Re: [Full-disclosure] GeoIPgen version 0.4 released - country-to-IPs generator

2010-03-10 Thread Adrian P
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:17 AM, Andrew Horton wrote:
 I've just released a new version of GeoIPgen

 Description: GeoIPgen is a country-to-IPs generator. It's a geographic IP 
 generator for IPv4
 networks that uses the MaxMind GeoLite Country database. Geoipgen is the 
 first published use of a
 geographic ip database in reverse to translate from country-to-IPs instead of 
 the usual use of
 IP-to-country. Features: Random or sorted order, unique or repeating IPs, 
 skips broadcast addresses,

Neat project, and a research topic I've been interested in for several
years. However, it's not the first time that the MaxMind GeoLite
database has been used to generate lists of IP blocks for a given
country (country2ip, rather than ip2country).

October 2007:

 one, many or all countries.

 Changes: Much faster than version 0.3, for example generating all IPs for 
 Papa New Guinea took a
 couple of minutes with version 0.3. Now it takes a few seconds.


 P.S. Please tell me about your projects or nationwide scanning efforts that 
 use geoipgen. Eg. the
 Australian Web Enumeration Project


 Andrew Horton

 MorningStar Security
 Mobile +64 (0) 272 646 959

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

pagvac |

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Chuck Norris Botnet and Broadband Routers

2010-02-24 Thread Adrian P.
It's no secret that there are tons of broadband routers/modems with
exposed admin interfaces (HTTP/SSH/Telnet/whatever) using default/weak

While the Chuck Norris botnet is interesting in that it shows that the
problem is real, it shouldn't surprise anyone who has researched the
security of broadband embedded devices.

It's also not the first time an incident of this nature has happened.
I'm sure a lot of the list readers remember the mass-phishing attack
launched November 2007 [1] against several popular 2Wire broadband
routers in Mexico. The attack was accomplished by means of changing
the router's DNS settings via a CSRF hole on the web interface.

A similar issue used to exist on the BT Home Hub and was reported in
October 2007 [2] (a month earlier) where it was possible to compromise
the router by tricking a user to visit a malicious page. The payload
[3] would then exploit an authentication bypass and CSRF vulnerability
in order to enable the remote assistance feature. (The intended
purpose of this feature was to allow BT engineers to remotely
troubleshoot home routers.) The attacker could then login remotely to
the router with admin privileges using a password of his choice (set
in the actual exploit payload).

And of course there is the infamous BeThere backdoor admin account
reported in February 2007 which you mentioned in your article [4].

The security of home-grade embedded devices has a long way to go. I
think that the home router hacking challenge [5] [6] confirmed this by
showing that many of these devices are affected by serious
vulnerabilities, many of which are trivially exploitable.

I couldn't agree more that ISPs do need to take responsibility and
ensure that new modem/router builds are audited for common security
issues before being distributed to their broadband customers.



On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Gadi Evron wrote:
 Last week Czech researchers released information on a new worm which
 exploits CPE devices (broadband routers) by means such as default passwords,
 constructing a large DDoS botnet. Today this story hit international news.

 Original Czech:


 When I raised this issue before in 2007 on NANOG, some other vetted mailing
 lists and on CircleID, the consensus was that the vendors will not change
 their position on default settings unless something happens, I guess this
 is it, but I am not optimistic on seeing activity from vendors on this now,

 CircleID story 1:

 CircleID story 2:

 The spread of insecure broadband modems (DSL and Cable) is extremely
 wide-spread, with numerous ISPs, large and small, whose entire (read
 significant portions of) broadband population is vulnerable. In tests Prof.
 Randy Vaughn and I conducted with some ISPs in 2007-8 the results have not
 been promising.

 Further, many of these devices world wide serve as infection mechanisms for
 the computers behind them, with hijacked DNS that points end-users to
 malicious web sites.

 On the ISPs end, much like in the early days of botnets, many service
 providers did not see these devices as their responsibility -- even though
 in many cases they are the providers of the systems, and these posed a
 potential DDoS threat to their networks. As a mind-set, operationally taking
 responsibility for devices located at the homes of end users made no sense,
 and therefore the stance ISPs took on this issue was understandable, if

 As we can't rely on the vendors, ISPs should step up, and at the very least
 ensure that devices they provide to their end users are properly set up (a
 significant number of iSPs already pre-configure them for support purposes).

 The Czech researchers have done a good job and I'd like to thank them for
 sharing their research with us.

 In this article by Robert McMillan, some details are shared in English:

 Discovered by Czech researchers, the botnet has been spreading by taking
 advantage of poorly configured routers and DSL modems, according to Jan
 Vykopal, the head of the network security department with Masaryk
 University's Institute of Computer Science in Brno, Czech Republic.

 The malware got the Chuck Norris moniker from a programmer's Italian comment
 in its source code: in nome di Chuck Norris, which means in the name of

Re: [Full-disclosure] Netgear DG632 Router Remote DoS Vulnerability

2009-06-17 Thread Adrian P

I was actually *agreeing* with you! lols. I think something got lost
in translation! Sorry if I confused anyone really.

Good luck.

2009/6/17 Vladimir '3APA3A' Dubrovin

  If  you  can execute javascript - what is a reason to wait for user to
  click  the  link? The message I reply stated there is no need to force
  user  to  visit  Web  page  and clicking the obfuscated link _sent_ to
  admin is enougth. I replied in this case only GET request is possible.
  Read the thread carefully before making conclusions.

