[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 761-1] New heartbeat packages fix insecure temporary files

2005-07-19 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 761-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Martin Schulze
July 19th, 2005 http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: heartbeat
Vulnerability  : insecure temporary files
Problem-Type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CAN-2005-2231

Eric Romang discovered several insecure temporary file creations in
heartbeat, the subsystem for High-Availability Linux.

For the old stable distribution (woody) these problems have been fixed in

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.2.3-9sarge2.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.2.3-12.

We recommend that you upgrade your heartbeat package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  658 2de794d2f0c7bbeafa08ecca95a47a12

  Size/MD5 checksum:47040 1376087e2548ffea01f1fa05f0644952

  Size/MD5 checksum:   308033 1dcae9e87ad2e5c2113e91a884c1ca8e

  Architecture independent components:

  Size/MD5 checksum:33196 1555855937e539691c90d0922c5b4723

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   207842 2ac37764f43c65cb2c52ccbcb01c200c

  Size/MD5 checksum:15528 09da0f1657f0cecdd5a61e64d427d2cd

  Size/MD5 checksum:14166 68f4624f3ab15fdb40ca5c03509801a9

  Size/MD5 checksum:63996 e6be61aaf9968a45279836d2c0ccfe06

  ARM architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   194086 c844f2f1b2229158a9f957a35692a9b7

  Size/MD5 checksum:15192 553019cc16dca110440b1ff71b89c41a

  Size/MD5 checksum:13514 3f0388253daf988d1130e3ca85b22466

  Size/MD5 checksum:53664 fa8d400ac60493dcb9a532d8267aa2a7

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   185258 f31317301ac9a8c059e1198604e3501f

  Size/MD5 checksum:14860 231f74af0884ca03735c775ad382e8b9

  Size/MD5 checksum:13370 6c003c7a78a50aee134f5e0fb80afca3

  Size/MD5 checksum:51094 4699c73994b6f5ec39f9ece83dbcfc81

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   259426 34814d6a05215a9cbd3e5c96420d16dd

  Size/MD5 checksum:16156 65ff55faefafac7d4283ce57441d7d00

  Size/MD5 checksum:15240 ff38757ef93dc3bf1027062c6f3bc06e

  Size/MD5 checksum:   100186 cc86feab05680b136abd9730a42c49c7

  HP Precision architecture:

[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 762-1] New affix packages fix arbitrary command and code execution

2005-07-19 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 762-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Martin Schulze
July 19th, 2005 http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: affix
Vulnerability  : several
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CAN-2005-2250 CAN-2005-2277
BugTraq ID : 14230
Debian Bug : 318327 318328

Kevin Finisterre discovered two problems in the Bluetooth FTP client
from affix, user space utilities for the Affix Bluetooth protocol
stack.  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies
the following vulnerabilities:


A buffer overflow allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary
code via a long filename in an OBEX file share.


Missing input sanitising before executing shell commands allow an
attacker to execute arbitrary commands as root.

The old stable distribution (woody) is not affected by these problems.

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.1.1-2.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.1.2-2.

We recommend that you upgrade your affix package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  669 bb24e5747a984193075e7ad2cde94bd2
  Size/MD5 checksum:81326 c1e434ed0667a4e0f60d6e8f431fbc11
  Size/MD5 checksum:   415816 34af8e6b1d20d99d01427f7da5c777ef

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   103006 d897078ef26ac210835785a60f63ba40

  Size/MD5 checksum:93410 d606fe680c82300c17f821ab0238517d

  Size/MD5 checksum:75560 50dd674ab6f58b456152bd65232ef486

  ARM architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:85840 47fe949ac3eaf11e40785d535df13de5

  Size/MD5 checksum:69494 17cbdd22f998e972d6d3719509766f1c

  Size/MD5 checksum:56790 a1f04650c5e0f086e95a3c90d87f0a14

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:84860 7f5b869acb23ff4d03074e72c5848972

  Size/MD5 checksum:63308 c6931e79eb3f8ab121a6211bcb09d71c

  Size/MD5 checksum:59606 2b52f0d5ce8c700b50a2119c70e38330

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   122082 e674b494cc0738be0ca67fe58e6fd366

  Size/MD5 checksum:93876 40a4a3b972b76d84839b22ec0047a1de

  Size/MD5 checksum:83630 c5af3eee5c18f3783d306bfcf2e6a3cf

  HP Precision architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:94884 f1fc0e6bd41671594f4ee434cad99505

  Size/MD5 checksum:76596 e1f3ed8b636875f9dfb744b71af2f172

  Size/MD5 checksum:68508 a3312999b8c7fea595e12a67b8d10640

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:79808 d2e87f6c2ccb4f8b47c863e0d487d80b

Re: [Full-disclosure] NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a new writeup by Amit Klein

2005-07-19 Thread 3APA3A
Dear Amit Klein (AKsecurity),

 NTLM  authentication is insecure by design for external authentication,
 because  of  single  signon ideology. NTLM authentication can be used
 for  NTLM  proxy  attack. For example, attacker who can hijack or spoof
 server  connection  with NTLM authentication can use this connection to
 access  different  Web server, mail server or file server with client's
 privileges.  This  is  known  for many years and was discussed for many
 times.  Internet  Explorer uses NTLM authentication by default only for
 local  network  zone.  Local  network  zone (by default) are hosts with
 NetBIOS  names (for exampel WEBSRV), this hosts are excluded from proxy
 by dafault, and exclusion list for proxy is also part of local network.
 So,  in  default  configuration,  NTLM will never be used through proxy

