Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-18 Thread Rants nRaves
Wow, this is a great thread everyone!  Very informative, lots of interesting
points and I appreciate how everyone is avoiding ad-hominem attacks.  This
is almost as good as 4chan! I do have a few questions though:
If Israel is so evil, why doesn't the IDF just nuke the Palestinians and put
an end to this stupid argument?

Or, if the Palestinians are right, why doesn't someone/Allah take pity on
them, give them some nukes and let them put an end to this stupid argument?
 I'm serious, these rockets Hamas seems intent on using is the equivalent of
bringing a knife to a gun fight.  Won't someone think of the children?

I'm sure everyone here on FD would appreciate this issue being resolved once
and for all so we can get back to something useful.



On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 3:43 PM, j-f sentier wrote:

 I 'm was not an antisemitist, but now I become one.

 there's difference between jews and sionist, as i said before jews !=

 and i'm trully antisionist, and this get enforced when i listen free
 propaganda like Avraham does

 Also Mr schneider, you forgot an important fact :
 Palestinian are resistants, not terrorists there's a true difference on
 that one,
 but i see you comming no no they're terrorist, they throw rockets around
 the border and kill innocent israelis
 Well in this case, the resistants in world war 2 should be also called
 Also for your information, the true meaning of the word terrorist is very
 close to mercenary.
 A protester is not a terrorist, or shall i call you a terrorist because you
 protest with weapons agains palestinian ?

 See propaganda starts right here :)

 2009/1/18 ghost

 lmao! OH I GET IT!

 See, it's fact when the zionist scum say it.


 then everything you say is a complete lie and made up.

 You're really winning your argument and changing peoples mind about

 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  Here you go -
  Have fun reading facts...
  On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
  sure - take btselem's word for it... a bunch of Palestinians and a
  jurnalist that says:
  I would stress that I looked only at the Israeli side because of the
  factor - Israel setting up a special unit to improve the projection of
  arguments around the world. 
  Basically a jurnalist that admits to being biased and a group of
  Palestinians - really credible...
  On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 12:30 AM, ghost wrote:
  Yes, see, its just a huge mass conspiracy, the whole world is against
  israel and makes this stuff up. They would never release lies and
  propaganda video. NEVER! It's not in the Zionist scum blood to lie! NO
  SIR! NEVER! The BBC is ran by Palestine!
  Label me not surprised, if someone disagrees with zionist scum they
  are labeled as either self hating if they are Jewish, or mentally
  Your mothers a whore and your father holds the money.
  On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
   The topic does not change much on this discussion, so if you really
   that much for the signal to noise ratio, you would have filtered the
   out - especially since you use gmail...
   It seems that you are enjoying this thread since you have been
   following it
   so far, and even bothered responding to the thread.
   I myself am not enjoying the thread, I respond for a totally
   reason - to disprove false claims made as part of a propaganda
   on here.
   I hope you understand - if not - you are welcome to take the
   advice, and if even that does not make you happy - I guess you will
   have to
   continue being unhappy.
   On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 11:49 PM, wrote:
   Innovative solution to all your problems, on both sides:  stop
   politics on FD.  I was under the impression this was supposed to be
   compsec, not alt.politics.middleeast.  Doesn't matter who -is-
   here it looks like a bunch of kids using slightly more
   Understand?  Someone is wrong on the internet, shocker, that one.
   guys aren't going to change each other's minds, so what you're
   is a
   waste of time and lowering the noise to signal ratio.
   Grow up.
   Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel
   -Original Message-
   From: ghost
   Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 16:39:01
   To: Full 

Re: [Full-disclosure] This is WAR!

2009-01-12 Thread Rants nRaves
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Kyle Bader wrote:


I think you meant:


After all, you should save this thread for later!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] e-Holocaust

2009-01-12 Thread Rants nRaves
I think we'd all have a lot more respect if e.hitler (I still laugh every
time I say that!)  and his buddies did something actually worthwhile that
would make a real difference.  Like volunteering for a charity which is
collecting for the innocent Palestinians who are loosing their homes,
schools, etc for example.  Or how about writing his elected officials to put
pressure on the Israeli's to let the Red Cross and other aid agencies in?
Instead he's done the internet equivalent of throwing toilet paper on the
neighbors house in the middle of the night.  Yes, someone is pissed off now
and had to clean it up, but it's just a sophomoric prank which doesn't mean
anything in the world.  It makes him and his buddies feel good like they're
doing something, but the adults on this forum know better.

Notice nobody in the news is reporting that e.hitler and his merry men are
wreaking havoc.  Even so-called news sites like slashdot are ignoring it...
why?  because it's not news and nobody gives a shit.  When they hack into
the Mossad or IDF let me know.  But they're just lame script kiddies who
don't have the skills or balls to pull that off.