 --Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 2:58:15 AM, you wrote to

 AP you would be surprised how many people out there (mistakenly) still
 AP think that only GET requests are CSRFable!

 AP 2009/6/16 Jeremi Gosney
 Vladimir: Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. - 
 Charles Kettering

 form method='post'
 action='' name='DoS'
   input type='hidden' value=''
 a href=''

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of
 Vladimir Dubrovin
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:43 AM
 To: sr.
 Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Netgear DG632 Router Remote DoS Vulnerability

 Dear sr.,

  clicking  on  the  link can not produce POST request, only GET, unless
  there   are   some   special   conditions,   like  crossite  scripting
  vulnerability in the router.

 --16.06.2009 19:16, you wrote [Full-disclosure] Netgear DG632
 Router Remote DoS Vulnerability to;

 s it could still be carried out remotely by obfuscating a link sent to the
 s admin of the device. this would obviously rely on the admin clicking on
 s the link, and is more of a phishing / social engineering style attack. 
 s would also rely on the router being setup with all of the default 
 s LAN ip's.

 s sr.

 s 2009/6/16 Vladimir '3APA3A' Dubrovin

 Dear Tom Neaves,

  It  still can be exploited from Internet even if remote management is
 only  accessible  from local network. If you can trick user to visit Web
 page,  you  can  place  a  form on this page which targets to router and
 request to router is issued from victim's browser.

 --Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 2:11:27 AM, you wrote to

 TN Hi.

 TN I see where you're going but I think you're missing the point a 
 TN *default* the web interface is enabled on the LAN and accessible by
 TN on that LAN and the remote management interface (for the Internet) 
 TN turned off.  If the remote management interface was enabled, 
 TN echo responses would not resolve this issue at all, turning the
 TN off would do though (or restricting by IP, ...ack).  The remote
 TN (love those quotes...) interface speaks over HTTP hence TCP so no
 amount of
 TN dropping ICMP goodness will help with this.  Anyhow, I am happy to
 TN this off list with you if its still not clear to save spamming
 TN inboxes. :o)

 TN Tom

 TN - Original Message -
 TN From: Alaa El yazghi
 TN To: Tom Neaves
 TN Cc: ;
 TN Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 11:03 PM
 TN Subject: Re: Netgear DG632 Router Remote DoS Vulnerability

 TN I know and I understand. What I wanted to mean is that we can not
 TN acces to the web interface of a netgear router remotely if we cannot
 TN As for the DoS, it is simple to solve  such attack from outside. We
 TN disable receiving pings (There is actually an option in even the 
 TN series) and thus, we would be able to have a remote management without
 TN requests.

 TN 2009/6/15 Tom Neaves

 TN Hi.

 TN I'm not quite sure of your question...

 TN The DoS can be carried out remotely, however one mitigating factor
 TN makes it a low risk as opposed to sirens and alarms...) is that its
 TN off by default - you have to explicitly enable it under Remote
 TN on the device if you want to access it/carry out the DoS over the
 TN However, it is worth noting that anyone on your LAN can *remotely*
 carry out
 TN this attack regardless of this management feature being on/off.

 TN I hope this clarifies it for you.

 TN Tom
 TN - Original Message -
 TN From: Alaa El yazghi
 TN To: Tom Neaves
 TN Cc: ;
 TN Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 10:45 PM
 TN Subject: Re: Netgear DG632 Router Remote DoS Vulnerability

 TN How can it be carried out remotely if it bugs localy?

 TN 2009/6/15 Tom Neaves

 TN Product Name: Netgear DG632 Router
 TN Vendor: 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Universal Website Hijacking by Exploiting Firewall Content Filtering Features + SonicWALL firewalls 0day

2008-10-31 Thread Adrian P
Hello Fionnbharr,

Please see my response to your comments in-line.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Fionnbharr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This isn't new. It isn't even a technique.

 A very recent example of this kind of vulnerability. My god you
 gnucitizen people are retarded. At least you didn't give it a
 ridiculous name like 'clickjacking'. Can you GNUtards please keep your
 'research' into subjects people already know to yourself or at least
 not post it the lists, then at least I won't have to see it.

That Bluecoat advisory was released on 29 September 2008. What makes
you think that I did not discover the SonicWALL vulnerability/vector
and reported it to ZDI *way before* that date? Well, FYI I reported it
to ZDI in June 2008 and discovered it even before.

At least, you should consider the possibility of the attack vector
being discovered by two researchers concurrently. It can take quite a
few months before the vendor provides a patch, not to mention that
SonicWALL was VERY slow to confirm the vulnerability.

Don't you know that responsible disclosure means that the details of a
vulnerability can be held for quite a while before being released to
the public? Since when the publishing date of an advisory is equal to
discovery date?

Furthermore, it appears that Bluecoat only released their advisory
*after* the researcher jplopezy made his advisory public, which could
suggest that he did NOT inform the vendor before releasing the

It's also interesting that the researcher released the advisory
(bugtraq post) one day *after* I published the general description of
the attack:

June 25th, 2008.
ZDI forwards my findings to SonicWALL (see Disclosure Timeline):

September 20th, 2008.
I publish the general description of the attack:

September 21th, 2008.
Researcher jplopezy finds the same attack vector on BlueCoat's web filter:

Notice jplopezy published the bugtraq post *one day after* I published
the general attack description on GNUCITIZEN. Interesting?

