Re: [Full-disclosure] Hack into a Windows PC - no password needed

2008-03-04 Thread Steven Adair
I guess the release of this tool makes physical access pen-tests a little
bit easier huh?  Will have to try this out some time.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google / GMail bug, all accounts vulnerable

2007-12-12 Thread Steven Adair
Glad to see we figured it out. :)  Yes, Cross Site Request Forgery would
be the correct term referenced by the acronym in all of the replies
(subsequently also the first result in a normal Google query).  I'm still
not quite sure what the big deal on the favicon stuff in terms of this
issue.  So lets say you completely disabled favicons altogether.  Now when
you visit the original PoC - it no longer works.  However, if you simply
had a 302 or mod_rewrite rule for any image that you actually had written
into the source of your page, you could achieve the same result.

Maybe the favicon.ico method is slightly transparent to the user as it's
not present when you view the source.  However, you could be almost as
sneaky by only throwing a redirect to the Google logout page if the
referer field includes your root page.  Otherwise if the user directly
requests it.. it displays a real image.

Explain to me what I am missing here.

 On Wednesday 12 December 2007 08:05:35 Steven Adair wrote:
 You aren't really able to take action on Google's site per the
 real definition of CSRF.

 CRSF: Canadian Rope Skipping Federation (Google's I'm feeling lucky)
   Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
   Canadian Rhodes Scholars Foundation
   CReative Santa Fe
   Consolidated Rail System Federation

 I keep wondering when people on this thread will discuss the relative
 of various rope materials? That is the real definition isn't it? ;)

 On a more serious note, I agree with the question; it doesn't sound like a
 full cross site request forgery. Still Coderman's reply to your questions
 lead me to search for information on the Firefox
 That lead to this bit of information:


 * must be true for this preference to have
 * Conversely, should be false when this
 preference is false to disable site icons and favicons completely.

 Given Coderman's statement about meeting fortuitously in a black hat
 I set both to false. Thanks all for the info.

 And for those people, like myself, who aren't up on all the acronymns,
 here is
 a link for CRSF:

 Hawaiian Astronomical Society:
 HAS Deepsky Atlas:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Captive Portal bypassing

2007-12-10 Thread Steven Adair

I didn't read all of the documents in detail, but I noticed the first
bunch mentioned spoofing/changing your MAC address to that of someone that
is validated/authorized.  This is of course assuming this is feasible and
someone has authenticated already.  Many of the hotspots will just simply
allow both TCP and UDP outbound on Port 53.  I'm not overly familiar with
RunningOzyManDNS - but I think this takes advantage of that to some

However, I've found that in airports at least, about half of the captive
portals will allow TCP 53 out to anywhere.  Even easier than running a
special tool is to just setup SSHD or a proxy to listen on TCP 53.  You
can then tunnel out and do as you please without authenticating to the
captive portal.  Of course you might want to keep the legal aspects in
mind before doing any of that.


 If there were an easy to use (gold standard == nmap) and robust tool
 capable of bypassing all commonly used captive portals, that would make
 for a great 'mischief enabler'.

 Some googled links for the lazy lurkers...

 Which in turn mentions Kaminksy's (yay Kaminsky!) OzyManDNS via

 ...and a ton of other searching resulting in alot of reading regarding
 the usual software flaws, poor implementations (did I repeat myself
 there?), etc. I do not see anything that prevents the rolling-up of all
 applicable bypass techniques into a single tool. Preferably one written
 to be as portable as possible.

 Is anyone actively working on this that would care to share? Anyone want
 to point out flaws in the idea or make suggestions? Might make for a
 good 'con paper  presentation if anyone out there was looking for
 something to do.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] MD5 algorithm considered toxic (and harmful)

2007-12-01 Thread Steven Adair

 There you have it.  Surely a GPL'd tool implementing this attack style
 will be available shortly.  And since Chinese researchers have been
 attacking SHA-1 lately, should SHA-256 be considered the proper
 replacement?  I am unsure :-(

Yes, it would probably be a good idea.  I think this link has been put out
on this list in the past with respect to discussion on SHA-1:

NIST might not be the bible to you on what to follow and implement, but
they are definitely worth listening to (even if you're not a U.S. Federal
agency) when they tell you not to use something anymore.  For those that
don't want to click and just want to read, here's the relevant parts:

March 15, 2006: The SHA-2 family of hash functions (i.e., SHA-224,
SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) may be used by Federal agencies for all
applications using secure hash algorithms. Federal agencies should stop
using SHA-1 for digital signatures, digital time stamping and other
applications that require collision resistance as soon as practical, and
must use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for these applications after
2010. After 2010, Federal agencies may use SHA-1 only for the following
applications: hash-based message authentication codes (HMACs); key
derivation functions (KDFs); and random number generators (RNGs).
Regardless of use, NIST encourages application and protocol designers to
use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for all new applications and


 Kristian Erik Hermansen
 I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability

2007-11-20 Thread Steven Adair
Right this problem has existed for a long time, but it's not the end of
the world for someone to point it out again I suppose.

I think it's obvious that there's another main issue here and that's the
way WordPress handles its cookies in general.  They are not temporary
sessions that expire or are only valid upon successful authentication. 
The cookies work for ever.. or at least until the password changes.  If
someone uses an XSS attack to obtain the cookies or sniffs them (most
blogs are just HTTP) they can essentially permanently authenticate.  The
same result occurs with being able to read the database.

Furthermore, one could in theory conduct a bruteforce attack against the 
WordPress password by just making normal requests to the blog but changing
the cookies that does the double MD5 of the password.  You could in theory
emulate normal continued browsing of the website while sending
MD5(MD5(password)) over and over with each request via the cookie.  Other
than perhaps a large increase in browsing of the blog, this could possibly
go unnoticed as an attack -- as it would not be logged anywhere (in most
instances) that the cookies were being presented.  Once authenticated into
WordPress, the normal blog pages look different, so it would not require
an attacker to access the Admin area to verify.

Anyway, good to see the CVE is already there.  Maybe better session
management will find its way into WordPress.

(..runs on WordPress.. oh noes!)

 This is CVE-2007-6013 since 19th Nov including WordPress ticket #5367:

 - Juha-Matti

 Steven J. Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 07:08:36PM +0100, Stefan Esser wrote:
Could you elaborate why you consider this news? Most public SQL
injection exploits for Wordpress use this cookie trick.

I couldn't find it on the Wordpress bug tracker and when I mentioned
it to the Wordpress security address, they did not mention having
heard of it before. I also couldn't find a detailed explanation of the
problem online, nor in the usual vulnerability databases. Blog
administrators, like me, therefore risk sites being compromised
because they didn't realize the problem.

It seemed intuitive to me that restoring the database to a known good
state would be adequate to recover from a Wordpress compromise
(excluding guessable passwords). This is the case with the UNIX
password database and any similarly implemented system. Because of the
vulnerability I mentioned, this is not the case for Wordpress.

