Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote log injection on DenyHosts, Fail2ban and BlockHosts

2007-06-07 Thread Tavis Ormandy
On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 05:13:54PM -0300, Daniel Cid wrote:
 DenyHosts, Fail2ban and BlockHosts are vulnerable to remote log injection
 that can lead to arbitrarily injection of IP addresses in /etc/hosts.deny. To
 make it more interesting, not only IP addresses can be added, but
 also the wild card all, causing it to block the whole Internet out of the
 box (bypassing white lists) -- see DenyHosts exploit example.

These aren't exactly 0-day, I discussed several of these attacks last
year, such as CVE-2006-6301, and informed the authors that there were
undoubtedly more attacks against these tools. This topic is a favourite
rant of mine, as the software itself is simply fundamentally flawed.

Even unprivileged local users are usually permitted to create arbitrary
log entries (eg, using logger), which will match any regex you can
create. Even if that wasnt the case, obtaining data from untrusted
sources, where remote unauthenticated attackers can manipulate the
content with few restrictions, is clearly not a great idea.

There are better options, such as just ignoring the log noise
from these weak password scans. If you're concerned your users may
select passwords that can be easily guessed, use cracklib, jtr,
passwordqc, etc. This is a far superior solution.

* No additional privileged code is exposed to remote attackers.
* No risk of false positive banning legitimate users.
* No number of bad logins need to be permitted before action.

If you really do insist on parsing log entries created by remote
unauthenticated users as root, and realise how dangerous that is, the
only sane solution is to parse btmp (documented in utmp(5)).

Thanks, Tavis.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | finger me for my pgp key.

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[Full-disclosure] RUS-CERT 2007-06:01 (1380): Insecure Defaults in A-L OmniPCX 7.0

2007-06-07 Thread Oliver Goebel
Dear all,

for your information.

RUS-CERT Security Announcement 2007-06:01 (1380)

  The built-in Mini Switch in Alcatel-Lucent's IP-Touch Telephones under
  OmniPCX Enterprise 7.0 and later Allows Un-Authenticated Access to the
  Voice VLAN in IEEE 802.1x-Authenticated Environments

This announcement is available at:


Insecure default configurations in Alcatel-Lucent's Voice-over-IP
Telephone System OmniPCX Enterprise Release 7.0 and later can be
exploited to gain un-authenticated access to the voice VLAN through
daisy chained computer systems.  By default the mini switch built into
the IP Touch telephone is enabled in a configuration vulnerable to the
issue described in this document.  Changing the configuration in a
specific way remediates the problem.  The scope of this document is
limited to 802.1x- and 801.1q-enabled infrastructures. In scenarios not
using 802.1x authentication, access to the voice VLAN is trivial.

Affected:   Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Release 7.0 and later
Impact: un-authenticated access to the Voice-VLAN
Vector Class:   mediately remote (see 'Attack Requirements' for details)
Problem Class:  insecure defaults
Technical Risk: high
Threat: medium
CVSS:   6.2
CVE-Name:   CVE-2007-2512

Vendor Status
Alcatel-Lucent was contacted in 02-2007 and the publication of this
announcement was co-ordinated with A-L's PSIRT[7] and development

Who Should Read this Document
* Users of Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Release 7.0 and later
  operating Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch telephones in a network
  configuration that uses IEEE 802.1q (VLAN)[1] technology to separate
  voice and data traffic (VLAN segmentation) and IEEE 802.1x[4]
  authentication for IP Touch telephones.

Affected Systems

* Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Release 7.0 and later with IEEE 
  802.1x authentication enabled and default configuration for the PC
  port of the mini switch integrated in IP Touch telephones.

Not Affected Systems

* Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Release 7.0 and later when the PC
  port of the IP Touch telepone's mini switch either is configured to
  - 'disabled port' with no daisy-chained computer system or
  - 'filtering port' with a computer system is daisy-chained.

Note: IEEE 802.1x is not implemented in earlier versions of OmniPCX
  Enterprise nor on OmniPCX Office.

Attack Vector
* Mini switch in Alcatel-Lucent IP Touch telephone when daisy-chaining a
  IEEE 802.1q capable computer system

Attack Requirements
* Physical access to the built-in mini switch in an Alcatel-Lucent IP
  Touch telephone;
  In a typical configuration this will be provided by a daisy-chained
  computer system.  If this system is compromised, the attack can be 
  performed remotely.
* Improper configuration of the PC port state on the IP Touch's mini
  This is the default.

