[Full-disclosure] Using Ajax for better and more convincing scams

2007-06-27 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

Interesting use of Ajax/ Web 2.x by scammers


Please replace hxxp by http

It detected around 18 infections of Windows Malware on my GNU/ Linux machine 
for the following and more malware listed in this file:
And reported the following
It was very helpful to offer the following remedies as well

It also detected around 15 open ports, hmmm, throughout my career I never came 
across that much BS.


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

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Re: [Full-disclosure] UK ISP threatens security researcher

2007-04-18 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

- Dr. Neal Krawetz, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All I can utter after reading your post is, It's so simple to be wise. Just 
think of something stupid to say and the opposite should have been said.

Ummm... the above applies to me as well. Sorry, hope you wont mind, we all act 
funny sometimes.


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

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[Full-disclosure] XSS and SQL Injection in Election Commision of India website (now fixed)

2007-03-11 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal
Election Commission of India website had XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities.

The vulnerabilities were reported on 2nd of March to ECI and on 4th March to 
CERT-IN, for the following URL:


The above script is used to display detailed results of a given constituency.

On 9th March 2007 Election Commission of India Fixed (disabled parts of) their 
website to avoid XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities after intervention of 

Still a bit of usually harmless data insertion is possible. 


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Keylogger

2006-11-14 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

What did he say, he finished learning how to program yesterday...

- Jeb Osama [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yesterday I finished programming a keylogger
 How nice :)
 , and have decided to sell it
 online for a small price.
 How very nice :)
 I have posted here because I believe people would
 be interested in a hacking tool such as this - keyloggers are the
 and quickest way to obtain an email password. Here are its features:
 Cant wait!
 - Undetectable by ALL antivirus products in use today .
 Isnt any new one? Or maybe you do morphine. (and UPX?)
 - Remains on victim's computer permanently (adds to startup).
 My stuff usually lasts no more than 2 days :(
 - Bypasses Windows Firewall.
 - Sends logs via email to your chosen email account.
 stupid smtp!
 - Logs include computer information, current window name, and of
 logged keystrokes.
 stupid GetForegroundWindow, GetAsyncKeyState!
 - Logs are sent hourly.
 stupid Timer
 - Displays fake error message to user.
 This one beats me.. how do you do it?
 My pricing plans are:
 - $11 = Keylogger.
 - $16 = Keylogger + Source code.
 - +$5 to either for access to all future updates.
 What about bug fixes?
 I only accept paypal/credit card.
 Buying this product is simple - simply fill in the template below and
 it to me at the below address (replace [at] with @):
 richard.williams140 [at] googlemail.com
 wasnt that supposed to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] or were
 you trying to obfuscate it?


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fallacies on Truths in Caller ID scam

2006-10-08 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal
Getting back to some very small points here...

- J. Oquendo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So with let's say a vendor getting back to me on a problem I have, let
 the company be Dell for this example. Dell has their outsourced vendor
 from Ralwapindi India or somewhere in the vicinity call me, my caller
 ID shows 1800GO2DELL, in this scenario either way you want to cut it,
 Dell is circumventing the Truth in Caller ID Act. 
Correction: Rawalpindi is not in India. 

If the call is from Dell, then does it matter, if the office is in India or 
Rawalpindi. 1800GO2DELL represents dell.
Please read before you speak: 

And in that case www.talkety.com is doing something similar from Germany (?). 
And you can misuse their service to have fun making prank calls to people from 
their own numbers.

 Just something for though...


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Orkut Phishing Attack

2006-09-21 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal
Old bug in old bottle
This is an often discussed bug in FD

- Pranay Kanwar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 orkut is an on line community that connects people through a network
 trusted friends.
 The login url looks like this
 After successfully logging in the user is redirected to
 The url in the done argument can be changed to redirect to arbitrary
 for example
 after logging in the user will be directed to metaeye.org


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft product vs Microsoft patch

2006-08-24 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal
Ahhh well maybe we are forgetting the actual **for_real_men** technique for 
patching vulnerabilities and problems that can only be applied to GNU/ Linux 
like systems.

The diff files (aka patch files), applied directly to the source code, can you 
match their efficiency in terms of bandwidth.


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

- Valdis Kletnieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 20:14:03 BST, n3td3v said:

  I believe for their operating system and their web browser Microsoft
  take up half or all the original size of the Microsoft product.

 So? What's that actually *prove*?

  I don't have the resources to carry out this study on my own, and I
  some folks do have those resources to release such information to
  security community.
  We need this information to be published professionally so its
 suitable for
  media outlet consumption.

 No, you don't.

 Part of the problem is that the size of the patch is *highly*
 on the details of the packaging system.  If you want to go *that*
 you shouldn't hope to *ever* get Linux accepted.  Let's take a look at
 Redhat/Fedora package kernel patches:

 The original Fedora Core 5 kernel for a single-processor 686:

 -rw-r--r--1 263  263 14070190   Mar 14 23:23  

 Updates so far:

 -rw-r--r--1 2220 2220 15433301 Jul 15 00:13
 -rw-r--r--1 2220 2220 15442084 Aug 10 14:22

 Oh my *GOD*, the patches are twice the size of the original.  And it's
 even worse
 over on RHEL 4, where they've shipped:


 Plus others I've possibly missed.  Size of patches is 5x the size of

 Why?  Because the RPM format includes a replacement of *all* the files
 in the
 package (so that it's easily slipstreamed and install the latest and
 greatest).  IBM AIX's installp format only ships updated files -
 but this
 ends up making updates a lot more challenging (it's possible to need
 as many as
 *4* or even more separate installp files to install a particular
 patchlevel of
 a product).

 Trying to count the size of the patch also runs astray when you have a
 that changes an API (for instance, adding a parameter to a function
 Most of the time, this ends up meaning that software tools like 'make'
 recompile most of the package, even if only 1/5 of the recompiled
 *really* need it. And trying to trim down the list by hand to find
 that 1/5 is
 *dangerous*, because if you miss one, you *will* have problems.  Given
 relatively cheap nature of both bandwidth and disk, most software
 end up erring on the side of caution.

 The metric you *want* to measure is what percentage of patches are
 defective and require patching.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] LOL HY

2006-08-18 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

- darren kirby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The signal/noise ratio here has really gotten unbearable in the last
 months. We can deal with most undesired mail from repeat posters with
 filter, but the crapfloods need to be dealt with in a more drastic
 darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976

Sounds like **drastic** search for WMD has begun Mr President, with **drastic** 
efforts to deter childish activities.


Ajay Pal Singh Atwal

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Are consumers being misled by phishing?

2006-06-29 Thread Ajay Pal Singh Atwal
Here is one phishing site for paypal


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