So I also thought it important to describe the workarounds, and fixes.
If these were obvious, Wordpress would have already applied them. Some
commenters did not think that the current password scheme needs to be,
or can be improved, despite techniques to do so being industry
standard for decades. Clearly this misconception needs to be

I did mention that this was being exploited, so obviously some people
already know about the problem, but not the right ones. Before I sent
the disclosure, there was no effort being put into fixing the problem.
Now there is. Hopefully blog administrators will also apply the
work-arounds in the meantime.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Cyber Jihad? Yeah, right...

2007-11-12 Thread Steven Adair


 Does anyone have a copy of  I would
 like to see if there is something unique in the
 generated HTTP traffic that would be signature worthy?

 --- worried security [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Cyber Jihad? Yeah, right...

 Published: 2007-11-11,
 Last Updated: 2007-11-11 01:58:48 UTC
 by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)

 In the news this past week were the ominous stories
 about a Cyber
 Jihad on November 11th.  OK terrorists, it's
 November 11th and we
 haven't seen your little Jihad yet.  As Johannes
 said in his diary a
 few days ago, it seems to have been called off.
 What happened?  If
 there are any terrorists hanging out here reading
 this diary I'd like
 to hear from you.  Please use our contact page.

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 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Port scanning question...SYN/FIN ... SYN/ACK

2007-11-12 Thread Steven Adair
Well it's not that I can really argue that most of the content on this
list is really in line with the list charter or the idea of full
disclosure, but asking a basic question about scanning doesn't exactly fit

I'd suggest Google (as mentioned) or subscribing to a list such as


 --On Monday, November 12, 2007 20:34:03 +1100 Abuse 007


 Try searching google.

 Read port scanning papers and port scanners documentation.


 That's what I love about this list.  There are so many helpful, caring
 people here.  :-)

 The OP might want to try these for a basic understanding:

 Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Senior Information Security Analyst
 The University of Texas at Dallas

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Re: [Full-disclosure] mac trojan in-the-wild

2007-11-01 Thread Steven Adair
 --On November 1, 2007 10:14:50 PM -0400 Jay Sulzberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thu, 1 Nov 2007, Paul Schmehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --On November 1, 2007 6:31:39 PM -0400 Adam St. Onge

 So if i put a picture of a naked girl on a website and said to see
 you must open a terminal and enter rm -rf.

 Would we consider this a trojan...or just stupidity?

 I would consider it stupidity to think that that is comparable to a

 Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 I think, under the standard Unix system of permissions, this is a
 Trojan.  Under the standard Unix system of permissions, every
 application running in my home directory can issue an
 'rm -rf /home/me' and, without proper near in time backup, cause
 me much annoyance.  The defect lies in the system of permissions.
 There exist systems of rolling off-machine backups and minimum
 privilege permissions systems, but they are not yet standard.

 Perhaps you don't understand what a trojan is.  Its purpose is to take
 control of a machine to use it for purposes other than those to which its
 owner would put it and without the owners knowledge or permission.
 Destroying the machine is contrary to the design and purpose of a trojan.

Not really.  Remember that the term trojan, as it applies to a computer
program, comes from the large horse from the trojan war.  The point of the
program as it that it appears to have a use/functionality other than what
its real purpose is.  You let your guard down thinking its something else.
 It will generally also remain stealthy to a degree but what it does is up
to the designer.  Install an IRC back door, echo funky text to your
win.ini, or rm your whole file system... well that's up to the _trojan_.

 Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Senior Information Security Analyst
 The University of Texas at Dallas
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Spike in SSH scans

2007-10-22 Thread Steven Adair
ISC just put up a diary on it that has a little bit more information for
anyone interested:


 I saw an unusually high volume of scans between 2200 and  last night
 on my residential connection. They all made their initial probe using
 'mysql' as the user. On average it looks like each of them made around
 15 attempts, which is fairly low, and points to a scanner smart enough
 to recognize that it's been firewalled out.

 So far, nothing out of the ordinary at work or on dedicated servers.
 Maybe it's only targeting consumer connections? FWIW, my residential IP
 is in 75.65/16.


 On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 21:20:38 -0600
 James Lay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone else seeing these?  Started about 3 hours ago..here¹s a snipit:

 21:19:09 snort[577]: [1:2006435:3] BLEEDING-EDGE SCAN LibSSH
 Based SSH Connection - Often used as a BruteForce Tool [Classification:
 activity] [Priority: 3]: {TCP} -

 And a current list of hits in the last 3 hours:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] If internet goes down out of hours, we're screwed

2007-10-08 Thread Steven Adair
I think you guys are both mixing up CERT ( and US-CERT
( -- both of which have very different functions.  As
mentioned though, you probably wouldn't want to call either if your
Internet goes down.


 On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:55:59 BST, worried security said:

 If you internet goes down out of business hours
 , don't expect anyone to answer you from CERT.

 Actually, if your internet goes down, you should probably be calling
 your ISP, not US-CERT.  The vast majority of down conditions are
 issues, not security issues.   And if you're being DDoS'ed, you're *still*
 going to need to deal with your ISP because some NOC monkey is going to
 to do the mitigation, and the CERT guys aren't going to be able to do
 for you with that anyhow.

 Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (monitored during business hours)

 Which is as it should be - if you look at the things that are actually
 their purview, it's reasonable to expect it to *not* be a 24/7 mailbox.
 are *other* venues that deal with the sort of things that happen at 2:30AM
 can't wait until 8AM for resolution, and they *are* monitored 24/7.  The
 fact that you haven't been invited to participate in those venues doesn't
 they don't exist.

 Besides which you overlooked the most obvious point of all:

 If your internet is down, you can't e-mail to anybody anyhow.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox has a very serious calculation bug

2007-09-28 Thread Steven Adair
So are we dealing with an RDCB (Recently Disclosed Calculation Bug) or was
this just a mistake?


 Actually, I see 5.1005 in both browsers.

 Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor
 Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day: PDF pwns Windows

2007-09-25 Thread Steven Adair
Nice, sounds almost exactly like what I said a few days ago.  Good to see
the bullet-proof wikipedia has my back.




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason
 Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11:55 AM
 To: J. Oquendo
 Cc: Chad Perrin; pdp (architect); Gadi Evron; [EMAIL PROTECTED];; Crispin Cowan
 Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day: PDF pwns Windows

 J. Oquendo wrote:
 Jason wrote:

 You present a valid position but fall short of seeing the whole

 As an attacker, nation state or otherwise, my goal being to cripple
 communications, 0day is the way to go. Resource exhaustion takes
 resources, something the 0day can deprive the enemy of.

 Counterpoint... You're trying to shoot me down with 0day crap:

 You -- 0day attack -- My Infrastructure

 Me -- Botnet -- Your infrastructure

 Perhaps, if you can catch me everywhere I can be. The problem is that my
 attacks, using my 0day, are run from your infrastructure by my forward
 teams, long entrenched in your society.

 If I want to knock out your infrastructure to render it unusable I'm
 going to do it in a way that I can either

 - control when and how it goes down and makes it resistant to restore
 efforts (Exploiting vulns to gain control )

 - destroy it entirely causing you to expend massive resources to rebuild

 Never having to consume any resources other than a point and click shoot
 em up attack, I necessarily won't even have to use my own resources. So
 shoot away as your network becomes saturated.

