Re: [Full-disclosure] Hacking in Schools

2014-02-25 Thread Hinky Dink

Wut?  This isn't about golf?

On 2/25/2014 1:39 PM, Brandon Perry wrote:
 I, for one, believe lumberjack skills are a must have for anyone entering the 
 workforce today. The ability to hack trees down swiftly and efficiently is 
 something i am not willing to train my employees to do. I fully expect our 
 school systems to cover this in enough detail that, as an employer, I can 
 expect recent graduates to hit the ground running.
 Just my 2c.
 Sent from a computer
 On Feb 25, 2014, at 8:33 AM, Pete Herzog wrote:

 How to teach hacking in school and open up education:


 Pete Herzog - Managing Director -
 ISECOM - Institute for Security and Open Methodologies

 Need impartial, expert advice? Request a call:

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[Full-disclosure] PoTTY v0.63 released

2013-08-30 Thread Hinky Dink

PoTTY is a re-branded PuTTY clone for Windows offering
obfuscated-openssh (oossh) support (if you have to ask, you don't need

This version simply adds the bug fixes made to Simon Tatham's PuTTY
v0.63 earlier this month.  No new features/capabilities were added.

Download page:


Notes  Stuff:

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[Full-disclosure] McAfee Relay Server Product Installs Open Proxy On Consumer PCs

2012-01-09 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
Earlier today I noticed I was getting a lot of TCP port 6515 proxies on
The List ( ) Curious, I checked
one it and it gave me a VIA header of

1.1 Fran-PC (McAfee Relay Server 5.2.3)

Then I took a peek at the database.  Nearly 1900 of these things since
December 1st, 2011.  Although the name of the PC above is a dead
giveaway that this is some sort of consumer product
([name-of-owner]-PC is the default Windows machine name created during
setup), a quick check of the DNS names of these boxes confirms they are
all on residential IP addresses.

So what is McAfee Relay Server?  I'm guessing it's one of those snarky
products they stick you with whenever you buy a new PC.  This makes
sense, since December is a big month for new PCs.

But why install it as an open proxy?  

If it's a security product I hope it's a honeypot.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] XSS Vulnerability in

2011-09-05 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink

That... ahem... particular company has had that particular page
(/MCS/email.apsx) in one form or another for a long time, since the late
90s at least, when it was a cgi app.  

IIRC, at one time you could SPAM anyone through it, but they learned
their lesson and now you can only SPAM the company's employees.
Considering the business they're in (think SCADA related) this could
be a Bad Thing.  The XSS is just the icing on the cake.

I find it interesting that they upgraded it to SharePoint.

It's an in-house app, one of several.  I believe the security model used
to be no one knows the URL.  

I'm guessing you're a contractor for that particular company because,
after all, no one knows the URL.

On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 02:00 +0530, Madhur Ahuja wrote:
 One of the pages in Emerson site are rendering the query string
 parameter without any inspection. This makes it possible to inject
 malicious content as shown below:
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[Full-disclosure] China - the land of open proxies

2011-09-01 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink

In July, hundreds of Chinese proxies on port 8909 started showing up
every day on public proxy lists.  In August the daily numbers were in
the thousands.

Here is the list I collected during that period.  There are 135K
proxies in this file (text, tab delimited, ~8 megs).

You may want to right-click and save as.  This is offered as data you
may be able to use for forensic purposes or router block lists.  Most of
these proxies are currently offline.  When they are online, they're very
good proxies.

I believe this is similar to the PPLiveVA issue with TCP port 9415 that
I noted back in April.

New port 9415 proxies stopped showing up on proxy lists when 8909 began
to take over, which leads me to believe this is the hot new media client
(either Youku or QQ) in Chinese-speaking countries.

