[Full-disclosure] cfp: TRsec, Istanbul Turkey

2007-08-05 Thread gadie
TRsec is a security and hacking conference happening September 8th, 2007,
in Istanbul, Turkey.

TRsec is a security conference for the Turkish security industry. It is
organized by the Profilo group in cooperation with Beyond Security.


Bring a technical security conference to Turkey, its security industry and
local professionals.

Call for Papers information
Topics to submit for this conference include:

Malware, intrusion detection, corporate security, risk assessment, reverse
engineering, network security, etc.
Meaning - any security subject.

Preference will be given to technical security talks.

To submit email me personally at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


TRsec will take place at PROFLO ALIVER MERKEZ
(http://www.pam.com.tr/pam/index.php), starting at 9 AM, on the 8th of


Gadi Evron,
Beyond Security.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 1349-1] New libextractor packages fix arbitrary code execution

2007-08-05 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1349-1[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Moritz Muehlenhoff
August 5th, 2007http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: libextractor
Vulnerability  : integer overflow
Problem type   : local (remote)
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2007-3387

It was discovered that an integer overflow in the xpdf PDF viewer may lead
to the execution of arbitrary code if a malformed PDF file is opened.

libextractor includes a copy of the xpdf code and required an update
as well.

For the oldstable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 0.4.2-2sarge6.

The stable distribution (etch) isn't affected by this problem.

The unstable distribution (sid) isn't affected by this problem.

We recommend that you upgrade your libextractor packages.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  778 fbcbd62c772674dc96a26373e5aa6e01

  Size/MD5 checksum: 9063 bb026f68189fd93686e5fd94b6cda88e

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5887095 d99e1b13a017d39700e376a0edbf7ba2

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:19690 01b435b2688d03f3459c79526954925c

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5810714 dd23f39e0b388296b1fc271739712ebe

  Size/MD5 checksum:19484 7f05a34e53fd43830028912e14d2328f

  AMD64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:18346 b0630efe8af750547c51f18e2b37e56c

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5641608 6cc4c3570ed2c3319944d2dadeb32df2

  Size/MD5 checksum:17618 b03292795065cdd0c9444343f216a058

  ARM architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:17726 b7d8e767fdec15d9f1dd42a4d287d093

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5710926 010de9d5ca245ecde20850f2077ec525

  Size/MD5 checksum:17034 70da5564ca690372c8ff2f920e3145e7

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:17870 34c81aebd99358f6a6668e6a6e766dcf

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5713546 59647b99f778803ae7dd04b8a3ef4f69

  Size/MD5 checksum:16796 f6a61702be519be0de6ba5254a8d2bc1

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:20664 abbab8aca9823e749ce8f56ba180605a

  Size/MD5 checksum:  5905678 6c4fae9ee6f98f8a2b04dfc8bb1e6c77

  Size/MD5 checksum:19402 7217989cd00aa203703636a12b73ef1c

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:


[Full-disclosure] a couple of notes on Neal Krawetz image forensics presentation

2007-08-05 Thread Michal Zalewski
As a bad photographer with several forays into the forensic world, I have
a couple of comments on a recent (and pretty interesting!) Black Hat
presentation by Neal Krawetz (www.hackerfactor.com) on image forensics:


To make things clear: I liked it. I think it's solid. I don't want this to
be picked up by the press and turned into a food fight. I respect the
author. My point is to express my slight doubts regarding several of the
far-fetched conclusions presented later in the talk -before the approach
is relied upon to fire someone from his post or the like.

First things first: in the presentation, following an overview of some of
the most rudimentary manual anslysis techniques, Mr.  Krawetz employs
several mathametical transformations as a method to more accurately detect
image tampering. This is based on a valid high-level premise: when lossy
formats are repeatedly edited and recompressed, the quality of various
portions of the image will proportionally degrade. If the image is
composed from a couple of previously lossy compressed files from various
sources, their compression degradation patterns may differ - and the
current level of degradation can be quantified, in the most rudimentary
way simply by measuring how each compression unit (with JPEG, an 8x8px
cell) changes with further compression - which is a nonlinear process.

The property that makes this possible is known to all photographers - the
progressive degradation is the main reason why professional and prosumer
photo editing and delivery is done almost exclusively using
storage-extensive lossless formats, and why SLR cameras support RAW / TIFF
output (and why skilled image forgers would not use lossy formats until
they're done, or if forced to, would rescale their work and add subtle
noise to thwart analysis). I'm pretty sure the approach is used as one of
the inputs by commercial image forensics software, too - along with a
couple of other tricks, such as similarity testing to spot the use of
clone tool.