 Knocking out infrastructure with attacks is a far more effective
 strategy. You can control it's timing, launch it with minimal
 from anywhere, coordinate it, and be gone before it can be thwarted.
 botnet would only serve as cover while the real attack happens.

 In a strategic war, most countries aim to eliminate supply points and
 mission critical infrastructure as quickly as possible. In a
 cyberwarfare situation me personally, I would aim to 1) disrupt/stop via
 a coordinated attack whether its via a botnet or something perhaps along
 the lines of a physical cut to a nation's fiber lines.

 0day would only serve me afterwards to perhaps maintain covert states of
 communication. Maybe inject disinformation through crapaganda. Imagine
 an enemies entire website infrastructure showing tailored news... Would
 truly serve a purpose AFTER the attack not during.

 You don't start that after the fact, you start it before, maintain it
 during, and follow through victory.

 I am more inclined to believe that botnets in use today really only
 serve as cover, thuggish retribution, and extortion tools, not as
 effective tools of warfare. No real warfare threat would risk exposing
 themselves through the use of or construction of a botnet.

 Luckily for most companies and government, botnets aren't being used for
 their full potential. And I don't mean potential as in they're a good
 thing. I could think up a dozen cyberware scenarios in minutes that
 would cripple countries and businesses. I believe countries, providers
 and governments should at some point get the picture and perhaps create
 guidelines to curtail the potential for havoc - imagine hospitals being
 attacked and mission critical life saving technologies taken offline.

 The botnet still only serves as cover for this activity. It is a tool,
 like the rest, but not a primary weapon for use in active wide scale
 infrastructure dos. Taking out infrastructure on a wide scale using
 resource exhaustion requires too much resource.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day: PDF pwns Windows

2007-09-21 Thread Steven Adair
Not in my book.  I guess the people on this list are working off too many
different definitions of 0day.  0day to me is something for which there is
no patch/update at the time of the exploit being coded/used.  So if I code
an exploit for IE right now and they don't patch it until April September
2008, it's a 0day exploit for a year.  It's not necessarily new and it
doesn't have to be used maliciously.

If I code an exploit (for which there is no patch) and use it on my own
servers, does that mean it's not 0day?  I don't think so.  If my WordPress
blog gets owned by pwnpress, that's not 0day.. there's patches/updates for
everything on there.  It just makes me an idiot for not upgrading.  Now if
I get hit with some WP exploit that's not patched, then that's another
[0-day] story.


 Gadi Evron wrote:
 Impressive vulnerability, new. Not a 0day.

 Not to start an argument again, but fact is, people stop calling
 everything a 0day unless it is, say WMF, ANI, etc. exploited in the
 wild without being known.

 I don't like the mis-use of this buzzword.
 I respectfully disagree. By your definition, we have:

 * new vulnerability is just what it sounds like
 * 0day is a new vulnerability that comes to public attention
   because someone used it maliciously

 But then there is the important concept of the private 0day, a new
 vulnerability that a malicious person has but has not used yet.

 Does it really matter how the new vulnerability came to light? Do you
 really want to get into arguments about whether the person who
 discovered it was malicious? Especially for private 0days where the
 discoverer may be sitting on his discovery for some time, waiting for
 the highest bider to buy his result. If he sells it to criminals, then
 it becomes an 0day, and if he sells it to a vulnerability marketing
 company, then it is something else.

 I don't like this chain of logic. Whether a new vulnerability is an 0day
 or not depends entirely too much on the disclosure process, with funky
 race conditions in there.

 Rather, I just treat 0day as a synonym for new vulnerability and
 don't give a hoot about the alleged intentions of whoever discovered it.
 What makes it an 0 day is that whoever is announcing it is first to
 announce it in public. You could only invalidate the 0day claim by
 showing that the same vulnerability had previously been disclosed by
 someone else.


 Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
 Director of Software Engineering
   AppArmor Chat:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symantec Contact?

2007-09-18 Thread Steven Adair
I'm not sure exactly why they do not accept submissions from the general
non-customer public, but I am sure there is a good reason.  Chances are
the most likely have the sample you are coming across from one source or
another.  They probably also get a much larger number of duplicates for
something they already detect as a result too.  If you're not a customer
and you're submitting it, you might not realize they already detect it. 
If you put it in VirusTotal or one of those sites -- they're probably
going to get it from them anyway. :D

I have submitted through the Gold and Platinum support before and received
pretty quick updates to the general virus definitions.  If not there, they
usually fire them out in an optional rapid release (not tested for
everyone or every product).  Personally, I haven't really run into massive
delays in my past experiences with them.


 What's really Sad is that Symantec does not have an option for the
 general public (i.e. Independent Virus Researchers) to submit virus
 samples .

 You have to either
  A. Submit it through their product.
  B. Have a Corporate Support contract.

 Guess they don't want new samples.


 On 9/17/07, Joel R. Helgeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Symantec is notoriously slow to release AV updates, because while they
 have the AV signature available within the hour, they hold it back until
 they have the signature configured and working for all versions of all
 products running on all platforms, which at last count was over 2.45
 gazillion (and counting).

 They state that they don't want to issue partial releases for different
 products, which makes sense. If you have version xxx..z of the
 definition file, then you're covered against the FOO variant of the BAR
 virus, irrespective of whatever Symantec application, platform, or
 you're running.

 The downside is that they take a LONG time to release signatures, as you
 have now seen.

 I do not use Symantec, as too often they have been the single point of
 failure in the enterprise, and one should not underestimate the system
 slowdown brought on by 15 years of code bloat.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 12:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Symantec Contact?

 That's where I submitted our file to yesterday. It's funny that less
 then 5
 minutes ago I received an email that the defs had been updated to
 this variant.


 From: Theodore Pham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Mon 9/17/2007 1:13 PM
 To: Beauchamp, Brian
 Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Symantec Contact?

 Submit the sample to Symantec via

 They've been pretty responsive in the past, though I haven't needed to
 submit a sample in over a year.

 Ted Pham
 Information Security Office
 Carnegie Mellon University

 Beauchamp, Brian wrote:
  Does anyone have a contact within symantec?
  We have numerous infections of the W32/Sdbot-DHS worm
  ( Most
  AV vendors are updating their definitions to block it, one of them
  Symantec. We have created a removal kit but the machines keep being
  reinfected since they cannot all be disinfected at once (limited
  We have submitted a virus sample last week and have contacted our
  rep neither are giving a helpful response. Aside from cutting over to
  sophos AV client, Any ideas?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Interesting fun with Cisco VPN Client Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities

2007-08-16 Thread Steven Adair
I went to the below URL you referenced
(, logged
in, and it works fine for me with a listing of all the clients to

VPN Client Software for 2000/XP/Vista - Microsoft Installer
23-JUL-2007 10676224

I would suggest getting an account if you do not have one.  That would
definitely make downloading the client from that URL a lot easier.


 Hey All!

 So, as an exercise just for giggles, I attempted to get a fix for this.

 As we are just a shop, we do not have a Cisco contract.  Here's where the
 fun starts.  From the above:


 Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but who do not hold a Cisco
 service contract and customers who purchase through third-party vendors
 are unsuccessful at obtaining fixed software through their point of sale
 should get their upgrades by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance
 Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
 +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
 +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)

 Have your product serial number available and give the URL of this notice
 as evidence of your entitlement to a free upgrade. Free upgrades for
 non-contract customers must be requested through the TAC.