Please do your homework before many any accusations.

 Also Malaysia: Cracking into Embedded Devices and Beyond!, who the
 fuck uses the word 'cracking' instead of 'hacking' in 2008? Sure for
 cracking passwords, but wow.

Can't you accept the idea some some of us still consider hacking and
breaking into a system not necessarily the same thing?


 2008/10/31 Adrian P [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello folks,

 Yesterday, I presented for the first time [1] a new method to perform
 universal website hijacking by exploiting content filtering features
 commonly supported by corporate firewalls. I briefly discussed [2] the
 finding on GNUCITIZEN in the past without giving away the details, but
 rather mentioning what the attacker can do and some characteristics of
 the attack.

 Anyway, I'm now releasing full details on how the technique works, and
 a real 0day example against SonicWALL firewalls.

 The paper can be found on the GNUCITIZEN labs site. Please let me know
 if you can successfully use the same technique against firewalls by
 other vendors:

 Finally, I'd like to thank Zero Day Initiative [3] for their great
 work and the Hack in the Box crew for organizing such a fine event!



 [1] HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia: Cracking into Embedded Devices and Beyond!

 [2] New technique to perform universal website hijacking

 [3] SonicWALL Content-Filtering Universal Script Injection Vulnerability

 Adrian pagvac Pastor | GNUCITIZEN

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Universal Website Hijacking by Exploiting Firewall Content Filtering Features + SonicWALL firewalls 0day

2008-10-31 Thread Adrian P
Hi Fionnbharr,

Well, that's fair enough. tbh, I couldn't find older examples, but
this is one of the points of sending a post to the lists: other people
can review it and give feedback. I just sometimes wished people were
more constructive on FD.

Regarding the paper, well, it can be useful for people who want to
find a similar issue in their firewall/proxy appliances. Don't you

No need to call anyone names IMO. And please, why do people keep
attacking Kaminsky? He has greatly contributed to the infosec
community so please give him some credit!

Thanks for your email anyway. Perhaps, you could have expressed
yourself in a less aggressive/more constructive manner?


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Fionnbharr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure, this attack vector has been 'discovered' by lots of people in
 the past, or even concurrently, thats my point. It doesn't merit a
 whole paper on it. Not to mention you're getting on the FUD/Kaminsky
 bandwagon when GNUtards release a statement like 'New technique to
 universally hijack websites', trying to get some media attention for
 something everyone else already knew.

 re: the bluecoat vuln, if you read my post I just said it was a recent
 (or as you might put it, *recent*) example of this type of
 vulnerability. I've this sort of vuln myself with client software and
 so has a number of other people I know. Glad to see the majority of
 your email is completely irrelevant.

 2008/11/1 Adrian P [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello Fionnbharr,

 Please see my response to your comments in-line.

 On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Fionnbharr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This isn't new. It isn't even a technique.

 A very recent example of this kind of vulnerability. My god you
 gnucitizen people are retarded. At least you didn't give it a
 ridiculous name like 'clickjacking'. Can you GNUtards please keep your
 'research' into subjects people already know to yourself or at least
 not post it the lists, then at least I won't have to see it.

 That Bluecoat advisory was released on 29 September 2008. What makes
 you think that I did not discover the SonicWALL vulnerability/vector
 and reported it to ZDI *way before* that date? Well, FYI I reported it
 to ZDI in June 2008 and discovered it even before.

 At least, you should consider the possibility of the attack vector
 being discovered by two researchers concurrently. It can take quite a
 few months before the vendor provides a patch, not to mention that
 SonicWALL was VERY slow to confirm the vulnerability.

 Don't you know that responsible disclosure means that the details of a
 vulnerability can be held for quite a while before being released to
 the public? Since when the publishing date of an advisory is equal to
 discovery date?

 Furthermore, it appears that Bluecoat only released their advisory
 *after* the researcher jplopezy made his advisory public, which could
 suggest that he did NOT inform the vendor before releasing the

 It's also interesting that the researcher released the advisory
 (bugtraq post) one day *after* I published the general description of
 the attack:

 June 25th, 2008.
 ZDI forwards my findings to SonicWALL (see Disclosure Timeline):

 September 20th, 2008.
 I publish the general description of the attack:

 September 21th, 2008.
 Researcher jplopezy finds the same attack vector on BlueCoat's web filter:

 Notice jplopezy published the bugtraq post *one day after* I published
 the general attack description on GNUCITIZEN. Interesting?

 Please do your homework before many any accusations.

 Also Malaysia: Cracking into Embedded Devices and Beyond!, who the
 fuck uses the word 'cracking' instead of 'hacking' in 2008? Sure for
 cracking passwords, but wow.

 Can't you accept the idea some some of us still consider hacking and
 breaking into a system not necessarily the same thing?


 2008/10/31 Adrian P [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello folks,

 Yesterday, I presented for the first time [1] a new method to perform
 universal website hijacking by exploiting content filtering features
 commonly supported by corporate firewalls. I briefly discussed [2] the
 finding on GNUCITIZEN in the past without giving away the details, but
 rather mentioning what the attacker can do and some characteristics of
 the attack.