Now, to the point: the wow factor associated with the presentation and
picked up by the press comes from a claim about an apparent heavy
manipulation of certain publicly released pictures of Al Qaeda associates,
as a proof of the accuracy and reliability of the automated approach - and
that's where I'm not really so sure about the conclusions reached.

In essence, my issue with this is that the presentation fails to
acknowledge that observed patterns do not necessarily depend on the number
of saves alone. There are certain very common factors that play a far more
pronounced role - and in fact, some of them seem to offer a *better*
explanation of some of the artifacts observed. The two most important

  - Non-uniform subsampling: JPEG and MPEG typically employ 4:2:0 chroma
subsampling. This means that a region where a contrast between objects
is primarily a product of color changes (at comparable intensity of
reflected light) may appear to be older (already lower frequency 
contrast, producing less pronounced error difference patterns)
compared to a region where the same level of contrast can be attributed to
luminosity changes alone. Consider this example:


...we then compress it as a JPEG:


...and can compare the level of compression-related degradation by
converting it to cyan-weighted BW:


I attempted to recreate the RGB error difference approach of Mr.
Krawetz, resaving it again at a slightly different compression level,
and came up with this image, which seems to suggest that only the top
text is brand new (comparing this to the conclusions reached for
various TV frame grabs later in his presentation, where similar
differences in color and contrast were resolved in favor of


Simply picking out Y component does not help either - since the
working space of the editor is inevitably RGB, each resave causes
Cb and Cr resampling imprecision to spill to Y on YCbCr - RGB -
YCbCr conversions, and introduce errors comparable to what we're
trying to detect.

  - Quantization. JPEG quality is controlled primarily by the accuracy
of image quantization step that discards differences in many
high-frequency 8x8 patterns, while generally preserving low-frequency
ones, but possibly introducing higher-frequency artifacts around
more complex shapes, subject to rapid degradation. A good example of
this is the following picture:



Krawetz attributes the outline around al-Zawahiri seen on the second

Re: [Full-disclosure] a couple of notes on Neal Krawetz image forensics presentation

2007-08-05 Thread HACK THE GOV
is neal krawetz phd saying al queda use fake backgrounds in their
videos so people don't know they are actually filmed in the

neal krawetz is a genuis, i'm a great admirer of his work, he must
have lots of girls chasing after him.


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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Remote hole in OpenBSD 4.1

2007-08-05 Thread Gadi Evron
I formerly had a great deal of respect, bordering on admiration, for Theo 
deRaadt's refusals to compromise his open source principles, even in the 
face of stiff opposition. Although he has occasionally gone over-the-top, 
recommended some frankly very dubious changes to OpenBSD, and is regularly 
arrogant (which is even more annoying because he's so often right!), he's 
always remained consistent in his devotion to the cause of GNU/Free Software.

Notice formerly: my confidence in deRaadt has been soundly shaken by his 
latest round of unfounded aspersions cast against Intel's Core 2 line of 
CPUs. Instead of getting the facts with careful analysis and study, deRaadt 
has jumped the gun by trying to preempt proper research with posts to the 
openbsd-misc mailing list. This in itself wouldn't be so bad, but his only 
proper citation is a 404 page, and his only other source is an old summary 
of unverified errata from a hobbyist website.

The lack of fact-checking and complete absence of any credible sources for 
his allegations is suspicious in itself, but he compounds it into a complete 
boner by making an equally unsupported claim that the supposed (in fact 
non-existent) CPU problems are security flaws:

As I said before, hiding in this list are 20-30 bugs that cannot be worked 
around by operating systems, and will be potentially exploitable. I would 
bet a lot of money that at least 2-3 of them are.

Without real references to backup his exaggerated concerns, deRaadt's post 
crosses the line into outright libel and scare-mongering. It's obvious when 
you know what to look for: the subtle use of neurolinguistic priming in 
emotive leading phrases such as some errata like AI65, AI79, AI43, AI39, 
AI90, AI99 scare the hell out of us, Open source operating systems are 
largely left in the cold, hiding in this list, and so forth. This does 
not lead me to share Theo's purported fears; instead it leads me to believe 
that he's trying to unduly influence Intel's reputation with lies.

I have an idea of why. It's the same reason deRaadt feels comfortable in 
saying that he'd bet a lot of money on Intel's Core 2 processors having 
multiple (not one, but several) security flaws originating from these 
errata. Namely, one of Intel's largest competitors has supplied the OpenBSD 
project with a substantial amount of monetary support since 2004, presumably 
because they can't compete even in the open source market without propping 
it up with a flow of money. They cannot maintain their position on the 
processor front, so they're resorting to buying out open source software 
developers. It's regrettably cheap to do so, even if they have deRaadt's 
prestige, because their business models stifle income and so a monolith such 
as AMD can trivially tempt them with greater incentives. In fact deRaadt is 
an easier target for donations because he makes it clear that he has no 
business model for OpenBSD.

