Module: gedit
      Version: 3.0.0
  Uploaded by: Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
 sha256sum: 48e55f3d5e4f419497fae7b93a91d6a0bb07bba063cf49c0bcb331b4825d843e
      size: 5.43M
 sha256sum: a3a14d2f239f43f043743bc526f89c84bfb1ce55096b7629f905947948959f5e
      size: 3.44M

About gedit

gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment.

While aiming at simplicity and ease of use, gedit is a powerful
general purpose text editor which features full support for UTF-8,
configurable highlighting for various languages and many other
features making it a great editor for advanced tasks.


New Features and Fixes
- Misc bugfixes

New and updated translations
- af (F Wolff)
- ar (Khaled Hosny)
- as (Nilamdyuti Goswami)
- ast (Xandru Armesto)
- be (Ihar Hrachyshka)
- bg (Krasimir Chonov)
- bn_IN ("Last-Translator: \n")
- ca (Gil Forcada)
- ca@valencia (Gil Forcada)
- cs (Marek Černocký)
- da (Ask Hjorth Larsen)
- de (Christian Kirbach)
- de (Mario Blättermann)
- el (Michael Kotsarinis)
- el (Simos Xenitellis)
- en_GB (Bruce Cowan)
- en@shaw (Thomas Thurman)
- eo (Kristjan SCHMIDT)
- es (Daniel Mustieles)
- es (Jorge González)
- et (Mattias Põldaru)
- eu (Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio)
- fr (Gérard Baylard)
- ga (Seán de Búrca)
- gl (Fran Diéguez)
- gu (Sweta Kothari)
- he (Yaron Shahrabani)
- hi (Rajesh Ranjan)
- hu (Gabor Kelemen)
- id (Dirgita)
- it (Milo Casagrande)
- ja (Hajime Taira)
- ko (Changwoo Ryu)
- lt (Aurimas Černius)
- lv (Rudolfs)
- ml ("Last-Translator: \n")
- mr (Sandeep Shedmake)
- nb (Kjartan Maraas)
- nl (Wouter Bolsterlee)
- or (Manoj Kumar Giri)
- pa (A S Alam)
- pl (Piotr Drąg)
- pt_BR (Gabriel F. Vilar)
- pt (Duarte Loreto)
- ro (Lucian Adrian Grijincu)
- ru (Yuri Myaseodov)
- sl (Andrej Žnidaršič)
- sl (Matej Urbančič)
- sr@latin (Miroslav Nikolić)
- sr (Мирослав Николић)
- sv (Daniel Nylander)
- ta ("Last-Translator: \n")
- te (Krishnababu Krothapalli)
- th (Akom Chotiphantawanon)
- tr ("Last-Translator: \n")
- ug (Zeper)
- uk (Korostil Daniel)
- vi (Clytie Siddall)
- zh_CN (YunQiang Su)
- zh_HK (Chao-Hsiung Liao)
- zh_TW (Chao-Hsiung Liao)

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