To successfully attack an infrastructure the following extra
requirements must be met:

* IEEE 801.1q VLAN segmentation must be used to separate the voice network
  from other networks
* IEEE 802.1x authentication must be enabled to authenticate telephones and
  control their access to the voice VLAN

Both technologies are recommended and commonly used in VoIP

* Un-authenticated access to the VLAN defined to separate voice traffic
  from data traffic

Vulnerability Type
* insecure defaults

Technical Risk
* high

* medium

Only installations featuring IEEE 802.1q and IEEE 802.1x to separate the
voice infrastructure from other networks and IP-Touch telephones with an
improperly configured built-in mini switch are affected.

See for RUS-CERT's
risk and threat rating.

CVSS Rating
CVSS Base Score   7
CVSS Temporal Score   5.8
CVSS Environmental Score  6.2
Overall CVSS Score6.2

Base Score Metrics
Related exploit range (AccessVector)  Remote 1)
Attack complexity (AccessComplexity)  Low
Level of authentication needed (Authentication)   Not Required
Confidentiality impact (ConfImpact)   Partial
Integrity impact (IntegImpact)Partial
Availability impact (AvailImpact) Partial
Impact value weighting (ImpactBias)   Weight Availability

1) In a scenario with a compromised computer system that is
daisy-chained to a telephone this vulnerability can be expoited

Technical Context

[Full-disclosure] XSS in Space4k.[pl|fr|com|de|it]

2007-06-07 Thread Florian Stinglmayr
Application: Space4k
Web Site: http://www.space4k.[pl|fr|com|de|it]
Bug: XSS (Cross site Scripting)
Discoverer: Florian Stinglmayr
Date: 2007-06-07


Space4K is a massive multiplayer online game game which can be played 
via the browser. Space4k has several divisions for different countries, 
e.g. .de for German speaking users, .com for English speaking countries 
and so forth. Space4k is being developed by GameForge AG.

The login.php has a GET variable named error which is used to display 
a string to the user in case of an error, e.g. Username wrong.. This 
variable is being send to the user without proper sanitizing. A 
malicious user is able to include arbitrary HTML/Javascript by using 
this variable.


Vulnerable Sites:

Florian Stinglmayr

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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-07 Thread Randall M

[Message: 2
[Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 20:23:25 -0400
[From: Larry Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.
[Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
[A more ethical company would have sent HDM a polite note saying that
[the person no longer works there before curiosity got the best of them.
[Does your company do this for all former employee e-mail accounts?
[Let's hope he unsubscribed from all his mailing lists before he left.
[Larry Seltzer
[ Security Center Editor
[Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

Problem here is that most of the time you are escorted out. Not much time to
erase tracks.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-07 Thread rlogin
The key is *personal* e-mail.  It's not unreasonable for any 
company to assume their e-mail systems are used primarily for 
business purposes. The e-mail doesn't indicate it's personal. It 
doesn't say, Your Ghonorrhea test results have come back!  Click 
here for the results.  The e-mail has no contents other than a 
link and doesn't indicate that the Zero Day promise was made 
after this employee left the company. In fact, the subject Zero 
Day is directly related to SecureWork's business and it's entirely 
reasonable to expect a security company to investigate the 
contents. I'm actually surprised someone actually monitors these 
accounts and took the time to look into it!

On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 20:28:26 -0400 security curmudgeon 
: A more ethical company would have sent HDM a polite note 
saying that
: the person no longer works there before curiosity got the best 
of them. 
: Does your company do this for all former employee e-mail 

No. But they also don't continue to accept mail to those accounts 

: Let's hope he unsubscribed from all his mailing lists before he 

If a company is going to continue monitoring a former employee's 
(intentionally or via a 'catch all'), that is fine. But when they 
specifically act on a personal private mail between someone 
outside of 
their company and the former employee, they are crossing the line 
ethical behavior I think. As I said, the least they should have 
done is 
mail HDM and notified him the person no longer works there. If 
they didn't 
do that, and if you think they shouldn't be required to, then they 

shouldn't act on the information in the mail either.

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Click to become a master chef, own a restaurant and make millions

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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-07 Thread Dragos Ruiu
On Wednesday 06 June 2007 11:06, Tim wrote:
 Sorry H.D., it most likely isn't illegal.

I agree. But still sleazy.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: [IACIS-L] Statement by Defense Expert

2007-06-07 Thread J. Oquendo


So I take it that law enforcement computer examiners and prosecutors *do* have
the years of experience in software engineering and exploit construction and
use, to qualify them to translate a bit of data into forensic evidence of guilt?


Catch 22. This is why prosecutors often rely on expert witnesses who 
even then are lacking. One of the
things many omit in their methods of thinking when it comes to perhaps 
going to trial is the following,
and please take it very seriously... Will the JURY understand it first 
and foremost, secondly will the

jury even give a rats ass.

