very new member 
+  the team. Please read on.../p
+  dl
+dtstrongWhat's your name?/strong/dt
+  pMy name is Anthony but I prefer people call me Tony./p
+dtstrongWhat's your IRC nickname?/strong/dt
+  pYou can find me on IRC with the nickname Pingax./p
+dtstrongIn what country do you live?/strong/dt
+  pI live in France (in Britain, at the west). I've always lived in this
+  country./p
+dtstrongIn what country were you born?/strong/dt
+  pFrance./p
+dtstrongWhat do you like the most about where you live (the
+country and/or town/city)?/strong/dt
+  p I'm near the sea, which is something I really like./p
+dtstrongWhat do you do for the Frugalware
+  pFor the Frugalware Project, I started to contribute by packaging
+  software (actually only one : dotclear). I'm also a moderator on the
+  French Frugalware community's board. I also translate the project (using
+  Pootle).
+  /p
+dtstrongWhat motivates you to work on Frugalware?/strong/dt
+  pThe fact that Frugalware is the first distribution which gives me
+  pleasure in learning exactly how a Linux system works. I hope this story
+  will live a long, long time :)/p
+   /dd
+dtstrongWhat do you do when you're not working on Frugalware?/strong
+  pWhen I'm not working on Frugalware, I'm coding my own blog-script (PHP
+  amp; MySQL) and learning other languages (Python, C/C++)./p

[Frugalware-git] homepage-ng: Newsletter issue 59

2010-03-09 Thread phayz

commit 0e60173a3915f2b99ce279c86e735a36b61f69bc
Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) russelldicken...@gmail.com
Date:   Tue Mar 9 23:13:23 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 59

* fixed URL for newsletter's icons

modified:   issue59.html

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue59.html 
index 92953fa..85a4c9d 100644
--- a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue59.html
+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue59.html
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
liTips and tricks - Search and replace text in multiple files/li

-  h2img src=event.png align=leftEvents/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/event.png; 

pHere's a selection of events which have occurred since the previous
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
your fingers crossed! :P/p

-  h2img src=community.png align=leftFrugalware's developers are people
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/community.png; 
align=leftFrugalware's developers are people

pThis is the latest in the ongoing series of interviews with Frugalware's
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@

-  h2img src=community.png align=leftFLOSS developers are people
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/community.png; 
align=leftFLOSS developers are people

pWithout developers, we wouldn't have the Linux kernel and all the software
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@

-  h2img src=package.png align=leftNew Packages/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/package.png; 
align=leftNew Packages/h2

pIn this new section of the newsletter I'll highlight some new packages
which have been added since the previous issue./p
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@

-  h2img src=tip.png align=leftTips and tricks/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/tip.png; 
align=leftTips and tricks/h2

pbDisclaimer/b - Be aware that the hints amp; tips provided here have
NOT been tested and so come with no warranty./p
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
post them on the forums./p

-  h2img src=package.png align=leftFocus On Package(s)/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/package.png; 
align=leftFocus On Package(s)/h2

pa href=http://k3b.org;K3B/a is a KDE-oriented desktop application for
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@

-  h2img src=bug.png align=leftBug fixes/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/bug.png; 
align=leftBug fixes/h2

pThe following table gives you a overview of activity on bugs and feature
requests as at 9 March 2010. In each cell of the table is a link to a detailed
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@

-  h2img src=security.png align=leftSecurity announcements/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/security.png; 
align=leftSecurity announcements/h2

pbRemember/b - According to the normal support arrangements for
Frugalware, the release of 1.2 (Locris) means that no further security or
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@

-  h2img src=newsletter.png align=leftAbout the newsletter/h2
+  h2img src=http://frugalware.org/images/newsletter/newsletter.png; 
align=leftAbout the newsletter/h2

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