Re: [Full-disclosure] Facebook seems to think my Arch Linux box has malware on it

2012-01-19 Thread Byron Sonne

 “Your computer has malware!” Facebook says to me.

I am really curious to know, assuming that everything you've said is
accurate, how they determine you've got malware. This is rather curious.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if something's come between
you and facebook pretending to be official, hoping to trick you into
downloading something.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Rate Stratfor's Incident Response

2012-01-12 Thread Byron Sonne

 Bad analogy.  Closer would be if you have a house that's got a driveway on a
 public street, and you claim it's not breaking and entering if you walk up the
 driveway, try the doorknob, find it unlocked, and let yourself in without the
 permission of the residents.  Saying that anybody could walk up and let
 themselves in the door doesn't make it legal.

This is a pretty classic analogy that I've used many times myself, but
for many years now I've found myself questioning it... I mean good
analogies are valuable, but I think in this case it falls down.

Mostly, there's the expectation of physical security or, at least,
privacy, when it comes to a house. If someone's rattling door knobs,
it's not unreasonable to expect that they could be there to rob or do
you harm, as the human race does not have a significant history of
peaceful/harmless door rattling practices (that I know of).

Now, when it comes to the internet and networks in general, we've
entered a whole new world where many old ways of looking at things,
tempting as they are, don't fit. There's also no real relevance to
fearing for your physical safety if someone's probing your net.

To a good extent I might be talking out of my ass here, but I'd welcome



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Rate Stratfor's Incident Response

2012-01-10 Thread Byron Sonne
 Don't piss off a talented adolescent with computer skills.

Amen! I love me some stylin' pwnage :)

Whether they were skiddies or actual hackers, it's still amusing (and
frightening to some) that companies who really should know better, in
fact, don't.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] R: Re: Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-22 Thread Byron Sonne
 Sorry for the top posting.

No, top posting is the *correct* way to do things, which most people on
this list don't seem to realize. Instead they quote *everything* and
then respond on the bottom. Yikes.

 In fedorable distro Almost pam namespace can do this. It was born from
 a selinux project, for mls need, but it can be used also for a selinux
 targeted policy. Its configuration is not the default, However.

Yeah, I'm looking at this stuff now. I must admit I feel rather foolish
for not knowing of it's existence earlier. Humiliated, actually :)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-21 Thread Byron Sonne
 If you are in charge of a distro, it would not hurt to nuke it
 altogether and change all packages in your control to use per-user
 $TMPDIR. Some third-party stuff will break - but it breaks every now
 and then anyway.

Excellent suggestion, and you've piqued my curiosity. What distros exist
that implement tmp dirs in such a way? I haven't come across any, and
the more I think about it, the more I wish that this is something I
would see.

If you had your way, would you see it implemented as /tmp/USER
/USER/tmp, or some other way?



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible German Governmental Backdoor found (R2D2)

2011-10-13 Thread Byron Sonne
I thought this was an unmoderated list? It appears my submission has
been held back.

 Interesting... although that archive seems corrupt... id like to see abit
 more about this but, very interesting indeed.. specially skype id
 harvesting, what could this be for.

 I hope that was a sarcastic Now what could this *possibly* be for? :)

Are there any statistics for how often this list has been used as an
attack vector? I'm honestly curious. That would be an interesting metric
to see.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible German Governmental Backdoor found (R2D2)

2011-10-10 Thread Byron Sonne

 Interesting... although that archive seems corrupt... id like to see abit
 more about this but, very interesting indeed.. specially skype id
 harvesting, what could this be for.

 I hope that was a sarcastic Now what could this *possibly* be for? :)

Are there any statistics for how often this list has been used as an
attack vector? I'm honestly curious. That would be an interesting metric
to see.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Congratulations Andrew

2010-06-16 Thread Byron Sonne
 Looks like Andrew/weev/n3td3v finally gets to do what he likes the most
 Performing fellatio on his fellow inmates

Oh man, pretty sweet! I've been waiting years to see weev eat a dick,
and the time has come at last.

Maybe there is a god.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Congratulations Andrew

2010-06-16 Thread Byron Sonne
 To sum up what full-disclosure has become:
 random arrested and charged with drug possession = 30+ posts
 unreal ircd backdoored = 4? responses.

