Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of Random Hashes: DAY THREE

2007-06-15 Thread Brian Dessent
M.B.Jr. wrote:

 but only one string can produce that md5 hash signature,
 that sha1 hash signature, fucking that sha256 hash signature, fucking
 that any_other hash signature, etc...


If you specify multiple hash algorithms for a string it's conceptually
equivalent to making up a new hash function that is defined as having
the output that is the concatenated outputs of md5, sha1, sha256, and
whatever else our crapflooder is posting.

But this new composite-hash function still has an infinite number of
inputs and a finite number of outputs, just like any other hash
function.  And thus for any one particular output value there are still
an infinite number of corresponding inputs.  They may be harder to find
and they may be orders of magnitude larger, but they still exist at the
mathematical level.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of Random Hashes: DAY THREE

2007-06-14 Thread Brian Dessent
Dëêþàñ Çhäkrãvârthÿ wrote:
 I am not sure what  exactly people do with random hashes.  Do you people
 try to decrypt using rainbow table or anything similar to that ?
 Guys I am in the dark, please help me.

The original intent was that someone discovering a vuln would post the
hash of the POC to the list so that later when it was widely released
they could prove the point in time at which they found it.

Hashing is not encryption, so flush the notion of decrypt a hash from
your brain.  For any given hash there are an infinite number of inputs
that would result in that same output, though most of them are
meaningless strings of garbage of astronomical length.  In the case of
passwords since it is known that they are typically short in length and
have a limited set of characters it's sometimes possible to come up with
an input that is sensible, but for something like a POC of a
vulnerability it would be quite naive to think that you could ever
recover it in any reasonable amount of time.  That was never the intent
anyway; it was about proving who was first to discover something.

But seeing as this is FD and there has been a rash of Month of Foo
nonsense, I think someone is just taking the piss and further degrading
the already miniscule SNR of this list.  Unless a posted hash is
correlated to the release of some POC or other item of interest, it's

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Re: [Full-disclosure] DNS mining ?

2007-04-09 Thread Brian Dessent
Aaron Gray wrote:

 Is there not a tool that runs on *nux that does this ?

I doubt it.  If such a tool existed, it would just be querying some
third party service like, not doing anything itself.  In
order to do this lookup yourself requires access to the TLD zone files,
which requires signing a contract with Verisign (for .net  .com) or PIR
(for .org) that says you won't use it to spam or whatever.

Without that you'd have to bruteforce the TLD nameservers with all
possible domain names, and that is obviously impractical (and stupid.)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Putty Proxy login/password discolsure....

2006-11-02 Thread Brian Dessent

 For bonus points, figure out how to reboot the machine without being
 detected.  For starters, there's that pesky 'uptime' ;)

1. Pull power plug on target machine.
2. Open case, disconnect data cable from target hard drive.
3. Use PATA/SATA-to-USB cable to connect target hard drive to attacker's
4. Re-energise target machine (it won't boot, this is only to supply
power to target hard drive.)
5. Using laptop, mount target hard drive and insert malfeasance here.
6. When done, install rootkit on filesystem of target hard drive.
7. Power down, unplug USB adapter cable, reattach target hard drive's
controller, close case, boot target.
8. Using rootkit installed in 6, get privilege and manipulate log files,
utmp, kernel state, et al. to cover any traces of a shutdown.
9. Profit.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] tcpdump logfile viewer

2006-06-18 Thread Brian Dessent
Paul Schmehl wrote:



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Filtering Latest Spam Run (

2006-03-16 Thread Brian Dessent
Matthew Murphy wrote:

 attack also appears isolated to one host ( that can be
 successfully filtered until the admin can make the necessary rule change.

Good luck with that. is John Gilmore's infamous open relay
that he's been running out of protest since... forever.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] strange domain name in phishing email

2006-03-11 Thread Brian Dessent
Jianqiang Xin wrote:

 I received several phishing emails. One interesting thing is the link
 to phishing website has the link:

This is a very old technique.  Most people think that dotted-quad
decimal is the only way to express an IP address but they can in fact be
written in a variety of formats - octal, hexadecimal, and/or combined as
a single 32 bit word.  Read for

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Improper Character Handling In PHP BasedScriptslike PhpBB, IPB etc.