--Monday, July 18, 2005, 9:43:02 PM, you wrote to 

AKA  NTLM HTTP Authentication
AKA   (and possibly other connection-oriented
AKA   HTTP authentication and authorization protocols)
AKA   is insecure by design


AKANTLM Authentication and HTTP proxies
AKA  don't mix

AKAAmit Klein, July 2005

AKA Introduction

AKA In Meanwhile on the other side of the webserver
AKA (http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/401866) I surveyed some
AKA possible attacks against a scenario wherein a proxy server is
AKA positioned in front of a web server, and that proxy server shares a
AKA single TCP connection to the server among several clients. In that
AKA write-up, I mentioned several problems related to HTTP Request
AKA Smuggling
AKA (http://www.watchfire.com/resources/HTTP-Request-Smuggling.pdf) and
AKA HTTP Response Splitting
AKA (http://www.sanctuminc.com/pdf/WhitePaper_HTTPResponse.pdf). These
AKA are attacks that make use of non-RFC HTTP requests (HTTP Request
AKA Smuggling) or inject unexpected data (CRLF) through the application
AKA into the HTTP response stream (HTTP Response Splitting). In contrast,
AKA this write-up discusses a completely different problem, one which is
AKA inherent to the situation of a connection-oriented authentication/
AKA authorization protocol (e.g. NTLM authentication) used with a proxy
AKA server that shares TCP connections among several clients. Exploiting
AKA this vulnerability can be performed with 100% RFC compliant HTTP
AKA requests, and without attacking the application (i.e. without sending
AKA malicious data to the application).

AKA Theory
AKA ==

AKA In connection oriented security, the authentication is associated
AKA with the TCP connection, rather than to the individual HTTP requests
AKA it transports. As a result, a proxy server that shares a TCP
AKA connection to the server among 2 clients may jeopardize the security
AKA of the web application by sending a first request (or a set of
AKA requests) with authentication/authorization credentials from the
AKA first client, followed by a request with no credentials from the
AKA second client, and have the web server associate the privileges of
AKA the first request with the second request.

AKA NTLM authentication is an example to such connection-oriented
AKA security scheme.
From http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/ntlm.html#ntlmHttpAuthentication
AKA (lacking official Microsoft specification, this resource is one of
AKA the most comprehensive descriptions of NTLM authentication):

AKA   This [HTTP NTLM authentication] scheme differs from most normal
AKA   HTTP authentication mechanisms, in that subsequent requests over
AKA   the authenticated connection are not themselves authenticated;
AKA   NTLM is connection-oriented, rather than request-oriented. So a
AKA   second request for /index.html would not carry any
AKA   authentication information, and the server would request none.

AKA This attack is possible because:

AKA 1. Proxy servers share the same TCP connection to the server, among
AKA several clients. This enables several attacks (on top of the one
AKA described here), as discussed in Meanwhile, on the other side of
AKA the web server.

AKA 2. Connection-oriented security is an insecure concept because
AKA there's no guarantee in the HTTP RFC that a single connection will
AKA be used by a single entity. As can be seen, this simply doesn't
AKA hold. Note that SSL is not connection-oriented security since each
AKA request is encrypted with a secret, shared key, making this protocol
AKA implicitly request-oriented.

AKA Results
AKA ===

AKA I tested this security issue with Microsoft IIS/6.0 (as the web
AKA server that requires NTLM authentication – Integrated Windows
AKA Authentication in Microsoft's IIS GUI terminology) and Sun
AKA Microsystems Sun Java System Web Proxy 4 (as the proxy server that
AKA shares TCP connections to the same server).

AKA There are some tricky points 

[Full-disclosure] Anonymous Web Attacks via Dedicated Mobile Services

2005-07-19 Thread Petko Petkov
Hash: SHA1

Security Notice: Anonymous Web Attacks via Dedicated Mobile Services
Security Risk: UNKNOWN
Publish Data: 2005 July 16

Security Researcher: Petko Petkov
Contact Information: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key: http://pdp.gnucitizen.org/ppetkov.asc


Various Mobile Services provide malicious users with an intermediate
point to anonymously browse Web Resources and execute attacks against

Affected Applications
- -

 * Google's WMLProxy

- --

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol, a communication standard
primarily designed for Information Exchange on various Wireless Terminals
such as mobile telephones. WAP devices work with WML (Wireless Markup Language),
a markup language similar to HTML but more strict because of its XML nature. WML
and HTML are totally different in semantics. As such, there are applications
located on The Internet that are able to transcode from HTML/XHTML to WML.

- ---

An attacker can take advantage of the Google's WMLProxy Service by sending a
request with carefully modified URL of a malicious nature. Such request hides
attacker's IP address and may slow down future investigations on a successful
since Google's Services are often over-trusted.

The following URL should reveal the current IP address:

However, a similar request proxied through WMLProxy:
results to: which belongs to Google Inc.

Like Google's WMLProxy, IYHY.com is HTML/XHTML transcoder, although it is
designed for PDAs and Smart Phones. Still, IYHY can be used as an intermediate
point for
launching anonymous attacks. For example the following URL reveals IYHY IP

Attackers are able to chain Google's WMLProxy and IYHY in order to obscure their
IP address
further. For example, the following URL goes through WMLProxy and IYHY before
getting to
http://wmlproxy.google.com/wmltrans/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

- --

Misuse of Services like Google's WMLProxy and IYHY must be considered as a hight
risk in
situations where they are over-trusted. Google's entries are often filtered out
from the
logs making all possible attacks undetectable. Moreover, attackers can make use
of mobile
devices to request dangerous URLs in order to compromise vulnerable Web
If such requests are not monitored by the particular mobile network, there is no
way to
detect where the attack is launched from.