There's nothing surprising about software that has a bug - all software
is shit and shot through with holes. We expect that (please forgive the
arrogance of me using 'we' as if I speak for a group).

Like I should care that much about some shite IRC daemon? The fact that
it got any responses at all is interesting. Holy cow, water's wet? I
better respond! :)

Whereas the issue with andrew/weev/soon-to-be-assgaped is a bit of a
surprise and hilarious. I dunno what you mean by 'random' but sadly, at
the risk of feeding his ego, he has some history around these parts.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fingerprinting Paper with Laser

2010-03-18 Thread Byron Sonne
All technology and software is crap... it can't prevent anything from
happening as long as humans are involved.

If a man can make it, a man can break it... and if not, there's always
rubber-hose cryptanalysis.

Security _is_ snake oil

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Re: [Full-disclosure] How Prosecutors Wiretap Wall Street

2009-11-04 Thread Byron Sonne
 I said that illegal wiretapping will get thrown out 
 of court and the perpetrators jailed.  That's a separate issue from whether 
 not agents will all act within the law.

Except that illegal wiretapping DOESN'T get thrown out in court for the
most part that I can see, or it gets retroactively made legal.

If we even get to find out it happened in the first place.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] How Prosecutors Wiretap Wall Street

2009-11-04 Thread Byron Sonne
 I seriously doubt the FBI will be wiretapping anyone on this list that isn't 
 doing something illegal.

If you're innocent, you have nothing to fear! Step aside, Citizen.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] List of security conferences

2009-09-21 Thread Byron Sonne
 Where can I find a list of security conferences that I can attend? 

I came across this a while back, it's been pretty handy:

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 For Good, return Good. For Evil, return Justice

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The BBC acquired a botnet, but was it legal? - Update

2009-03-19 Thread Byron Sonne
 Anyone from Canada/America who laughs at the English for nanny state needs
 to look at their own country...your just a bad. 

Keep on believing that, my friend. Keep on believing. Your country will
slide into fascism before either one of ours, of that I'm sure.

Your excessive, excessive use of video cameras, firework laws, mercury
in barometer issues, drug laws, gun laws, alcohol regulation, legally
required to have anti-scalding devices on your bathub, warnings on eggs
for containing eggs...

Attempts at crypto regulation - having to be forced to give up crypto to
the police on demand and if you don't 2 years jail, even though you've
committed no offence.

Pretty disgusting for a country that gave us the Magna Carta.

Yes, our countries suck ass, but England... well, at least your not as
bad as Australia for censorship, or attempts to censor. Or are you?

The one area I will grant you that Canuckistan is worse is in terms of
declassifying materials. Our gov't can keep them secret, or deny their
existence, for what seems like forever.

 they talk about noise on these lists but come on...

Yet you reply!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The BBC acquired a botnet, but was it legal? - Update

2009-03-18 Thread Byron Sonne
 my TV licence money isnt for paying criminals.


You suckers have to pay for TV licenses? That's some fucked up shit.
Then again, it IS the nanny state...

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The BBC acquired a botnet, but was it legal? - Update

2009-03-18 Thread Byron Sonne
 You're in Canada, right? So your TV stations have 15 minutes per hour

I don't watch TV. And I certainly wouldn't pay for a license. Even if it
were commercial free.

In any case, what's that dessicated old tart Lizzie gonna do if you
don't pay? Send the bobbies to throw you in TV jail?

 By the way, shouldn't you have to provide a copy of your email in
 French? It IS the nanny state after all.

No, as I'm not a federal gov't service.

Six TV channels, and 7 radio stations? That's awful, but then again,
it's not like there's anything worthwhile on the hundreds we get over
here. Touché, good sir.

 Byron L. Sonne :: ::
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Free Tibet..

2008-03-25 Thread Byron Sonne
This list is about whatever I want it to be. You see any moderation 
around here?

Everything is political, my friend.

Get your head out of the sand, and let's do something about those 
murderous thugs called the Chinese government.

Did you forget Tiananmen square?

You seen how Falun Gong members are treated?

Did you forget that the Chinese have been attacking USA sites, gov't and 

Well, I think it's time to do some more 'Full Disclosure' and start 
disclosing China's infrastructure weaknesses.

