About vala

valac, the Vala compiler, is a self-hosting compiler that translates
Vala source code into C source and header files. It uses the GObject
type system to create classes and interfaces declared in the Vala
source code.

The syntax of Vala is similar to C#, modified to better fit the
GObject type system. Vala supports modern language features as the
following: Interfaces, Properties, Signals, Foreach, Lambda
expressions, Type inference for local variables, Generics, Non-null
types, Assisted memory management, Exception handling, Type modules

Vala is designed to allow access to existing C libraries, especially
GObject-based libraries, without the need for runtime bindings. All
that is needed to use a library with Vala is an API file, containing
the class and method declarations in Vala syntax. Vala currently comes
with bindings for GLib and GTK+ and many others from the GNOME

Using classes and methods written in Vala from an application written
in C is not difficult. The Vala library only has to install the
generated header files and C applications may then access the GObject-
based API of the Vala library as usual. It should also be easily
possible to write a bindings generator for access to Vala libraries
from applications written in e.g. C# as the Vala parser is written as
a library, so that all compile-time information is available when
generating a binding.


 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - codegen:
    + Improve array-dup-wrapper for empty arrays [#999]
    + Don't call get_ccode_finish_instance() with non-async methods
    + Cast initializer-list to struct for non-constant/-array assignment [#1013]
    + Consistently use get_ccode_lower_case_prefix() for function names [#1008]
  - vala:
    + Correctly handle qualified struct type in initializer list [#1004]
    + Reduce calls of CodeContext.get()
    + Fix value-type for ArrayCreationExpression used as argument [#1009]
    + Improve parameter check of "get" method used for foreach [#1017]
    + Don't carry floating reference into unknown target type expression [#1018]
  - girparser: Actually respect given cprefix metadata for enumerations
  - girwriter: Append symbol-attributes to callback field [#1006]
  - parser: Avoid mitigation for missing token if it follows DOT or
    DOUBLE_COLON [#987]
  - libvaladoc/girimporter: Skip "function-macro" elements
  - build: Update git-version-gen to latest upstream
  - tests: Build typelib if g-ir-compiler is available

 * Bindings:
  - gstreamer-audio-1.0: Adjustments for Gst.Audio.Sink class extension
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.1+ git master
  - gtk+-3.0: Deprecated abstract methods are not required to be implemented
  - gtk4: Prefix value names of PaintableFlags with "STATIC_" [#1011]
  - gtk4: Mark optional methods of Gdk.Paintable interface as virtual [#1021]
  - gtk4: Update to 3.98.5+fca2ba96
  - harfbuzz-gobject: Update to 2.6.8
  - pango: Update from 1.45.2
  - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.29.2
  - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings

https://download.gnome.org/sources/vala/0.48/vala-0.48.7.changes  (3.91K)

https://download.gnome.org/sources/vala/0.48/vala-0.48.7.tar.xz (3.30M)
  sha256sum: 28de33e28da24500cc1675c3a6ced1301c9a6a5e6dd06193569001f9ce9a5c53

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