- --

Mobile Services can offer cleaver parameter filtering features to prevent the
execution of
dangerous requests. However, it is important to understand that simple input
technique can be easily circumvented. The tinyurl service can be used to obscure
the dangerous
URLs, bypassing the input validation checks that an application may have.

It is also worth to mention that modifying the requests, in order to stop
certain XSS and
SQL Injection attacks, may completely brake the logic of the proxided Web Site
leaving the users
with unsatisfactory results.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: Full-Disclosure Digest, Vol 5, Issue 43

2005-07-19 Thread Tanvir

This is interesting. We are using a Proxy server but it ask for NTLM authorization. Any other software i try to use apart from Microsoft products the error comes up for example if i use HTTRACK software it says:-

16:18:32 Warning: Cache: damaged cache, trying to repair16:18:32 Warning: Cache: 0 bytes successfully recovered in 0 entries16:18:32 Error: "Proxy Authentication Required" (407) at link www.yahoo.com/ (from primary/primary)16:18:32 Info: No data seems to have been transfered during this session! : restoring previous one!

They say this is due to NTLM authorization problem. Even if i supply the user name and password to the software still it is not working.

Proxy is with port 8080. I also tried to tunnel through HTTP but to no avail. Before they invoke the NTLM authorization, HTTRACK was working fine.

Any ideas?

Warm regards,

Send Full-Disclosure mailing list submissions tofull-disclosure@lists.grok.org.ukTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visithttps://lists.grok.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/full-disclosureor, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to[EMAIL PROTECTED]You can reach the person managing the list at[EMAIL PROTECTED]When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of Full-Disclosure digest..."Note to digest recipients - when replying to digest posts, please trim your post appropriately. Thank you.Today's Topics:1. Re: NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a newwriteup by Amit Klein (3APA3A)2. Re: Advice RE Site Exploit (Mike Hoye)From: 3APA3A [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC:
 full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.ukTo: "Amit Klein (AKsecurity)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:13:03 +0400Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a new writeup by Amit KleiDear Amit Klein (AKsecurity),NTLM authentication is insecure by design for external authentication,because of "single signon" ideology. NTLM authentication can be usedfor NTLM proxy attack. For example, attacker who can hijack or spoofserver connection with NTLM authentication can use this connection toaccess different Web server, mail server or file server with client'sprivileges. This is known for many years and was discussed for manytimes. Internet Explorer uses NTLM authentication by default only forlocal network zone. Local network zone (by default) are hosts withNetBIOS names (for exampel WEBSRV), this hosts are excluded from proxyby dafault, and exclusion list for proxy 
 is also
 part of local network.So, in default configuration, NTLM will never be used through proxyserver.--Monday, July 18, 2005, 9:43:02 PM, you wrote to full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk:AKA NTLM HTTP AuthenticationAKA (and possibly other connection-orientedAKA HTTP authentication and authorization protocols)AKA is insecure by designAKA OrAKA NTLM Authentication and HTTP proxiesAKA don't mixAKA Amit Klein, July 2005AKA IntroductionAKA AKA In "Meanwhile on the other side of the webserver"AKA (http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/401866) I surveyed someAKA possible attacks against a scenario wherein a proxy server isAKA positioned in front of a web server, and that proxy server shares aAKA single TCP connection to the server among several clients. In thatAKA write-up, I mentioned several p
 related to HTTP RequestAKA SmugglingAKA (http://www.watchfire.com/resources/HTTP-Request-Smuggling.pdf) andAKA HTTP Response SplittingAKA (http://www.sanctuminc.com/pdf/WhitePaper_HTTPResponse.pdf). TheseAKA are attacks that make use of non-RFC HTTP requests (HTTP RequestAKA Smuggling) or inject unexpected data (CRLF) through the applicationAKA into the HTTP response stream (HTTP Response Splitting). In contrast,AKA this write-up discusses a completely different problem, one which isAKA inherent to the situation of a connection-oriented authentication/AKA authorization protocol (e.g. NTLM authentication) used with a proxyAKA server that shares TCP connections among several clients. ExploitingAKA this vulnerability can be performed with 100% RFC compliant HTTPAKA requests, and without attacking the application (i.e. without sendingAKA malicious data to the
 application).AKA TheoryAKA ==AKA In connection oriented security, the authentication is associatedAKA with the TCP connection, rather than to the individual HTTP requestsAKA it transports. As a result, a proxy server that shares a TCPAKA connection to the server among 2 clients may jeopardize the securityAKA of the web application by sending a first request (or a set ofAKA requests) with authentication/authorization credentials from theAKA first client, followed by a request with no credentials from theAKA second client, and have the web server associate the privileges ofAKA the first request with the second request.AKA NTLM authentication is an example to such connection-orientedAKA security scheme.From 

[Full-disclosure] NTLM authorization.

2005-07-19 Thread Tanvir


This is interesting. We are using a Proxy server but it ask for NTLM authorization. Any other software i try to use apart from Microsoft products the error comes up for example if i use HTTRACK software it says:-

16:18:32 Warning: Cache: damaged cache, trying to repair16:18:32 Warning: Cache: 0 bytes successfully recovered in 0 entries16:18:32 Error: "Proxy Authentication Required" (407) at link www.yahoo.com/ (from primary/primary)16:18:32 Info: No data seems to have been transfered during this session! : restoring previous one!

They say this is due to NTLM authorization problem. Even if i supply the user name and password to the software still it is not working.