For folks in the Cell 'Primary':
Dead drops to follow, schema: blue

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Re: [Full-disclosure] *** OFF LIST *** Re: in Memory of Dude VanWinkle / Justin Plazzo

2008-02-20 Thread Byron Sonne
 respected member of the online community (now you have something to aspire 

I couldn't care less what you think I ought to aspire to. I'm perfectly 
content being a 36 year old immature prick. So fuck off, and keep your 
aspirations for yourself.

Dead is dead. Move on.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] in Memory of Dude VanWinkle / Justin Plazzo

2008-02-14 Thread Byron Sonne
Would all of y'all get a fucking grip?

This is a mailing list, not a group rub-and-tug 'cos someone that just 
about no-one here knows peronally died.

People die all the time, I don't care, and I don't need to hear about it.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Minute of Silence

2008-01-18 Thread Byron Sonne
 Not exactly Info-sec but I think many can relate. 
 Bobby Fischer has passed away.

W00t! One less anti-semitic moron in the world.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] on xss and its technical merit

2007-12-13 Thread Byron Sonne
 Naysayers of XSS want some elegant exciting actions.
 Its not. Its a case of not sanitizing input that allows
 arbitrary code to be executed. Simple things like umm
 secure coding, url scan, mod_security, noscript could
 combat this easily.

That is probably the largest part of what makes it such a boring topic.
The easier an attack is to defend against, probably the less exciting it
is. It's hardly exciting to 'break into' someone's house through an
unlocked door; there's no challenge.

 Its like someone walking past a car and seeing a million
 dollars sitting in the front seat. Thief opens unlocked
 door and takes money. Now a more elegant way would be
 to manipulate the chemical composition of the glass back
 to a gaseous form and reaching through.

Ah, now THAT would be cool :)

 I really dont understand why some in this community are
 so quick to say this is no find, this isnt new, this is
 insert blah.

You deal with this kind of crap professionally for a couple years and
then tell me how excited you are to come into work in the morning just
so you can pour over hours and hours of crud to make your customers
happy. It's boring. There's no meat to it. It's rote. It sucks the life
out of your day. I regret ever saying that nothing could be worse than
writing CGI checks.

 I guess it makes them feel intelluctually
 superior to tear down the ideas of others whether they
 deserve it or not. In some cases they do.

That might be part of it, who knows, for myself or maybe others. I'm not
a shrink. But to me it's more about wanting to see the boundaries pushed
 and being exposed to new, exciting stuff.

 Are members of
 this community so starved for their own self worth that
 they strive to squash the ideas of others instinctively?
 Would make for a interesting study.

Would probably just show that there's alot of pubescent teenagers
jockeying for social position.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] on xss and its technical merit

2007-12-12 Thread Byron Sonne
coderman wrote:
 so perhaps xss should be discussed much less is the only
 concrete thing we all agree on?


It's pretty obvious that finding XSS has a low entrance barrier; this
explains its popularity. It's just not very impressive. At the same
time, if finding an xss gets some kid interested in security, then I
suppose it can't be all bad.

In any case, wikipedia has something interesting on this, I never
thought about how to categorize them, but then again, I usually start
vomiting from boredom at the mere site of the word 'xss' in a subject line.

From, take it as you will:

Type 0

This form of XSS vulnerability has been referred to as DOM-based or
Local cross-site scripting, and while it is not new by any means, a
recent paper (DOM-Based cross-site scripting) does a good job of
defining its characteristics. With Type 0 cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities, the problem exists within a page's client-side script

Type 1

This kind of cross-site scripting hole is also referred to as a
non-persistent or reflected vulnerability, and is by far the most common
type. These holes show up when data provided by a web client is used
immediately by server-side scripts to generate a page of results for
that user. If unvalidated user-supplied data is included in the
resulting page without HTML encoding, this will allow client-side code
to be injected into the dynamic page

Type 2

This type of XSS vulnerability is also referred to as a stored or
persistent or second-order vulnerability, and it allows the most
powerful kinds of attacks. It is frequently referred to as HTML
injection. A type 2 XSS vulnerability exists when data provided to a web
application by a user is first stored persistently on the server (in a
database, filesystem, or other location), and later displayed to users
in a web page without being encoded using HTML entities.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] on xss and its technical merit

2007-12-12 Thread Byron Sonne
 Its amazing the last 2 posters even have
 to time to read FD.

