Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread Shell Code
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 6:12 AM, saphex wrote:
 I think this is interesting,

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I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc. then
he can do anything he wants anyway. This is nothing new. It was well
known always that Firefox plugins can also be made to do malicious
things such as steal passwords, sniff data before it gets encrypted in
SSL, etc. Absolutely nothing new.

The same holds true for a user downloading malicious software on his
own and running it on his system. It is true that most users don't
verify the source code before running. But this is not anything
specific to Firefox. This holds true for any open source or closed
source software users download. So, again FFSpy sniffing data is
nothing new.

From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
explain how this is done. This is like claiming, I have found an
interesting attack which involves modifying XYZ program or DLL or
script on the system that would sniff data and send it to a remote
server. I name it ComputerSPY. This is very lame. Of course if you
have access to modify or create stuff in the system, you can do
anything. Nothing new at all.

What is the point of the POC? What is the PoC trying to achieve? Is
the POC trying to tell us something that we already don't know?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread James Matthews
On the iPhone a new app came out called MobileSpy. Designed
to secretly record all activity on the iPhone. OMG The iPhone now has
spyware etc. No
the user must 1. Jailbreak his phone 2. Download and install the Mobilespy
Recently a person told me that stupidity is a capital crime. We see that
evermore here. These days we are worried about drive-by downloads. Spyware
in the form of Mozilla Firefox has been an issue for a while.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Shell Code wrote:

 On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 6:12 AM, saphex wrote:
  I think this is interesting,
  Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
  Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

 I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
 person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
 can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc. then
 he can do anything he wants anyway. This is nothing new. It was well
 known always that Firefox plugins can also be made to do malicious
 things such as steal passwords, sniff data before it gets encrypted in
 SSL, etc. Absolutely nothing new.

 The same holds true for a user downloading malicious software on his
 own and running it on his system. It is true that most users don't
 verify the source code before running. But this is not anything
 specific to Firefox. This holds true for any open source or closed
 source software users download. So, again FFSpy sniffing data is
 nothing new.

 From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
 access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
 user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
 explain how this is done. This is like claiming, I have found an
 interesting attack which involves modifying XYZ program or DLL or
 script on the system that would sniff data and send it to a remote
 server. I name it ComputerSPY. This is very lame. Of course if you
 have access to modify or create stuff in the system, you can do
 anything. Nothing new at all.

 What is the point of the POC? What is the PoC trying to achieve? Is
 the POC trying to tell us something that we already don't know?

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] [TZO-26-2009] Firefox (all?) Denial of Service through unclamped loop (SVG)

2009-05-26 Thread Thierry Zoller

   From the low-hanging-fruit-department 
 Firefox et al. Denial of Service - All versions supporting SVG

CHEAP Plug :

You are invited to participate in HACK.LU 2009, a small but concentrated
luxemburgish security conference. More information :
CFP is open, sponsorship is still possible and warmly welcomed!

Release mode: Forced release.
Ref : [TZO-26-2009] - Firefox DoS (unclamped loop) SVG
Vendor  :
Status  : No patch
CVE : none provided
Credit  : none 
Bugzilla entry:

Security notification reaction rating : There wasn't any reaction. OSS Security 
notification FTW
Notification to patch window : x+n

Disclosure Policy :

Affected products : 
- Firefox all supporting SVG (didn't care to investigate which, task of the 
- all software packages using mozilla engine and allowing SVG

I. Background
Firefox is a popular internet browser.

II. Description
This bug is a typical result of what we call unclamped loop. An attacker
will give the Radius value of the Circle attribute a very big value. That
is leetness. 

Stack trace : 

Also produces exceptions in MOZCRT19...
600715e0 660f122550450960 movlpd  xmm4,qword ptr 
[MOZCRT19!exception::`vftable'+0x1a3d8 (60094550)] 

III. Impact
Browser doesn't respond any longer to any user input, all tabs are no 
longer accessible, your work if any  (hail to the web 2.0) might be lost.