Proxy is with port 8080. I also tried to tunnel through HTTP but to no avail. Before they invoke the NTLM authorization, HTTRACK was working fine.

Any ideas?

Warm regards,

Send Full-Disclosure mailing list submissions tofull-disclosure@lists.grok.org.ukTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visithttps://lists.grok.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/full-disclosureor, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to[EMAIL PROTECTED]You can reach the person managing the list at[EMAIL PROTECTED]When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of Full-Disclosure digest..."Note to digest recipients - when replying to digest posts, please trim your post appropriately. Thank you.Today's Topics:1. Re: NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a newwriteup by Amit Klein (3APA3A)2. Re: Advice RE Site Exploit (Mike Hoye)From: 3APA3A [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC:
 full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.ukTo: "Amit Klein (AKsecurity)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:13:03 +0400Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a new writeup by Amit KleiDear Amit Klein (AKsecurity),NTLM authentication is insecure by design for external authentication,because of "single signon" ideology. NTLM authentication can be usedfor NTLM proxy attack. For example, attacker who can hijack or spoofserver connection with NTLM authentication can use this connection toaccess different Web server, mail server or file server with client'sprivileges. This is known for many years and was discussed for manytimes. Internet Explorer uses NTLM authentication by default only forlocal network zone. Local network zone (by default) are hosts withNetBIOS names (for exampel WEBSRV), this hosts are excluded from proxyby dafault, and exclusion list for proxy 
 is also
 part of local network.So, in default configuration, NTLM will never be used through proxyserver.--Monday, July 18, 2005, 9:43:02 PM, you wrote to full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk:AKA NTLM HTTP AuthenticationAKA (and possibly other connection-orientedAKA HTTP authentication and authorization protocols)AKA is insecure by designAKA OrAKA NTLM Authentication and HTTP proxiesAKA don't mixAKA Amit Klein, July 2005AKA IntroductionAKA AKA In "Meanwhile on the other side of the webserver"AKA (http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/401866) I surveyed someAKA possible attacks against a scenario wherein a proxy server isAKA positioned in front of a web server, and that proxy server shares aAKA single TCP connection to the server among several clients. In thatAKA write-up, I mentioned several p
 related to HTTP RequestAKA SmugglingAKA (http://www.watchfire.com/resources/HTTP-Request-Smuggling.pdf) andAKA HTTP Response SplittingAKA (http://www.sanctuminc.com/pdf/WhitePaper_HTTPResponse.pdf). TheseAKA are attacks that make use of non-RFC HTTP requests (HTTP RequestAKA Smuggling) or inject unexpected data (CRLF) through the applicationAKA into the HTTP response stream (HTTP Response Splitting). In contrast,AKA this write-up discusses a completely different problem, one which isAKA inherent to the situation of a connection-oriented authentication/AKA authorization protocol (e.g. NTLM authentication) used with a proxyAKA server that shares TCP connections among several clients. ExploitingAKA this vulnerability can be performed with 100% RFC compliant HTTPAKA requests, and without attacking the application (i.e. without sendingAKA malicious data to the
 application).AKA TheoryAKA ==AKA In connection oriented security, the authentication is associatedAKA with the TCP connection, rather than to the individual HTTP requestsAKA it transports. As a result, a proxy server that shares a TCPAKA connection to the server among 2 clients may jeopardize the securityAKA of the web application by sending a first request (or a set ofAKA requests) with authentication/authorization credentials from theAKA first client, followed by a request with no credentials from theAKA second client, and have the web server associate the privileges ofAKA the first request with the second request.AKA NTLM authentication is an example to such connection-orientedAKA security scheme.From 

[Full-disclosure] [ISR] - Novell Groupwise WebAccess Cross-Site Scripting

2005-07-19 Thread Francisco Amato

|| [ISR]
|| Infobyte Security Research
|| www.infobyte.com.ar
|| 07.19.2005


Novell Groupwise WebAccess Cross-Site Scripting 

Version: GroupWise 6.5 SP4, It is suspected that all previous versions of 
Groupwise WebAccess
are vulnerable. 


GroupWise WebAccess is Novell's premier Intranet/Internet GroupWare solution 
for the Web. 

More info:http://www.novell.com 


Remote explotation of Cross-Site Scripting due to failure of the application 
to properly
sanitize user-supplied input prior to including it in dynamically generated 
Web content. 

To reproduce this, send a e-mail with the following html code: 

IMG SRC=j#X41vascript:alert(document.cookie) 

It show a simple code of example to execute script in the browser of an 
unsuspecting user.
This issue may allow for the theft of authentication credentials. 


Vendor advisory:

Vendor patch:
  The filename is fwa655d.exe


Id: CAN-2005-2276
Web: http://cve.mitre.org


06/14/2005  Initial vendor notification
06/14/2005  Initial vendor response
07/19/2005  Coordinated public disclosure 


Francisco Amato is credited with discovering this vulnerability.


Copyright (c) 2005 by [ISR] Infobyte Security Research.
Permission to redistribute this alert electronically is granted as long as 
it is not

edited in any way unless authorized by Infobyte Security Research Response.
Reprinting the whole or part of this alert in any medium other than 
requires permission from infobyte com ar 

The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of 
based on currently available information. Use of the information constitutes 
for use in an AS IS condition. There are no warranties with regard to this 
Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, 
indirect, or
consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this 

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Oracle Advisory: Run any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Reports

2005-07-19 Thread Kornbrust, Alexander

3 months ago (15-april-2005) I informed the Oracle Security Team
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I will publish bug details if the bugs are
not fixed with the next critical patch update (CPU July 2005). I know
that Oracle products are complex and a good patch quality need some
time. That's why I offered Oracle additional time if 3 months are not
sufficient for fixing the bugs. Oracle never asked for more time.

