[Full-disclosure] Simple Machines Forum (SMF) <= 2.0.5 - multiple vulnerabilities

2013-08-14 Thread Moritz Naumann
According to


Simple Machines Forum <= 2.0.5 (but > 1.1.*) is vulnerable to one or
more (currently undocumented) security issues.

The changes between v2.0.4 and 2.0.5 can be reviewed at

This is just a heads up, I haven't tried to look into those in detail.

CVE folks: If you'll handle this, please also check the last ones:

Naumann IT Security Consulting

Samariterstr. 16
10247 Berlin

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Drupal core XSS vulnerability

2013-08-14 Thread Greg Knaddison
Thanks to Justin for identifying and describing this issue.

With a little more detail inline.

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Justin C. Klein Keane

> Mitigating factors:
> - ---
> In order to inject arbitrary script malicious attackers must have the
> ability to manipulate module .info files on a site filesystem, perhaps
> via permissions misconfiguration,

It feels unclear to me if the permissions mentioned here are Drupal
permissions or others. So, to be clear, this would require server file
permission misconfiguration. The info files are placed in the same
directories as php code. For this vulnerability to be significant it
would require permissions like:

-rw-rw-rw-  1 deployuser  deployuser243 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.info
-rw-rw-r--  1 deployuser  deployuser434 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.install
-rw-rw-r--  1 deployuser  deployuser   3802 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.module

Or maybe:

-rw-rw-r--  1 deployuser  somegroup243 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.info
-rw-r--r--  1 deployuser  somegroup434 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.install
-rw-r--r--  1 deployuser  somegroup   3802 Jan  7  2013 machine_name.module

In the first scenario the attacker would just need a shell on the
server. In the second scenario the attacker would need a shell on the
server and membership in somegroup.

> feels this issue is already public (https://drupal.org/node/637538),
> however the public discussion only concerns the development of the
> next major release of Drupal - Drupal 8.  There is no mention in the
> public discussion, of the fact that this issue faces both current
> supported release versions (Drupal 7 and Drupal 6) and likely previous
> releases.

I updated that issue to include Drupal 7 and Drupal 6 mentions.

It's true this affects previous releases, but previous releases are
explicitly EOL and full of holes that are not documented.
* Drupal 5 EOL Announcement: https://drupal.org/node/1027214
* Drupal 4.7 EOL Announcement: https://drupal.org/node/225729


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Quick Blind TCP Connection Spoofing with SYN Cookies

2013-08-14 Thread some one
Good write up that Jakob and an interesting read.
Thanks ,)
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[Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2013-069 - Password Policy - XSS

2013-08-14 Thread security-news
View online: https://drupal.org/node/2065387

  * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-069
  * Project: Password policy [1] (third-party module)
  * Version: 6.x, 7.x
  * Date: 2013-August-14
  * Security risk: Moderately critical [2]
  * Exploitable from: Remote
  * Vulnerability: Cross Site Scripting


This module enables you to specify a certain level of password complexity
(aka. "password hardening") for user passwords in Drupal by defining a
password policy.

When viewing and editing a password policy, the module doesn't sufficiently
filter the form text field input and display for the "Password Expiration
Warning" field.

This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that an attacker must have a role
with the permission "Administer policies" to create and edit password


  * /A CVE identifier [3] will be requested, and added upon issuance, in
accordance with Drupal Security Team processes./


  * Password policy 6.x-1.x versions prior to 6.x-1.5.
  * Password policy 7.x-1.x versions prior to 7.x-1.4.

Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed Password
policy [4] module, there is nothing you need to do.


Install the latest version:

  * If you use the Password policy module for Drupal 6.x, upgrade to Password
policy 6.x-1.6 [5]
  * If you use the Password policy 1.x module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to
Password policy 7.x-1.5 [6]

Also see the Password policy [7] project page.


  * Justin C. Klein Keane [8]


  * Mark Shropshire [9]


  * Greg Knaddison [10] of the Drupal Security Team


The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the
contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [11].

Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [12], writing
secure code for Drupal [13], and securing your site [14].

[1] http://drupal.org/project/password_policy
[2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] http://cve.mitre.org/
[4] http://drupal.org/project/password_policy
[5] https://drupal.org/node/2065241
[6] https://drupal.org/node/2065247
[7] http://drupal.org/project/password_policy
[8] http://drupal.org/user/302225
[9] http://drupal.org/user/14767
[10] http://drupal.org/user/36762
[11] http://drupal.org/contact
[12] http://drupal.org/security-team
[13] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code
[14] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration

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[Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2013-068 - Entity API - Access Bypass

2013-08-14 Thread security-news
View online: https://drupal.org/node/2065207

  * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-068
  * Project: Entity API [1] (third-party module)
  * Version: 7.x
  * Date: 2013-August-14
  * Security risk: Moderately critical [2]
  * Exploitable from: Remote
  * Vulnerability: Access bypass


The Entity API module extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to
provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties.