2006-01-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Edward Pearson wrote:

 Anybody know a good prog to discover what ASCII chars are?

Jesus, what has the world come to when people on a security list can't
even seem to work a hex editor?  Do you realize how pathetic that

The character in question is U+00AD aka SOFT HYPHEN.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Packet sniffing help needed

2005-12-06 Thread Brian Dessent
Mark Knowles wrote:

 Comp1(victim1) = Windows xp box, Connected via dial up to a free ISP
 Comp2(attacker) = windows/*nix, connected via broadband to different
 ISP than comp1
 C1 -  C3

Are you asking what's possible or what's easiest?  I think that many
readers of this list could come up with dozens of various plans, ranging
from relatively straightforward (compromise the target's computer
through a browser vulnerability then install tcpdump/dns
redirection/keylogger/etc) to the absurd (gain 'enable' access to C1's
ISP's core routers through vulnerabilities or social engineering). 
Without more specifics or information it's kind of an open-ended

As far as warnings go..

That also depends on the details of the application.  For example if you
accessed a standard POP3 or FTP server over an insecure connection (i.e.
any connection) then your username and password are flying out in plain
sight in cleartext.  The attacker doesn't really have to do anything
special to obtain them once he has the packets.

On the other hand if a (non-https) web page has a login that uses
password hashing with proper salting, implemented on the client-side
(i.e. using javascript in the browser) then even if the attacker
captured the entire conversation it would not give him enough
information to be able to steal the credentials.  I think that yahoo
does this sort of this for its logins, but most sites do not go this
far, and just send username and password completely in the clear as form

Of course with SSL/TLS it doesn't matter what the application layer
does, as the entire conversation is protected from many forms of attack
(simple snooping, replay, etc.)  But here again the world is not
perfect, because an attacker can still proxy the entire conversation,
inserting his own certificate in place of the one that the remote server
presents.  This certificate will not be valid since it won't have a
trusted CA signature (or if it did it would not match the domain of the
site) and any browser will pop up a warning about this certificate
before continuing.  But if the user dismisses this warning without
reading it then the attacker essentially has everything, and the session
is no more secure than the non-encrypted http session.  In this example
the warning was critical, and ignoring it breaks the entire security

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google Talk cleartext credentials in processmemory

2005-11-29 Thread Brian Dessent
Kurt Grutzmacher wrote:

 Just stop keeping our secrets laying around in the open. That's all we

In my opinion this is not a very effective thing to rally against.  The
operating system already presents a means to protect against one process
snooping on the other, as has already been pointed out elsewhere in this
thread.  If this sort of attack is a concern then you should be urging
the user to not run as administrator.  There are a number of resources
on how to do this, it is far from impossible: and are two.

The fact is that if you get to the point where you A) can run code on
the target's computer and B) that code has sufficient privileges to read
another process's memory, then you've already lost, it's too late. 
Trying to mitigate things at that point is just re-arranging deckchairs.

Even if the target program scrambles the password in memory, it by
definition has to use the password in cleartext at some point (otherwise
it would have no need for it in the first place) and so the attacking
program could use a number of methods (like dicking around with process
or thread priorities to create a race condition, using the debug API,
using the hooks API, intercepting window messages, etc) to read the
process's memory at the moment that it had the password in cleartext.

As you yourself point out, there are a very large number of programs
that don't bother to try to obfuscate cleartext secrets in their own
process memory, because they realize it's just not their problem to deal
with.  Fixing all of them would be nearly impossible.  From a
cost/benefit analysis, which is more effective: Using the operating
system's built-in protection which works for all processes, or trying to
convince every Tom, Dick, and Harry that has ever written a throwaway
shareware app that they need to make some change?  It's whack-a-mole.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Window's O/S

2005-11-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Cassidy Macfarlane wrote:

 This seems to be a 'nearest path' issue - iexplore would use notepad.exe
 to 'view source' by default, so when you choose to 'view source',
 Windows looks to the PATH variable to find notepad.