From experience, 1) the jury WILL NOT understand even 1/2 of the 
terminology nor concepts, analogies
you can throw at them. This works to the benefit of whichever side is 
willing to exploit the jurors.
Overwhelm them with so much technology they'll have to believe the 
accused is guilty. After all, why
bring in all of these *experts* (for the prosecution). Overwhelm them 
with so much technology to

counter the former experts expertise and throw in doubt... For the defense.

On the latter... While guilty until proven innocent is the American 
dream, it is seldomly practiced. If so
there would be no need for bail since the defendant is after all 
innocent. (Bottom line holding true to the
letter of the law... Not practical but this concept of innocent until 
proven guilty is flawed). Anyhow,
if one were to find themselves on trial this is what you SHOULD 
expect... You will get a jury of your
so called peers.. So let's define peer: Noun 1. peer - a person who is 
of equal standing with another
in a group. Your peers will never be in equal standing from a 
technological perspective period. For
one, it would take a miracle to gather a bunch of computer literate 
users for jury duty. Heck you will
likely find 0 even if one appears for jury duty, it is likely the 
prosecution will try to rid this person
from selection. Its not in their best interest to have someone fully 
technical on trial for a few reasons.
1) The juror might associate his experiences with the case being tried 
and taint an outcome based
on HIS experience, not the facts presented. Would be the main reason. It 
might not be in the best

interest of the defendant for the same reason.

No sir, your peer will consist of someone who's likely going to be 
computer illiterate, likely twice
your age, etc., they'll 1) be frustrated they have to go through jury 
duty and want to get things over
with to return to normal life. 2) They'll be looking like a deer in 
headlights trying to understand what
the hell an expert is talking about: SMTP is a protocol used to deliver 
electronic mail. This mail
consists of binary zeros and ones which when converted formed a 
corrupted gif image which caused
Microsoft's Windows Small Business Server to suffer a buffer overflow. 
Might sound like clockwork
to anyone here, but will sound Klingon to a juror. I could go on and 
on... But one should be able to

envision the possibilities of jurors being lost and irrate.

I may or may not do a write up based on my case, but that is likely 
going to irritate a lot of federal
agents and it will likely mean I will end up posting my case files 
online which will further piss off
more federal agents and perhaps place me back to square one. Who knows 
maybe I will discuss
this with an attorney beforehand. Lest I face the wrath of again 
breaking into an employer while
on an airplane. But hey... An expert can always be called in on my 
defense on how it would have
been impossible to spoof over the Atlantic Ocean... Then again, a 
counterexpert could show the
possibility of me hijacking satellite after satellite after satellite 
for said connection to leave a

teasing message saying... Hi I pwnd you for shits and giggles.


J. Oquendo
echo|sed 's/^/sil@/g' 

Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-07 Thread Anders B Jansson
Any company email adress is primarily intended for company related issues.
Even the company in question allows you to use it for personal issues, 
it's still mainly intented for company use.

An email adressed to, up until recently employed, security researcher,
HR drone or sales assistant, Elmer Fudd using his company email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] must be seen as adressed to this person
in his position at the company, not to him as a person.

If he for some reason can't take care of it, it's obvious that the
company must take care of the message, usually by the individual who
is covering for him (or replacing him).

If you want to send a message to a specific individual, not a position
at a company, then use his (or hers) personal adress. 

// hdw
 The key is *personal* e-mail.  It's not unreasonable for any 
 company to assume their e-mail systems are used primarily for 
 business purposes. The e-mail doesn't indicate it's personal. It 
 doesn't say, Your Ghonorrhea test results have come back!  Click 
 here for the results.  The e-mail has no contents other than a 
 link and doesn't indicate that the Zero Day promise was made 
 after this employee left the company. In fact, the subject Zero 
 Day is directly related to SecureWork's business and it's entirely 
 reasonable to expect a security company to investigate the 
 contents. I'm actually surprised someone actually monitors these 
 accounts and took the time to look into it!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: [IACIS-L] Statement by Defense Expert

2007-06-07 Thread Glenn.Everhart
Ayup, true enough re jury confusion.

Once a machine has had a malware infection though, the point a layman needs to
understand is simply: it is not possible in under (a large number, maybe 1000) 
years) to determine that the machine has not been remotely controllable if 
to an outside net. 

Further it is not possible to say with certainty that an apparently clean 
machine, so connected,
has not been infected in the past by something that removed its traces.

One is left with probabilities. If for example I am looking for a worm author 
and find on
his computer lots of partial code, edited versions of the worm, and maybe the 
final one, compilers
etc., while it is possible these were inserted by an evil outsider, I might 
reckon that
local creation is more likely.