IV. Proof of concept (hold your breath)
html xmlns=''
svg xmlns=''circle cx='10' cy='10' 
r='1.79769313486231E+308' fill='red' //svg

IV. Disclosure timeline
18/11/2008 : Created bugzilla entry (security) with proof of concept, 
 description the terms under which ooperate and the planned 
disclosure date.

24/22/2008 : Daniel Veditz comments : Might be a cairo bug rather than SVG 
 (seems to be looping in libthebes), but I can definitely confirm 
 the DoS.
14/12/2008 : Ask for any action plan and my assessement of considering it low 

 No reply.

28/12/2008 : Timeless comments [..] personally, i intend to open this bug 
 to the public [..] a bug like this is more likely to be fixed 
 by being visible to more people than by leaving it in 
a closet.
26/05/2009 : In 2009 I agree; release of this advisory. 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [TZO-26-2009] Firefox (all?) Denial of Service through unclamped loop (SVG)

2009-05-26 Thread Thierry Zoller
Hi Sub,

S does not work on firefox 3.0.10, tested
Reproduced the bug on 3.0.10 prior to posting.

Thierry Zoller

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread David Blanc
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Shell Code wrote:
 I would appreciate if you post replies to the list instead of sending
 it only to me. My comments inline.

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:10 PM, saphex wrote:
 I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
 person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
 can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc

 If you gain access to a system with the user that isn't administrator
 (at least under systems that enforce user *differentiation*, read any
 Linux flavour and Vista), you only have access to the users folder,
 you can't install anything (especially under Linux). I guess this is
 meant to be an alternative way of getting the job done.

 This is not true. You can carry out attacks of the same severity by
 gaining access to a Linux or Windows system as a user that isn't the
 administrator. Here are a few examples:

 1. Modify a vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, etc. plugin that the user uses so
 that it sends user's personal content (data, files, commands executed,
 etc.) from the system to a remote server.

 2. Put a malicious executable file or script in the user's home
 directory and execute it from start up scripts (.bashrc,
 .bash_profile, etc.) so that the malicious executable file executes
 whenever the user logs in. Now this malicious file can send user's
 personal content to a remote server.

 3. Modify or put plugins for other software to malicous stuff. Similar
 to point 1.

 4. Override PATH settings, aliases, put scripts, etc. so that when the
 'ls' now executes 'rm' or some other malicious command so that user
 ends up executing commands he did not intend to.

 5. ... and much more ...

 From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
 access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
 user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
 explain how this is done.

 To you know the download and execute payload for exploits? Make an
 application that changes the files, then use that payload in some
 exploit. People just want everything done. Just click, download, use,
 and call them self l33ts .

 How is it any different from the attack scenarios I have explained in
 case of vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, Linux shell, etc.?

 Maybe this is nothing new, but I think that the way to do it is new.
 Because you don't install anything, and the point to be proven here is
 that Firefox add-on system is security flawed from the very beginning.

 So, are you saying vim, emacs and the plugin system of every other
 software on the earth is security flawed from the very beginning?

I believe saphex or the author of the so-called-PoC, Duarte Silva do
not understand the concept of privileges and security vulnerabilities.
By the way, are saphex and Duarte Silva two different persons or
saphex == Duarte Silva?

Coming back to the topic of privileges, any Firefox addon runs in the
context of the user running the browser. So, the addon can do whatever
the user running the browser can. The same holds true for plugins of
other software too as Shell Code has correctly explained. For example,
an emacs plugin can do whatever the user running the emacs can.

So, if saphex or Duarte Silva argues that this is a security flaw in
Firefox addon mechanism, they will also argue that this is a security
flaw in emacs, Windows, Eclipse and every other OS and software. Such
an argument, without any doubt, is lame and stupid as most people
trained in computer security would agree.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
I'm not sure about the former. -  by Albert Einstein.

