[Full-disclosure] Bypassing Export address table Address Filter (EAF)

2010-11-22 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hey list,

If you're interested in a short analysis of Microsoft's new EAF
and how to bypass it, have a look here:



Berend-Jan Wever 
Delft, The Netherlands
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[Full-disclosure] Oracle Java OBJECT children property memory corruption

2010-10-13 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

Oracle has released a patch for a vulnerability in Java 6 that I reported to
them. If you like to know more, you can read about it here:


Berend-Jan Wever 
Delft, The Netherlands
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[Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows Media Player memory corruption

2010-10-13 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

Microsoft has released a patch for a vulnerability in Windows Media Player
plugin that I reported to them. If you like to know more, you can read about
it here:

Berend-Jan Wever 
Delft, The Netherlands
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gödel and kernel backdoors

2010-09-19 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
nevermind the fact that a "good" program in your list may contain as yet
unknown vulnerabilities which mean it's actually bad.
On Sep 19, 2010 7:08 PM, "Georgi Guninski"  wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 06:21:35PM +0200, Pavel Kankovsky wrote:
>> On the other hand, It is possible to "detect all bad programs" if it is
>> allowed to err on the safe side and mistake some good programs for bad
>> programs. An extreme example is to call all programs bad unless their
>> exact code appears on the list of known good programs.
> i doubt this can be remotely implemented in practice because of dynamic
code like |eval| and mobile code.
> can |code| be realistically distinguished from |data| for current OSes
> (e.g. is a vim modeline *only a* plain string or a string + program) ?
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] Issue 17 - Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0 response handling memory corruption (ms10-051, CVE-2010-2561)

2010-08-10 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Just facts, no marketing (sorry Alex :P).

Microsoft advisory:
Blog post/discussion: http://skypher.com/index.php/2010/08/10/ms10-051/
<http://skypher.com/index.php/2010/08/10/ms10-051/>Timeline, details and
repro: http://code.google.com/p/skylined/issues/detail?id=17

Berend-Jan Wever 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wordpad Command line argument vulnerability is it known ?

2010-03-18 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
This is very probably known and fixed, as I published about the many BoFs
and formatstring vulns in comand line handling in Windows applications in
2004 (http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2004/Oct/45), after which most if not all
of them got fixed. I cannot reproduce in XP sp3.

If you still want to exploit it, why don't you encode your shellcode to
lowercase alphanumeric using ALPHA3?

Berend-Jan Wever 

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 3:20 PM, sachin shinde wrote:

> hi,
> There is classic buffer/Stack overflow in wordpad.exe testing on winxp
> sp 2.(is it already known?)
> on text console wordpad.exe takes argument as a filename and there it
> happens.
> but writing shellcode for it is very hard,Because wordpad changes
> uppercase chars to  lower case chars. if anyone any idea about this
> please reply!
> Though it looks like local vulnerability we can trigger it remotely
> with ActiveX and Javascript.I can give full demonstration but cant
> write shellcode because of too many bad characters( of course can show
> you int 3 (0xcc)) but would like 2 show the full proof of concept
> demonstration.
> Regards,
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] To Ryan Naraine

2010-03-03 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
(If you are not Ryan Naraine, you can stop reading now - sorry for the

Hey Ryan,

I've tried to contact you through the link on
http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=5573 about the contents of that post, but
I have not heard from you. There are some factual errors in that post that I
thought you may want to correct, otherwise people might get the impression
that you do not know what you're talking about or are trying to make a big
story out of the release of a 5 year old exploit. I assume you missed my
previous email that expanded on my original post to fix these
misunderstandings, so if you read this, send me an email and I'll get you up
to speed.

Cheers and thanks,

Berend-Jan Wever 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Exploiter 2 - bypassing DEP

2010-03-01 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
It seems my English is not as good as I thought and I accidentally led Ryan
Naraine <http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=5573>, Larry
probably others to come to conclusions such as that I released a weaponized
0-day that bypasses both ASLR+DEP in current versions of MSIE and Windows
using a completely new technique and that I did so as a Google employee.

However, let me try to explain better and to correct any ambiguity I may
have created in my first blog post:
- I have recently released an exploit that I developed in 2005 (before I was
employed by either MS or Google).
- I am releasing this as an individual as part of my new-years
dump random stuff from my harddisk onto the tubes. (I have a personal
interest in security outside of my work, every now and then I find enough
time to work on and release stuff like this).
- The exploit targets a bug that was fixed in
that only affected MSIE 6.0 and earlier.
- The exploit shows how to implement the well known ret-into-libc technique
(using a heap spray) to bypass DEP.