Intel, by contrast, have no discernable incentive to deceive or play down 
security flaws in their products; the consecutive f00f and FDIV bugs of the 
past have taught Intel that their best course of action is to face up to 
their errors and offer speedy fixes.

DeRaadt's claim that Intel must be come [sic] more transparent is most 
unfounded, especially when one considers who stands to benefit from this 
anti-Intel arrangement; the connections between the AMD-ATI leviathan and 
deRaadt-driven projects are not hard to find. AMD make a point of 
emphasising OpenBSD's place in the AMD64 ecosystem, and, as already 
mentioned, lends its deep pockets to deRaadt's grasp. And the connections go 
both ways too: deRaadt has a blatant chip on his shoulder regarding Intel.

Ultimately, it hasn't been enough for deRaadt to level unsubstantiated 
libels at Intel, or to elicit spurious security fears about its solidly 
tested products. He's added an extra layer of hypocrisy on top by attacking 
Intel for being opaque and complaining about made-up fatal flaws in their 
Core 2 system. I would go as far as to posit that it is in fact deRaadt's 
system for running the OpenBSD project which has a fatal flaw. This escapade 
proves that deRaadt -- and by extension the OpenBSD project -- is simply too 
vulnerable to external influence from corporations with a vested interest 
and lots of lucre.

 for the edge of your seat? 
Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote hole in OpenBSD 4.1

2007-08-05 Thread monikerd
Gadi Evron wrote:
 I formerly had a great deal of respect, bordering on admiration, for Theo 
 deRaadt's refusals to compromise his open source principles, even in the 
 face of stiff opposition. Although he has occasionally gone over-the-top, 
 recommended some frankly very dubious changes to OpenBSD, and is regularly 
 arrogant (which is even more annoying because he's so often right!), he's 
 always remained consistent in his devotion to the cause of GNU/Free Software.

 Notice formerly: my confidence in deRaadt has been soundly shaken by his 
 latest round of unfounded aspersions cast against Intel's Core 2 line of 
 CPUs. Instead of getting the facts with careful analysis and study, deRaadt 
 has jumped the gun by trying to preempt proper research with posts to the 
 openbsd-misc mailing list. This in itself wouldn't be so bad, but his only 
 proper citation is a 404 page, and his only other source is an old summary 
 of unverified errata from a hobbyist website.

 The lack of fact-checking and complete absence of any credible sources for 
 his allegations is suspicious in itself, but he compounds it into a complete 
 boner by making an equally unsupported claim that the supposed (in fact 
 non-existent) CPU problems are security flaws:

 As I said before, hiding in this list are 20-30 bugs that cannot be worked 
 around by operating systems, and will be potentially exploitable. I would 
 bet a lot of money that at least 2-3 of them are.

 Without real references to backup his exaggerated concerns, deRaadt's post 
 crosses the line into outright libel and scare-mongering. It's obvious when 
 you know what to look for: the subtle use of neurolinguistic priming in 
 emotive leading phrases such as some errata like AI65, AI79, AI43, AI39, 
 AI90, AI99 scare the hell out of us, Open source operating systems are 
 largely left in the cold, hiding in this list, and so forth. This does 
 not lead me to share Theo's purported fears; instead it leads me to believe 
 that he's trying to unduly influence Intel's reputation with lies.

 I have an idea of why. It's the same reason deRaadt feels comfortable in 
 saying that he'd bet a lot of money on Intel's Core 2 processors having 
 multiple (not one, but several) security flaws originating from these 
 errata. Namely, one of Intel's largest competitors has supplied the OpenBSD 
 project with a substantial amount of monetary support since 2004, presumably 
 because they can't compete even in the open source market without propping 
 it up with a flow of money. They cannot maintain their position on the 
 processor front, so they're resorting to buying out open source software 
 developers. It's regrettably cheap to do so, even if they have deRaadt's 
 prestige, because their business models stifle income and so a monolith such 
 as AMD can trivially tempt them with greater incentives. In fact deRaadt is 
 an easier target for donations because he makes it clear that he has no 
 business model for OpenBSD.

 Intel, by contrast, have no discernable incentive to deceive or play down 
 security flaws in their products; the consecutive f00f and FDIV bugs of the 
 past have taught Intel that their best course of action is to face up to 
 their errors and offer speedy fixes.

 DeRaadt's claim that Intel must be come [sic] more transparent is most 
 unfounded, especially when one considers who stands to benefit from this 
 anti-Intel arrangement; the connections between the AMD-ATI leviathan and 
 deRaadt-driven projects are not hard to find. AMD make a point of 
 emphasising OpenBSD's place in the AMD64 ecosystem, and, as already 
 mentioned, lends its deep pockets to deRaadt's grasp. And the connections go 
 both ways too: deRaadt has a blatant chip on his shoulder regarding Intel.