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[Full-disclosure] SEC Consult SA-20090525-1 :: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2009-05-26 Thread Bernhard Mueller
SEC Consult Security Advisory  20090525-1 
  title: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server Password 
program: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server
 vulnerable version: 6.0
  found: 2008-11-14
 by: David Matscheko / SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
 permanent link:

Vendor description:

Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS) offers a scalable solution for
dynamic contact center environments requiring sophistication and
differentiation in the care offered to their customers. CCMS provides
skill-based routing; call treatment flexibility, real time displays,
multimedia routing, and comprehensive management and reporting
functionality - empowering contact center managers with the tools and
agility to deliver unique and unprecedented care to their customers. The
rich scripting language supports multifaceted call routing and treatment
decisions based on combinations of real time conditions. 


Vulnerability overview:

The Nortel Contact Center Manager Server web application provides a SOAP
interface. This interface does not need authorisation and responds to
certain requests with sensitive information.

Vulnerability description:

The following SOAP request queries the user data for the user

POST /Common/WebServices/SOAPWrapperCommon/SOAPWrapperCommonWS.asmx
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 661

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=;

The following is an excerpt of the response to the previous query. It
contains the user sysadmin with the corresponding password (password,
server IP address, and server name has been changed):

lt;z:row ID='0' ServerName='abcd01' ServerIP=''
 ServerDescription='abcd01' ServerUserID='sysadmin'
 ServerType='1' SystemVersion='6.0' OpenQueue='0' 
 Network='0' ServerSWBuild='4.4F' ServerSULevel='CCMS_6.0_SU_05'
 ServerDPLevel='CCMS_6.0_SUS_0503' BasicIVR='1' 

Proof of concept:

This vulnerability can be exploited with a web browser and plugins / web

Vulnerable versions:

The version tested was with the following updates applied:


Prior versions are most likely also vulnerable.

Vendor contact timeline:

January 2009: Vendor informed about vulnerability
2009-05-14: Patch available
2009-05-25: Public Release


The vendor has released a vulnerability fix which addresses the issue.
In addition, the vendor has released a public security advisory
containing update instructions. URL:


SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Office Vienna
Mooslackengasse 17
A-1190 Vienna

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com

EOF David Matscheko / @2009

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] SEC Consult SA-20090525-4 :: SonicOS Format String Vulnerability

2009-05-26 Thread Bernhard Mueller
SEC Consult Security Advisory  20090525-4 
  title: SonicOS Format String Vulnerability
program: SonicWALL Global VPN Client
 vulnerable version: PRO 4100 SonicOS Standard and Enhanced
 possibly other versions
  found: October 2006
 by: lofi42
 permanent link:

Product description:

SonicOS Enhanced (SonicOSe) is the latest version of SonicWALL's
powerful SonicOS operating system, designed for the next generation of
SonicWALL firewall/VPN appliances.

Vulnerability overview:

A format string vulnerability exists in the logfile parsing function of
SonicOS. An attacker could crash the system or execute arbitrary code by
injecting format string metacharacters into the logfile, if an
administrator subsequently uses the SonicOS GUI to view the log.

Proof of concept:

There are multiple ways to inject format string characters into the
logs. The following methods can be used to test for the vulnerability:

1. CFS: Add to your Forbidden Domains and access 

2. GroupVPN: Establish an GroupVPN Tunnel and enter at the XAUTH
Username %s%s%s%s%s. 

3. Webfrontend: Enter at the Login Page of your SonicWALL as Username %s

SEC Consult will not release code execution exploits for this
vulnerability to the public.

Vendor contact timeline:

2006:   Vulnerability found
2006.10.25: Vulnerability first reported to vendor
2009.02.17: Vulnerability reported to vendor again
2009.03.16: Request for status update
2009.04.21: Request for status update
2009.05.25: Public Release


SEC Consult was not able to get any vendor feedback on this issue. We
are currently not aware of a patch or workaround.


SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Office Vienna
Mooslackengasse 17
A-1190 Vienna

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com

EOF SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab / @2009

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[Full-disclosure] [ GLSA 200905-08 ] NTP: Remote execution of arbitrary code

2009-05-26 Thread Alex Legler
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200905-08
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Severity: High
 Title: NTP: Remote execution of arbitrary code
  Date: May 26, 2009
  Bugs: #263033, #268962
ID: 200905-08

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Multiple errors in the NTP client and server programs might allow for
the remote execution of arbitrary code.


NTP contains the client and daemon implementations for the Network Time

Affected packages

 Package   /  Vulnerable  / Unaffected
  1  net-misc/ntp  4.2.4_p7   = 4.2.4_p7


Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in the programs included in
the NTP package:

* Apple Product Security reported a boundary error in the
  cookedprint() function in ntpq/ntpq.c, possibly leading to a
  stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2009-0159).

* Chris Ries of CMU reported a boundary error within the
  crypto_recv() function in ntpd/ntp_crypto.c, possibly leading to a
  stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2009-1252).


A remote attacker might send a specially crafted package to a machine
running ntpd, possibly resulting in the remote execution of arbitrary
code with the privileges of the user running the daemon, or a Denial of
Service. NOTE: Successful exploitation requires the autokey feature
to be enabled. This feature is only available if NTP was built with the
'ssl' USE flag.

Furthermore, a remote attacker could entice a user into connecting to a
malicious server using ntpq, possibly resulting in the remote execution
of arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the
application, or a Denial of Service.


You can protect against CVE-2009-1252 by disabling the 'ssl' USE flag
and recompiling NTP.


All NTP users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose =net-misc/ntp-4.2.4_p7


  [ 1 ] CVE-2009-0159
  [ 2 ] CVE-2009-1252


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:


Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2009 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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[Full-disclosure] SEC Consult SA-20090525-3 :: SonicWALL Global VPN Client Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2009-05-26 Thread Bernhard Mueller
SEC Consult Security Advisory  20090525-3 
  title: SonicWALL Global VPN Client Local Privilege
Escalation Vulnerability
program: SonicWALL Global VPN Client
 vulnerable version: Global VPN Client =
 possibly other versions
  found: October 2006
 by: lofi42
 permanent link:

Vendor description:

The SonicWALL Global VPN Client offers an easy-to-use, easy-to-manage
Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution that provides users at
distributed locations with secure, reliable remote access via broadband,
wireless and dial-up connections.


Vulnerability overview:

A local privilege escalation vulnerability exists in SonicWALL Global
VPN client. By exploiting this vulnerability, a local attacker could
execute code with LocalSystem privileges.

Vulnerability description:

During installation of SonicWALL Global VPN Client permissions for
installation folder %ProgramFiles%\SonicWALL\SonicWALL Global VPN
Client by default are set to Everyone:Full Control without any warning.

The Service RampartSvc is started from this folder. Services are
started under LocalSystem account. There is no protection of service
files. It's possible for unprivileged users to replace service
executable with the file of his choice to get full access with
LocalSystem privileges. 

Proof of concept:

This vulnerability can be exploited without any special exploit code.

Vendor contact timeline:

2006:   Vulnerability found
2006.10.25: Vulnerability first reported to vendor
2009.02.17: Vulnerability reported to vendor again
2009.03.16: Request for status update
2009.04.21: Request for status update
2009.05.25: Public Release


SEC Consult was not able to get any vendor feedback on this issue. We
are currently not aware of a patch or workaround.


SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Office Vienna
Mooslackengasse 17
A-1190 Vienna

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com

EOF SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab / @2009

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] SEC Consult SA-20090525-2 :: SonicWALL Global Security Client Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2009-05-26 Thread Bernhard Mueller
SEC Consult Security Advisory  20090525-2 
  title: SonicWALL Global Security Client Local Privilege 
 Escalation Vulnerability
program: SonicWALL Global Security Client
 vulnerable version: and possibly other versions
  found: October 2006
 by: lofi42
 permanent link:

Vendor description:

The SonicWALL Global Security Client offers IT professionals the
capability to manage a mobile user’s online access, based upon corporate
policies, in order to ensure optimal security of the network and
maximize network resources. Instant messaging, high-risk Web sites and
network file access can all be allowed or disallowed as security and
productivity concerns dictate. 