And yes, people like myself without any skin in the game do have a role- to
point out to the rest of the world when the emperor has no clothes.  If
e.hitler doesn't like it, he can always crawl back into his hole and stop


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Meshinkah Meshinkah

 wow...u people are pathetic..
 Ok, enough with all the bullshit.
 Everyone in here is talking acting like a smartass who actually tried doing
 any better.
 I dont know if the so called e.hitler can live up to any of his global
 scale message claims, nor do i know if he his actions will speak louder
 than words as he says.
 All i know is the guy is utilising what he's got, tryina fight for his
 cause and views, while you guys are making fun of the name :S.
 Now whether he does that or not, at least he actually tried to make a
 real difference, instead of posting a i support gaza as a fb status, or as
 an msn pm.
 Now if anyone here sees himself capable of doin a better change, i suggest
 he show us.  Anyone arguing he has no skin in this doesnt have to
 interfere making fun of the people who tried with all the effort and
 resources they got, no matter how small, to fight for their cause.  You
 either contribute to your side, or stay just stay away and let the people
 who are interested in the issue serve their side.
 I respect the guy, whether he succeeds or fails.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] e-Holocaust

2009-01-12 Thread Rants nRaves
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:57 AM, wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Right, your attempts at ranting, making a very obvious comment, or
 whatever that is you are doing is pretty stupid..

Right... we're the one's looking stupid here.  I take it you haven't
looked in the mirror recently?

We decided to put this in a little diagram for people like you to
 understand better:

 [ PHASE 1 ]
 -- Gain access on Israeli webservers / websites / databases (
 yes, that means that if the website / database / webserver contains
 any israeli content on it, it is a potential target, so spair us
 the 'omg this is a US box' 'omg this is a .com' )

 [ PHASE 2 ]
-- Use access to collect information ( Includes databases,
 source code, emails, etc.. ), and use the access eventually to send
 a message, if we need to... if not, we will just delete all the
 information on the server..

 [ PHASE 3 ]
 --  Use information collected to make more damage...

 and repeat...

Thank you for explaining it to me- it's so much clearer now.  Based on this
new information, I take it your local religious leader told you hacking some
pointless websites and looking like an idiot in front of thousands of people
on full-disclosure wasn't worth even a single virgin in heaven then?

 So now unless you have something to add about this, don't waste
 your time and ours...

Oh, I've got *lots* to add!   This is fun!

 P.S: that pinky and brain comment, wow... you just destroyed us
 with that, it was totally demolishing to our goals... good job... -

You mean you have other goals then make fools of yourselves on

Personally I think it went something like this:

e.brain: Do you know what we're going to do tonight e.hitler?
e.hitler: No, what e.brain?
e.brain: Take over the world!
e.hitler: Narf!  How'a we going do that e.brain?
e.brain: Step 1: Hack some worthless websites!  Step 2: Make fools of
ourselves on full-disclosure and make everyone laugh so hard they won't see
us while we do Step 3!
e.hitler: What's step 3 e.brain?
e.brain: Take over the world!
e.hitler: Wow!  That's a greatest plan ever e.brain.  Narf!

As for your name, yes, your name sucks.  Putting e in front of things is
so pre-dot-com bust it's not even funny.  It's like you're partying like
it's still 1999.  If you wanted to be hip, everyone knows you're supposed to
use an i.

And then let's look at the whole hitler/holocaust thing.  Hitler was a bad
ass.  Started a world war and millions of people died due to the war waging
across the entire globe and of course the concentration camps.

In comparison, you've hacked a few worthless websites and then made an ass
of yourself trying to get credit for it.  Does the phrase
delusions of grandeur mean anything to you?

And you claim there are others... do you have e.stalin and e.mussolini on
your team too?  Why don't they post?  Maybe because they're smarter then
you?  (Hitler was always the stupid one... he started the Russian front!)

Oh and finally, you do realize Hitler lost!  The fucker killed himself when
the Americans and Russians surrounded Berlin.  Ever consider doing the same?

Seriously, I think you'd get more props and respect if you named yourselves
Team G.I. Joe and you called yourself Snake Eyes... Snake Eyes was bad
ass... all those ninja skills and he couldn't talk- so he never made an ass
of himself unlike you.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] WTF people?

2009-01-11 Thread Rants nRaves
If you want to solve the problem, then you and people like you need to:

Step 1: Filter out n3td3v, urleet, etc so you never see their posts or
replies to them. ie: filter the noise Step 2: Post something that you think
is relevant to the list. ie: add to the signal
Step 3: Profit!

Notice there is no step which reads: Whine and complain about the noise on
the list like a little girl.-  because clearly that's proven not to be


On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Will McAfee wrote:

 I have lurked for some time, and really, this list has become pathetic
 due to it's hiijacking by two or three trolls with nothing better to
 do than destroy the relevant signal to noise ratio.  This list is not
 about MI5, the NSA, or Mossad unless there is something practical to
 be learned from them.  I do not care about the information war between
 Russia and Georgia unless it is about the systems used.  Think of this
 list as like a trade correspondence journal, not a public tackboard.

 Sent from my iPhone

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- Rants
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