 Anyway, I'm now releasing full details on how the technique works, and
 a real 0day example against SonicWALL firewalls.

 The paper can be found on the GNUCITIZEN labs site. Please let me know
 if you can successfully use the same technique against firewalls by
 other vendors:

[Full-disclosure] Universal Website Hijacking by Exploiting Firewall Content Filtering Features + SonicWALL firewalls 0day

2008-10-30 Thread Adrian P
Hello folks,

Yesterday, I presented for the first time [1] a new method to perform
universal website hijacking by exploiting content filtering features
commonly supported by corporate firewalls. I briefly discussed [2] the
finding on GNUCITIZEN in the past without giving away the details, but
rather mentioning what the attacker can do and some characteristics of
the attack.

Anyway, I'm now releasing full details on how the technique works, and
a real 0day example against SonicWALL firewalls.

The paper can be found on the GNUCITIZEN labs site. Please let me know
if you can successfully use the same technique against firewalls by
other vendors:

Finally, I'd like to thank Zero Day Initiative [3] for their great
work and the Hack in the Box crew for organizing such a fine event!



[1] HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia: Cracking into Embedded Devices and Beyond!

[2] New technique to perform universal website hijacking

[3] SonicWALL Content-Filtering Universal Script Injection Vulnerability

Adrian pagvac Pastor | GNUCITIZEN

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure]

2008-10-29 Thread Adrian P .
Welcome to the web! 

1 website = content retrieved from dozens/hundreds of sites. Much more than 
what the browser's address bar shows ;)

Think of ad banners, analytics JS (legit spyware), static content served from 
high-speed embedded httpds, etc ...

And yes, there are security implications to this design problem.

-Original Message-
Sent: 27 October 2008 17:22
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure]

On Mon, 27 Oct 2008 21:07:46 +0400, Razi Shaban said:
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Bipin Gautam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A picture is worth a thousand words.
  But whats so wrong about it?
 So what?

A US intelligence agency is basically betting the bank that,
a company apparently based in Ireland, doesn't get pwned or subverted.

Does that give you warm-n-fuzzies?

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Exploring the UNKNOWN: Scanning the Internet via SNMP!

2008-03-04 Thread Adrian P
Well, such statement is simply derived from my personal experience of
doing application-layer UDP scanning. Never ran a proper benchmark to
compare speed results to be honest.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Sebastian Krahmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 12:02:25AM +, Adrian P wrote:

   * Exploring the UNKNOWN: Scanning the Internet via SNMP! *
   Hacking is not only about coming up with interesting solutions to
   problems, but also about exploring the unknown. It was this drive for
   knowledge philosophy that lead to surveying a significant sample of
   the Internet which allowed us to make some VERY interesting
   observations and get an idea of the current state of _remote SNMP
   * Why SNMP? *
   2.5 million random IP addresses were surveyed via SNMP. Why SNMP you
   might be asking? Well, there are several reasons. First of all SNMP is
   a UDP-based protocol which allows us to perform scanning at a much
   shorter time than via TCP-based protocols. Another advantage of
  This is not true. I doubt there is any measurable advantage
  of UDP vs. TCP scans if you do it right.
  2.5 million addresses can be done in a very short coffee break.


  ~ perl
  ~ $_='print\$_=\47$_\47;eval';eval
  ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] - SuSE Security Team
  ~ SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)

pagvac |

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] Exploring the UNKNOWN: Scanning the Internet via SNMP!

2008-03-03 Thread Adrian P
* Exploring the UNKNOWN: Scanning the Internet via SNMP! *

Hacking is not only about coming up with interesting solutions to
problems, but also about exploring the unknown. It was this drive for
knowledge philosophy that lead to surveying a significant sample of
the Internet which allowed us to make some VERY interesting
observations and get an idea of the current state of _remote SNMP

* Why SNMP? *

2.5 million random IP addresses were surveyed via SNMP. Why SNMP you
might be asking? Well, there are several reasons. First of all SNMP is
a UDP-based protocol which allows us to perform scanning at a much
shorter time than via TCP-based protocols. Another advantage of
UDP-based protocols is that the source IP address can be spoofed
easily. In the case of SNMP, it means that an attacker could change
configuration settings from a spoofed IP address provided that a valid
write community string is identified or cracked. Needless to say,
changing config settings via SNMP can lead to a full compromise.
Finally, we have been very involved [1] researching embedded devices
lately, and since a significant amount of Internet devices are
hackable via SNMP, such protocol was an obvious candidate.

* When SNMP read access is all we need for successful pwnage *

Gaining SNMP write access is of course usually considered to be a more
serious issue than gaining SNMP read access only. However, even if a
cracker only gained read access to a device/server via a SNMP
community string, sometimes it would possible to extract sensitive
information such as usernames and passwords which would eventually
lead to a compromise of the targeted systems. In order to accomplish
this, all that is needed by the attacker is knowledge of an
interesting OID to query. My point is that SNMP read access could a
enough to fully own a device!