Vulnerability overview:

Local exploitation of a design error in SonicWALLs Global Security
Client could allow attackers to obtain increased privileges.

Vulnerability description:

The problem specifically exists because SYSTEM privileges are not
dropped when accessing the GSC properties from the System Tray applet.
The vulnerability can be exploited by right-clicking the System Tray
icon, choosing Log, right click Event Viewer, Open Log File
The opened file selected can be abused by navigating to C:\WINDOWS
\SYSTEM32\, right-clicking cmd.exe, then selecting Open; doing so
spawns a command shell with SYSTEM privileges.

Proof of concept:

This vulnerability can be exploited without any special exploit code.

Vendor contact timeline:

2006:   Vulnerability found
2006.10.25: Vulnerability first reported to vendor
2009.02.17: Vulnerability reported to vendor again
2009.03.16: Request for status update
2009.04.21: Request for status update
2009.05.25: Public Release


SEC Consult was not able to get any vendor feedback on this issue. We
are currently not aware of a patch or workaround.


SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Office Vienna
Mooslackengasse 17
A-1190 Vienna

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com

EOF SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab / @2009

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] SEC Consult SA-20090525-0 :: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

2009-05-26 Thread Bernhard Mueller
SEC Consult Security Advisory  20090525-0 
  title: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server Authentication
program: Nortel Contact Center Manager Server
 vulnerable version: 6.0
  found: 2008-11-14
 by: Bernhard Mueller / SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
 permanent link:

Vendor description:

Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS) offers a scalable solution for
dynamic contact center environments requiring sophistication and
differentiation in the care offered to their customers. CCMS provides
skill-based routing; call treatment flexibility, real time displays,
multimedia routing, and comprehensive management and reporting
functionality - empowering contact center managers with the tools and
agility to deliver unique and unprecedented care to their customers. The
rich scripting language supports multifaceted call routing and treatment
decisions based on combinations of real time conditions. 


Vulnerability overview:

The Nortel Contact Center Manager Server web application relies on
client side cookies to check the roles of authenticated users.
Authentication can be bypassed by manually setting the required cookies.
By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can bypass authentication
and access the Nortel Contact Center Manager Server.

Vulnerability description:

The following cookies have to be set to access all menu items:


Proof of concept:

This vulnerability can be exploited with a web browser and plugins / web

Vulnerable versions:

The version tested was with the following updates applied:


Prior versions are most likely also vulnerable.

Vendor contact timeline:

January 2009: Vendor informed about vulnerability
2009-05-14: Patch available
2009-05-25: Public Release


The vendor has released a vulnerability fix which addresses the issue.
In addition, the vendor has released a public security advisory
containing update instructions. URL:


SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Office Vienna
Mooslackengasse 17
A-1190 Vienna

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com

EOF Bernhard Mueller / @2008

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread Shell Code
I would appreciate if you post replies to the list instead of sending
it only to me. My comments inline.

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:10 PM, saphex wrote:
 I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
 person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
 can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc

 If you gain access to a system with the user that isn't administrator
 (at least under systems that enforce user *differentiation*, read any
 Linux flavour and Vista), you only have access to the users folder,
 you can't install anything (especially under Linux). I guess this is
 meant to be an alternative way of getting the job done.

This is not true. You can carry out attacks of the same severity by
gaining access to a Linux or Windows system as a user that isn't the
administrator. Here are a few examples:

1. Modify a vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, etc. plugin that the user uses so
that it sends user's personal content (data, files, commands executed,
etc.) from the system to a remote server.