The module doesn't sufficiently enforce node access restrictions when
checking for a user's access to view a comment associated with a particular
node. The vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that it only applies to a
user's access to view a comment in a situation where access should be
restricted with entity access.

The Entity API also does not properly restrict access when displaying
selected entities using the Views field or area plugins, allowing users to
view entities that they do not have access to. The vulnerability is mitigated
by the fact that entities are only improperly exposed when a View has been
configured to display them in a field, header or footer of a View.


  * /A CVE identifier [3] will be requested, and added upon issuance, in
accordance with Drupal Security Team processes./


  * Entity API 7.x-1.x versions prior to 7.x-1.2

Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed Entity API [4]
module, there is nothing you need to do.


Install the latest version:

  * If you use the Entity API module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to Entity API
7.x-1.2 [5]

Also see the Entity API [6] project page.


The comment access bypass was reported by:
  * tanius [7]
  * Ezra Barnett Gildesgame [8]

The Views header/footer access bypass was reported by:
  * Derek Ahmedzai [9]
  * Daniel Wehner [10]


  * Devin Carlson [11]
  * Jakob Perry [12]
  * Daniel Wehner [13]
  * Wolfgang Ziegler [14], the module maintainer


  * Klaus Purer [15] of the Drupal Security Team
  * Greg Knaddison [16] of the Drupal Security Team


The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the
contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [17].

Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [18], writing
secure code for Drupal [19], and securing your site [20].

[1] http://drupal.org/project/entity
[2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] http://cve.mitre.org/
[4] http://drupal.org/project/entity
[5] https://drupal.org/node/2065197
[6] http://drupal.org/project/entity
[7] https://drupal.org/user/2478456
[8] https://drupal.org/user/69959
[9] https://drupal.org/user/167927
[10] https://drupal.org/user/99340
[11] https://drupal.org/user/290182
[12] https://drupal.org/user/45640
[13] https://drupal.org/user/99340
[14] https://drupal.org/user/16747
[15] http://drupal.org/user/262198
[16] http://drupal.org/user/36762
[17] http://drupal.org/contact
[18] http://drupal.org/security-team
[19] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code
[20] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration

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[Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2013-067 - BOTCHA - Information Disclosure (potential Privilege Escalation)

2013-08-14 Thread security-news
View online: https://drupal.org/node/2065057

  * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2013-067
  * Project: BOTCHA Spam Prevention [1] (third-party module)
  * Version: 7.x
  * Date: 2013-August-14
  * Security risk: Moderately critical [2]
  * Exploitable from: Remote
  * Vulnerability: Information Disclosure


BOTCHA is a highly configurable non-CAPTCHA spam protection framework. The
module includes a debug mode which logs the content of submitted forms
including passwords and other sensitive information. An attacker who gains
access to the log (i.e. dblog or syslog depending on configuration) could get
access to usernames and passwords or other sensitive information. The
vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that the debugging level must be set
to level 5 or 6 (a high level) and the attacker must gain access to the logs
(i.e. "access site reports" permission or access to syslog).

If you debug level 5 or 6 enabled on a production site, you should consider
expiring passwords and instruct users to change their passwords.


  * /A CVE identifier [3] will be requested, and added upon issuance, in
accordance with Drupal Security Team processes./


  * BOTCHA 7.x-1.x versions prior to 7.x-1.6.
  * BOTCHA 7.x-2.x versions prior to 7.x-2.1.
  * BOTCHA 7.x-3.x versions prior to 7.x-3.3.

Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed BOTCHA module,
there is nothing you need to do.

Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed BOTCHA Spam
Prevention [4] module, there is nothing you need to do.


Install the latest version:

  * If you use the 1.x branch of BOTCHA module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to
BOTCHA 7.x-1.6 [5]
  * If you use the 2.x branch of BOTCHA module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to
BOTCHA 7.x-2.1 [6]
  * If you use the 3.x branch of BOTCHA module for Drupal 7.x, upgrade to
BOTCHA 7.x-3.3 [7]

Also see the BOTCHA Spam Prevention [8] project page.


  * Rob Hess [9]


  * Dmitry Danilson [10] the module maintainer


  * Greg Knaddison [11] of the Drupal Security Team


The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the
contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [12].

Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [13], writing
secure code for Drupal [14], and securing your site [15].