 You'll need a LOT more then just the site and serial'll need
 be registered with Cisco or provide them with:


 * CONTACT CISCO.COM USERID (if one exists):
 * SERIAL #:
 * PRODUCT TYPE (Model Number):


 Cisco will make free software available to address these vulnerabilities
 for affected customers. This advisory will be updated as fixed software
 becomes available. Prior to deploying software, customers should consult
 their maintenance provider or check the software for feature set
 compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.

 Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets they
 have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using
 such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound by the terms of
 software license terms found at, or as otherwise set
 forth at Downloads at;

 Not true.  My router is out of warranty, so Cisco is telling me that I'm
 of luck as follows:

 The product that you requested support for is an older product that has
 passed the warranty period date for that product.  Once a product becomes
 End of Sale, it is supported for three years
 beyond the End of Sale date and then becomes End of Support.
 After that point, we recommend that you contact your Cisco point of sale
 to discuss migrating your old equipment to newer supported technology.
 Cisco Partners, Resellers, and internal Cisco Sales Teams often have
 special offers and technology migration programs available.


 The last gig is:

 The Cisco VPN Client for Windows is available for download from the
 following location on 

 Heh..nothing there.

 Interesting...VERY interesting ;)


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Re: [Full-disclosure] ISP Censorship

2007-08-10 Thread Steven Adair
Also, if everyone saw the update from yesterday, it was apparently an
erroneous action  by a third-party:

 ATT Inc said on Thursday a company it hired to handle the cybercast of a
live concert by U.S. rock band Pearl Jam erroneously omitted lyrics
criticizing U.S. President George Bush that were in a song performed by
the band. Those lyrics in no way, shape or form, are something that
should have been edited, ATT spokesman Michael Coe said. -Reuters

Maybe that's passing the buck after being called out, OR *maybe* it was
just an accident without a conspiracy theory behind it.


 On 8/9/07, Stack Smasher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If anyone out there was doubting Dan Kaminsky at Blackhat/DefCon this
 year, it has already started.

 This isn't really ISP censorship. ATT is an ISP, but in this case, they
 were acting as a broadcaster.

 Whether or not you agree with what ATT did, the fact is that, as a
 broadcaster/publisher of a concert, they have every right to edit it as
 see fit. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yes, if just because it's a horrible
 PR move. Was it *ISP* censorship? No, because they weren't editing a
 third-party site so their subscribers get different content than the rest
 the world.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Am I missing anything ?

2007-07-23 Thread Steven Adair
Just a few additions/ideas:

You have RFI but not LFI.. so add that.  I'd also say general input
validations as some other mentioned.  This ties into your XSS (persistent
or otherwise) and some of your other issues like injecting
code/iframes/xss etc into forums and so on.  Also as mentioned a big on is
sessions and user privilege management.  If sessions are predictable or
don't expire (think the Orkut posts recently) this can be problems.  Also,
there are additional things you can look for like tieing a session to IP
address or checking things that are passed by the browser.  This would
include HTTP REFER/REFERRER which can also be a security issue if relied
on too heavily.  On the user management side, checking things like
elevating privileges and what not are big issues.  Or verifying a user can
make a certain action like changing passwords for their account only etc.

Look for weak methods of password reseting.  This can be a DoS to users or
it can be predictable resulting in account compromise.  Also, username
enumeration due to poorly implemented features like this as well at
login/password reset prompts.

A few other things come to mind but I think what you've got plus all these
responses should be more than enough to bore/excite an audience with. :)


 Hi All,
Just wondered if I am missing anything important. Am planning to give
 talk on web security.
 Is there any other technique other than the following I have to speak
 about ?

 3)SQL Injection
 4)AJAX/JSON hijacking
 5)HTTP response splitting


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Can CERT VU#786920 be right?

2007-07-18 Thread Steven Adair
Did they fix this already because all I see when I go to your URL is:

II. Solution
We are currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem.

Unregister the AIM protocols

Disabling the AIM protocol handler may mitigate this vulnerability. To
unregister the protocol handlers, delete or rename the following registry


Block access to aim: URIs

Administrators may partially mitigate this vulnerability by blocking
access to the aim: URI using proxy server access control lists or the
appropriate content filtering rule.

Nothing about the aol:.


 I sent the following to CERT (a few hours ago, no reply yet):

 In you wrote:

   Disabling the AIM protocol handler will mitigate this vulnerability.
   To unregister the protocol handlers, delete or rename the following
   registry keys:

 I believe that renaming that key does NOT unregister the handler.
 Windows looks for registry values of URL Protocol (almost?) anywhere
 within the registry, not just (directly) under HKCR. And anyway, how
 would renaming AOL to XYZ affect the AIM handler...

 Now I wonder if they can in fact be right... please enlighten me.


 School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of SydneyAustralia

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives timestamp(fwd)

2007-07-11 Thread Steven Adair
Finding collisions is definitely one piece.  The other is that you can
argue about SHA-1 being the Federal standard.  Is it used more due to
widespread use in existing applications?  Yes.  However, all Federal
agencies (and people in general) should stop using it where possible. 
NIST has mandated by 2010 for most uses by Federal agencies.  I guess
we'll see how well that goes...

March 15, 2006: The SHA-2 family of hash functions (i.e., SHA-224,
SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) may be used by Federal agencies for all
applications using secure hash algorithms. Federal agencies should stop
using SHA-1 for digital signatures, digital time stamping and other
applications that require collision resistance as soon as practical, and
must use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for these applications after
2010. After 2010, Federal agencies may use SHA-1 only for the following
applications: hash-based message authentication codes (HMACs); key
derivation functions (KDFs); and random number generators (RNGs).
Regardless of use, NIST encourages application and protocol designers to
use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for all new applications and



 They discover SHA256 but misunderstand somewhat. There will be cases where
 different files yield the same hash, but if the algorithm works as it
 it will be infeasible to generate one given the desired hash value in any
 sufficiently simple way.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of J.A.
 Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:25 AM
 Subject: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives

 The Great Unwashed Masses discover SHA-256!

 J.A. Terranson

 The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then
 cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice
 tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you
 witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise
 up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and
 arrows of disrespect silently.

 Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:52:18 -0500
 From: Brad Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [archivists] National Archives timestamp

 For those who are not aware, there is a computational procedure
 you can do for any digital file, that creates a unique number,
 called a hash, that only matches that exact file.

 There is a Federal standard for one hashing algorithm, called
 SHA-1. That is a 160-biit number. More commonly used today is the
 SHA-256 hash, that generates a 256 bit number.

 Another term for this is 'digital thumbprint'.

 In the following discussion I am referring implicitly to the use
 of the SHA-256 hash.

 If you take a digital file 'A', and you change the order of two
 characters in the file, the hash becomes completely different.

 No two digital files will have the same thumbprint. You cannot
 predict what the thumbprint will be for a file.  You cannot forge
 or modify a file to match an existing thumbprint.