* Examples of juicy leaks via SNMP read access *

For instance, Windows servers return the full list of usernames [2] by
snmwalking the OID Or how about the BT Voyager
2000 router leaking the ISP credentials [3] including the password?
Oh, wait, I almost forgot to mention HP JetDirect printers leaking [4]
the admin password [5] via SNMP read access (using OIDs
.iso. and
. And of course the recently disclosed
[6] Dynamic DNS credentials disclosure on ZyXEL Prestige routers via
the OID (see section 2.2 in the paper for
more details). You get the point: lots of devices leak _way too much
information_ via SNMP read access.

* The juicy survey stats! *

From a total number of 2.5 million random IP addresses, 5320 IP
addresses responded to the submitted SNMP requests. Although this is
only %0.2128 of all the IP addresses, we need to keep in mind that
most Internet systems with SNMP support correspond to embedded
devices, which only make a small portion of the Internet. One query
was sent to each random IP using the community string public, which
is often used as the default read community string. The OID queried on
each request is which is the system description
(usually returns brand and model). The destination port used was
161/UDP. Although some systems used different default port numbers for
SNMP daemons, 161 is definitely the most common one.

In order to protect the innocent, we hid the first two octets of the
IP addresses included in our results CSV file:

cat ./2dot5million-random-ips.csv | while read line
echo -en '*.*.'./2dot5million-random-ips.hidden.csv;
echo $line | cut -d . -f 3-  ./2dot5million-random-ips.hidden.csv

The most common systems found were the following:

* ARRIS Touchstone Telephony Modems [7] - these VoIP modems alone
made more than 35% of all found devices discovered!
* Cisco routers
* Apple AirPort [8] and Base Station
* ZyXEL Prestige routers
* Netopia routers
* Windows 2000 servers

Obviously, what kind of SNMP-enabled devices are the most popular on
the Internet is very interesting information from a research point of
view. For instance, if researching remote SNMP vulnerabilities, it
would make sense to focus on a type of device that is widely-spread
through the Internet. I'll leave you guys to make your own
observations by reading the results CSV file.

The survey results file can be found on:

* References *








[Full-disclosure] BT Home Flub: Pwnin the BT Home Hub (5) - exploiting IGDs remotely via UPnP

2008-01-10 Thread Adrian P

It's known that UPnP [1] is inherently insecure for a very simple
reason: administrative tasks can be performed on a Internet Gateway
Device (IGD) without needing to know the admin password whatsoever!
This on its own is quite scary and I personally feel that although
there is some research in the public domain, there is much more
attention that needs to be paid to UPnP.

UPnP allows you to perform administrative functions. Some functions
are very standardized and supported by most devices. Examples include
obtaining network settings, and enabling port forwarding rules. Other
functions are make/model specific. Some very scary functions such as
obtaining administrative username and password pairs have been
reported [2] in the past. As a reminder, this works without submitting
any administrative password whatsoever since UPnP is a
authenticationless protocol. On top of this, most IGDs support UPnP by

After having read several UPnP security research materials I realized
that all the described attacks assume that the attacker (be it human
or malware) comes from inside the network. This post describes how to
exploit IGDs remotely via UPnP even when no services are publicly
available (WAN interface).

** Preauth XSS + SOAP payload = remote UPnP exploitation **

If you sniff yourself while running software that uses UPnP in the
background to help you configure your router, you'll see that UPnP is
nothing more than SOAP. Our AJAX knowledge tells us about a feature
that allows us to craft arbitrary XML requests: the XMLHttpRequest [3]
object. Trouble is, such object can only be used within the context of
the site that the requests are submitted to. So if we host the
malicious scripting code on a third-party site, and a victim user
located in the same LAN as the target IGD visits such page, the
request wouldn't go through due to XMLHttpRequest same-origin policy
restricition. Or put in a different way: you aren't allowed to make
XMLHttpRequests to any server except the server where your web page
came from.

However, if you find a pre-auth XSS vulnerability [4] on the target
device you can bypass such restriction. For instance, many devices
such as the BT Home Hub and Speedtouch routers offer certain pages
before authenticating. Some of these pages are cgi scripts which are
vulnerable to XSS. Although offering certain useless functionalities
before logging into the router might not seem like a big deal, it can
actually lead to UPnP being exploited remotely, even if the web admin
console is not visible from the Internet!

The following is a non-malicious proof-of-concept exploit which sets
up a port-forwarding rule from port 1337 on the WAN interface to port
445 on the internal IP address Such IP address is the
first usable IP address reserved for clients connected to Speedtouch
and BT Home Hub routers. The exploit has been tested on BT Home Hub -
Firmware version 6.2.6.B. Just to make things clear, UPnP is enabled
by default on the BT Home Hub, just like most IGDs. If your Internet
gateway is a BT Home Hub, clicking on the following link should add a
new forward rule called EVILFORWARDRULE: ATTACK''%3e%3c/script%3e%3ca%20b=

In order to check if the port-forwarding rule was added successfully
you can use UPnP Port Forwarding Utility [5] and simply click on
Update list now after the device has been discovered (device name
should show on the top-left corner a few seconds later after launching
the tool). You could of course use the technique and code explained in
this post on any Internet gateway that supports UPnP and is a
vulnerable to a preauth XSS vulnerability. If you manage to
successfully test this attack on the BT Home Hub or any other device
please let us know!