Oracle's behaviour not fixing critical security bugs for a long time
(over 650 days) is not acceptable for their customers. Oracle put their
customers in danger. At least one critical vulnerability can be abused
from any attacker via internet.

I decided to publish these vulnerabilities because it is possible to
mitigate the risk of these vulnerabilities by using the workarounds
provided in the advisories.

Kind Regards

 Alexander Kornbrust


Red-Database-Security GmbH  - Oracle Security Advisory

Run any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Reports

 NameRun any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Reports
 Systems AffectedOracle Reports 6.0, 6i, 9i, 10g
 SeverityHigh Risk 
 CategoryOS command execution
 Vendor URL  http://www.oracle.com 
 Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
 Date19 July 2005 (V 1.00) 
 Inital bug report   663 days ago

Oracle Reports is Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise
tool. It enables businesses to give immediate access to information to
levels within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled scalable
secure environment.
Oracle Reports, a component of the Oracle Application Server, is used by
Oracle itself for the E-Business Suite. Many large customers are using
Oracle Reports as reporting tool for their enterprise applications.

Oracle Reports starts reports executables (*.rep or *.rdf) from any
directory and any user on the application server. These reports are
executed as user Oracle or System (Windows). An attacker which is able
to upload a specially crafted reports executable to the application
server is able to run any OS command or read and write text files on the
application server (e.g. wdbsvr.app containing Oracle passwords). He can
overtake the application server. The upload could be done via Webdav
(Part of the Oracle Application Server), Webutil, SMB, SAMBA, NFS, FTP,

By using the report parameter with an absolute path it is possible to
execute reports executables from ANY directory and ANY user.


1. Create or modify a simple report and add an ORA_FFI call to run OS
commands or a TEXT_IO call to create or read text files on the
application server.
Details how to call OS Program/Command from Reports (Metalink ID:
181086.1) or Read and Write Textfiles Using TEXT_IO (Metalink: 33247.1)
are available on Oracle Metalink.

2. Generate the reports executable (e.g. hacker.rdf or hacker.rep) for
destination platform (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Windows, ...)

3. Copy the reports executable hacker.rdf to a directory on the Oracle
Application Server (e.g. via SMB, file upload, Webdav, Samba, NFS,
Webutil, FTP, ...)

4. Run the report hacker.rdf as user Oracle and specify an absolute
path for the reports executable

5. The host command is executed (ORA_FFI) or a file could be read/write
(TEXT_IO) as user Oracle (Unix) or user SYTEM (Windows).

Available at

Patch Information
This bug is NOT FIXED with Critical Patch Update July 2005 (CPU July
2005). It seems that Oracle is NOT INTERESTED to fix this issue and
provide patches.

25-sep-2003 Oracle secalert was informed

26-sep-2003 Bug confirmed

15-apr-2005 Red-Database-Security informed Oracle secalert that this
vulnerability will publish after CPU July 2005 Red-Database-Security
Oracle more time if it is not possible to provide a fix == NO FEEDBACK.

12-jul-2005 Oracle published CPU July 2005 without fixing this issue

19-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory

(c) 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH - last update 19-july-2005

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Oracle Advisory: Overwrite any file via desname in Oracle Reports

2005-07-19 Thread Kornbrust, Alexander

3 months ago (15-april-2005) I informed the Oracle Security Team
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I will publish bug details if the bugs are
not fixed with the next critical patch update (CPU July 2005). I know
that Oracle products are complex and a good patch quality need some
time. That's why I offered Oracle additional time if 3 months are not
sufficient for fixing the bugs. Oracle never asked for more time.

Oracle's behaviour not fixing critical security bugs for a long time
(over 650 days) is not acceptable for their customers. Oracle put their
customers in danger. At least one critical vulnerability can be abused
from any attacker via internet.

I decided to publish these vulnerabilities because it is possible to
mitigate the risk of these vulnerabilities by using the workarounds
provided in the advisories.

Kind Regards

 Alexander Kornbrust



Red-Database-Security GmbH  - Oracle Security Advisory

Overwrite any file via desname in Oracle Reports

 NameOverwrite any file via desname in Oracle Reports
 Systems AffectedOracle Reports 6.0, 6i, 9i, 10g
 SeverityHigh Risk 
 CategoryFile overwrite
 Vendor URL  http://www.oracle.com 
 Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
 Date19 July 2005 (V 1.00) 
 Inital bug report   706 days ago

Oracle Reports is Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise
tool. It enables businesses to give immediate access to information to
levels within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled scalable
secure environment.

Oracle Reports, a component of the Oracle Application Server, is used by
Oracle itself for the E-Business Suite. Many large customers are using
Oracle Reports as reporting tool for their enterprise applications.

By specifing a special value for the parameter desname Oracle Reports
overwrite any file on the application server.
On Windows systems an attacker can overwrite any files (e.g. boot.ini)
on the application server. On UNIX system an attacker can overwrite all
files (e.g. opmn.xml) which belongs to the Oracle Application Server

This attack can be done with a simple URL.

Will be provided if a patch is available.

Available at

Affected systems

All versions of Oracle Reports are affected.
All applications using Oracle Reports (e.g. E-Business-Suite, ...)

Patch Information
This bug is NOT FIXED with Critical Patch Update July 2005 (CPU July
2005). It seems that Oracle is NOT INTERESTED to fix this issue and
provide patches for this issue. If you believe you need a patch to
protect your Oracle Application Server you should contact Oracle.