 There are digital time stamping services on the internet that
 register these 'thumbprints' to prove a particular file existed
 at a particular date and time, and it has not changed.

 The US Postal Service offers a time stamping service for a small
 fee that they call an 'Electronic Postmark' but it only is kept
 for seven years. They also require the user to have a digital
 certificate to establish identity of the person time stamping the

 I propose something simpler.

 I propose that the National Archives create and offer a free time
 stamping service that does not require a digital certificate. The
 purpose of this is to store and retrieve unique file identifiers
 that will establish that a file existed at a certain date and
 time, and has not changed.

 Then files can be archived in multiple locations across a
 distributed network, and their identity and authenticity will
 remain unquestionable.

 This service would be a public good, similar to the digital time
 source offered by the Navy, for example.

 The National Archives will keep these timestamps in perpetuity.
 They would basically be entries in a database, with a 32-byte
 thumbprint, date and time. They would be a public record, so
 anyone can look up a thumbprint and now the date and time it was

 Can others see the value of this idea?

 I can write the basic software for this. One part would be a
 database for the National Archives with a web XML interface for
 registering and retrieving the thumbprints.

 It would include a feature to thumbprint each day's database
 entries, to eliminate any possibility of human 

Re: [Full-disclosure] XSS in CIA

2007-06-29 Thread Steven Adair
 I care.. nice observation

 And if you did'nt care you would'nt have taken the time to reply.

Flawed logic.

However, I think you don't really care because you didn't take the time to
put your apostrophes in the right places.

Also, I don't really understand the original post.  He is cussing out
someone for publishing something but tells them to STFU if they don't have
anything to publish.  You guys confuse me..

 On 6/29/07, Slythers Bro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 we don't care

 On 6/29/07, Tonu Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  BTW, f**k you who publish hashes. If you have nothing to publish,
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Squashing supposed hacker profiling

2007-06-19 Thread Steven Adair
Amazing, you were able to find multiple instances where a script-based
gender guesser was wrong?  This is more profound than the initial research
itself.  I suppose I could post a series of 10 writings where it was
correct, but what would that prove?  Did you try reading this from the
same page:


A few quick notes:

* The system generates a simple estimate (profiling). While Gender
Guesser may be 60% - 70% accurate, it is not 100% accurate. This is
better than random guessing (50%), but should not be interpreted as
fact. In particular, men should not be offended if it says you write
like a girl.

* People write differently in different forums. For example, a single
writing sample may appear MALE for informal writing but test as FEMALE
for formal writing. Be sure to interpret the results based on the
appropriate writing style. (These notes, for example, are more
informal/blog than formal/non-fiction.)

* Many factors can impact the interpretation from any single person's
writing. The content, knowledge of the material, age of the author,
nationality, experience, occupation, and education level can all
impact writing styles. For example, a woman who has spent 20 years
working in a male-dominated field may write like her co-workers.
Similarly, professional female writers (and experienced hobbyists)
frequently use male writing styles. Gender Guesser does not take any
of these factors into account.

* Email can blur the lines between formal and informal writing styles.
An informal email from a manager may have traces of formality, and a
formal email from a 12-year-old is likely to be informal compared to a
letter from a 40-year-old. Do not be surprised if email messages sent
to public forums test incorrectly -- when writing for an audience,
people commonly use informal words, phrases, and slang within a formal
writing style.

* Quotations, block quotes, and included text usually carries the
gender from the initial author. Be sure to remove quoted text from any
pasted content. Also, significant changes from a copy-editor can
result in a different gender analysis. (A male editor may make a
female author's news article appear MALE or as a Weak MALE.)

* Lyrics, lists, poems, and prose are special writing styles. This
tool is unlikely to classify these texts correctly.

* The system needs a paragraph or two of text in order to observe word
repetition. A good sample should have 300 words or more. Fewer words
can lead to more variation in accuracy, and a single sentence is
unlikely to generate an accurate result. Pasting the same text
multiple times will not change the results!

* People tend to write with consistent styles. If the system
misclassifies a particular author, then other writings by the same
author will likely be misclassify the same way.

* And most importantly: This is an ESTIMATE. Please do not email me
about instances where it made the wrong determination. (I've seen it
generate incorrect results lots of times already.)

I can't tell if you're trolling or you have actually taken the bait.  You
do realize the person that you were responding to in earlier posts is not
actually Neal Krawetz, right?

 All female authors...  Your so called gender guessing mechanism is
 flawed either way you want to cut it. You could try fuzzy math based on
 theories to profile anyone on this list, but unless you have feasible
 and PROVEN without reasonable doubt, its all a guessing game bottom
 line. Anyhow back to security, sociolinguistics is not meant for this

 According to Dr. Krawetz's Gender Guesser...
 Genre: Informal
   Female = 104
   Male   = 602
   Difference = 498; 85.26%
   Verdict: MALE
 Genre: Formal
   Female = 116
   Male   = 239
   Difference = 123; 67.32%
   Verdict: MALE

 Genre: Informal
   Female = 442
   Male   = 555
   Difference = 113; 55.66%
   Verdict: Weak MALE
 Genre: Formal
   Female = 364
   Male   = 570
   Difference = 206; 61.02%
   Verdict: MALE

 Genre: Informal
   Female = 218v
   Male   = 1186
   Difference = 968; 84.47%
   Verdict: MALE
 Genre: Formal
   Female = 414
   Male   = 576
   Difference = 162; 58.18%
   Verdict: Weak MALE

 (text by Sue Lange)
 Genre: Informal
   Female = 210
   Male   = 481
   Difference = 271; 69.6%
   Verdict: MALE
 Genre: Formal
   Female = 260
   Male   = 408
   Difference = 148; 61.07%
   Verdict: MALE

 Genre: Informal
   Female = 415
   Male   = 559
   Difference = 144; 57.39%
   Verdict: Weak MALE

Re: [Full-disclosure] Safari for Windows, 0day URL protocol handler command injection

2007-06-12 Thread Steven Adair
Looks like a few others have been found:


 Apple released version 3 of their popular Safari web browser today, with
 the added twist of offering both an OS X and a Windows version. Given
 that Apple has had a lousy track record with security on OS X, in
 addition to a hostile attitude towards security researchers, a lot of
 people are expecting to see quite a number of vulnerabilities targeted
 towards this new Windows browser.

 There is a URL protocol handler command injection vulnerability in
 Safari for Windows that allows you to execute shell commands with
 arbitrary arguments. This vulnerability can be triggered without user
 interaction simply by visiting a webpage. The full advisory and a
 working Proof of Concept exploit can be found at

 Thor Larholm

 I call dibs on the first SafariWin bug

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of DoS Bugs (MODB)

2007-06-09 Thread Steven Adair
How about a month of someone not suggesting and/or starting a month of
anyhing bugs?  Does that cancel itself out..maybe only if announced in

 How about a month of annoying project ideas?