2. Put a malicious executable file or script in the user's home
directory and execute it from start up scripts (.bashrc,
.bash_profile, etc.) so that the malicious executable file executes
whenever the user logs in. Now this malicious file can send user's
personal content to a remote server.

3. Modify or put plugins for other software to malicous stuff. Similar
to point 1.

4. Override PATH settings, aliases, put scripts, etc. so that when the
'ls' now executes 'rm' or some other malicious command so that user
ends up executing commands he did not intend to.

5. ... and much more ...

 From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
 access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
 user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
 explain how this is done.

 To you know the download and execute payload for exploits? Make an
 application that changes the files, then use that payload in some
 exploit. People just want everything done. Just click, download, use,
 and call them self l33ts .

How is it any different from the attack scenarios I have explained in
case of vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, Linux shell, etc.?

 Maybe this is nothing new, but I think that the way to do it is new.
 Because you don't install anything, and the point to be proven here is
 that Firefox add-on system is security flawed from the very beginning.

So, are you saying vim, emacs and the plugin system of every other
software on the earth is security flawed from the very beginning?

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[Full-disclosure] Addendum : [TZO-26-2009] Firefox (all?) Denial of Service through unclamped loop (SVG)

2009-05-26 Thread Thierry Zoller

For  those that failed to reproduce, try naming the POC file with an XHTML

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread saphex

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Shell Code wrote:
 I would appreciate if you post replies to the list instead of sending
 it only to me. My comments inline.

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:10 PM, saphex wrote:
 I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
 person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
 can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc

 If you gain access to a system with the user that isn't administrator
 (at least under systems that enforce user *differentiation*, read any
 Linux flavour and Vista), you only have access to the users folder,
 you can't install anything (especially under Linux). I guess this is
 meant to be an alternative way of getting the job done.

 This is not true. You can carry out attacks of the same severity by
 gaining access to a Linux or Windows system as a user that isn't the
 administrator. Here are a few examples:

 1. Modify a vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, etc. plugin that the user uses so
 that it sends user's personal content (data, files, commands executed,
 etc.) from the system to a remote server.

 2. Put a malicious executable file or script in the user's home
 directory and execute it from start up scripts (.bashrc,
 .bash_profile, etc.) so that the malicious executable file executes
 whenever the user logs in. Now this malicious file can send user's
 personal content to a remote server.

 3. Modify or put plugins for other software to malicous stuff. Similar
 to point 1.

 4. Override PATH settings, aliases, put scripts, etc. so that when the
 'ls' now executes 'rm' or some other malicious command so that user
 ends up executing commands he did not intend to.

 5. ... and much more ...

 From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
 access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
 user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
 explain how this is done.

 To you know the download and execute payload for exploits? Make an
 application that changes the files, then use that payload in some
 exploit. People just want everything done. Just click, download, use,
 and call them self l33ts .

 How is it any different from the attack scenarios I have explained in
 case of vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, Linux shell, etc.?

 Maybe this is nothing new, but I think that the way to do it is new.
 Because you don't install anything, and the point to be proven here is
 that Firefox add-on system is security flawed from the very beginning.

 So, are you saying vim, emacs and the plugin system of every other
 software on the earth is security flawed from the very beginning?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FFSpy, a firefox malware PoC

2009-05-26 Thread saphex

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:30 PM, David Blanc wrote:
 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Shell Code wrote:
 I would appreciate if you post replies to the list instead of sending
 it only to me. My comments inline.

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:10 PM, saphex wrote:
 I fail to understand what is new or interesting in this POC. If a
 person with malicious intent gains so much access to a system that he
 can put his files or firefox plugins, modify existing files, etc

 If you gain access to a system with the user that isn't administrator
 (at least under systems that enforce user *differentiation*, read any
 Linux flavour and Vista), you only have access to the users folder,
 you can't install anything (especially under Linux). I guess this is
 meant to be an alternative way of getting the job done.