- The exploit does not contain anything that is not already public, other
than how to implement a ret-into-libc using a heap-spray to exploit complex
memory corruption bugs such as the DHTML race condition it targets.
- The exploit does not bypass ASLR.
- Using ret-into-libc to bypass DEP affects any application that has a
vulnerability that allows an attacker to use a ret-into-libc attack - this
is not MSIE specific.

I hope this helps clarify some things. But, not being a native English
speaker, I may inadvertently have said things completely wrong again. I look
forward to correcting my mistakes as they show up on other news sites in the


Berend-Jan Wever 

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Berend-Jan Wever

> Hey all,
> I released a version of my Internet Exploiter 2 exploit from 2005 that
> bypasses DEP. If you are familiar with my Internet Exploiter series of
> exploits and/or are interested in how to use heap-spraying to bypass DEP,
> you may like this:
> http://skypher.com/index.php/2010/03/01/internet-exploiter-2-dep/
> Cheers,
> SkyLined
> <http://skypher.com/index.php/2010/03/01/internet-exploiter-2-dep/>
> Berend-Jan Wever 
> http://skypher.com/SkyLined
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[Full-disclosure] Internet Exploiter 2 - bypassing DEP

2010-03-01 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hey all,

I released a version of my Internet Exploiter 2 exploit from 2005 that
bypasses DEP. If you are familiar with my Internet Exploiter series of
exploits and/or are interested in how to use heap-spraying to bypass DEP,
you may like this:

Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Google offers up to $1337 for select Chromium vulnerabilities

2010-01-29 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

*"Today, we are introducing an experimental new incentive for external
researchers to participate. We will be rewarding select interesting and
original vulnerabilities reported to us by the security research community.
For existing contributors to Chromium security — who would likely continue
to contribute regardless — this may be seen as a token of our appreciation.
In addition, we are hoping that the introduction of this program will
encourage new individuals to participate in Chromium security. The more
people involved in scrutinizing Chromium's code and behavior, the more
secure our millions of users will be.

Such a concept is not new; we'd like to give serious kudos to the folks at
Mozilla for their long-running and successful vulnerability reward program.

Any bug filed through the Chromium bug tracker (under the template "Security
Bug") will qualify for consideration."*

Note that this does not mean that *all** *bugs reported as vulnerabilities
get rewarded:

*"**Q) What bugs are eligible?*
*A) Any security bug may be considered. We will typically focus on **High
and Critical impact
*, but any clever vulnerability at any severity might get a reward.
Obviously, your bug won't be eligible if you worked on the code or review in
the area in question."*



Berend-Jan Wever 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] ZDI-10-011: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Col Tag Cache Update Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-25 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
How about rebranding to ZID, as in Zero Information Disclosures?

Berend-Jan Wever 

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:07 PM, ZDI Disclosures <
zdi-disclosu...@tippingpoint.com> wrote:

> ZDI-10-011: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Col Tag Cache Update
> Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
> http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-10-011
> January 21, 2010
> -- CVE ID:
> CVE-2010-0244
> -- Affected Vendors:
> Microsoft
> -- Affected Products:
> Microsoft Internet Explorer
> -- Vulnerability Details:
> This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
> vulnerable installations of Microsoft Internet Explorer. User
> interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target
> must visit a malicious page.
> The specific flaw exists when a Col element is used within an HTML table
> container. If this element is removed while the table is in use a cache
> that exists of the table's cells will be used after one of it's elements
> has been invalidated. This can lead to code execution under the context
> of the currently logged in user.
> -- Vendor Response:
> Microsoft has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
> details can be found at:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS10-jan.mspx
> -- Disclosure Timeline:
> 2009-07-14 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
> 2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory
> -- Credit:
> This vulnerability was discovered by:
>* wushi of team509
> -- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
> Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents
> a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
> disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.
> Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
> through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:
> The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
> used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
> exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
> TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
> its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
> specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
> an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
> altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
> provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
> vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
> mitigation product.
> Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] Two MSIE 6.0/7.0 NULL pointer crashes

2010-01-20 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Two NULL pointer crashes, they do not affect MSIE 8.0. Repros can be found

Berend-Jan Wever 
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[Full-disclosure] Download and LoadLibrary shellcode released

2010-01-11 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
For those interested in shellcode: download and LoadLibrary shellcode has
some benefits over download & execute shellcode. Read more about it here:



Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Testival released

2010-01-11 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
During shellcode development, it makes sense to have a program that can
easily load your shellcode at a controlable location, allows you to set
registers and memory to certain values and execute the shellcode by setting
EIP through a RET or CALL instruction.