** Zombie routers and the unvalidated NewInternalClient bug **

A bit of more UPnP hacking lead me to realize that the BT Home Hub is
vulnerable to the (in)famous unvalidated NewInternalClient bug. This
bug allows you to choose external IP addresses instead of a LAN IP
addresses as intended when setting up port-forwarding rules via UPnP.
In this case, I reused the previous code and changed the internal IP
address ( in the NewInternalClient tag with the IP
address of a random Internet web server and the value of the
NewInternalPort tag to 80. This effectively allows an attacker to use
the vulnerable BT Home Hub router as a proxy - aka onion router. In
other words, when probing the router's NATed IP address on port 1337,
the attacker is effectively probing the IP address and port number
specified by the port-forwarding rule - except the routers IP address
would be shown in logs of the target web server, as opposed to the
attacker's real IP address. I thought this is a nice real example of
how a 

Re: [Full-disclosure] authentic hackers still do it for the love ... (was: Hell Camp: It never pays enough)

2007-12-03 Thread Adrian P
Hi folks!

Just wanted to say that it IS possible to make good money and have fun
breaking security. Lots of security researchers out there are offered
very generous positions which sometimes allows them to work from home.

In many of these positions the researcher chooses what to break, and
the employer is OK with that since they also get good publicity for
publishing the findings anyways.

In short, it IS possible to have fun while working and make very good
money. Does that mean you're not a hacker anymore? I don't think so!
What it means is that you're clever since you managed to do what you
like, legally, and get paid very good money for breaking toys just
like you used to do when you were a child.


On Dec 2, 2007 7:35 PM, James Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Correct there must be a separation between work and play! But playing will
 always be fun!

 On Dec 2, 2007 8:29 PM, coderman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 2, 2007 5:47 PM, jf [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   ... something southern baptists ...
   You're doing it wrong.
  oh well, i checked and my ruse didn't work.
  no employeee exodus, no new signing bonus, and here i thought you'd all
  send email notice on a pleasant saturday afternoon.
  guess i'll have to pay for that CISSP after all...
  [tell you what jf and pdp, i'd be more curious to know how you
   cultivated that job that isn't yet pays well than continuing this
   thread before it spirals further into inanity...]
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability

2007-11-21 Thread Adrian P
comment inline ;)

On Nov 20, 2007 8:23 PM, Steven Adair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right this problem has existed for a long time, but it's not the end of
 the world for someone to point it out again I suppose.

 I think it's obvious that there's another main issue here and that's the
 way WordPress handles its cookies in general.  They are not temporary
 sessions that expire or are only valid upon successful authentication.
 The cookies work for ever.. or at least until the password changes.  If
 someone uses an XSS attack to obtain the cookies or sniffs them (most
 blogs are just HTTP) they can essentially permanently authenticate.  The
 same result occurs with being able to read the database.

 Furthermore, one could in theory conduct a bruteforce attack against the
 WordPress password by just making normal requests to the blog but changing
 the cookies that does the double MD5 of the password.  You could in theory
 emulate normal continued browsing of the website while sending
 MD5(MD5(password)) over and over with each request via the cookie.  Other
 than perhaps a large increase in browsing of the blog, this could possibly
 go unnoticed as an attack -- as it would not be logged anywhere (in most
 instances) that the cookies were being presented.  Once authenticated into
 WordPress, the normal blog pages look different, so it would not require
 an attacker to access the Admin area to verify.

That's actually an interesting way to BF the passwords. Much more
stealth than doing it via the login page. I like it!

 Anyway, good to see the CVE is already there.  Maybe better session
 management will find its way into WordPress.

 (..runs on WordPress.. oh noes!)

  This is CVE-2007-6013 since 19th Nov including WordPress ticket #5367:
  - Juha-Matti
  Steven J. Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti:
 On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 07:08:36PM +0100, Stefan Esser wrote:
 Could you elaborate why you consider this news? Most public SQL
 injection exploits for Wordpress use this cookie trick.
 I couldn't find it on the Wordpress bug tracker and when I mentioned
 it to the Wordpress security address, they did not mention having
 heard of it before. I also couldn't find a detailed explanation of the
 problem online, nor in the usual vulnerability databases. Blog
 administrators, like me, therefore risk sites being compromised
 because they didn't realize the problem.
 It seemed intuitive to me that restoring the database to a known good
 state would be adequate to recover from a Wordpress compromise
 (excluding guessable passwords). This is the case with the UNIX
 password database and any similarly implemented system. Because of the
 vulnerability I mentioned, this is not the case for Wordpress.
 So I also thought it important to describe the workarounds, and fixes.
 If these were obvious, Wordpress would have already applied them. Some
 commenters did not think that the current password scheme needs to be,
 or can be improved, despite techniques to do so being industry
 standard for decades. Clearly this misconception needs to be
 I did mention that this was being exploited, so obviously some people
 already know about the problem, but not the right ones. Before I sent
 the disclosure, there was no effort being put into fixing the problem.
 Now there is. Hopefully blog administrators will also apply the
 work-arounds in the meantime.
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[Full-disclosure] BT Home Flub: Pwnin the BT Home Hub - Vulnerabilities details published

2007-11-11 Thread Adrian P
Remote assistance now appears to be disabled. That definitively gets
rid of the worst threat: backdooring the Home Hub router by enabling
remote access permanently (could be done by editing the config file).
Telnet has also been disabled, and the contents of the config file is
now encrypted/obfuscated. However, there are many other
vulnerabilities that we reported, which are still present on version
6.2.6.B of the firmware.

