[Full-disclosure] Re: SecureW2 TLS security problem

2005-10-06 Thread Simon Josefsson
Yvan Boily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The default random number generator provided with Windows XP, 2003,
> and Longhorn, is RtlGenRandom(PVOID,ULONG)
> ; this is an undocumented API that is called by

SecureW2 is using CryptGenRandom now.

> It uses significantly better sources of entropy than clock information
> and process & thread ids.

Are you aware of a quantification of the improvement?  Having many
entropy sources only inspire more confidence if the additional entropy
sources provide any entropy.  It is not clear to me that there is
enough entropy in the listed sources to provide with good random
numbers.  Frankly, the list of entropy sources is so huge it appears
as if it is meant to scare you away from scrutinizing each single
entropy source.  It is not clear whether the PRNG is ever re-seeded.

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[Full-disclosure] Re: SecureW2 TLS security problem

2005-10-04 Thread Simon Josefsson
Tom Rixom of Alfa & Ariss swiftly responded to this, and they have now
released a new version, available from:


A brief inspection reveal that it uses CryptGenRandom from Microsoft
Enhanced CSP, documented as follows in:


   The CryptGenRandom function fills a buffer with random bytes. The
   random number generation algorithm is the SHS based RNG from FIPS
   186. During the function initialization, a seed, to which SHA-1 is
   applied to create the output random, is created based on the
   collection of all the data listed in the Miscellaneous section.

The source code of that function isn't available, as far as I know, so
the trust of the PMS random numbers in SecureW2 now lie in Microsoft
instead of the known weak srand seeded by local time.  It is difficult
to see how that would be worse than before, though.

FYI, the "Miscellaneous section" of the document contain the

   The Collection of Data Used to Create a Seed for Random Number

   To create a seed for its random number generator, RSAENH
   concatenates many different source of information. Each piece of
   information is concatenated together, and the resulting byte stream
   is hashed with SHA-1 to produce a 20-byte seed value that is used
   in generating random numbers (according to FIPS 186-2 appendix 3.1
   with SHA-1 as the G function).

   • The process ID of the current process requesting random data
   • The thread ID of the current thread within the process requesting random 
   • A 32bit tick count since the system boot
   • The current local date and time
   • The current system time of day information consisting of the boot time, 
current time, time zone
plus many more sources.

I wonder if anybody has quantified the amount of entropy that could
realistically be extracted from the mentioned sources.


Simon Josefsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi everyone!  I was looking at the code for a TLS implementation, an
> open source implementation "SecureW2" by Alfa & Ariss, see:
> http://www.securew2.com/uk/index.htm
> I found that it uses weak random numbers when generating the
> pre-master-secret.  The code is in "./Components/Common/release
> 3/version 0/source/CommonTLS.c" and quoted below.
> It appear to be using the weak srand/rand functions seeded by the
> milliseconds field from the system clock.  That doesn't provide you
> with 48 bytes of strong randomness, you are lucky to get even a few
> bytes.
> Regards,
> Simon
> //
> // Name: TLSGenPMS
> // Description: Generate the 48 random bytes for the PMS (Pre Master Secret)
> // Author: Tom Rixom
> // Created: 17 December 2002
> //
> {
> int i = 0;
> SYSTEMTIME  SystemTime;
> DWORD   dwRet;
> dwRet = NO_ERROR;
> AA_TRACE( ( TEXT( "TLSGenPMS" ) ) );
> pbPMS[0] = 0x03;
> pbPMS[1] = 0x01;
> //
> // Time (DWORD)
> //
> GetLocalTime( &SystemTime );
> srand( ( unsigned int ) SystemTime.wMilliseconds );
> //srand( ( unsigned )time( NULL ) );
> //
> // Random bytes
> //
> for( i=2; i < TLS_PMS_SIZE; i++ )
> pbPMS[i] = ( BYTE ) ( rand() % 255 );
> AA_TRACE( ( TEXT( "TLSGenPMS::random bytes: %s" ), AA_ByteToHex( 
> pbPMS, TLS_PMS_SIZE ) ) );
> return dwRet;
> }
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] SecureW2 TLS security problem

2005-09-23 Thread Simon Josefsson
Hi everyone!  I was looking at the code for a TLS implementation, an
open source implementation "SecureW2" by Alfa & Ariss, see:


I found that it uses weak random numbers when generating the
pre-master-secret.  The code is in "./Components/Common/release
3/version 0/source/CommonTLS.c" and quoted below.

It appear to be using the weak srand/rand functions seeded by the
milliseconds field from the system clock.  That doesn't provide you
with 48 bytes of strong randomness, you are lucky to get even a few


// Name: TLSGenPMS
// Description: Generate the 48 random bytes for the PMS (Pre Master Secret)
// Author: Tom Rixom
// Created: 17 December 2002
int i = 0;
DWORD   dwRet;

dwRet = NO_ERROR;

AA_TRACE( ( TEXT( "TLSGenPMS" ) ) );

pbPMS[0] = 0x03;
pbPMS[1] = 0x01;

// Time (DWORD)
GetLocalTime( &SystemTime );

srand( ( unsigned int ) SystemTime.wMilliseconds );

//srand( ( unsigned )time( NULL ) );

// Random bytes
for( i=2; i < TLS_PMS_SIZE; i++ )
pbPMS[i] = ( BYTE ) ( rand() % 255 );

AA_TRACE( ( TEXT( "TLSGenPMS::random bytes: %s" ), AA_ByteToHex( pbPMS, 

return dwRet;
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