The Testival <http://code.google.com/p/testival/> project aims to do all
those things and more: it also allows you to test ret-into-libc attacks, set
the type of memory allocation you want (RWEflags, etc…), report exceptions
in your code to stdout as well as load DLLs to test shellcode in DllMain.

Testival is used by ALPHA3 <http://code.google.com/p/alpha3/> for
automatically testing if all the en-/decoders work.

Testival requires SkyBuild <http://code.google.com/p/skybuild/> to
automatically build all files.


Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] ALPHA3 released

2010-01-10 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
an alphanumeric shellcode encoder, has been released:

Improvements from
- Smaller decoder
(mixedcase ascii only).
ascii support.
- latin-1 CALL GetPC<http://skypher.com/wiki/index.php/Hacking/Shellcode/GetPC>
- x86 mixedcase ascii Countslide
- x86 mixedcase ascii SEH
XPSP3 (bypass all SafeSEH mitigations).
- More decoders for more types of base address sources.

Blog post:

Project homepage:


Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Countslide alphanumeric GetPC

2010-01-02 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
One limitation of most alphanumeric shellcode decoders, including those in *
* and the soon-to-be-released
* is that they need to know where they are located in memory in order to
decode themselves and run correctly. This makes using a *nopslide* hard in
most circumstances, because you mostly only need a *nopslide* if you do not
know exactly where your shellcode is in memory to begin with.

I've developed a way to get around this problem, which I've described in
more detail here:

ALPHA3 has support for generating working alphanumeric shellcode with
nopslides using this technique. I'm currently working on getting the rest of
its code into releasable shape.

Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] BETA3 released

2010-01-02 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Happy New Year!

As part of my New Year's
I am releasing some tools that I never got around to finish and/or publish.
First on the list is BETA3 <http://code.google.com/p/beta3/>, a multi-format
shellcode encoding tool that can convert raw binary shellcode into text that
can be used in exploit source-code. It can convert raw binary data to a
large number of encodings. It can also do the reverse: decode encoded data
into binary for the same types of encodings. This is the follow-up to



Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] MSIE Content-Encoding: deflate memory corruption vulnerability

2009-10-13 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Microsoft bulletin:

Short description and repro information:


Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Memory corruption when loading/unloading Adobe objects through EMBED tag in Firefox

2009-10-13 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Adobe bulletin:

Short description and repro case:

Berend-Jan Wever 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities on Internet Explorer 8

2009-10-01 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
FYI: ASLR & DEP can be bypassed on x86, there's just nothing public at the



Berend-Jan Wever 

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Freddie Vicious wrote:

> Yes, I am aware of the JVM and the Flash AVM heap spray techniques, no
> DEP/ASLR there... But as you said, so far there's no known "catch-all"
> technique against IE8.
> Along with other security features (
> http://blogs.msdn.com/architecture/archive/2009/08/13/internet-explorer-8-rated-tops-against-malware-and-phishing-attacks.aspx)
> this basicly means that IE8 is the most secure web browser nowadays?
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Jared DeMott wrote:
>> I'm not aware of any catch-all technique just for IE8, though there are
>> a few common ones like return oriented programming.  Application
>> specific techniques are also common when third party extensions are
>> involved.
>> --
>> __
>> Jared D. DeMott
>> Principal Security Researcher
> --
> Best wishes,
> Freddie Vicious
> http://twitter.com/viciousf
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] Alphanumeric ASCII SEH GetPC for XP up to sp3

2009-06-12 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,

I have released an updated version of my alphanumeric ASCII SEH GetPC code
which works on Windows XP up to and including sp3:
It bypasses the mitigations that stopped my previous SEH GetPC by generating
the SEH handler on the heap rather than the stack.
NB. It still requires that the process is running with hardware DEP disabled
or that you find a way to make the heap memory executable.

This is the compiled code (100 bytes):

Quick intro to GetPC code:


Berend-Jan Wever 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] MS09-014: MSIE EMBED element race condition memory corruption

2009-04-19 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Some details + repro:


Berend-Jan Wever 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox 3.0.8 remote DoS: 0-day exploit

2009-04-04 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

This is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=456727, which I
reported to Mozilla in September of 2009. It is a NULL ptr DoS, there is no
"exploit" in the sense of executing arbitrary code, just a "repro" that can
trigger a crash. The repro provided by Carl is the exact same repro I
provided to Mozilla.

