About libsoup

libsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObjects
and the glib main loop, to integrate well with GNOME applications.


        * Fixed a situation where soup_connection_disconnect() could
          end up calling g_object_unref(NULL) when an idle connection
          was closed. [Sergio, #672178]

        * Fixed two warnings when cancelling an in-progress
          soup_socket_connect_async(). [pointed out on the mailing
          list by Sven Neumann]

        * Fixed a crash when disposing a SoupServer with open
          connections. [#673468, Jonny Lamb]

        * Fixed the SoupSession:ssl-use-system-ca-file property to get
          turned off (rather than on) when you set it to FALSE... Also
          fixed up the property notifications around the various
          certificate-verification properties (ssl-ca-file,
          ssl-use-system-ca-file, and tls-database).

        * Fixed SoupSession to not leak paused SoupMessages that
          were still in progress when it was unreffed. [#673905]

        * Updated the win32 file: URI code again, to fix regressions
          in the WebKit tests. [WebKit bug #82484]

http://download.gnome.org/sources/libsoup/2.38/libsoup-2.38.1.tar.xz (606K)
  sha256sum: 71b8923fc7a5fef9abc5420f7f3d666fdb589f43a8c50892d584d58b3c513f9a

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