If all I find is a cache of warez, nasty pictures etc., and some server 
running, it is harder
to exclude the idea the box might be in use by an evildoer as a hiding place 
for material the
outsider is unwilling to risk serving out himself.

As long as experts are suitably modest about what they can know, and explain 
the probabilities
honestly all could be well. The more of these elderly jury selectees that are 
informed ahead
of time about the limits of what can be found, the better.

The story about Mr. Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) having a box infected, taking it to 
work to get it
cleaned, and having all the experts he could access be unable to clean it save 
by wiping and
reloading, may be a useful one to spread to said jury pool folks. It makes it 
clear the level
of expertise and time needed to clean a box up, suggesting that Mr. 
who swears there could never have been external meddling on this box might be 
just a tad out of
his depth.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of J.
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 8:42 AM
Cc: Full Disclosure; Jason Coombs
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: [IACIS-L] Statement by Defense Expert


 So I take it that law enforcement computer examiners and prosecutors *do* have
 the years of experience in software engineering and exploit construction and
 use, to qualify them to translate a bit of data into forensic evidence of 


Catch 22. This is why prosecutors often rely on expert witnesses who 
even then are lacking. One of the
things many omit in their methods of thinking when it comes to perhaps 
going to trial is the following,
and please take it very seriously... Will the JURY understand it first 
and foremost, secondly will the
jury even give a rats ass.

 From experience, 1) the jury WILL NOT understand even 1/2 of the 
terminology nor concepts, analogies
you can throw at them. This works to the benefit of whichever side is 
willing to exploit the jurors.
Overwhelm them with so much technology they'll have to believe the 
accused is guilty. After all, why
bring in all of these *experts* (for the prosecution). Overwhelm them 
with so much technology to
counter the former experts expertise and throw in doubt... For the defense.

On the latter... While guilty until proven innocent is the American 
dream, it is seldomly practiced. If so
there would be no need for bail since the defendant is after all 
innocent. (Bottom line holding true to the
letter of the law... Not practical but this concept of innocent until 
proven guilty is flawed). Anyhow,
if one were to find themselves on trial this is what you SHOULD 
expect... You will get a jury of your
so called peers.. So let's define peer: Noun 1. peer - a person who is 
of equal standing with another
in a group. Your peers will never be in equal standing from a 
technological perspective period. For
one, it would take a miracle to gather a bunch of computer literate 
users for jury duty. Heck you will
likely find 0 even if one appears for jury duty, it is likely the 
prosecution will try to rid this person
from selection. Its not in their best interest to have someone fully 
technical on trial for a few reasons.
1) The juror might associate his experiences with the case being tried 
and taint an outcome based
on HIS experience, not the facts presented. Would be the main reason. It 
might not be in the best
interest of the defendant for the same reason.

No sir, your peer will consist of someone who's likely going to be 
computer illiterate, likely twice
your age, etc., they'll 1) be frustrated they have to go through jury 
duty and want to get things over
with to return to normal life. 2) They'll be looking like a deer in 
headlights trying to understand what
the hell an expert is talking about: SMTP is a protocol used to deliver 
electronic mail. This mail
consists of binary zeros and ones which when converted formed a 
corrupted gif image which caused
Microsoft's Windows Small Business Server to suffer a buffer overflow. 
Might sound like clockwork
to anyone here, but will sound Klingon to a 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote log injection on DenyHosts, Fail2ban and BlockHosts

2007-06-07 Thread Daniel Cid
Hi Tavis,

Reply inline.

On 6/7/07, Tavis Ormandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 These aren't exactly 0-day, I discussed several of these attacks last
 year, such as CVE-2006-6301, and informed the authors that there were
 undoubtedly more attacks against these tools. This topic is a favourite
 rant of mine, as the software itself is simply fundamentally flawed.

These log injection attacks are nothing new, I know, but what CVE-2006-6301
and CVE-2006-6302 talks about are injecting the ip address in the user name
field. Both fail2ban and denyhosts were patched against it, but what I used
was the bad protocol log message to inject the data (as I say in the article).

So, well, I think it is 0-day, since these tools were still vulnerable
and patches
were just released:

Also, I showed that instead of just inserting arbitrary IP addresses to
the hosts.deny file, you can also add the all keyword, causing the box to
be completely locked (bypassing access lists).

 Even unprivileged local users are usually permitted to create arbitrary
 log entries (eg, using logger), which will match any regex you can
 create. Even if that wasnt the case, obtaining data from untrusted
 sources, where remote unauthenticated attackers can manipulate the
 content with few restrictions, is clearly not a great idea.