Incidentally, Carl has report this exact same bug before:
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jan/0219.html. This is how the repro
got on milw0rm in the first place (http://milw0rm.com/exploits/8091). Aditya
K Sood later submitted the repro (slightly modified) to milw0rm as his code
as well (http://milw0rm.com/exploits/8219).

Some say plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery, so I guess I'll start
obfuscating my repros into ASCII art that says "SkyLined" to prevent any
more people from flattering me.


Berend-Jan Wever 

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 2:39 PM, carl hardwick wrote:

> I found an unpatched vulnerability in the latest Firefox 3.0.8 allows
> a remote attacker to cause a DoS.
> A 0-day exploit is available here:
> http://carl-hardwick.googlegroups.com/web/Firefox+3.0.8+DoS.htm?gda=i_oPfkcAAACkS-ZCh60y1HGkG90OfxntdaCvR5MIFXIiKOQt5O80jPqLKEFpBrbag3mOAa49_d8xnmtLTzx06f-L8nRUL3egeV4duv6pDMGhhhZdjQlNAw&gsc=HORKjws1umYfXMbeoe6wr8IrMRRv
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] w32 SEH omelet shellcode stage

2009-03-16 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hey all,

I'm releasing some code for a technique which I call "omelet shellcode" that
may be useful in some exploits. It is similar to egg-hunt shellcode, but
will search user-land address space for multiple smaller eggs and recombine
them into one larger block of shellcode and execute it. This is useful in
situation where you cannot inject a block of sufficient size into a target
process to store your shellcode in one piece, but you can inject multiple
smaller blocks and execute one of them.

More details can be found here:
I have not had a chance to test this newer version in a live exploit, so do
let me know if you have a chance to use it.


Berend-Jan Wever 
..   ,   , ,
   (  ' /   / . _   _   __/
 ,  `'-._  /_-'/ / / / / ) /_) / /
()/` )(_/ / / / / (__ (_/
 `--'__/ '---'
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox 3.0.5 remote vulnerability via queryCommandState

2009-01-07 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Sorry, something went wrong while copy+pasting the repro URL:

Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Berend-Jan Wever

> This bug was reported by me to Mozilla in September. It is DoS 
> only.<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=456727>
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=456727
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/skypher.com/SkyLined/Repro/FireFox/FireFox%203.0.1%20(Build%202008070208)%20av-read%5b0...@xul!jvm_maybeshutdownliveconnect+0xdbe0/repro.html
> How about giving some credit where it's due?
> Cheers,
> SkyLined
> ------------
> Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 4:53 PM, carl hardwick wrote:
>> An unpatched security flaw has been discovered in the latest version
>> of Firefox 3.0.5 which allows a remote attacker to crash the browser
>> with a special crafted HTML page using a queryCommandState:
>> PoC:
>> http://groups.google.it/group/carl-hardwick/web/Firefox305RemoteDoS.htm
>> ___
>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox 3.0.5 remote vulnerability via queryCommandState

2009-01-07 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
This bug was reported by me to Mozilla in September. It is DoS


How about giving some credit where it's due?


Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 4:53 PM, carl hardwick wrote:

> An unpatched security flaw has been discovered in the latest version
> of Firefox 3.0.5 which allows a remote attacker to crash the browser
> with a special crafted HTML page using a queryCommandState:
> PoC:
> http://groups.google.it/group/carl-hardwick/web/Firefox305RemoteDoS.htm
> ___
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[Full-disclosure] MSIE screen[""] NULL ptr Read AV DoS details

2009-01-07 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
NULL ptr Read AV DoS affecting MSIE 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 (beta). Reported to MS;
should be fixed in 8.0 rc1.

No script kiddies, you cannot download and execute with this one. Why don't
you give your money to charity rather than offer it to me to write you an
exploit? Then again, I do find your emails amusing...



Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] CVE-2008-2303 proof of concept and more

2009-01-05 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
CVE-2008-2303 covers an integer overflow in the handling of indices in
the "arguments" array in Apple Safari that affects iPhone, iPod and PC
(Mac and Windows). It was fixed in Safari 3.2 for iPhone and iPod in
July and for PC in November. More details here:

Simple repro:
http:// skypher .com/
SkyLined /
repro .html

I have also created proof of concept code that shows potential
exploitability and demonstrates how to use heap-spraying in Safari.
AFAIK this is the first use of heap spraying in Safari, but I may be
wrong. Heap spraying in Safari is not that different from other
browsers, just backwards ;)


No, script-kiddies, it is not a working "insert download and execute
code here" exploit - view source for the win!!