12-aug-2003 Oracle secalert was informed

26-sep-2003 Bug confirmed

15-apr-2005 Red-Database-Security informed Oracle secalert that this
vulnerability will publish after CPU July 2005 Red-Database-Security
Oracle more time if it is not possible to provide a fix == NO FEEDBACK.

12-jul-2005 Oracle published CPU July 2005 without fixing this issue

19-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory

(c) 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH - last update 19-july-2005

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Oracle Advisory: Read parts of any XML-file via customize parameter in Oracle Reports

2005-07-19 Thread Kornbrust, Alexander

3 months ago (15-april-2005) I informed the Oracle Security Team
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I will publish bug details if the bugs are
not fixed with the next critical patch update (CPU July 2005). I know
that Oracle products are complex and a good patch quality need some
time. That's why I offered Oracle additional time if 3 months are not
sufficient for fixing the bugs. Oracle never asked for more time.

Oracle's behaviour not fixing critical security bugs for a long time
(over 650 days) is not acceptable for their customers. Oracle put their
customers in danger. At least one critical vulnerability can be abused
from any attacker via internet.

I decided to publish these vulnerabilities because it is possible to
mitigate the risk of these vulnerabilities by using the workarounds
provided in the advisories.

Kind Regards

 Alexander Kornbrust


Red-Database-Security GmbH  - Oracle Security Advisory

Read parts of any XML-file via customize parameter in Oracle Reports

 NameRead parts of any XML-file via customize parameter
 Oracle Reports
 Systems AffectedAll version of Oracle Reports
 SeverityMedium Risk 
 CategoryInformation disclosure
 Vendor URL  http://www.oracle.com 
 Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
 Date19 July 2005 (V 1.00) 
 Inital bug report   693 days ago

Oracle Reports is Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise
tool. It enables businesses to give immediate acces to information to
all levels within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled
scalable and secure environment. Oracle Reports, a component of the
Oracle Application Server, is used by Oracle itself for the E-Business
Suite. Many large customers are using Oracle Reports as reporting tool
for their enterprise applications.

The Oracle Reports parameter customize can read any file by using an
absolute or relative file name.
Parts of the file content are displayed in the Reports error message
(see test case).


serid=scott/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/ORACL

***Reports Output

REP--866648059: Error in the XML report definition at line 3 in
Element 'CALYPSO' used but not declared.'.

***Reports Output


Available at


Affected systems

All versions of Oracle Reports are affected.

Patch Information
This bug is NOT FIXED with Critical Patch Update July 2005 (CPU July
2005). It seems that Oracle is NOT INTERESTED to fix this issue and
provide patches for this issue. 
If you think you need a patch to protect your Oracle Application Server
should contact Oracle.

26-aug-2003 Oracle secalert was informed

27-aug-2003 Bug confirmed

15-apr-2005 Red-Database-Security informed Oracle secalert that this
vulnerability will publish after CPU July 2005 Red-Database-Security
Oracle more time if it is not possible to provide a fix == NO FEEDBACK.

12-jul-2005 Oracle published CPU July 2005 without fixing this issue

19-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory

(c) 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH - last update 19-july-2005

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Oracle Advisory: Run any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Forms

2005-07-19 Thread Kornbrust, Alexander

3 months ago (15-april-2005) I informed the Oracle Security Team
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I will publish bug details if the bugs are
not fixed with the next critical patch update (CPU July 2005). I know
that Oracle products are complex and a good patch quality need some
time. That's why I offered Oracle additional time if 3 months are not
sufficient for fixing the bugs. Oracle never asked for more time.

Oracle's behaviour not fixing critical security bugs for a long time
(over 650 days) is not acceptable for their customers. Oracle put their
customers in danger. At least one critical vulnerability can be abused
from any attacker via internet.

I decided to publish these vulnerabilities because it is possible to
mitigate the risk of these vulnerabilities by using the workarounds
provided in the advisories.

Kind Regards

 Alexander Kornbrust


Red-Database-Security GmbH  - Oracle Security Advisory

Run any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Forms

 NameRun any OS Command via unauthorized Oracle Forms
 Systems AffectedOracle (Web) Forms 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 6i, 9i, 10g
 SeverityHigh Risk  
 CategoryOS command execution
 Vendor URL  http://www.oracle.com 
 Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
 Date19 July 2005 (V 1.00) 
 Inital bug report   664 days ago

Oracle Forms Services, a component of the Oracle Application Server, is
Oracle's long-established technology to design and build enterprise
applications. Oracle itself is using Oracle Forms for the E-Business
Suite. Many large customers are using Oracle Forms for their enterprise

Oracle Forms Services starts forms executables (*.fmx) from any
directory and any user on the application server. These forms are
executed as user Oracle or System (Windows). An attacker which is able
to upload a specially crafted forms executable to the application server
is able to run any OS command and can overtake the application server.
The upload could be done via Webdav (Part of the Oracle Application
Server), SMB, Webutil, SAMBA, NFS, FTP, ...

By using the form or module parameter with an absolute path it is
possible to execute forms executables from ANY directory and ANY user.


1. Create or modify a simple forms module and add the following command
to the WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE-Trigger Host('ls 
forms_is_unsecure.txt' , NO_SCREEN);

2. Generate the forms executable (e.g. hacker.fmx) for the destination
platform (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Windows, ...)

3. Copy the forms executable hacker.fmx to a directory on the Oracle
Application Server (e.g. via SMB, file upload, Webdav, Samba, NFS,
Webutil, FTP, ...)