That's the very flawed concept of IDS (or IPS). Where you obtain data from
untrusted sources and report the attackers or in the case of IPS, block
them. Theorically, you can do the same think with NIPS, by attacking
specific udp signatures (or tcp ones that do not require the full handshake)
and blocking fake ip addresses. But that's not the point of discussion, since
I agree with you (it is very dangerous). Every form of automated response have
serious risks.

 There are better options, such as just ignoring the log noise
 from these weak password scans. If you're concerned your users may
 select passwords that can be easily guessed, use cracklib, jtr,
 passwordqc, etc. This is a far superior solution.

 * No additional privileged code is exposed to remote attackers.
 * No risk of false positive banning legitimate users.
 * No number of bad logins need to be permitted before action.

 If you really do insist on parsing log entries created by remote
 unauthenticated users as root, and realise how dangerous that is, the
 only sane solution is to parse btmp (documented in utmp(5)).

That's  a good solution, no doubt about it. Regarding parsing utmp, the
issue is that you can not do it from a centralized location, which you can
with your syslog (not that syslog is any safer, but that's another issue too).

 Thanks, Tavis.


Daniel B. Cid
dcid ( at )

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[Full-disclosure] [CAID 35395, 35396]: CA Anti-Virus Engine CAB File Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

2007-06-07 Thread Williams, James K
Hash: SHA1

Title: [CAID 35395, 35396]: CA Anti-Virus Engine CAB File Buffer 
Overflow Vulnerabilities

CA Vuln ID (CAID): 35395, 35396

CA Advisory Date: 2007-06-05

Reported By: ZDI

Impact: Remote attackers can cause a denial of service or 
potentially execute arbitrary code.

Summary: CA Anti-Virus engine contains multiple vulnerabilities 
that can allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service or 
possibly execute arbitrary code. CA has issued an update to 
address the vulnerabilities. The first vulnerability, 
CVE-2007-2863, is due to insufficient bounds checking on filenames 
contained in a CAB archive. The second vulnerability, 
CVE-2007-2863, is due to insufficient bounds checking on the 
coffFiles field. By using a specially malformed CAB file, an 
attacker can cause a crash or take unauthorized action on an 
affected system.

Mitigating Factors: None

Severity: CA has given these vulnerabilities a High risk rating.

Affected Products:
CA Anti-Virus for the Enterprise (formerly eTrust Antivirus) r8, 
CA Anti-Virus 2007 (v8)
eTrust EZ Antivirus r7, r6.1
CA Internet Security Suite 2007 (v3)
eTrust Internet Security Suite r1, r2
eTrust EZ Armor r1, r2, r3.x
CA Threat Manager for the Enterprise (formerly eTrust Integrated 
   Threat Management) r8
CA Protection Suites r2, r3
CA Secure Content Manager (formerly eTrust Secure Content 
   Manager) 8.0
CA Anti-Virus Gateway (formerly eTrust Antivirus eTrust Antivirus 
   Gateway) 7.1
Unicenter Network and Systems Management (NSM) r3.0
Unicenter Network and Systems Management (NSM) r3.1
Unicenter Network and Systems Management (NSM) r11
Unicenter Network and Systems Management (NSM) r11.1
BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11.5
BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11.1
BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11 for Windows
BrightStor Enterprise Backup r10.5
BrightStor ARCserve Backup v9.01
CA Common Services
CA Anti-Virus SDK (formerly eTrust Anti-Virus SDK)

Affected Platforms:

Status and Recommendation:
CA has issued content update 30.6 to address the vulnerabilities. 
The updated engine is provided with content updates. Ensure the 
latest content update is installed if the signature version is 
less than version 30.6.

For BrightStor ARCserve Backup:

1. To update the signatures one time only, open a command window, 
change into the C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ScanEngine 
directory, and enter the following command:

inodist /cfg inodist.ini

2. To update on a regular schedule:

* Submit a GenericJob using the ARCserve Job Scheduler. Please 
search the BrightStor Administrator's Guide for 'Antivirus 
Maintenance' and follow the directions.


* Use the above command line instruction with the AT Scheduler.

Workaround: None

References (URLs may wrap):
CA SupportConnect:
CA SupportConnect Security Notice for this vulnerability:
Security Notice for CA products implementing the Anti-Virus engine
CA Security Advisor posting: CA Anti-Virus Engine CAB File Buffer 
Overflow Vulnerabilities
CAID: 35395, 35396
Reported By: ZDI
ZDI Advisory: ZDI-07-034, ZDI-07-035
CVE References: CVE-2007-2863, CVE-2007-2864
OSVDB References: OSVDB-35244, OSVDB-35245

Changelog for this advisory:
v1.0 - Initial Release

Customers who require additional information should contact CA
Technical Support at

For technical questions or comments related to this advisory, 
please send email to vuln AT ca DOT com.

