Re: [Full-disclosure] in Memory of Dude VanWinkle / Justin Plazzo

2008-02-12 Thread Prohest
This is tragic, my thoughts are with those family  friends left
grieving behind.

He will be missed.



On 2/11/08, Gadi Evron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just woken up with the news of Justin's death and am unsure what to
 think or how to respond--I need to. I feel things are left unfinished, a
 light just disappeared without warning, and all I can think of is what I
 said to him, when and where. Was I nice? Was I respectful? Did I always
 treat him right? What could I do differently? What will our small corner
 of the universe look like without him?

 What's clear is that he was a good guy who strove to always do better and
 was not afraid of voicing his opinion or making himself heard. He was also
 quick to apologize when necessary. His opinions never stopped him from
 seeing the person on the other side.

 He took subjects he discussed seriously, but never lost sight of the fun.
 He never stopped learning and he evolved a great deal over the past couple
 of years in which I had the opportunity to know him. One day, I was hoping
 to meet him. He was a good guy.

 He became an integral part of our community and only now I realize how
 much that is true.

 He cared. I care. He is missed.

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Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards

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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v denounces the actions of

2007-11-17 Thread Prohest
netsved, for the last time; you are a public figure in it-sec and even
less close to being a known hacker. You are however a few unique
things, of which suffering from serious mental delousions and paranoia
are the most interesing thing about you.

Netplet, you are not being envestigated or bugged, mmk? Anybody
serious knows you never have, never will hack anything remotelx
note-worthy. And why would they bug you, as you pump out tons of
disturbeing posts, which only have any value if used to estimate the
latest level of your  mental illness (today would be a Red day btw!).

Intelligence do not hire basement bound,  0-effort, death theat
throwing, delousional, highly emotional immature kids who think he can
hide behind hushmail or Tor and play with the adults?

Netflet. Seriously you must seek medical attention to help you deal
with the problems you have. Most people get well fast once they are
diagnosed. And go on to live long happy lives!

Please seek help, you need it asap.



On 11/16/07, worried security [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 14, 2007 11:33 PM, Dan Egerstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do you know the powers? Powerrangers? Can they help me? Ohhh please help
  ohhh you mighty...
  I'm free, kicking and not charged for shit... don't know who you are and
  couldn't care less but it does give something to laugh at =)
  Go play with the other kids now

 At the end of the day you're the dude with the secret service
 following you everywhere you go now in real life for at least the next
 6 /12 months or longer I would imagine.

 Enjoy the privacy or not as the case maybe.

 Sleepless nights, looking out your window every five minutes, turning
 round in the street seeing if anyones following you and generally not
 being able to trust people around you because they might be the secret
 service. Not knowing who the next phone call will be from, knowing
 everything you do on the internet is being watched by a human, every
 keystroke, every e-mail, every draft.

 I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

 Its paranoia and it destroys you!!! It crushes you, this whole stuff will crush you mentally if it hasn't
 already. I'm talking from experience, i've gone through these phrases
 of paranoia, it'll eat you alive.

 Maybe you're not feeling it yet, but it will creep up on you in a short

 Thats the down side to doing big hacks, the mental strain of not
 knowing if you've got away with it or not.

 One day you'll wish you hadn't your picture on those news articles and
 you hadn't drawn attention to yourself, it may take a few months for
 it to kick in if it hasn't already.

 The only reason its not already kicked in if it hasn't is you're
 young, guilible and immature, and you're still feeding off the ego
 rush of the media attention right now, but later in life it'll hit

 You're thinking i've not been charged for shit. The possibility of a
 criminal charge is the least of the problems which comes with fame,
 being known by a large amount of people is a bad experience walking
 down the street, trying to get employed by people and generally
 operating as a normal person in life.

 You wonder all the time Does he know!, Do they know. And you get
 the people who do know, know everything about you, but you've never
 met them in your life before, and it scares you!

 I've been approached by people in real life who know more about me and
 what I do online than I do, it ain't nice.

 Strange people start being a part of your life, and you know why, but
 its never officially confirmed by anyone. The paranoia and suspicion
 destroys you.

 But basically you get the worlds intelligence services following you
 around from different countries with different agendas to find out
 things about you.

 I imagined at first it would just be one team of survallience from one
 country, but you end up having folks from a handful of countries
 following you about in everyday life. And those individual
 survallience teams aren't connected with each other. You can be
 walking down a busy high street with a crowd of folks all around you,
 you think are legitimate folks, but they are actually secret service
 from multiple countries working independently of each other, who don't
 know each other, but they all have one thing in common, they are
 following you

 It sent the shitters up me and it'll do the same to you.

 And you get the folks who have nothing to do with government following
 you around, and thats the scarist part. You get independant
 investigators following you around from the worlds security companies
 who have their own intelligence wings. The big corporations hire folks
 to do this, just for the sake of knowing intelligence about you. And
 then you just get the normal weirdos following you about who aren't a
 part of any government or private investigation company, and thats
 what is the worst part. Oh, and the random people who claim to 

Re: [Full-disclosure] DHS need to get on top of this right now

2007-10-24 Thread Prohest
Hey stop making fun of netdouche!

So what if he couldent hack out a bag of toastbread? I, for one,
welcome Netdork as our new über official pseudo-God. Route dissapered
in some torture-chamber under Cisco, the smart guys from L0pht got a
haircut and a tie and sum cash. Kevin found out he was cooler in
movies, and that his books sucks

But what did Netno0b get? He is clearly to fucking stupid to get a
it-sec business job. I forget more about it-sec in a month than he
will ever learn the rest of his life?

So I contacted the union, sent his data and guess what? There is hope
for him. If he likes movies theres always a starring role in any movie
produched by 'The Tokyo Bukakke Films' specifically the 'master of
chin omelet' gay series

So chip up netdouche, keep working towards becoming a fluffer.. Just
do it, gag'n'guzzle with all u got!


 Hash: SHA1

 On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:59:15 +0100 worried security

 Don't fuck with me you prick or i'll track you down.

 Hah! You could not track your own father if your momma told you
 who, you lame moron.
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 Version: Hush 2.5


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