4. Run the form hacker.fmx as user Oracle and specify an absolute path
for the forms executable

5. The host command is executed as user Oracle (Unix) or user SYTEM

Available at

Patch Information
This bug is NOT FIXED with Critical Patch Update July 2005 (CPU July
2005). It seems that Oracle is NOT INTERESTED to fix this issue and
provide patches for this issue. They recommend to migrate to Oracle
Forms 10g because 9i and 10g are binary

24-sep-2003 Oracle secalert was informed

25-sep-2003 Bug confirmed

15-apr-2005 Red-Database-Security informed Oracle secalert that this
vulnerability will publish after CPU July 2005 Red-Database-Security
Oracle more time if it is not possible to provide a fix == NO FEEDBACK.

18-apr-2005 Oracle Forms Product Management contacted.

20-apr-2005 Email from Product Management that customers should migrate
to Forms 10g. No patches for Forms 6i or 9i.

12-jul-2005 Oracle published CPU July 2005 without fixing this issue

19-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory

(c) 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH - last update 19-july-2005

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Oracle Advisory: Read parts of any file via desformat in Oracle Reports

2005-07-19 Thread Kornbrust, Alexander

3 months ago (15-april-2005) I informed the Oracle Security Team
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I will publish bug details if the bugs are
not fixed with the next critical patch update (CPU July 2005). I know
that Oracle products are complex and a good patch quality need some
time. That's why I offered Oracle additional time if 3 months are not
sufficient for fixing the bugs. Oracle never asked for more time.

Oracle's behaviour not fixing critical security bugs for a long time
(over 650 days) is not acceptable for their customers. Oracle put their
customers in danger. At least one critical vulnerability can be abused
from any attacker via internet.

I decided to publish these vulnerabilities because it is possible to
mitigate the risk of these vulnerabilities by using the workarounds
provided in the advisories.

Kind Regards

 Alexander Kornbrust


Red-Database-Security GmbH  - Oracle Security Advisory

Read parts of any file via desformat in Oracle Reports

 NameRead parts of any file via desformat in Oracle
 Systems AffectedAll version of Oracle Reports
 SeverityMedium Risk 
 CategoryInformation disclosure
 Vendor URL  http://www.oracle.com 
 Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
 Date19 July 2005 (V 1.00) 
 Inital bug report   692 days ago

Oracle Reports is Oracle's award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise
tool. It enables businesses to give immediate access to information to
levels within and outside of the organization in an unrivaled scalable
secure environment. Oracle Reports, a component of the Oracle
Server, is used by Oracle itself for the E-Business Suite. Many large
customers are using Oracle Reports as reporting tool for their
enterprise applications.

The Oracle Reports parameter desformat can read any file by using an
absolute or relative file name.
Parts of the file content are displayed in the Reports error message
(see test case)

The DESFORMAT parameter specifies the format for the job output. In
bit-mapped environments, use DESFORMAT to specify the printer driver to
be used when DESTYPE is FILE. In character-mode environments, use it to
specify the
characteristics of the printer named in DESNAME.


serid=scott/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/passw

***Reports Output

REP-3002: Error in column 5 of line 1 of printer definition file
Unknown keyword root.
REP-3002: Error initializing printer. Please make sure a printer is

***Reports Output


Available at

Affected systems

All versions of Oracle Reports are affected.

Patch Information
This bug is NOT FIXED with Critical Patch Update July 2005 (CPU July
It seems that Oracle is NOT INTERESTED to fix this issue and provide
patches for this issue. If you think you need a patch to protect your
Oracle Application Server you should contact Oracle.

27-aug-2003 Oracle secalert was informed

27-aug-2003 Bug confirmed

15-apr-2005 Red-Database-Security informed Oracle secalert that this
vulnerability will publish after CPU July 2005 Red-Database-Security
Oracle more time if it is not possible to provide a fix == NO FEEDBACK.

12-jul-2005 Oracle published CPU July 2005 without fixing this issue

19-jul-2005 Red-Database-Security published this advisory

(c) 2005 by Red-Database-Security GmbH - last update 19-july-2005

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: SiteMinder Multiple Vulnerabilities

2005-07-19 Thread Williams, James K

 List:   full-disclosure
 Subject:[Full-disclosure] SiteMinder Multiple Vulnerabilities
 From:   c0ntexb () gmail ! com
 Date:   2005-07-08 14:08:53
 Message-ID: df8ba96d050708070869551019 () mail ! gmail ! com

 $ An open security advisory #10 - Siteminder v5.5 Vulnerabilities


 I have contacted Netegrity via ca.com multiple times but received 
 no response, as such, users  should use a filtering technology 
 like modsecurity to detect the above descibed attacks until a 
 fix has been released.

Note that vulnerabilities can be reported to CA by a) sending email 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or b) submitting via a web form at 
http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/vulninfo/submit.aspx .  The 
form can be found by clicking on the Submit a Vulnerability link
at http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/ .  This information is 
documented in the Vendor Dictionary at OSVDB.

Ken Williams ; Vulnerability Research 
Computer Associates ; 0xE2941985
A9F9 44A6 B421 FF7D 4000 E6A9 7925 91DF E294 1985
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Anonymous Web Attacks via Dedicated MobileServices

2005-07-19 Thread Morning Wood
google's language translation also does this..