For instance, there are still many (non-persistent and persistent)
XSS, system-wide CSRF and also the double-slash authentication bypass
which works on the latest firmware! That means that, for instance, you
can still steal the router's WEP/WPA key by making the victim click on
a URL that exploits a XSS vulnerability and scrapes the contents of
the WEP/WPA key page: . It
also means that any administrative requests (i.e.: disable wireless
access) can be made by tricking the user to visit a malicious website.
Since the auth bypass hasn't still been fixed, this attack would work
even if the user has changed the default password.

One of the reasons for publishing the details it's because we reported
the issues more than a month ago, which should be long enough to fix
the vulnerabilities. Also, BT has made inaccurate / not true
statements on a BBC Radio 4 show [1] and on their own website [2]
about how the vulnerabilities are theoretical rather than practical.

Publishing the details proves that we're not just talking BS but
rather warning the community about serious (and practical) issues
existent on the BT Home Hub.

Vulnerabilities details here:

And my previous posts on the subject:





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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gmail 0day

2007-11-09 Thread Adrian P
Hello Juergen,

With all my respect, is it that hard to see that gaining access to a
Gmail session can lead to your identity being stolen?

Nowadays your webmail account means your online life/presence. Let's
have a walk through attack shall we?

1. Your Gmail session is hijacked (i.e.: via the XSS PoC posted on FD)

2. Attacker searches for password in 'Inbox'/'Sent Mail'.

- How many times have you clicked on Forgot password on MULTIPLE
online accounts and the password (whether a new pass or the original
one) emailed to you has not been changed from the time you got the
forgotten password email?

- How many users have emailed passwords to themselves so that they
don't forget?

- How many users use the same password on MULTIPLE online accounts
(including merchant/e-commerce accounts)?

- How many users have clicked on remember credit card details so
that they don't have to re-enter their CC data every time they perform
an online transaction?

- Did you forget to disable your Gtalk chat history (Gtalk is still
within the domain)

- Have you saved anything personal on other services such as Google
docs/calendar/notebook? (or any other service that doesn't
require you to re-login once authenticated)

3. For most victims, this leads to a compromise of his/her online identity.

If you fail to see the problem, then please think before you complain
about damn, right now 0day are fucking XSS 

Posting a XSS PoC that opens an alert box doesn't have much merit
perhaps. However, this is the equivalent of saying: hey, I can cause
a BO condition. If you send X parameter with 500 bytes/chars or more,
then EIP is overwritten and the attacked service crashes. Now compare
that to actually compromising the server via the buffer overflow
vulnerability. That's a DIFFERENT STORY.

Same thing goes for any XSS. Now say, screw a cookie theft exploit for
the Gmail XSS! (pardon my French). Make something more clever!
Perhaps, you want a payload that scrapes all the victim's emails which
contain keywords such as 'password', 'private', 'admin', and so on.
Then, all the captured data is submitted to the attacker's site in the
background (nothing suspicious is visually happening from the victim's
point of view).

Sure Gmail has CSRF protection, but that can be bypassed via XSS.
After all, anti-CSRF tokens can be grabbed if URLs can be accessed
within the security context of the target domain (which is possible
via XSS).

If you consider all the aforementioned thoughts plus the fact that
Gmail is one of the most popular webmail services, then you should be
able to understand the power of a XSS vul on !


On Nov 8, 2007 8:55 PM, Juergen Marester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wow ! 0day !
 damn, right now 0day are fucking XSS ...

 On 11/8/07, silky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  worked for me minutes after it was posted. seems fixed now.
  On 11/9/07, crazy frog crazy frog  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   i tested it on gmail latest version,itsnot working for me?
   On Nov 8, 2007 7:04 AM, Scripter Hack [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
There is a html injection vulnerability in
It  is very critical,you can get the cookie to login into gmail ore
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Re: [Full-disclosure] gnucitizen bt home hub latest, attacks wide spread, outages reported

2007-10-12 Thread Adrian P
Hi guys,

I just have a few comments for the sake accuracy.

On 10/12/07, Valery Marchuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  gnucitizen may be responible for bt being under a massive attack right
 Oh my God, people stop talking nonsense!

 Have you seen the video provided by with demonstration of
 this attack or read the vulnerability description?

 The guy sends a link to victim, victim visits this link and bam. we see the
 IP address of the router (there are many ways to get his information. I`m
 not familiar with BT products, so I won`t try to guess which way was used).

In the demo video the evil page loads JavaScript that requests a PHP
script located on a third-party server. The PHP script simply emails
the router's IP address to the attacker.

 Then, we see, how attacker is trying to get access to the device via web
 interface, then we see an authentication dialog, which is bypassed via
 default password or through a bug in authentication mechanism. That's it.

We do NOT rely on default passwords in our demo exploit. The attacker
logs into the router using the built-in tech support account and a
password chosen by her (which was set on the Home Hub when the victim
visited the evil page). The authentication bypass only takes place
when the evil page is loaded on the victim's browser for the purpose
of enabling remote assistance *without* requiring a password.

btw, we haven't yet been informed by BT whether or not they have
reproduced our findings successfully.