 ' or 1=1--

From: Kristian Hermansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Month of DoS Bugs (MODB)
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 00:18:03 -0400

An entire month dedicated to denial of service would be quite
Kristian Hermansen

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Re: [Full-disclosure] New Vulnerability against Firefox/ Major Extensions

2007-05-30 Thread Steven Adair
We are also at risk from rogue developers, people that have
hacked/poisoned your trusted DNS provider, those that have modified your
/etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (and/or
related files), people that have hacked the update server and put there
own malicious version there, and the unlocked workstation attack from an
attacker with a USB flash drive with a malicious update that might sit
down at your workstation and -pwn- you.


 This information also posted (with html link goodness) to

 Executive Summary

 A vulnerability exists in the upgrade mechanism used by a number of
 high profile Firefox extensions. These include Google Toolbar, Google
 Browser Sync, Yahoo Toolbar, Extension, Facebook Toolbar,
 AOL Toolbar, Toolbar, LinkedIn Browser Toolbar, Netcraft
 Anti-Phishing Toolbar, PhishTank SiteChecker and a number of others,
 mainly commercial extensions.

 Users of the Google Pack suite of software are most likely vulnerable,
 as this includes the Google Toolbar for Firefox.

 The latest version of all of these listed, and many other extensions
 are vulnerable. This is not restricted to a specific version of

 Users are vulnerable and are at risk of an attacker silently
 installing malicious software on their computers. This possibility
 exists whenever the user cannot trust their domain name server (DNS)
 or network connection. Examples of this include public wireless
 networks, and users connected to compromised home routers.

 The vast majority of the open source/hobbyist made Firefox extensions
 - those that are hosted at - are not
 vulnerable to this attack. Users of popular Firefox extensions such as
 NoScript, Greasemonkey, and AdBlock Plus have nothing to worry about.

 In addition to notifying the Firefox Security Team, some of the most
 high-profile vulnerable software vendors (Google, Yahoo, and Facebook)
 were notified 45 days ago, although none have yet released a fix. The
 number of vulnerable extensions is more lengthy than those listed in
 this document. Until vendors have fixed the problems, users should
 remove/disable all Firefox extensions except those that they are sure
 they have downloaded from the official Firefox Add-ons website
 ( If in doubt, delete the extension, and
 then download it again from a safe place.

 In Firefox, this can be done by going to Tools-Add-ons. Select the
 individual extensions, and then click on the uninstall button.

 Frequently Asked Questions

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Re: [Full-disclosure] WordPress Community Vulnerable

2007-05-24 Thread Steven Adair
So do you think his two WordPress blogs (I am assuming here..looks a lot
like WP, but I'm not pounding out GET requests to verify) were included in
this survey that was done?  I wonder if he's running a safe version? 
And as mentioned in one of his blog comments, version reporting isn't
always reliable and patches that did not change the extractable version
number could have also been applied.

In any event, I think WordPress has increasingly become more secure.  It's
had a small rash of issues a few months back ranging from SQL injection to
someone actually backdooring the source, but it's grown up quite a bit.  I
think someone would be hard pressed to actually come up with the Month of
Wordpress bugs.  The majority of all other recently reported issues have
all from third party add-ons that aren't actually a part of WordPress.


Check out a recent survey of 50 WordPress blogs conducted at :

 Can the Month of WordPress Bugs be far behind?

 Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor blocked::
 Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

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Re: [Full-disclosure] WordPress Community Vulnerable

2007-05-24 Thread Steven Adair
 --On Thursday, May 24, 2007 09:44:02 -0500 Steven Adair

 So do you think his two WordPress blogs (I am assuming here..looks a lot
 like WP, but I'm not pounding out GET requests to verify) were included
 this survey that was done?  I wonder if he's running a safe version?
 And as mentioned in one of his blog comments, version reporting isn't
 always reliable and patches that did not change the extractable version
 number could have also been applied.

 In any event, I think WordPress has increasingly become more secure.
 had a small rash of issues a few months back ranging from SQL injection
 someone actually backdooring the source, but it's grown up quite a bit.
 think someone would be hard pressed to actually come up with the Month
 Wordpress bugs.  The majority of all other recently reported issues have
 all from third party add-ons that aren't actually a part of WordPress.

 Yes, but the point of his post isn't that *Wordpress* is insecure.  It's
 that blog owners are not updating their software to maintain security.
 While anyone in IT would go doh!, many in the real world might be
 surprised that the software has to be regularly updated and vigorously
 maintained to ensure ongoing security.

 This isn't exactly news for us, but it may well be for the blogosphere in

Perhaps, but there is an assumption that may be incorrect that these blogs
are insecure.  Also, there is no mention of how the survey was done.  I
could probably go out and make a list of 2000 blogs where only one of them
wasn't the latest version.  I do understand his point though, and I
guarantee you can find well over 50 older version WP blogs that are
vulnerable.  However, part of my response was geared towards Larry's post
about the possibility MoWPB (Month of WordPress Bugs) -- which is
something I just don't see happening.


 Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Senior Information Security Analyst
 The University of Texas at Dallas
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Re: [Full-disclosure] noise about full-width encoding bypass?

2007-05-21 Thread Steven Adair
 On 5/21/07, ascii [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Brian Eaton wrote:
  To summarize what I've heard from various sources: I am missing
  something important. =)  Both PHP and ASP.NET will decode these
  characters into their ASCII equivalents.


 Only ASP.NET/IIS decodes that automatically.

 PHP *can* do that as like JSP and probably others but that has
 to happen explicitly in the application code or on an other layer.

 (Cracking up that somebody going by the handle ascii is commenting on
 character encoding issues. =)

 Given how few application platforms decode full-width unicode to ASCII
 equivalents, is there a case to be made that those application
 platforms that do decide this conversion is a good idea are broken?

 Put another way: should this be considered a bug in ASP.NET?

I think you could be on either side, but I would learn towards this being
a feature than a bug.  Multiple products appear to do the decoding in the
same manner and intentionally perform this function.  However, the recent
advisories that went out were geared towards IDS/IPS products that were
not designed to be able to recognize such half-/full-width encoded
traffic.  Unless there is some RFC or generally followed documentation
saying the traffic should not be encoded/decoded as such, I would continue
to lean towards this being a feature.  It just appears to be a place much
of the IT (security) world has overlooked.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Month of ActiveX Bug

2007-05-01 Thread Steven Adair
I think a good share of the time when someone states that the DoS may
possibly lead to remote code execution are making such a statement for a
couple different reasons:

1) They found a DoS and truly have no idea whether or not it can cause
remote code execution due to not having the knowledge/skills necessary to
check for it and/or lack of time to make such a determination.

2) They have seen characteristics that would indicate that remote code
execution is possible but have not quite been able to nail down a working
exploit should one be possible.

I do not think the evidence quickly available to us would bring us to
conclude most DoS's end up resulting in remote code execution -- or even
have the ability to.  I would agree saying often enough would be better
than most.

However, regardless of whether it results in remote code execution, I
don't think a DoS should necessarily be discounted as frivolous or
irrelevant.  It might not rank up there with critical or high
vulnerabilities, but it is a vulnerability nonetheless.


 Ok 'most' is probably bad wording on my part how does 'often enough' sound

 Buffer overflow in the png_decompress_chunk function in pngrutil.c in
 libpng before 1.2.12 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a
 denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code

 Buffer overflow in efingerd 1.5 and earlier, and possibly up to 1.61,
 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly
 execute arbitrary code via a finger request from an IP address with a
 long hostname that is obtained via a reverse DNS lookup.