- Original Message - 
From: Petko Petkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:05 AM
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Anonymous Web Attacks via Dedicated

 Hash: SHA1

 Security Notice: Anonymous Web Attacks via Dedicated Mobile Services
 Security Risk: UNKNOWN
 Publish Data: 2005 July 16

 Security Researcher: Petko Petkov
 Contact Information: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PGP Key: http://pdp.gnucitizen.org/ppetkov.asc


 Various Mobile Services provide malicious users with an intermediate
 point to anonymously browse Web Resources and execute attacks against

 Affected Applications
 - -

  * Google's WMLProxy
  * IYHY

 - --

 WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol, a communication standard
 primarily designed for Information Exchange on various Wireless Terminals
 such as mobile telephones. WAP devices work with WML (Wireless Markup
 a markup language similar to HTML but more strict because of its XML
nature. WML
 and HTML are totally different in semantics. As such, there are
 located on The Internet that are able to transcode from HTML/XHTML to WML.

 - ---

 An attacker can take advantage of the Google's WMLProxy Service by sending
 request with carefully modified URL of a malicious nature. Such request
 attacker's IP address and may slow down future investigations on a
 since Google's Services are often over-trusted.

 The following URL should reveal the current IP address:

 However, a similar request proxied through WMLProxy:
 results to: which belongs to Google Inc.

 Like Google's WMLProxy, IYHY.com is HTML/XHTML transcoder, although it is
 designed for PDAs and Smart Phones. Still, IYHY can be used as an
 point for
 launching anonymous attacks. For example the following URL reveals IYHY IP

 Attackers are able to chain Google's WMLProxy and IYHY in order to obscure
 IP address
 further. For example, the following URL goes through WMLProxy and IYHY
 getting to
 http://wmlproxy.google.com/wmltrans/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - --

 Misuse of Services like Google's WMLProxy and IYHY must be considered as a
 risk in
 situations where they are over-trusted. Google's entries are often
filtered out
 from the
 logs making all possible attacks undetectable. Moreover, attackers can
make use
 of mobile
 devices to request dangerous URLs in order to compromise vulnerable Web
 If such requests are not monitored by the particular mobile network, there
is no
 way to
 detect where the attack is launched from.

 - --

 Mobile Services can offer cleaver parameter filtering features to prevent
 execution of
 dangerous requests. However, it is important to understand that simple
 technique can be easily circumvented. The tinyurl service can be used to
 the dangerous
 URLs, bypassing the input validation checks that an application may have.

 It is also worth to mention that modifying the requests, in order to stop
 certain XSS and
 SQL Injection attacks, may completely brake the logic of the proxided Web
 leaving the users
 with unsatisfactory results.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: SiteMinder Multiple Vulnerabilities (solution)

2005-07-19 Thread Williams, James K

 List:   full-disclosure
 Subject:SiteMinder Multiple Vulnerabilities
 From:   c0ntex c0ntexb () gmail ! com
 Date:   2005-07-08 14:08:53

 $ An open security advisory #10 - Siteminder v5.5 


This issue is NOT present in out-of-the-box installations of 
SiteMinder.  All supported versions of SiteMinder have an
agent configuration parameter called CSSChecking that is,
by default, set to YES.  A SiteMinder administrator would 
have to intentionally set this parameter to NO to become 
vulnerable to this issue.

The CSSChecking configuration parameter has been very well 
documented in SiteMinder product documentation since 2001.

This issue is also documented and addressed in a security 
advisory posted in October 2002 at this URL:
(URL may wrap)

Note that SiteMinder customers should continue to go to 
support.netegrity.com for product support.

Ken Williams ; Vulnerability Research 
Computer Associates ; 0xE2941985
A9F9 44A6 B421 FF7D 4000 E6A9 7925 91DF E294 1985

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: NTLM HTTP Authentication is insecure by design - a new writeup by Amit Klein

2005-07-19 Thread Amit Klein (AKsecurity)
Dear 3APA3A,

On 19 Jul 2005 at 13:35, 3APA3A wrote:

 Dear Amit Klein (AKsecurity),
 --Monday, July 18, 2005, 9:40:32 PM, you wrote to bugtraq@securityfocus.com:
 AKA  NTLM HTTP Authentication
 AKA   (and possibly other connection-oriented
 AKA   HTTP authentication and authorization protocols)
 AKA   is insecure by design
  NTLM  authentication is insecure by design for external authentication,
  because  of  single  signon ideology. NTLM authentication can be used
  for  NTLM  proxy  attack. For example, attacker who can hijack or spoof
  server  connection  with NTLM authentication can use this connection to
  access  different  Web server, mail server or file server with client's
  credentials.  This  is  known for many years and was discussed for many

While not downplaying this remark, I'd say that:

1. By this argument, any non-cryptographically strong protocol should be 
insecure by design. I don't think that's what people have in mind. I think that 
per each 
protocol, there's a set of expectations. For example, no-one expects NTLM auth 
to protect 
data in transit. But people do expect NTLM not to by bypassed by silly methods.

2. I see a big difference between spoofing and hijacking attacks, which require 
non trivial 
skill set, and the attack I described, which, given the right preconditions, is 
so easy to 
mount that it can be done so accidentally.

Few  years  ago  Internet  Explorer  was  patched  to  use NTLM
  authentication  only  for  local  network zone. Local network are hosts
  with  NetBIOS name (for example WEBSRV, excluded by default from proxy)
  and list of proxy exclusions.

Uh, I don't think so. From my experiments with IE 6.0, it happily engages in 
authentication on non local network sites. In fact, there are many sites on the 
which require NTLM authentication. For example, OWA 2000/2003...

  So,  under default configuration, NTLM will not be used through proxy
  server, at least in Internet Explorer.

As a result of my former comment, I have to disagree. There ARE websites that 
require NTLM 
authentication, IE DOES perform it, so there's no theoretic reason why there 
shouldn't be 
proxy servers in between.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/