If you discover a vulnerability in CA products, please report your
findings to vuln AT ca DOT com, or utilize our Submit a 
Vulnerability form. 

Ken Williams ; 0xE2941985
Director, CA Vulnerability Research

CA, 1 CA Plaza, Islandia, NY 11749

Legal Notice
Privacy Policy
Copyright (c) 2007 CA. All rights reserved.

Version: PGP Desktop 9.5.3 (Build 5003)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Yahoo 0day ActiveX Webcam Exploit

2007-06-07 Thread Morning Wood
cannot reproduce..

yahoo IM versions

versions and

versions and

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[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 1299-1] New ipsec-tools packages fix denial of service

2007-06-07 Thread dann frazier
Hash: SHA1

- ---
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1299-1[EMAIL PROTECTED]   dann frazier
June 7th, 2007
- ---

Package: ipsec-tools
Vulnerability  : missing input sanitising
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2007-2524

It was discovered that a specially-crafted packet sent to the racoon
ipsec key exchange server could cause a tunnel to crash, resulting in
a denial of service.

The oldstable distribution (sarge) isn't affected by this problem.

For the stable distribution (etch) this problem has been fixed in
version 1:0.6.6-3.1.

The unstable distribution (sid) will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you upgrade your racoon package.

Upgrade Instructions
- -

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  714 8b0036099ce66a7cbe83e54d0b904af2
  Size/MD5 checksum:49981 087edd1d11957b09b2171900a9b11861
  Size/MD5 checksum:   914807 643a238e17148d242c603c511e28d029

  Alpha architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:97060 2532ce5a61a9ddda86d2dc2b6c2fee0d
  Size/MD5 checksum:   376370 d20d19e5fa8943b80a1a5678044e578c

  AMD64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:89052 8ff0a34a1fca0e232edcee6827233760
  Size/MD5 checksum:   341854 44f25a0b80eb783aa1c8f6a971ca237d

  ARM architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:89788 d5378073f43820e820d5abfab4ea19ac
  Size/MD5 checksum:   325002 fc60192e280377c8d802827fb35e9ccf

  HP Precision architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:93882 6a44a4a6f99bd607c47b993eb02ede0a
  Size/MD5 checksum:   354128 130b95fb7d817148acc080b87d650033

  Intel IA-32 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:84608 a5ae0d2e2a6c804a7bc28bd78b89b9a8
  Size/MD5 checksum:   329946 ecf6c9f4b86fa32b24ef7d395ec786bc

  Intel IA-64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   113136 8bda8ebe0253f6a122ed55ae5594061c
  Size/MD5 checksum:   467976 f10fd34a1511d2115429a07aa66c9505

  Big endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:89766 66e65d7dd8997376ec87419b9e578635
  Size/MD5 checksum:   344828 091f455c5364c6e086ccf3bab88b118d

  Little endian MIPS architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:90078 23c815af2dd3b8caafbf51a36cc10f7e
  Size/MD5 checksum:   346628 c31717b5c9d124fb762dd6bff3f05179

  PowerPC architecture:

[Full-disclosure] You STUPID bastards.

2007-06-07 Thread Aberration State
Hash: SHA1

what's more stupid? a bunch of l33+ defcon security conference
attendees too stupid to read a distribution list before sending
sentive information or stupid rantings about big bad capitalistic

- ---
“You don't have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to
do is to be an intelligent human being.” - Malcolm X

On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:47 AM, H D Moore wrote:

 Some friends and I were putting together a contact list for the
 attending the Defcon conference this year in Las Vegas. My friend
 out an email, with a large CC list, asking people to respond if
 planned on attending. The email was addressed to quite a few
 people, with
 one of them being David Maynor. Unfortunately, his old SecureWorks
 address was used, not his current address with ErrattaSec.

 Since one of the messages sent to the group contained a URL to
 numbers and names, I got paranoid and decided to determine whether
 SecureWorks was still reading email addressed to David Maynor. I
 sent an
 email to David's old SecureWorks address, with a subject line
 0-day, and a link to a non-public URL on the web
 (via SSL). Twelve hours later, someone from a Comcast cable modem
 Atlanta tried to access the link, and this someone was
(confirmed) not
 David. SecureWorks is based in Atlanta. All times are CDT.

 I sent the following message last night at 7:02pm.