 A BrightStor ARCserve Backup contains four
 vulnerabilities that can allow a remote attacker to cause a denial
 of service or possibly execute arbitrary code.

 Note the use of 'possibly'. If it was possible then 'possibly' wouldn't be

 I'm not going to debate the validity of the month of activex bugs because
 frankly I don't care, merely
 that a DOS can turn out to be more and that at times either the researcher
 hasn't spent enough time on it, can't get the POC working, or lacks the
 skill to fully understand the problem.

 There have been multiple instances on the securityfocus lists throughout
 the years where a DOS suddenly
 became promoted to a remotely exploitable bug (i.e another person found it
 was actually exploitable). I'm not going
 to find them and post them here, but a little googling can yield

 - Robert

 Consider that most often a bug filed as DOS can actually be
 exploitable, but the person who discovered it can't get the POC working
 or is even aware it is. While command execution is the ideal goal it
 doesn't mean other types of issues are *completely* worthless.  =20

 Most often? How do you know that?

 Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor
 Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FW: Steganos Encrypted Safe NOT so safe

2007-04-26 Thread Steven Adair
It is funny that this stuff ever comes to surface.  Now I am wondering if
this a case of trying to spread FUD or someone who just didn't pay any
attention to what was going on?


 I forwarded the original issue to Steganos as I am a user of their
 package.  This is their reply and also posted on Security Focus.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:56 AM
 Subject: Re: Steganos Encrypted Safe NOT so safe

 In response to frankrizzo604's comment, Steganos would like to dispel the
 rumor that its Steganos Safe encryption software is easily cracked.
 Safe enables users to create any number of secure virtual drives in which
 data is safely stored and encrypted. However frankrizzo604 goes through
 several steps 'teaching' users how to open others' encrypted files. In his
 last step, he claims Steganos will 'PUNISH you by resetting your encrypted
 drives passwords to 123 until you buy a registered copy', implying that
 the password feature can be circumvented thus opening anyone's safe. He
 conveniently left out that before he was able to reset the password to
 123, he had to enter his original password to open the safe. Then, he
 this message box:

 It is absolutely not possible to open any Steganos Encrypted File without
 having the original password. The Steganos support and development team
 reconstructed the process he described. It is not possible to open a Safe
 WITHOUT the original password. In the 2007 generation of Steganos
 Steganos decided to set the Safe attributes to write protect. Steganos
 like its user to rest assured that their files are in fact still encrypted
 and safe from hackers.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] A Botted Fortune 500 a Day

2007-04-13 Thread Steven Adair
Is this in anyway surprising?  I think we all know the answer is no.  Many
Fortune 500 companies have more employees than some ISPs have customers. 
Should we really expect differently?

Also, as a side note, I would like to add that just because SPAM is coming
from a certain gateway does not necessarily mean that the machines on
their network are infected.  We could assume this, but then again I would
have to assume Microsoft's network is full of bots because I get SPAM
originating from  It might be logical and in many cases to
assume this, but it's worth noting this may not be the case.


 Support Intelligence releases daily reports on different fortune 500
 companies which are heavily affected by the botnet problem, with many
 compromised machines on their networks.

 You can find more information on their blog:

 They are good people, and they know botnets.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] A Botted Fortune 500 a Day

2007-04-13 Thread Steven Adair
 On 13/04/07, Steven Adair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this in anyway surprising?  I think we all know the answer is no.
 Fortune 500 companies have more employees than some ISPs have customers.
 Should we really expect differently?

 Yes! Off the top of my head:

 1. Corporations should have more of an economic incentive to prevent
 compromises on their internal networks. E.g. TJX breach could cost
 company $1B -
 Now, a typical spambot will cost almost nothing compared with that,
 but the point is you don't know the extent of the compromise until
 you've examined the machines involved.

You list incentives but this doesn't mean I should really expect any
differently.  You are also equating a compromise into TJ MAXX servers for
which details have not been given.  I doubt and hope the same user that's
an account for TJ MAXX and using e-mail isn't conencted or able to get to
a server that processes credit card transactions.

 2. Corporations have a lot more influence over their employee's
 behaviour than ISPs do over their customers. Customers can walk away
 to a new ISP with minimal fuss if sanctions are threatened.

Well this is true but you seem to be missing the point of the comparison. 
These are large corporations with tens of thousands (some more, some less)
that are geographically dispersed across the countries.  This isn't a
small shop of 50 elite IT users.  This is probably like most other places
were 90% of the users can barely use Microsoft Word and Excel.  Once
again.. do I expect differently? No.

 3. Corporations can lock down their firewalls a lot tighter than ISPs
 can. If my ISP blocked the way my employer does, I would be looking
 for a new ISP.

Sure they can in some instances.  How would locking down a firewall stop
this e-mail from going out?  Maybe you can lock down SPAM firewalls but
that doesn't stop the root cause.  You have 100,000 users at a Fortune 500
company with admin access to their Windows laptops.  Are you going to
block them form using the Internet and using e-mail?  If not I am going to
continue to expect them to keep getting infected.

 4. ISPs don't own the data on their customer's computers. Corps very
 much do own most of the data on their employees computers. Therefore
 they need to worry about confidentiality in a way that ISPs do not.

Well usually corporations not only own the data on the machines, they own
the computers themselves as well.  You are equating a need and want for
protection with what would really be expected.

 I used to look after security at a large-ish university and odd
 activity would stand out because there the baseline was largely
 'normal' traffic. ISPs have little chance to detect 'odd' behaviour
 because everyone is doing 'odd' things. Corps should only have a very
 few 'odd' things happening on their networks and a single outgoing
 portscan or IRC session are grounds for serious concern. (Assuming IRC
 is forbidden by policy - if not, you can still profile the IRC servers
 you expect to be talking to and those you don't.) It's not hard to
 find infected machines at a corp.

Not sure last time you ever looked at XDCC/iroffer bots, but they can
range from 10-50% .edu hosts.  Universities are ripe for the picking. 
I've participated in UNISOG related lists and I know it's getting better
and just like any organization it can very from location to location.  I
don't expect anything different here either.

 Also, as a side note, I would like to add that just because SPAM is
 from a certain gateway does not necessarily mean that the machines on
 their network are infected.  We could assume this, but then again I
 have to assume Microsoft's network is full of bots because I get SPAM
 originating from  It might be logical and in many cases to
 assume this, but it's worth noting this may not be the case.

 Based on the Received headers, or just on the From line ? The latter
 is trivial to forge and has been routinely forged pretty much forever.

You are talking about forging a MAIL FROM field.  This is not what I am
talking about.

 If Received headers show that mail has been relayed from within your
 organisation, then you have a serious problem, and it's better to
 learn of it by checking for outgoing spam than when someone notices
 something worse six months down the line.

There's a field in most mail programs where you can enter in an
SMTP/IMAP/Exchange address etc.  This allows you to send e-mail using that
server.  This does not mean you are located on the internal network for
that server.  In fact you could even be using a forwarder server that it
doens't show you.  Hell you could be using a web form or webmail.  My
point is that seeing a header from a particular location does not
necessarily mean the sender is behind a firewall sitting on that network.