 This is not true. You can carry out attacks of the same severity by
 gaining access to a Linux or Windows system as a user that isn't the
 administrator. Here are a few examples:

 1. Modify a vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, etc. plugin that the user uses so
 that it sends user's personal content (data, files, commands executed,
 etc.) from the system to a remote server.

 2. Put a malicious executable file or script in the user's home
 directory and execute it from start up scripts (.bashrc,
 .bash_profile, etc.) so that the malicious executable file executes
 whenever the user logs in. Now this malicious file can send user's
 personal content to a remote server.

 3. Modify or put plugins for other software to malicous stuff. Similar
 to point 1.

 4. Override PATH settings, aliases, put scripts, etc. so that when the
 'ls' now executes 'rm' or some other malicious command so that user
 ends up executing commands he did not intend to.

 5. ... and much more ...

 From the POC it seems that somehow the attacker has to gain physical
 access to the system or do some social engineering attack to fool the
 user in installing or modifying his existing plugins. The PoC does not
 explain how this is done.

 To you know the download and execute payload for exploits? Make an
 application that changes the files, then use that payload in some
 exploit. People just want everything done. Just click, download, use,
 and call them self l33ts .

 How is it any different from the attack scenarios I have explained in
 case of vim, emacs, KDE, GNome, Linux shell, etc.?

 Maybe this is nothing new, but I think that the way to do it is new.
 Because you don't install anything, and the point to be proven here is
 that Firefox add-on system is security flawed from the very beginning.

 So, are you saying vim, emacs and the plugin system of every other
 software on the earth is security flawed from the very beginning?

 I believe saphex or the author of the so-called-PoC, Duarte Silva do
 not understand the concept of privileges and security vulnerabilities.
 By the way, are saphex and Duarte Silva two different persons or
 saphex == Duarte Silva?

 Coming back to the topic of privileges, any Firefox addon runs in the
 context of the user running the browser. So, the addon can do whatever
 the user running the browser can. The same holds true for plugins of
 other software too as Shell Code has correctly explained. For example,
 an emacs plugin can do whatever the user running the emacs can.

 So, if saphex or Duarte Silva argues that this is a security flaw in
 Firefox addon mechanism, they will also argue that this is a security
 flaw in emacs, Windows, Eclipse and every other OS and software. Such
 an argument, without any doubt, is lame and stupid as most people
 trained in computer security would agree.

 Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
 I'm not sure about the former. -  by Albert Einstein.

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[Full-disclosure] [IMF 2009] 3rd Call - Deadline Extended

2009-05-26 Thread Oliver Goebel
Dear all,

the deadline for the submission of papers has been extended.

Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Computer Society's Conference
Proceedings Series and be available in the IEEE online Digital Library.

Please excuse possible cross-postings.


  IMF 2009

 5th International Conference
  on IT Security Incident Management  IT Forensics

 September 15th - 17th, 2009
  Stuttgart, Germany



The deadline for paper submissions has been extended to June 8th, 2009.  
Notification of acceptance will be sent on June 22nd. 
Camera ready paper copies must be submitted until June 26th, 2009.

Papers can be submitted via the page found at:

Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Computer Society's Conference
Proceedings Series and be available in the IEEE online Digital Library.

Information and communication technology is more and more becoming an
integral and in most cases even a vital part of life.  The worldwide
economy, public administration, health care, education and even personal
life depend on working IT.  Constriction of the availability of its
service, loss of confidentiality or alteration of data processed, or
loss of integrity of the IT infrastructure usually lead to serious or
disastrous consequences.  Hence security plays an increasingly important
role for operators and users of IT systems and infrastructures.