 From: H D Moore hdm[at]
 To: David Maynor dmaynor[at]
 Subject: Zero-day I promised
 Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 19:02:11 -0500
 User-Agent: KMail/1.9.3
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Content-Disposition: inline
 Message-Id: 200706051902.11544.hdm[at]
 Status: RO
 X-Status: RSC

 Approximately 12 hours later, the following request shows up in
 log file. It looks like someone at SecureWorks is reading email
 to David and tried to access the link I sent: - - [05/Jun/2007:19:16:42 -0500] GET /maynor.tar.gz
 HTTP/1.1 404 211 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X;
 AppleWebKit/419 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3

 This address resolves to:

 The whois information is just the standard Comcast block


 Is this illegal? I could see reading email addressed to him being

 the bounds of the law, but it seems like trying to download the
 link crosses the line.

 Illegal or not, this is still pretty damned shady.



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Note: This signature can be verified at
Version: Hush 2.5


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[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 1300-1] New iceape packages fix several vulnerabilities

2007-06-07 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1300-1[EMAIL PROTECTED] Moritz Muehlenhoff
June 7th, 2007
- --

Package: iceape
Vulnerability  : several
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2007-1362 CVE-2007-1558 CVE-2007-2867 CVE-2007-2868 
CVE-2007-2870 CVE-2007-2871

Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Iceape internet
suite, an unbranded version of the Seamonkey Internet Suite. The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems:


Nicolas Derouet discovered that Iceape performs insufficient 
validation of cookies, which could lead to denial of service.


Gatan Leurent discovered a cryptographical weakness in APOP
authentication, which reduces the required efforts for an MITM attack
to intercept a password. The update enforces stricter validation, which
prevents this attack.

Boris Zbarsky, Eli Friedman, Georgi Guninski, Jesse Ruderman, Martijn
Wargers and Olli Pettay discovered crashes in the layout engine, which
might allow the execution of arbitrary code.


Brendan Eich, Igor Bukanov, Jesse Ruderman, moz_bug_r_a4 and Wladimir Palant
discovered crashes in the javascript engine, which might allow the 
execution of
arbitrary code.


moz_bug_r_a4 discovered that adding an event listener through the
 addEventListener() function allows cross-site scripting.


Chris Thomas discovered that XUL popups can can be abused for spoofing or
phishing attacks.

Fixes for the oldstable distribution (sarge) are not available. While there
will be another round of security updates for Mozilla products, Debian doesn't
have the ressources to backport further security fixes to the old Mozilla
products. You're strongly encouraged to upgrade to stable as soon as possible.

For the stable distribution (etch) these problems have been fixed in version
1.0.9-0etch1. A build for the arm architecture is not yet available, it will
be provided later.

The unstable distribution (sid) will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you upgrade your iceape packages.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- ---

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum: 1403 fac51ae60382306a1f5937d393cad9b8
  Size/MD5 checksum:   265235 f0632d0ab1011723516b42ddc3fbf077
  Size/MD5 checksum: 42936008 f3f2409c45e5e48124159f71c3f305db

  Architecture independent components:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   278514 abeb91d6d747fbd2a2dc4c53a0c1b730
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3655228 aeaa72117bdef3db570d175294003567
  Size/MD5 checksum:27642 2c103331d2f75caab26dc5c5c5b53db5
  Size/MD5 checksum:27172 6461173091e780104247676063370dd4
  Size/MD5 checksum:26244 3a26fad0fccac9cb3f0a3826eaba0398
  Size/MD5 checksum:26258 6c114441ed304d22a68626e641714a32
  Size/MD5 checksum:26380 36e2977fd80cdf0e5132d3e5d3d7566f
  Size/MD5 checksum:26280 4f803f93ba3146cf3568a8255d7ff1ce

Re: [Full-disclosure] Yahoo 0day ActiveX Webcam Exploit

2007-06-07 Thread Ronald MacDonald
What's the point of a disclosure you can't reproduce?

aaargh, pest!

On 07/06/07, Morning Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cannot reproduce..

 yahoo IM versions

 versions and

 versions and

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Ronald MacDonald
0777 235 1655

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[Full-disclosure] Second Call for Papers: DeepSec IDSC 2007 Europe/Vienna: 20-23 Nov 2007

2007-06-07 Thread Paul Böhm
DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference 2007 Europe - Nov 20-23 2007 -
Vienna, Austria

Second Call for Papers

We're inviting you to submit papers and proposals for trainings for
the first annual DeepSec security conference.

We've been able to get some really good submissions, fantastic
keynotes, and extremely interesting invited talks so far, and are
hoping we'll get even more exciting talks during the final phases of
the CFP.

We're especially interested in getting more non-web talks! Dudes -
stop submitting basic ajax, web2.0 and voip security talks already,
we're flooded by these! We still want to get more submissions and case
studies of government project security (egovernment, electronic
health/citizen cards, electronic passports, i- and evoting security,
inter-government protocols, ...), and also more submissions on secure
software development, rootkits, forensics, and the security of popular
but seldom discussed protocols.

