I never reply to this mailing list but I feel that this blatant and
unashamed plagiarism should be exposed!  This 'breaking' news by the
n3td3v research branch was written about by Michal Zalewski in his
excellent book, 'silence on the wire'.  Maybe Zalewski is part of the
'fearsome' :) netdev group but I doubt it!

On 7/5/06, Dave No, not that one Korn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Denis Jedig wrote:
> n3td3v wrote:
>> Today's disclosure involves Google and Yahoo search engines:
>> All you need to do is put in the code to a web page, when Google and
>> Yahoo visit it, then the code exploits the software they use and
>> makes them start caching 'other' pages. Including 'no index' pages,
>> where sites have setup a robot text file on their server to protect
>> corporate and consumer interests.
> I think you missed the concept here. Whatever is on the webservers and
> is available to the public is... well... available to the public.
> It does not help security matters to introduce a robots.txt - the
> purpose of this directives file is not to secure something but to
> reduce traffic and keep irrelevant content out of search engines.
> If you need security, you introduce some kind of authentication
> *before* access is allowed to sensitive data. You will find that a
> sign reading "Do not enter and do not steal any gold" will not help
> much at the Fort Knox entrance if it is the only security measure.

  Also, Google and Yahoo *do* respect the robots.txt file and do check it
for every server they fetch files from, and the whole thing is garbage.  His
so-called 'example' is a fraud because it shows yahoo caching a page from
the site mtf.news.yahoo.com, which DOES NOT HAVE A ROBOTS.TXT FILE.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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