Do you want corporations to protect their data better?  Absolutely

[Full-disclosure] Vulnerability Purchasing Program Questions

2007-04-11 Thread Steven Adair

I would like to see if I could get the community's take on these
vulnerability purchasing programs such as those offered by iDefense and
3COM.  There have been previous discussions that I have seen on the lists
surrounding poor monetary offerings of one program versus that of another.
 I've also seen people come out and mention they are affiliated with some
program that will offer money for these vulnerabilities.  This has lead me
to a few questions.

- Is there a general consensus as to what program is the best? I would
imagine this primarily centers on monetary offerings, but I suppose there
could be other considerations.

- If I normally work with vendors and disclosure vulnerabilities for free,
why would I not use one of these programs?  I am making the assumption
that we are working with a legitimate and responsible buyer.  I have no
intentions to sell to shady buyers/foreign governments/etc and would like
to keep the assumption the buyer is legitimate.

- Do we know that the buyers are always legitimate and responsible?  Has
anyone ever suspected wrongdoing or felt they have been wronged by one of
the more popular and legitimate buying services?  For example, a
submission that was rejected by either party ended up being released by
the vendor anyway or integrated into their product.

- Any general comments on these sort of programs that are strong towards
one way or the other?



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Re: [Full-disclosure] DNS mining ?

2007-04-09 Thread Steven Adair
There are numerous tools out there that will take IP addresses and report
back [all] the domains on them.  The best one I came across some time
about was the Reverse IP search from  Unfortunately
to get the entire list you have to pay now -- I think.  You used to just
be able to register for a free account that would let you do 5 searches a
day and show you all the domains.  So if one IP had 3000 domains on it, it
would let you go through all of them, and that was one search.  Now you
can just see a small selection.

There are all similar tools on the Internet.  Someone posted a while back
on Full Disclosure and Security Focus about how to find all the domains on
a particular IP.  There were a few websites that people listed.  Usually
when used in conjunction with one another they would accurate list most of
the domains on an IP.  However, after using those and then finding this
site, I found this tool to always equal to or better than using the
combination of others.

So just take Google IP addresses, such as on the IP your is on
( and put it in their Reverse IP lookup.

I forgot the other websites.  I suppose they would be better now that this
search is limited.



 I have a domain name which has it's primary A record pointing at google.
 This domain hasn't been published anywhere and is very low traffic,
 surprisingly this guy has it listed as one of the entries pointing to

 His list is correct, question is how could he possibly compose it?
 Scanning the whole [[:alnum:]]{1,30} dns range is impractical. I find
 it hard to believe he is sniffing some major backbone router for
 traffic and having access to a root DNS won't help him much (IMHO).
 How could he then have done it? The only option I can think of is that
 he is working @google or has backdoor access to google indexing
 service which allows him to query for info such as With what header
 did the http request came to the server.

 I find this highly intriguing.

 Ideas are welcome.

 Maxim Veksler

 Free as in Freedom - Do u GNU ?

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] WEEPING FOR WEP

2007-04-06 Thread Steven Adair
I do not use WEP at home.  I use WPA2 on my home network.  I agree with
the majority of what you both have said.  However, if you solely relied on
the risk level as the reason not upgrading to a more secure mechanism, I
would say you are doing yourself a disservice.  Now since I often rely on
NIST for guidance, I will reference NIST SP 800-30.

Risk is a function of the likelihood of a given threat-source’s
exercising a particular potential vulnerability, and the resulting impact
of that adverse event on the organization.

Now we might not allow agree with NIST or follow what they write, but they
are smart people doing a good job from my point of view.  However, I would
have to say for almost all home users and even most business environments
the impact that a successful attack would also be rated as low.  These
conversations have been focusing on likelihood of an attack.  Well
likelihood can fluctuate all of the time.  It will probably be low, but it
can change depending on your environment from a day-to-day basis.

So let's just say for the purposes of the discussion that there was a very
high likelihood someone is going to attack your home WEP network and they
are also capable of doing so.  Now what is the impact?  I doubt the real
potential impact would be crucial to ruin or end your life.  If you go to
shopping and banking sites that use TLS/SSL and you check your certs you
probably won't have your credit card information or identity stolen.  For
them to actually break into your machine once on the network there would
have to be more vulnerabilities resulting in the compromise of your
machine.  Maybe the person launches attacks and does bad stuff from your
IP address and you might at worst get paid a visit (worst case scenario).

When you look at the impact that would probably caused you have a low
impact.  Couple that with a low, medium, or high likelihood and you still
have LOW risk.  By these definitions WEP good enough in most situations. 
Heck by these definitions an open network might even be low risk in many

There is no question that there is a vulnerability with WEP that can be
exploited.  The question is whether or not someone will actually take the
time to exploit this vulnerability and what will happen as a result?

What I am getting at is that the cost of using WPA2 in many instances is
negligible if there is a cost at all.  How many people are using a Linksys
WRT54G and a laptop that is less than 3 years old.  Chances are all of
these users can support WPA at minimum.  I've had to run a separate
network for WEP users so I am not oblivious to that fact that not everyone
supports it.  However, their are PCMIA/PCI/USB wireless cards that can be
added at a low cost *if* WPA(2) is not already supported.

It seems all [most] new hardware support WPA(2).  The cost is very low and
it's readily available and accepted.  Why NOT use WPA(2) if you can?  Do
you use the Caesar Cipher to encrypt your data or AES-256?  If you just go
by risk, you could just use the Caesar Cipher half of the time.  The
likelihood someone will get your encrypted data is low, right?  You
cannot base all your decisions around risk of likelihood.  Especially when
there are easy, low cost, and efficient alternatives.

Also, as a side note, WPA(2) Personal mode with a strong passphrase is a
lot easier to remember than a WEP key...unless you have one of the
utilities that generates the key for you.  Even then you have diminishing


 Hash: SHA1

 I use WEP at home, even though my house is far enough from the road to
 make it rather difficult for someone to jump on my network.

 Even if someone decided to hide in the woods at the edge of my yard with
 a laptop they're more likely to be eaten by a bear, sprayed by a skunk,
 or chewed alive by mosquitoes than collecting enough packets to crack
 the WEP key, so WPA or LEAP would be overkill.

 Like you said, measurement of risk.

 seconds. Knowing that WEP is no more secure than a plastic luggage
 lock, many people are questioning whether WEP is even useful at all.

 While I certainly do not recommend WEP for high security (or even
 moderate risk) environments, you need to remember: security is a
 measurement of risk. If the threat is low enough, then WEP should
 be fine.

 WEP actually has three things going in its favor:

* Availability: While there are many alternatives to WEP, such
 as WPA and LEAP, only WEP is widely available. Hotels and coffee
 shops that only cater to WPA or LEAP will not support many of their
 customers. However, if you support WEP then everyone should be able
 to access the network.

* Better than nothing: There's a saying in Colorado: I don't
 have to run faster than the bear, I just have to run faster than
 you. If a casual war driver or WiFi-parasite has the option to use
 your WEP system or your neighbor's open system, they will always
 choose your