It's not without it's uses :)

 With all the super important super secret
 projects they must be working.


 believes XSS and XSRF as viable attack vectors
 The other side thinks its rubbish.

That's a disingenuous distortion. I happen to think they are both viable
attack vectors AND rubbish.

 the folks who are so bored yawn with XSS and
 CSRF can post their remarkable works and amaze
 us all.

The second I can think of, or accomplish, something that's both more
interesting than this xsscsrfbbqwtf slop and hasn't been done before, I
will. It is not easy to come up with cool new stuff or wicked ass
shit. That's kinda my point, and why we see so much of this derivative

Now obviously there's a ton of folks around with way better resumes than
me and a far better skill set, but don't go telling me to stand in awe
of someone who found this kind of hole in some big name website. Wanting
fame and respect for XSS on stuff like Goggle is like asking for respect
'cos you lifted Paris Hilton's wallet, or jimmied the door on the back
of Microsoft's shipping warehouse.

There is nothing gloriously technical about it, there is no elegance,
only a clever trick.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v denounces the actions of

2007-11-29 Thread Byron Sonne
 fellow scots stick up for each other, so remember that the next time
 you talk to a scotsman, because we're tough and bold and we'll kick
 you in the teeth you swedish fuck.

You know why Scots wear kilts, right?

Sheep can hear zippers.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Hushmail == Narqz

2007-11-09 Thread Byron Sonne
 This hardly means that the hushmail crew are narqz, it just means
 that they are cooperating with the law like any legitimate business

No, it doesn't mean they're narqa, but it does mean they're spineless
pussies that eagerly sell people out. If a friend did that to you, what
would you think of them?

Take 'em down.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Right, or wrong?

2007-08-09 Thread Byron Sonne
 This way as much damage, mischief and chaos as possible can be sown.

 Would you still feel that way if the resulting worm took out your bank's
 ATM network, and as a result you couldn't get to your money?  Or if your
 identity got stolen and you found yourself liable for $4,000 of credit
 card or cell-phone charges?

Yes, absolutely. I wouldn't wish anything on anyone that I'm not
prepared to try and endure myself.

Additionally, as a result of sensible planning I'm in no position where
I am dependent on any of those for day to day living requirements, nor
would I be liable for anything incurred as a result of identity theft.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Right, or wrong?

2007-08-08 Thread Byron Sonne
 Is it morally right, wrong, don't know, don't care, good business, bad
 business, etc.?  Either way we're moving away from that model, but I was
 just curious how others on FD see it.

It's lame, as I see it. IMO, as soon as a bug/vuln is found it should be
released into the public domain, with as wide a circulation as possible,
and free of charge.

This way as much damage, mischief and chaos as possible can be sown.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] flag as cyber terrorism

2007-01-06 Thread Byron Sonne
Sigh... I thought you said you were going to shut the fuck up and never 
bother us again?

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[Full-disclosure] [OT] Shellcoder's Handbook, 2nd edition?

2006-07-12 Thread Byron Sonne
Fantastic book - great stuff and an excellent read. Does anyone know if 
a 2nd edition is planned to correct the errors in the book and/or fine 
tune the examples? Didn't find anything on the


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Re: [Full-disclosure]

2006-07-05 Thread Byron Sonne

No harm intended. Hope no offense was taken.

None at all! :)

Personally, you couldn't pay me enough to work at Microsoft. One must be 
careful that when you lie down with dogs, you don't get fleas.


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Re: [Full-disclosure]

2006-07-02 Thread Byron Sonne

My God at the spin I've got to quit drinking.

Some of us there know or have met Adam, and so it's just a passing on of 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] yahoo messenger deinal of service

2006-06-23 Thread Byron Sonne

Could you guys at least pick something more interesting to attack?

These are stupid applications with stupid bugs, and it's incredibly 
boring. Up the ante a little and do something big!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] yahoo messenger deinal of service

2006-06-23 Thread Byron Sonne

When the stupid application is connected to the biggest e-mail
provider on the planet, the ante is already upped...

Yeah, but it's boring. It's like running around to every Starbucks in 
town and putting toothpicks and glue in the washroom locks. Childish. 
Weak on imagination.

