gjs 1.57.91

2019-08-18 Thread Philip Chimento
About gjs

GNOME JavaScript bindings


- GJS no longer links to libgtk-3. This makes it possible to load the Gtk-4.0
  typelib in GJS and write programs that use GTK 4.

- The heapgraph tool has gained some improvements; it is now possible to print a
  heap graph of multiple targets. You can also mark an object for better
  identification in the heap graph by assigning a magic property: for example,
  myObject.__heapgraph_name = 'Button' will make that object identify itself as
  "Button" in heap graphs.

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * Remove usage of Lang in non legacy code [Sonny Piers, !322]
  * GTK4 [Florian Müllner, #99, !328, !330]
  * JS syntax fixes [Marco Trevisan, Philip Chimento, !306, !323]
  * gi: Avoid infinite recursion when converting GValues [Florian Müllner, !329]
  * Implement all GObject-introspection test suites [Philip Chimento, !327,
  * Heapgraph improvements [Philip Chimento, !325]


https://download.gnome.org/sources/gjs/1.57/gjs-1.57.91.tar.xz (619K)
  sha256sum: 5bf32caf351696e5057071098b8319e48d7ff0be9b2f0b6716fbea4082abb70f

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pygobject 3.33.1

2019-08-18 Thread Christoph Reiter
About PyGObject

GObject is a object system used by GTK, GStreamer and other libraries.

PyGObject provides a convenient wrapper for use in Python programs
when accessing GObject libraries.

Like the GObject library itself PyGObject is licensed under the GNU
LGPL, so is suitable for use in both free software and proprietary
applications. It is already in use in many applications ranging from
small single purpose scripts up to large full featured applications.

PyGObject now dynamically accesses any GObject libraries that uses
GObject Introspection. It replaces the need for separate modules such
as PyGTK, GIO and python-gnome to build a full GNOME 3.0 application.
Once new functionality is added to gobject library it is instantly
available as a Python API without the need for intermediate Python


* Make GLib.Variant.unpack a bit less costly :mr:`121` (:user:`Mathieu Bridon 
* pygobject: ignore GParameter deprecations :mr:`122` (:user:`Christian Hergert 
* pygobject-object: fix refcount of floating return values :mr:`120` 
(:user:`Mathieu Duponchelle `)
* pygi-info: remove some dead code :issue:`303`


https://download.gnome.org/sources/pygobject/3.33/pygobject-3.33.1.tar.xz (539K)
  sha256sum: 887b51ace46c34012f72910d83cd72331089db6eab2ca2e1c37f7e153efe3e16

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