I have created a list of software vulnerabilities, including
previously unreleased material, on my website:




Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com
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[Full-disclosure] List of security teams contact information

2008-12-17 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hey all,

I've created a list with contact information for various security teams:

I hope this makes informing vendors about security issues easier. If you
have any additional information or spot an error, let me know.



Berend-Jan Wever  http://skypher.com
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[Full-disclosure] StumbleUpon XSS (fixed)

2008-08-12 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,

I found an XSS issue in StumbleUpon, which has been fixed. If you're
interested in what the problem was, look here: http://skypher.com/

What I found most interesting about this case is that there were only 40
minutes between the acknowledgement of receipt of my email about the issue
and their fix being online. In my experience that is really, really fast!



Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://skypher.com
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[Full-disclosure] ASCII Art shellcode

2008-08-04 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,

I've put some more stuff online I created in the last two years; ASCII Art

As the name suggests, it is working shellcode that's also ASCII Art. They
all use the same basic principle: a small decoder embeded into the first
characters of the ASCII Art. After the decoder, the original shellcode is
encoded into the remainder of the ASCII Art. When executed, the decoder
decodes the original shellcode and runs it, similar to how my ALPHA2
alphanumeric shellcode works.

If you are going to release an exploit, you might as well make it look good.



Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://skypher.com
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[Full-disclosure] Alphanumeric shellcode improvements

2008-07-01 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,

I've not had as much opportunity in the last three years to contribute, but
I do have some new stuff: I've decided to pre-release some parts of ALPHA3,
the upcoming new version of my alphanumeric shellcode encoder:
* I've reduced the size of the mixedcase ascii decoder:
* I've created a lowercase ascii decoder:
* I've created a mixedcase ascii decoder for x64:
See http://skypher.com/wiki/index.php?title=ALPHA3 for a complete list and
some documentation.


Berend-Jan "SkyLined" Wever
Email & Live messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'The historical abuses of new data occurred between the time that a few
people learned the important thing and the time when that important thing
became general knowledge. To the Gowachin and to BuSab it was the "Data
Gap," a source of constant danger.'
-- Frank Herbert, 'The Dosadi Experiment'
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[Full-disclosure] First cross-domain XSS worm (not)

2007-07-16 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

Hi all,

I recently stumbled upon this;
In short: It mentions a "new" kind of XSS worm; one that can infect multiple
domains. I attempted to reply but my reply mysteriously never made it to the
page. In an attempt to set the record straight on XSS worms, I'll post my
reply here:

(Cross-domain) XSS worms are much older than Samy or Nudja:
It's been 5 years, I can see how you forgot about it. Samy and Nudja can
claim the prize for the first _publicly_released_ XSS worms, but they are
definately not the first of their kind. Also, it is a misconception to think
that worms can only exists because of Ajax; a worm can just as easily spread
without XMLHTTPRequest. I've been told that people saw XSS worms as early as
2000, but I have found no evidence to support this: let me know if you know


Berend-Jan "SkyLined" Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[Full-disclosure] SMC Networks Inc security contact anyone?

2006-07-29 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,
I'm looking for a way to contact SMC (www.smc.com) security people about a few vulnerabilities in their routers. Both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
SkyLined-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://spaces.msn.com/members/berendjanwever/
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[Full-disclosure] FireFox exploit updated

2005-09-22 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

Somewhere I totally forgot to credit Tom Ferris for finding the
vulnerability. I hate it when people forget credits and now I am one
of them :(.

Please update your copy if you have mirrored it on your site.


Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[Full-disclosure] Internet Exploiter meets FireFox

2005-09-22 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,
Since I stopped releasing browser exploits, development on them seem to have slowed to a halt. For the latest FireFox vulnerability, I decided to finally port Internet Exploiter and thus PwnZilla was born.
Technical details and documentation are all inline.
FireFox 1.0.7 is out which seems to patch the vulnerability, I could find no release information in the website so far, but that may change in the near future.
Get the exploit at http://www.milw0rm.com.
PS. Does anybody ever talk to Dave Ahmad? All my posts from gmail seem to bounce of securityfocus for this reason:
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:  ezmlm-reject: fatal: Sorry, I don't accept messages of MIME Content-Type 'multipart/alternative' (#5.2.3)

I'm wondering if it's just me or everybody that uses gmail?-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google Secure Access or "How to have peopledownload a trojan."