Enough with these parlour tricks.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] terrorists have invaded the united states

2006-06-11 Thread Byron Sonne
Why don't you folks just put up some filters for 'n3td3v'? I did months 
ago along with everyone else I know and it's been a blessing.

Either fire up firefox and add the filter, or locate your 
msgFilterRules.dat and add this (change the  to your username, duh):

name=n3td3v crap
action=Move to folder
actionValue=mailbox://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Trash
condition=OR (subject,contains,n3td3v) OR (from,contains,n3td3v) OR (to 
or cc,contains,n3td3v) OR (body,contains,n3td3v)

The condition line should be a single line, but my mailer wraps it.

Problem solved.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] terrorists have invaded the united states

2006-06-11 Thread Byron Sonne

Err, I meant to say 'thunderbird'...

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Steve Gibson smokes crack?

2006-01-14 Thread Byron Sonne

Concious decision? So you are in the Microsoft meetings? Do
tell...didn't think so. 

Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity, or perhaps 
in this case, laziness and neglect.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove

2005-12-26 Thread Byron Sonne

just willing to hear your views on what are the rules to check/tackle
such issues in other foreign countries???

Well, one of the tricks these bastards play with Echelon is how they get 
around the typical illegality of spying on people in their own country. 
For instance, I'm from Canada, and our spy agencies are not allowed to 
spy on people inside our own country (technically). It's much the same 
in the USA, probably worse, as we're both pissing away our privacy.

So anyways, what they do is agree to help each other out by spying on 
each other's citizens, then sharing the information. So, the UK will spy 
on Australian and American citizens, Canada will spy on US and US on 
Canadian citizens, Australia on UK and such, etc. That way they're not 
breaking the letter of the law. Twisted, huh?

Perhaps your country has similar agreements with neighbouring countries.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] An uncontrolled ***OFFTOPIC*** thread ... America's future under George Bush

2005-12-19 Thread Byron Sonne

And - about permitting Iran to develop nuclear power because the US is a
bully ... WTF?  

More than one side to the story, homes... everyone has the right to 
peacable nuclear power. Even if they did develop nukes, it's in their 
right. If the USA, Russia + satellite states, France, UK, India, 
Pakistan and Israel are allowed to do it, why not anyone else? Good for 
the goose, good for the gander.

The USA failed to lead by example, and are now reaping the rewards.

You are talking about Iran, a nation whose leader is
delusional and has voiced support of destroying another nation outright.

Susbistute 'USA' for 'Iran' and the sentence sounds like the same crap 
other people say about the USA. You sound just like the jerks that your 
troops are allegedly fighting against. Ever consider there's some brown 
skinned dude in a turban thinking almost the same kind of thoughts as 
you, except it's about America instead?

The USA has made it's bed, and now you're finding it uncomfortable to 
sleep in? Haha.

You may disagree with my position, and that is fine ... but this forum is
not the correct place to debate the issue - can we please let this list
return to topic now?

So as long as you get your last word in, everyone has to shut up? Feh. 
Weak dude.

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2005-12-15 Thread Byron Sonne

Seriously folks, just set some spam filters. Out of the 1640 FD messages 
I had, I set a filter on 'n3t' and it snagged 225 messages, or in other 
words, 13.7% of messages got junked. Total time: 1 minute

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[Full-disclosure] Re: Requirements for Security Companies to Perform Federal Penetration Testing

2005-12-07 Thread Byron Sonne

I'm doing some research about performing federal level work.

What federal government are you talking about? The world's a big place.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Was:, now: C.Meinel

2005-11-16 Thread Byron Sonne

Please don't ever think to put the discussion on the level of personal

It's not an attack; it's karma. Also a way of looking after the community.

No one is interested, and it's only in the interests of that

I beg to differ.
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[Full-disclosure] Was:, now: C.Meinel

2005-11-15 Thread Byron Sonne

 Carolyn Meinel wrote:

I'd be wary of anything Ms. Meinel has to say:

The info's old but some leopards don't change their spots.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] [FLSA-2005:158801] Updated bzip2 packages fix security issues

2005-11-14 Thread Byron Sonne

Could you please stop mailing your Bug-Fix-Reports aka Package xyz
updated to the Full*-Mailinglist?

I don't find those mailings objectionable. I think this is an 
appropriate forum.

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