 Ultimately, it hasn't been enough for deRaadt to level unsubstantiated 
 libels at Intel, or to elicit spurious security fears about its solidly 
 tested products. He's added an extra layer of hypocrisy on top by attacking 
 Intel for being opaque and complaining about made-up fatal flaws in their 
 Core 2 system. I would go as far as to posit that it is in fact deRaadt's 
 system for running the OpenBSD project which has a fatal flaw. This escapade 
 proves that deRaadt -- and by extension the OpenBSD project -- is simply too 
 vulnerable to external influence from corporations with a vested interest 
 and lots of lucre.

  for the edge of your seat? 
 Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Nice try, but (Wrong list). Too little to late.

firstly you employ the trick of accuse them first when you get to
neurolinguistic priming
your text is full of it. 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote hole in OpenBSD 4.1

2007-08-05 Thread Michael Smythe
There's something about this that makes my blood boil. I'm not sure what it
is, but I don't think it's the post by this particular individual, but
rather the behaviour and actions of Theo de Raadt in the past.

First off, the contents of this email do not shock me. In fact, I would say
this would be the kind of hypocrisy I would expect from Theo. He is
arrogant, loud and generally outspoken about other peoples' behaviour, but
when it comes to how he behaves himself on mailing lists, in public or
otherwise he clearly holds a set of double standards. While he often calls
FreeBSD and Linux developers sellouts because they sign NDAs to create
drivers to support new hardware, he turns around and secretly does the same
thing with AMD, only in a worse fashion -- spreading FUD against AMD's main
competitor, Intel. What's next, AMD is going to pay him to rail against
nVidia too?

What I find most appalling about all of this is when I read Kuro5hin this
morning I saw this post come up:

And when I checked back later this afternoon, Theo had actually replied,
heatedly. A few things in his response also don't lend him any credibility.

First, he makes thinly veiled legal threats and outrageous demands that the
article be taken down and that an apology be made. I guess Theo's love and
belief in free speech (and flaming FreeBSD and Linux developers) is not
something other people are allowed to have -- you can't credit Theo (Caesar
can do no wrong, after all).

Second he admits that there is a relationship between him and AMD, and that
AMD has provided the project support in the past. In fact, he seems to try
to downplay it, and make it look like the support is token at best. I find
this very hard to believe, since OpenBSD has often been placed before other
BSDs in AMD's AMD64 ecosystem.

Finally, his general attitude throughout the email (and grammatical errors)
suggests that he recognizes he is doing something wrong, and is angry that
someone is calling him out on it.

If Theo truly felt that he was working legitimately and wasn't doing
anything sketchy behind the scenes in his dealings with AMD and other major
vendors, perhaps the fact that he's being scrutinized should be welcome, and
allow him to show the world how clean his conscience is. The fact that he
literally freaked out and went on a rampage suggests to me, however, that
his conscience is not clear and that he is afraid that somebody is on the
trail of his questionable doings.

Best regards,
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote hole in OpenBSD 4.1

2007-08-05 Thread George Capehart
Michael Smythe wrote:


 What I find most appalling about all of this is when I read Kuro5hin this
 morning I saw this post come up:
 And when I checked back later this afternoon, Theo had actually replied,
 heatedly. A few things in his response also don't lend him any credibility.


pot, kettle, black.

I read the kuro5hin URL and I didn't feel the heatedly part.


 - Yes, TdR can be a bit over the top sometimes.
 - I know nothing about OpenBSD's relationship with AMD or Intel.  I
only have TdR's comments on the Kuro5hin page to go on.
 - I could care less about OpenBSD's relationship with AMD or Intel.

However, I /*do*/ have an unflattering opinion of Intel.  IMHO, they're
worse than M$ when it comes to initmidating first-line customers (read
OEMs) and abusing their position in the market.  Google Intel +
anti-trust for starters.  I don't see that their technology is any
better than AMD's and, in most cases, it's playing catch-up.  Goes way
back to the 808x days when cycle-for-cycle, the Z80 beat the pants off
the 8080.  Then there's also the Itanic debacle with HP.  It's /*still*/
 IMHO not competitive with the DEC AXP platform ca 1990 and the HPPA

So, my take on all this is Give me a break!  Intel is a bully and a
technology second-rate.  But they do have deep pockets and they /*are*/
willing to browbeat their best customers.



Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Chacha search engine vulnerablity

2007-08-05 Thread cybermalandro cybermalandro
There is an XSS vulnerability in the Chacha search engine - possible XSRF as

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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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