2005-09-22 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Maybe the frivolous way in which I addressed this problem lead people to believe I am not to be taken seriously. I would suggest you do not judge the book by its cover. Allow me to explain my point of view in more detail:

1. You are not securing your information, you are putting all your eggs in one basket.

2. I am not disputing the _reasons_ they may have to gather information or _what_ information the gather, I am merely pointing out that the problem is the _fact_ that they do so.

Google Secure Access misleads their users by implying that _no-one_ will get to see anything of what you send to and receive from the Internet if you use their service. But if you read their privacy policy, you will find out that they are tracking this information themselves.

A good deal of the services offered by Google are provided so Google can track how you use them. This is an exchange of services, you supply Google with your usage data and Google supplies you with whatever service you request. You may not pay for these services with money, but you do pay for them with information. Google uses this information to make money. I assumed this was common knowledge.

Google may do whatever they see fit with this information within the boundaries of the law. The law binds Google to uphold the privacy policy. The privacy policy allows Google 
to do whatever they want if they so see fit by thinking up a good reason to do so. I am not saying they will, I am saying they can.
Mr Boily:
I did selectively quote parts of the privacy policy; I only quoted those parts that were relevant to my argument. Again, my argument is about the _fact_ that they collect 
data, not _what_ they collect nor the _reasons_ they may have for doing so. I also supplied the link to the policy so anyone can read the full version.

We seem to use a different definition of spyware. This has happened before on this list. If you Google the definition, you will find everybody has their own. 
In my previous email and this I am using these definitions:
"spyware" - Any software program that monitors a persons actions without his or her knowledge
"trojan" - Any software program that presents itself to its users as something useful but, unknown to its user, also performs another action for its creators. 
If you agree to these definitions, you must see that Google Secure Access is both a trojan and spyware.
Cheers,SkyLined-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Full-disclosure] Google Secure Access or "How to have people download a trojan."

2005-09-21 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
This is a quite pathetic attempt to install a trojan, let me explain:

"Google Secure Access is a downloadable client application that allows users to establish a more secure WiFi connection."
"...your internet traffic will be encrypted, preventing others from viewing the information you transmit."
So, by "more secure" Google  means using encryption to prevent "others" from sniffing your packets. That's nice! What else does it do? Here's some information from the 
privacy policy:

"Google may log some information from your web page requests ..."
"Google also logs a small set of non-personally identifiable information ..."
"Google will not sell or provide personally identifiable information to any third parties except ..."
"... we may for a limited period of time preserve additional internet traffic or other information."

Aha! What we have here is trojan spyware! It does exactly what it is supposed to protect you from.
The second snippet clearly states that this concerns NON-personally identifiable information... what about the information mentioned in the first snippet, is that personally identifiable
? I guess so; the third snippet mentions Google selling or providing personally identifiable information, this must have come from somewhere!
In the third snippet, Google neglects to mention non-personally identifiable information. What about selling that? I guess they do!
The best thing about the whole policy is the last snippet, which undoes _everything_ stated before it. Nice one Google!! ;)
I suggest that Google comes clean and replaces their privacy policy with a shorter, less confusing version:

Here's some candy, go play!
Btw. All your base are belong to us.
-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever

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[Full-disclosure] Shazara security contact?

2005-09-18 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Sorry for the noize, no usefull info in here.
Anybody knows a security contact for Shazara? They have forums and such, but you need to register, which I hate. I want to contact them through email anyway.
-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever 
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[Full-disclosure] FireFox "Host:" Buffer Overflow is not just exploitable on FireFox

2005-09-11 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Hi all,
Research and development has let to a ~90% reliable working exploit for the IDN Heap Buffer overrun in FireFox on WinXP and Win2k3 as long as DEP is turned off and _javascript_ is enabled. Some tweaking might yield an even higher success ratio. It has also revealed that not only FireFox is vulnerable to this vulnerability, but the exact same exploit works on the latest releases of all these products based on the Mozilla engine:

- Mozilla FireFox 1.0.6 and 1.5beta,
- Mozilla Browser 1.7.11,

- Netscape
Recommendations for this vulnerability:
- FireFox and Mozilla: Install the workaround for (https://addons.mozilla.org/messages/307259.html).- Netscape: hope they'll respond to this email and release a workaround.

