[Full-disclosure] Wordpress 2.5 Cookie Integrity Protection Vulnerability

2008-04-25 Thread Steven J. Murdoch
Wordpress 2.5 Cookie Integrity Protection Vulnerability

Original release date: 2008-04-25
Last revised: 2008-04-25
Latest version: 
CVE ID: CVE-2008-1930
Source: Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>

Systems Affected:

 Wordpress 2.5


 An attacker, who is able to register a specially crafted username on
 a Wordpress 2.5 installation, is able to generate authentication
 cookies for other chosen accounts.

 This vulnerability exists because it is possible to modify
 authentication cookies without invalidating the cryptographic
 integrity protection.

 If a Wordpress blog is configured to freely permit account creation,
 a remote attacker can gain Wordpress-administrator access and then
 elevate this to arbitrary code execution as the web server user.

 The vulnerability is fixed in Wordpress 2.5.1

I. Description

 Since version 2.5, Wordpress authenticates logged-in users through a
 cryptographically protected cookie, based on papers by Fu et al [1]
 and Liu et al [2]. This measure was introduced partly in response to
 vulnerability CVE-2007-6013 [3,4].

 The new cookies are of the form:
  "wordpress_".COOKIEHASH = USERNAME . "|" . EXPIRY_TIME . "|" . MAC 

  COOKIEHASH:  MD5 hash of the site URL (to maintain cookie uniqueness)
  USERNAME:The username for the authenticated user
  EXPIRY_TIME: When cookie should expire, in seconds since start of epoch
  MAC: HMAC-MD5(USERNAME . EXPIRY_TIME) under a key derived
   from a secret and USERNAME . EXPIRY_TIME.

 The flaw in this scheme is that USERNAME and EXPIRY_TIME are not
 delimited in the MAC calculation. Hence the cookie may be modified,
 without altering MAC, provided that the concatenation of USERNAME and
 EXPIRY_TIME remains unchanged.

 This class of vulnerability, the cryptographic splicing attack, was
 commented on by Fu et al [1], but Wordpress does not employ their
 recommended defence.

 An attacker wishing to exploit this vulnerability would therefore
 create an unprivileged account with its username starting with
 "admin". The cookie returned on logging into this account can then be
 manipulated so as to be valid for the administrator account.

II. Impact

 A remote attacker, who can create an account with specially crafted
 username, is able to gain administrator level access to the Wordpress
 installation. Through standard techniques, this can be escalated to
 arbitrary PHP code execution as the web server system user.

III. Solution

 Upgrade to Wordpress 2.5.1


 - De-select "Anyone can register" in the Membership section of
   General Settings to disable account creation.


  [1] Dos and Don'ts of Client Authentication on the Web,
  Kevin Fu, Emil Sit, Kendra Smith, Nick Feamster
  [2] A Secure Cookie Protocol,
  Alex X. Liu, Jason M. Kovacs, Chin-Tser Huang, Mohamed G. Gouda
  [3] Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability: CVE-2007-6013
  Steven J. Murdoch,
  [4] http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5367


 2008-04-22: [EMAIL PROTECTED] notified
 Confirmation of receipt received
 2008-04-25: Wordpress 2.5.1 released incorporating patch
 Vulnerability notice published

w: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability

2007-11-20 Thread Steven J. Murdoch
On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 07:08:36PM +0100, Stefan Esser wrote:
> Could you elaborate why you consider this news? Most public SQL
> injection exploits for Wordpress use this cookie trick.

I couldn't find it on the Wordpress bug tracker and when I mentioned
it to the Wordpress security address, they did not mention having
heard of it before. I also couldn't find a detailed explanation of the
problem online, nor in the usual vulnerability databases. Blog
administrators, like me, therefore risk sites being compromised
because they didn't realize the problem.

It seemed intuitive to me that restoring the database to a known good
state would be adequate to recover from a Wordpress compromise
(excluding guessable passwords). This is the case with the UNIX
password database and any similarly implemented system. Because of the
vulnerability I mentioned, this is not the case for Wordpress.