IE first looks for the key

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name

If present, it uses its value as the name of the editor to launch.  If
absent it seems to use a hardcoded default of just notepad without any
qualifying path.

It then searches starting on the desktop (and then presumably on the
path) to find notepad.*.  The first hit that it finds, it uses the
standard shell launch method based on the class.  In this case that
turns out to be HKCR\Folder\shell\open, which launches explorer.

If you change the above Editor Name key to something with a qualified
path such as c:\winxp\system32\notepad.exe you get notepad despite a
folder on the desktop named notepad.  Similarly, if you set the above
key to an unqualified foobar and have a folder named foobar on the
desktop, it gets opened.  There's nothing special about notepad other
than that's IE's built-in default.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Window's O/S

2005-11-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Greg wrote:

 In C:\windows\ the file nnotepad.exe remained as I had changed it and a
 brand new (from the same date as the renamed exe) notepad.exe appeared and
 same under c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\dllcache as well.

 So my question next is If I have renamed the whole lot that I could find,
 where did this replacement notepad.exe come from? and I cant really answer

The WFP thread watches for file changes and replaces files deemed
system files whenever they are modified or replaced.  This is not
unique to notepad.  I don't know how this daemon works but I'd assume it
keeps a private cached copy of all files so that it can replace them
when changed.  I think this is what dllcache is.  This means there are
always two copies of the file at any given time, and since it's
impossible to atomically delete two files simultaneously, the WFP thread
can always use one copy of the file to replace the other.  If not it
could probably grab it from the .cab file that's usually tucked away in
%WINDIR% somewhere.

 that one excepting to say that because notepad is the default html editor in
 IE6, perhaps IE6 has notepad somehow protected? BTW, my changed default 

No, it has nothing to do with IE or the original subject of this
thread.  Notepad.exe just happens to be one of a large number of files
that WFP has on its list.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] RE: Full-Disclosure Digest, Vol 9, Issue 3

2005-11-05 Thread Brian Dessent
Robert Kim Wireless Internet Advisor wrote:
 Nick, hi... why would you want to filter out the digests? will this
 eliminate digests from my subscriptioin?

It would have nothing to do with *sending* the digests, and everything
to do with stopping tards that hit reply to a 70kb digest containing 20
messages, add a single word reply without trimming anything, and spew it
all back to the list.  It also breaks threading when someone replies to
a digest using a mail client that's too dumb to reply to individual
mails in a digest.  Don't security professionals know how to use email
for god's sake?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] So how does THIS work?

2005-09-21 Thread Brian Dessent
James Lay wrote:

 So ok...I'm scopin out my apache logs, when I see this:
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Re: [Full-disclosure] phpBB 2.0.17 remote avatar size bug

2005-09-20 Thread Brian Dessent
SmOk3 wrote:

 I don't want to criticize the phpBB coders, but why is it dificult to
 check out the size
 of a image and telling the user that that size of image it's not
 possible, or even block the
 size on the viewtopic table, something like that.

Having phpbb check the image size would add no security whatsoever.  The
malicious user could place the image on a server that uses mod_rewrite
or PHP (or whatever...) to send a nice 100 x 75 image of a kitty cat
when the phpbb server requests the image, and a 4000x3000 gaping goatse
to everyone else.  There is absolutely no way for phpbb to be able to
enforce the size of images hosted on remote machines.  All it can do is
specify the width and height attributes of the IMG tag when it displays
the image.

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Re: [Full-disclosure]

2005-08-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Geo. wrote:

 I don't understand the big fuss over google talk. ICQ has had both talk and
 video chat features since 2000. It started as plugins but it's been part of
 icq for a while now

It's become terribly trendy these days for people that want to seem cool
to obsess about every single thing that Google does -- even if it's as
mundane as setting up a Jabber server.

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