- Wait for a patch and install it asap.
Recommendations to make it harder to exploit any FireFox vulnerability:
- Turn on DEP (Data Execution Prevention),
- Turn off _javascript_,
- Switch to another browser,
- Do not browse untrusted sites,
- Do not browse the web at all,
- Unplug your machine from the web,
- Wear a tinfoil hat.
On 9/10/05, Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

(Just a little heads up, no details or PoC attached)
The security vulnerability in Mozilla FireFox reported by Tom Ferris is exploitable on Windows.
I developed a working exploit that seems to be 100% stable, though I've only tested it on one system.
The exploit will not be released publicly untill patches are out.
On a side note: it took only about 3 hours and 30 minutes to develop the exploit, so I might not be the only one able to write it.
SkyLined-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever -- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[Full-disclosure] Mozilla Firefox "Host:" Buffer Overflow Exploit

2005-09-10 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
(Just a little heads up, no details or PoC attached)
The security vulnerability in Mozilla FireFox reported by Tom Ferris is exploitable on Windows.
I developed a working exploit that seems to be 100% stable, though I've only tested it on one system.
The exploit will not be released publicly untill patches are out.
On a side note: it took only about 3 hours and 30 minutes to develop the exploit, so I might not be the only one able to write it.
SkyLined-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever
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[Full-disclosure] COM objects and MSIE vulnerabilities recap + additional fix

2005-08-18 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Disclaimer:    The information in this email is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, TO THE    EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW; without even the implied warranty of    CORRECTNESS or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You know the drill...

Affected products:    Various COM objects when loaded in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Extend:    DoS and remote arbitrary code execution.
Patches:    MS05-037 and MS05-38    See below for additional killbit.Exploits:    Internet Exploiter 4 will not be released to the public in the near future.    Public exploits based on Internet Exploiter have been written by third
    parties for a number of affected objects. They are available on the net    from various sources.
Short description:    A number of issues have been reported lately by various sources about    Internet Explorer vulnerabilities in relation to specific COM objects.    Research has shown that the root cause is the fact that these COM objects
    are not designed to be loaded in IE at all. These objects therefore make    wrongful assumptions about the state of the process they are loaded into,    specifically about the contents of heap memory. This can be abused to
    uncover unwanted features, like the ability to run arbitrary code on a    victims machine.    Short History:    On June 24th 2002 'ken'@FTU reported a NULL-pointer exception in IE when
    loading a specific COM object. The object was mmsys.cpl which uses    clsid:{00022613---C000-0046}. The issue was discarded as    a low impact DoS.
    On April 18th 2005, Further research revealed that this was in fact a    problem with the COM object reusing previously freed memory without    initialising it. Part of the reused memory was used as a function pointer.
    Careful allocating and freeing of memory prior to loading the object    allowed remote code execution on Win2K. Internet Exploiter 4 was born.    (This vulnerability does NOT seem to be exploitable on WinXPSP2, as claimed
    by FrSIRT in their MS05-038 exploit)    On June 17th 2005, Bernhard Müller and Martin Eiszner found a similar issue    when loading javaprxy.dll and released their information to the public.        On July 2nd, August 9th and August 17th 2005, FrSIRT released shamelessly
    ripped code that claims to exploit a number of these objects. While failing    to work on most occasions through lack of finesse, it does prove that even    script-kiddies can easily write exploits by copy-pasting my Internet
    Exploiter heap spraying code. It takes so little effort that it might    actually cost you more time to add proper credits to the original author    of the code.
Solution:    I've been working with the Internet Explorer team on short term and long    term solutions. The latest patch (MS05-038) will "killbit" a number of    objects that were found to have issues when loaded in IE. These killbits
    prevent exploits from loading these objects and abusing this vulnerability.
    The latest exploit by FrSIRT targets "msdss.dll" with clsid     EC444CB6-3E7E-4865-B1C3-0DE72EF39B3F, which is not killbitted by ms05-038.    I was unable to reproduce the vulnerability with version 
7.10.3077.0 of the    dll; the object doesn't even crash. From what I've heard everybody else     seems to be unaffected too, so maybe it's just a local .fr thing.    Just in case, here's a .reg file you can use to killbit this control;
    Create a new .txt file, copy+paste this into it, rename it to .reg, double    click it and say "yes, I want to add it to the registry."    !!! Lines may wrap, you might have to remove the extra line-breaks !!!
 cut here Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{EC444CB6-3E7E-4865-B1C3-0DE72EF39B3F}]"Compatibility Flags"=dword:0400 cut here     If you want to test if it works, here's a .html file that will show you;
    Create a new .txt file, copy+paste this into it, rename it to .html, double    click and it will tell you if you are safe (the object cannot be loaded)    or if you might be vulnerable to this attack (the object can be loaded):
 cut here ---     Vulnerable...');"     should be safe!');"    classid=""
> cut here --- Greets:    [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], 0dd, 0x4553, l33tsecurity, NGS. Anti-Greets:
    FrSIRT (I thought I was special, turns out they rip-off everybody's code!) Cheers,SkyLined
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[Full-disclosure] Re: Mozilla Firefox InstallVersion->compareTo() vulnerability lowered severity status