[1] http://drupal.org/project/botcha
[2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] http://cve.mitre.org/
[4] http://drupal.org/project/botcha
[5] https://drupal.org/node/2064781
[6] https://drupal.org/node/2064783
[7] https://drupal.org/node/2064785
[8] http://drupal.org/project/botcha
[9] http://drupal.org/user/507864
[10] http://drupal.org/user/1209848
[11] http://drupal.org/user/36762
[12] http://drupal.org/contact
[13] http://drupal.org/security-team
[14] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code
[15] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration

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[Full-disclosure] SQL Injection vulnerability in Soltech.CMS

2013-08-14 Thread MustLive

Hello list!

There is SQL Injection vulnerability in Soltech.CMS. This is commercial CMS.

Affected products:

Vulnerable are Soltech.CMS v 0.4 and previous versions.

Affected vendors:



SQL Injection (WASC-19):



2013.06.05 - announced at my site.
2013.06.07 - informed developers about the first part of vulnerabilities.
2013.07.14 - informed developers about the second part of vulnerabilities.
2013.08.13 - disclosed at my site (http://websecurity.com.ua/6550/).

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

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[Full-disclosure] Drupal core XSS vulnerability

2013-08-14 Thread Justin C. Klein Keane
Hash: SHA1

NB:  Before anyone gets their panties in a twist read the whole
disclosure, this isn't the end of the world, sky-is-falling
vulnerability you might be looking for, but I do believe it is
serious.  TLDR: check your .info files!

Vulnerability Report

Author: Justin C. Klein Keane 
Reported: 7 August, 2013

Description of Vulnerability:
- -
Drupal (http://drupal.org) is a robust content management system (CMS)
written in PHP and MySQL.  Drupal core suffers from multiple
persistent (stored) cross site scripting (XSS, or arbitrary script
injection) vulnerabilities because the core System module, included in
all Drupal sites, fails to sanitize module names and descriptions
provided in module metadata files (identified by their .info
extension) before display in some locations.

Systems affected:
- -
Drupal 7.22 and 6.28 were tested and shown vulnerable.  Other versions
are likely affected.

- --
Attackers can inject arbitrary HTML (including JavaScript) in order to
attack site administrators.  This could lead to account compromise
(which could in turn lead to arbitrary PHP code execution privileges),
or expose administrative users to client side malware attacks.

Mitigating factors:
- ---
In order to inject arbitrary script malicious attackers must have the
ability to manipulate module .info files on a site filesystem, perhaps
via permissions misconfiguration, or to manipulate these files in
modules before they are deployed to a site, such as with the Features
module (https://drupal.org/project/features).  It would be quite rare
to be able to manipulate a .info file without the ability to
manipulate actual PHP code contained in modules.  However, malicious
script contained in .info files would likely be overlooked in any
security audit since these files are assumed to be inert text files,
devoid of any scripting, markup, or executable code.  It is worth
noting that the content of .info files is sanitized for display in
some locations, but this treatment is not uniform.  Thus the
likelihood of an attack via this vector is LOW, but the impact is
extremely high, and the attack would likely escape notice by most
automated and manual security countermeasures.

Proof of Concept Exploits:
- -
1.  Install Drupal 7-22
2.  Create a new directory in the /sites/all/modules named "evil"
3.  Create the file evil.info in the /sites/all/modules/evil directory
to include the following content:
name = alert('evil name');
description = alert('evil desc');
core = 7.x
package = Other
version = 7.x-1.0
project = evil_feature
dependencies[] = system

4.  Create the file evil.module in the /sites/all/modules/evil
directory to include the following contents:
+'#markup' => check_plain($info['name']),
   $form['description'] = array(
- -'#markup' => t($info['description']),
+'#markup' => t("@desc", array('@desc' => $info['description'])),
   $form['version'] = array(
 '#markup' => $info['version'],

Vendor Response:
The Drupal Security Team considers this vulnerability worthy of public
discussion.  The team points out that an attacker able to manipulate a
.info file would likely be able to manipulate PHP code found in other
files in the same directory.  Furthermore, the Drupal Security Team
feels this issue is already public (https://drupal.org/node/637538),
however the public discussion only concerns the development of the
next major release of Drupal - Drupal 8.  There is no mention in the
public discussion, of the fact that this issue faces both current
supported release versions (Drupal 7 and Drupal 6) and likely previous

- -- 
Justin C. Klein Keane

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[Full-disclosure] Quick Blind TCP Connection Spoofing with SYN Cookies

2013-08-14 Thread Jakob Lell

Advisory location:

Quick Blind TCP Connection Spoofing with SYN Cookies


TCP uses 32 bit Seq/Ack numbers in order to make sure that both sides of 
a connection can actually receive packets from each other. Additionally, 
these numbers make it relatively hard to spoof the source address 
because successful spoofing requires guessing the correct initial 
sequence number (ISN) which is generated by the server in a 
non-guessable way. It is commonly known that a 32 bit number can be 
brute forced in a couple of hours given a fast (gigabit) network 
connection. This article shows that the effort required for guessing a 
valid ISN can be reduced from hours to minutes if the server uses TCP 
SYN Cookies (a widely used defense mechanism against SYN-Flooding DOS 
Attacks), which are enabled by default for various Linux distributions 
including Ubuntu and Debian.