 Best regards,
 Valery Marchuk

 - Original Message -
 From: worried security [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 7:15 PM
 Subject: [Full-disclosure] gnucitizen bt home hub latest, attacks wide
 spread,outages reported

  gnucitizen 0day concerning bt home hub router firmware is vulnerable to
  bbc radio 1's newsbeat program has been reporting today that customers
  connect to the internet.
  bbc radio 1 is a national and international radio station.
  i tried to look on the bbc radio 1 newsbeat site but they haven't put an
  online version of the report online.
  they didn't say gnucitizen on the radio but they said a group.
  they said bt customers have been reporting problems with their bt home hub
  and the report said bt are denying its connected with the security groups
  this is very interesting but there is very little online about it, even
  the bbc, who have been reporting on it via bbc radio 1 at 16:30pm (UK GMT)
  i urge people to investigate.
  gnucitizen may be responible for bt being under a massive attack right
  the media can phone up bbc radio 1 newsbeat and ask for a copy of the
  to be put online.
  i think they should.
  the bbc radio 1 shouldn't give reports like that without putting it
  should gnucitizen get into trouble or should we not blame the researchers
  and only the script kids who have brought down bt today?
  bbc radio 1 is a music station and the news reports are just top of the
  news flashes lasting about 5 miniutes.
  they didn't repeat the report at 17:00pm GMT today, but maybe they will
  repeat it in their 17:45pm GMT news update?
  i'm sorry i don't have a link, but there isn't one online, UNBELIEVABLE
  the bbc, they are usually good at standards.


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[Full-disclosure] BT Home Flub: Pwnin the BT Home Hub

2007-10-08 Thread Adrian P

The BT Home Hub, which is probably the most popular home router in the
UK, is susceptible to critical vulnerabilities.

BT's plan is to sneak one of this boxes into every UK home. Not only
does the BT Home Hub support broadband but also VoIP (BT Broadband
Talk), UMA mobile telephony (BT Fusion), and digital TV (BT Vision).
Additionally, BT will give users the option to use their BT Home Hub to
join FON, a community-shared Wi-Fi. An unofficial source has reported
us that there are 2+ million BT Home Hub users in the UK.

If you're thinking: well I'm not based in the UK so this research
doesn't concern me, then think again! The BT Home Hub is just a
Thomson/Alcatel Speedtouch 7G router. Furthermore, the vulnerabilities
we found are most likely present in other Speedtouch models due to
code reuse (more on that later).

So what can we do? Well, we can fully own the router remotely. At the
moment we have three demo exploits which do the following:

* enable backdoor in order to control the router remotely
* disable wireless completely (can only be re-enabled if the user
is technically capable)
* steal the WEP/WPA key

Of course there other other attacks you could launch! We can hijack
any action with full admin privileges or steal any info returned by a
router's page. This means evilness of the exploits are only limited by
the attacker's imagination. Other examples of evil attacks include
evesdropping VoIP conversations (change 'sip config primproxyaddr'
statement in config file), stealing VoIP credentials, exposing
internal hosts on the DMZ, change the DNS settings for stealing online
banking credentials, disable auto updates (change 'cwmp.ini' section
in config file), etc …

The only requirement for the router to be owned is that a victim user
visits a (malicious) website. The good news is that our exploits do
NOT require knowledge of the admin password! How can that be? Well, we
rely on a authentication bypass bug we discovered!

Even though I've been the owner of a BT Home Hub for quite a while, I
never bothered to try to find vulnerabilities in it. However, on the
last dc4420 meeting, after I gave a talk on breaking into Axis
cameras, some of the guys there inspired me to research the BT Home
Hub. After poking with if for a while, pdp and I couldn't believe how
vulnerable the web interface of the device was! I remember pdp
sarcastically saying: wow, it's really locked down man!, We
discovered issues such as:

* authentication bypass (any admin action can be made without
* system-wide CSRF
* several persistent XSS
* several non-persistent XSS
* privilege escalation

We're now in the process of contacting BT and Thomson. However, I
don't have high hopes for BT. Last year, I found a way to dump the BT
Voyager 2091's config file without credentials. Even though I
forwarded them my findings they never responded at all.

Enjoy the demo video which was kindly prepared by pdp. We misspelled
some words on the chat conversation, so please forgive us! In the
video, the attacker social-engineers the victim to visit a malicious
website. The malicious website in turn enables remote assistance on
the victim's router with a password chosen by the attacker. After
that, the attacker gains full privileges to the router remotely, and
steals the config file and WEP key.


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[Full-disclosure] Owning Big Brother: How to Crack into Axis IP cameras

2007-09-27 Thread Adrian P.
We found multiple vulnerabilities on Axis 2100 IP cameras affecting both 
old firmware versions and the latest firmware (2.43).

The research is made of two components: a purple paper and a video. The 
research doesn't just cover boring PoCs, but actual Hollywood-style 
exploits :-). Yes, this includes the classic attack in which the 
legitimate video stream gets replaced by another stream that keeps 
looping forever!

More info can be found on:


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[Full-disclosure] 2 vanilla XSS on Wordpress ‘ wp-register.php’

2007-09-21 Thread Adrian P
There are two vanilla XSS on 'wp-register.php'. Only versions =2.0.1
appear to be affected.

More info can be found on GNUCITIZEN's BlogSecurity:



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