2005-08-04 Thread Berend-Jan Wever

In short: Setting up complicated structures and knowing where they are should be rather trivial and if what you claim is true, this could be exploitable with a high degree of success.
Details: It would be pretty easy to implement setting up three kinds of heap blocks; instead of running the heap block creation once, you run it three times to create three different kinds of information in three different locations. You can predict where the blocks will roughly be located since they're so large. In IE, large heap blocks (>=
0x0040 bytes IIRC) will always be allocated at an address ending with , making exact placement of structures up to 0x1 bytes big trivial. Assuming FF uses the same heap manager, you can setup complicated structures at known locations. Assuming what Aviv Raff is claiming about the vulnerability, this sonuds exploitable with a high degree of success.

On 8/4/05, Aviv Raff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After more than 2 weeks of no response from the Mozilla Foundation (
 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=295854), I've decided to disclose the following information:Version 1.0.5 of Firefox has fixed a vulnerability in the InstallVersion->compareTo() function that could potentially allow remote code execution. 
The Mozilla team have decided to set the severity status of the vulnerability to 'Moderate', instead of a higher severity status, claiming an exploitation of this vulnerability requires a predictable address, which means it's almost impossible to exploit. 
This is partly true. A script can be easily built to significantly increase the possibility of a successful exploitation.
An attacker can use Skylined's Heap spraying method (used in "Internet Exploiter" - 
http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever/advisory_msie_R6025.html.php), to fill the heap with fake data and vtbl structures that will point to the exploit code.
This can be done by spraying 3 heap blocks - "data" block, "vtbl" block and "exploit" block - instead of one, as was presented by Skylined. The "data" block will point to a "vtbl" location which will be exactly the eax address + the heap block size. The data in the "vtbl" block will point to the "exploit" block which will be exactly the pointed "vtbl" address + the heap block size. The "exploit" block, of-course, will have the exploit code, padded with nops. 
This will boost the possibility that the eax address, specified by the attacker, will fall into the faked "data" block. Other methods can be applied to increase the risk even more. 
Therefore, my suggestion to the Mozilla Foundation is to raise the severity status of the vulnerability to 'High' or 'Critical'. 
Best regards,Aviv Raff.
 -- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever
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[Full-disclosure] Re: alpha numeric exploitation

2005-05-30 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
> I'm trying to develop an alphanumeric payload that needs to do a JMP -600 bytes... 
ALPHA2 encodes shellcode to alphanumeric, unicode alphanumeric, uppercase alphanumeric and uppercase unicode alphanumeric.
You can download the source and compile it or use the online version.
> Beyond that, I'd be extremely surprised if someone hasn't written > tutorials on doing alphanumeric-only payloads,Writing ia32 alphanumeric shellcodes by rix:
Building IA32 'Unicode-Proof' Shellcodes by obscou:
Writing IA32 Restricted Instruction Set Shellcode Decoder Loops by SkyLined
> if not even provided toolkits to take arbitrary code and "ASCII-fy" it. 
> Would dissembler do what you want? It should be able to squeeze the > ascii shellcode for you ;-) 
Nice tool ;) But printable characters are not all alphanumeric characters.
SkyLined-- Berend-Jan Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever 
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2005-04-13 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
I propose we up the age limit to post on full-disclosure to 14.

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[Full-disclosure] Details and PoC for MS05-020 MSIE DHTML Object handling vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread Berend-Jan Wever
Details and PoC code for MSIE DHTML Object handling vulnerabilities are 
available online at my website:
Note: page is not up-to-date, since it was written in August/September 2004. 
Additional information will be added when found during testing of MS05-20 patch.


PS. I was pretty surprised nobody asked me why I went from Internet Exploiter 1 
to Internet Exploiter 3 so now you know.

   / Berend-Jan Wever aka SkyLined   )
 / http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever /  /
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 \---' --` '-<  /

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