So I also thought it important to describe the workarounds, and fixes.
If these were obvious, Wordpress would have already applied them. Some
commenters did not think that the current password scheme needs to be,
or can be improved, despite techniques to do so being industry
standard for decades. Clearly this misconception needs to be

I did mention that this was being exploited, so obviously some people
already know about the problem, but not the right ones. Before I sent
the disclosure, there was no effort being put into fixing the problem.
Now there is. Hopefully blog administrators will also apply the
work-arounds in the meantime.


w: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/

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[Full-disclosure] Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability

2007-11-19 Thread Steven J. Murdoch
Wordpress Cookie Authentication Vulnerability

Original release date: 2007-11-19
Last revised: 2007-11-19
Latest version: 
Source: Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>

Systems Affected:

 Wordpress 1.5 -- 2.3.1 (including current version, as of 2007-11-19)


 With read-only access to the Wordpress database, it is possible to
 generate a valid login cookie for any account, without resorting to a
 brute force attack. This allows a limited SQL injection vulnerability
 to be escalated into administrator access.

 This vulnerability is known to be actively exploited, hence the
 expedited public release.

I. Description

 For authentication, the Wordpress user database stores the MD5 hash
 of login passwords. A client is permitted access if they can present a
 password whose hash matches the stored one.

 $ mysql -u wordpress -p wordpress
   Enter password: 

   mysql> SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM wp_users;
   | ID | user_login  | user_pass|
   |  1 | admin   | 4cee2c84f6de6d89a4db4f2894d14e38 |

 Of course, entering your password after each action that requires
 authorization would be exceptionally tedious. So, after logging in,
 Wordpress presents the client with two cookies:


 The cookie names contains the MD5 hash (6092...1a5f) of the blog URL.
 The value of wordpressuser_... is the login name, and the value of
 wordpresspass is the double-MD5 hash of the user password.

 Wordpress will permit access to a given user account if the
 wordpressuserpass_... cookie matches the hash of the specified user's
 wp_users.user_pass database entry.

 In other words, the database contains MD5(password) and the cookie
 contains MD5(MD5(password)). It is thus trivial to convert a database
 entry into an authentication cookie.

 At this point the vulnerability should be clear. If an attacker can
 gain read access to the wp_user table, for example due to a publicly
 visible backup or SQL injection vulnerability, a valid cookie can be
 generated for any account. 

 This applies even if the user's password is sufficiently complex to
 resist brute force and rainbow table attacks. While it should be
 computationally infeasible to go backwards from MD5(password) to
 password, the attacker needs only to go forwards.

 The exploitation steps are therefore:
  1) Find the hash of the blog URL: Either just look at the URL, or
 create an account to get a user cookie
  2) Read the user_pass entry from wp_users table: Look for
 backups, perform SQL injection, etc...
  3) Set the following cookies:
  4) You have admin access to the blog

II. Impact

 A remote attacker, with read access to the password database can gain
 administrator rights. This may be used in conjunction with an SQL
 injection attack, or after locating a database backup.

 An attacker who has alternatively compromised the database of one
 Wordpress blog can also gain access to any other whose users have the
 same password on both.

III. Solution

 No vendor patch is available.
 No timeline for a vendor patch has been announced.


 - Protect the Wordpress database, and do not allow backups to be
 - Keep your Wordpress installation up to date. This should reduce the
   risk that your database will be compromised.
 - Do not share passwords across different sites.
 - If you suspect a database to be compromised, change all passwords
   to different ones. It is not adequate to change the passwords to
   the same ones, since Wordpress does not "salt" [1] the password
 - Remove write permissions on the Wordpress files for the system
   account that the webserver runs as. This will disable the theme
   editor, but make it more difficult to escalate Wordpress
   administrator access into the capability to execute arbitrary code
 - Configure the webserver to not execute files in any directory
   writable by the webserver system account (e.g. the upload

 Potential fixes:

  The problem occurs because it is easy to go from the password hash
  in the database to a cookie (i.e the application of MD5 is the wrong
  way around). The simplest fix is to store MD5(MD5(password)) in the
  database, and make the cookie MD5(password). This still makes it
  infeasible to retrieve the password from a cookie, but means that it
  is also infeasible to generate a valid cookie from the database

  However, there are other vulnerabilities in the Wordpress cookie and
  password handling, which should be resolved too