I. Repetition of TCP Basics

A TCP Connection is initiated with a three-way handshake:

SYN: The Client sends a SYN packet to the server in order to initiate a 
connection. The SYN packet contains an initial sequence number (ISN) 
generated by the client.
SYN-ACK: The server acknowledges the connection request by the client. 
The SYN-ACK Packet contains an ISN generated by the server. It also 
confirms the ISN from the client in the ack field of the TCP header so 
that the client can verify that the SYN-ACK packet actually comes from 
the server and isn't spoofed.
ACK: In the final ACK packet of the three-way handshake the client 
confirms that it has received the ISN generated by the server. That way 
the server knows that the client has actually received the SYN-ACK 
packet from the server and thus the connection request isn't spoofed.

After this three-way handshake, the TCP connection is established and 
both sides can send data to each other. The initial sequence numbers 
make sure that the other side can actually receive the packets and thus 
prevent IP spoofing given that the attacker can't receive packets sent 
to the spoofed IP address.

Since the initial sequence numbers are only 32-bit values, it is not 
impossible to blindly spoof a connection by brute-forcing the ISN. If we 
need to send 3 packets to the server (one SYN packet to initiate the 
connection, one ACK packet to finish the three-way handshake and one 
payload packet), we will have to send 3*2^32 packets per successfully 
spoofed connection at an average. Given a packet rate of 300,000 packets 
per second (which can easily be achieved with a gigabit connection), 
sending this packets requires some 12 hours.

One long-known weakness of the original TCP protocol design is that an 
attacker can spoof a high number of SYN packets to a server. The server 
then has to send (and maybe even retransmit) a SYN-ACK packet to each of 
the spoofed IP addresses and keep track the half-open connection so that 
it can handle an ACK packet. Remembering a high number of bogus 
half-open connections can lead to resource exhaustion and make the 
server unresponsive to legitimate clients. This attack is called SYN 
Flooding and it can lead to DOS even if the attacker only uses a 
fraction of the network bandwidth available to the server.

II. Description of the SYN Cookie approach

In order to protect servers against SYN-Flooding attacks, Daniel J. 
Bernstein suggested the technique of TCP Syn Cookies in 1996. The main 
idea of the approach is not to keep track of incoming SYN packets and 
instead encode the required information in the ISN generated by the 
server. Once the server receives an ACK packet, he can check whether the 
Ack number from the client actually matches the server-generated ISN, 
which can easily be recalculated when receiving the ACK-packet. This 
allows processing the ACK packet without remembering anything about the 
initial SYN request issued by the client.

Since the server doesn't keep track of half-open connections, it can't 
remember any detail of the SYN packet sent by the client. Since the 
initial SYN packet contains the maximum segment size (MSS) of the 
client, the server encodes the MSS using 3 bits (via a table with 8 
hard-coded MSS values). In order to make sure that half-open connections 
expire after a certain time, the server also encodes a 
slowly-incrementing (typically about once a minute) counter to the ISN. 
Other options of the initial SYN packet are typically ignored (although 
recent Linux kernels do support some options by encoding them via TCP 
Timestamps [1]). When receiving an ACK packet, the kernel extracts the 
counter value from the SYN Cookie and checks whether it is one of the 
last 4 valid values.

The original approach of Bernstein [2] only encodes the counter and the 
MSS value in the first 8 bits of the ISN thus leaving only 24 bits for 
the cryptographically generated (non-guessable) value which needs to be 
guessed for spoofing a

Re: [Full-disclosure] CALEA & Re: XKeyscore

2013-08-14 Thread peter_toyota
Now that you have kindly explained your point, i must say This has been a 
wonderful discussion. It has certainly shed some additional light into how 
CALEA can be used domestically for other functions not part of its intended 

Now that I have basked in the limelight of my 5 minutes of fame... I will 
diminish, and crawl back to my cave to admire the glistening shine of my 

If someone can sing me a song, a lullaby if you will, that briefly touches on 
how the hell XK can claim they will decrypt VPN user traffic... that would be 
just dandy.

Does or Does not the NSA  have the keys to decrypt common 3DES traffic?___
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