The establishment of static security measures like policies, standards,
and guidelines slowly but steadily is getting more common amongst IT
operators.  Nevertheless in the vast majority of cases operators do not
have the capability to detect and respond to security incidents or do a
forensic analysis of its traces that can be used in a lawsuit.
Jurisdiction in most countries is starting to change and applies
regulations on legal duty to maintain safety on operators of IT.  Hence
incident response capabilities become indispensable to avoid successful
assertion of claims for damages caused by compromised or misused


IMF's intent is to gather experts from throughout the world in order to
present and discuss recent technical and methodical advances in the
fields of IT security incident response and management and IT forensics.
The conference provides a platform for collaboration and exchange of
ideas between industry, academia, law-enforcement and other government

The scope of IMF 2009 is broad and includes, but is not limited to the
following areas:

IT Incident Response

* Procedures and Methods of Incident Response
* Formats and Standardization for Incident Response
* Tools Supporting Incident Response
* Incident Analysis
* Sources of Information, Information Exchange, Communities
* Dealing with Vulnerabilities (Vulnerability Response)
* Monitoring and Early Warning
* Education and Training
* Organizations
* Legal Aspects (Jurisdiction, Applicable Laws and Regulations)

IT Forensics

* Trends and Challenges in IT Forensics
* Techniques, Tools in Procedures IT Forensics
* Methods for the Gathering, Handling, Processing and Analysis of
  Digital Evidence
* Evidence Protection in IT Environments
* Standardization in IT Forensics
* Education and Training
* Organizations
* Legal Aspects (Jurisdiction, Applicable Laws and Regulations)

Submission Details
IMF invites to submit full papers of up to 20 pages, presenting novel
and mature research results as well as practice papers of up to 20
pages, describing best practices, case studies or lessons learned.
Proposals for workshops, discussion and presentation on practical methods
and challenges are also welcome.

All submissions must be written in English (see below), and either in
postscript or PDF format.  Authors of accepted papers must ensure that
their papers will be presented at the conference.

Submitted full papers must not substantially overlap papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.

All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and papers
accepted to be presented at the conference will be included in the
conference proceedings.

Papers can be submitted via the page found at:

Details on the electronic submission procedure as well as detailed
registration information and formatting instructions are provided on
the conference web site (

[Full-disclosure] Drupal 6 Content Access Module XSS

2009-05-26 Thread Justin Klein Keane
Hash: SHA1

Details of this disclosure have been posted at

Vendor Notified: 05/19/2009

Description of Vulnerability:
- -
Drupal ( is a robust content management system (CMS)
written in PHP and MySQL that provides extensibility through hundreds of
third party modules. The Content Access Module
( suffers from a cross site
scripting vulnerability because it does not sanitize role names before
displaying them on the 'Access Control' screen of managed content types.
This vulnerability is exacerbated by the fact that Drupal 6.12 core does
not perform input validation on role names as they are being created.
This can lead to a situation where users administering role based access
controls of content types could be exposed to malicious HTML content.

Systems affected:
- -
Drupal 6.12 with Content Access 6.x-1.1 was tested and shown to be

- --
Authenticated users could be exposed to XSS attacks when administering
content access. Users with this responsibility are generally site
administrators. Cross site scripting attacks against administrators
could lead to full web server process compromise.

Mitigating factors:
- ---
In order to carry out the exploit described below the attacker must be
able to inject malicious content into role names, which is possible for
authenticated users with the 'administer permissions' permission. Other
attack vectors may exist that do not require these restricted permissions.

Proof of concept:
- -
1. Install Drupal 6.12 and Content Access 6.x-1.1
2. Click Administer - User management - Roles
3. Enter scriptalert('xss');/script in the Name textarea
4. Click the Add Role button
5. Observe JavaScript alert
6. Click on Administer - Content Types
7. Click on 'edit' next to any content type
8. Click on 'Access control' link
9. Observe the JavaScript alert multiple times

Vendor Response
- ---
Drupal security was notified of this vulnerability on 5/19/2009. Vendor
has declined to issue an official security announcement due to the
restricted access rights required to carry out the proof of concept
exploit. Vendor has filed a bug with the module maintainer at

- --

Justin C. Klein Keane
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -


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