We've managed to come up with a really nice social programme around
the conference. Among other things, there'll be Capture the Flag and
Live Web Hacking contests organized by the Hack in the Box team,
exciting evening action at our partner event, the RoboExotica
Cocktail-Robotics Festival, and a thrilling speakers after-party at
Vienna's top hacker club, the Metalab. We're sure this will be a
conference experience that you'll remember!

So submit your talks and trainings now and don't miss the action! :)

All proposals received before June 16th 2007, 23:59 CET will be
considered by the Program Committee.

== About DeepSec ==

DeepSec IDSC is an annual European two-day in-depth Conference on
Computer-, Network-, and Application-Security. The first DeepSec
Conference will be held from November 22nd to 23rd 2007 in Vienna, and
aims to bring together the leading security experts from all over the
world in Europe.

In addition to the conference with thirty-two sessions, four two-day
intense security training courses will be held before the main
conference. The conference program will be augmented with a live
hacking competition and a team capture the flag contest.

DeepSec is a non-product, non-vendor-biased conference. Our aim is to
present the best research and experience from the fields' leading

Target Audience: Security Officers, Security Professionals and Product
Vendors, IT Decision Makers, Policy Makers, Security-, Network-, and
Firewall-Admins, and Software Developers.

== Speakers/Trainers ==

Until June 16th, 23:59 CET, we'll be accepting papers and lightning
talk submissions. Please note we are non-product, non-vendor biased
security conference, and do not accept vendor pitches.

Speaker privileges include

  * One economy class return-ticket to Vienna.
  * 3 nights of accomodation in the Conference Hotel.
  * Breakfast, Lunch, and two coffee breaks
  * Speaker activities during, before, and after the conference.
  * Speaker After-Party in the Metalab Hackerspace on November, 24th.

Trainer privileges include

  * 50% of the net profit of the class.
  * 2 nights of accomodation in the Conference Hotel during the trainings.
  * Breakfast, Lunch, and two coffee breaks.
  * Free Speaker Ticket for the Conference.
  * Speaker activities during, before, and after the conference.
  * Speaker After-Party in the Metalab Hackerspace on the 24th November

== Topics ==

We are interested in bleeding edge security research, directly from
leading researchers, professionals in academics, industry, and
government, and the underground security community. Topics of special
interest include

  * Vista, Linux, OSX Security
  * E/I-Voting Case-Studies, Attacks, Weaknesses
  * Mobile Security
  * Network Protocol Analysis
  * AJAX/Web2.0/Javascript Security
  * Secure Software Development
  * VoIP
  * Perimeter Defense / Firewall Technology
  * Digital Forensics
  * WLAN/WiFi, GPRS, IPv6 and 3G Security
  * IPv6
  * Smart Card Security
  * Cryptography
  * Intrusion Detection
  * Incident Response
  * Rootkit Detection, Techniques, and Defense
  * Security Properties of Web-Frameworks
  * Malicious Code Analysis
  * Secure Framework Design
  * .Net and Java Security

== Submission ==

Proposals for presentations and trainings at the first annual DeepSec
In-Depth Security Conference will be accepted until June 16th 2007,
23:59 CET.

All proposals should be submitted over the web at
If you have questions, want to send us additional material, or have
problems with the webform, feel free to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day Yahoo Webcam Exploits

2007-06-07 Thread Morning Wood
 Corrected and working:
  I am very sorry! Please check again
  Exploit #1

new versions:
success yahoo version

  Exploit #2:

no success ( black box in IE )

1 for 2 come on danny!!!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day Yahoo Webcam Exploits

2007-06-07 Thread Morning Wood
  Exploit #2:

working now..

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[Full-disclosure] rPSA-2007-0117-1 gd php php-mysql php-pgsql

2007-06-07 Thread rPath Update Announcements
rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0117-1
Published: 2007-06-07
Products: rPath Linux 1
Rating: Minor
Exposure Level Classification:
Indirect User Deterministic Denial of Service
Updated Versions:
gd=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/2.0.33-4.4-1
php=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1
php-mysql=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1
php-pgsql=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/4.3.11-15.11-1


Previous versions of the gd and php packages are vulnerable to a Denial
of Service attack in which an attacker can use a truncated PNG image to
cause unbounded CPU consumption.  The libgd library is not exposed via
any privileged or remote interfaces within rPath Linux per se, but it is
exposed by some web applications, such as php (which provides its own
internal version of libgd).

Copyright 2007 rPath, Inc.
This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
A copy is available at

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