--Mr. Hinky Dink

walk like a mannequin
roll like a tyre
act on reaction
dodge the Big Spud Fryer

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Yet Another Chinese Multimedia Player Supplies Thousands Of Open Proxies

2011-08-08 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
On Sun, 2011-08-07 at 16:27 -0400, wrote:
 On Sat, 06 Aug 2011 19:59:23 EDT, Mr. Hinky Dink said:
  23,000+ showed up in July.  Over 16,000 new ones in the first week of
  August.  Somebody doesn't get it.
  See also...
 Doesn't get it?  You're making the rash assumption it's not intentional.
 You yourself say Government spooks and contractors take note: you can use
 these to stage your false flag attacks!.  Now take it one step further - 
 what if
 they're intentionally open so the Chinese gov't can launch an attack through 
 and claim it was somebody else pulling a false flag attack?
 You think that's too devious? Go read up on who financed the research that
 lead to TOR - and *why* they financed it. (tl;dr: US Gov. financed it, so the 
 spooks could more easily fly under the wire mixed in with all the other 
 people using TOR.  So yes, it's patriotic to use TOR so it's even harder to 
 traffic analysis to track down our spooks. :)

There's always the possibility that *I* don't get it.

Because I'm SOMEBODY dammit!

So... are you a spook or a contractor?  Or both?

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[Full-disclosure] Yet Another Chinese Multimedia Player Supplies Thousands Of Open Proxies

2011-08-07 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink

23,000+ showed up in July.  Over 16,000 new ones in the first week of
August.  Somebody doesn't get it.

See also...

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[Full-disclosure] Seeking info on CVE-2011-0348

2011-01-26 Thread dink

See also

Cisco Bug ID CSCtk35917

If you or one of your budz had anything to do with this and are not
encumbered by NDA, please contact me off-list (or on -- it's all good).

This kind of thing is my specialty, so I have a professional interest.  


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[Full-disclosure] Did someone hack Dave Aitel's Twitt er account or is it an impostor?

2010-09-05 Thread dink
Recent Tweets about, which is in Chinese (I think).

And which seems to be a security blog link trap
(lots of crap that goes through

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[Full-disclosure] PoTTy (Obfuscated PuTTy) vulnerable to storm's DLL Hijacking Exploit

2010-08-27 Thread dink

NAME: PoTTy v0.60

VENDOR: Mr. Hinky Dink

PoTTy, an Open Source, modified version of Simon Tatham's PuTTy (Windows
version, v0.60) for Bruce Leidl's Obfuscated-OpenSSH v5.2 server, has
been demonstrated vulnerable to the recent Windows DLL hijacking


See storm's ( exploit code at


WTF?  How do I fix this?


Stop running Windows.


08/27/2010 - Vendor notified
08/27/2010 - Vendor craps pance
08/27/2010 - Vendor decides any publicity is good publicity
08/27/2010 - Vendor publishes details


This Notice:
Vendor Response:
PoTTy Download Page:

c. MMX Mr. Hinky Dink

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[Full-disclosure] Websense/ISA Via: Bypass Redux

2010-08-18 Thread dink
discovered by mrhinkydink

PRODUCT: Websense Enterprise

EXPOSURE: Trivial Web Policy Bypass (III)



On May 29, 2010 I demonstrated that by adding a Via: header to an HTTP
request it is possible for a user to completely bypass filtering and
monitoring in a Websense Enterprise 6.3.3/Microsoft ISA Server (2004 or
2006) proxy integration environment.  This was addressed in Websense
Knowledge Base article #5117.

However, anyone familiar with the Via bypass technique would have
noticed this remediation was insufficient.


The following works in a Websense Enterprise system using the ISA Server
integration product in a Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP, sometimes
referred to as CRAP) configuration, which requires at least two ISA

Assuming there are two ISA servers configured as per Websense Knowledge
Base article #5117, one at IP address and another at, perform the following:

I.   Install Firefox = 3.5

II.  Configure Firefox to use one of the proxy servers in the CARP array

III. Obtain and install the Modify Headers plug-in by Gareth Hunt

IV.  Configure the plug-in to add a valid Via: header pointing to the
other server in the array.

  Example: Via: 1.0

V.   Browse to a filtered Web site

VI.  All content is allowed without monitoring or filtering


All restrictions noted in the original Via Bypass article apply.



Limited only by your imagination!  You do have an imagination, don't



Install Hotfix 17 provided by Websense.


06/25/2010 - vendor notified

08/13/2010 - vendor releases Hotfix 17

08/18/2010 - PoC published

c. MMX mrhinkydink

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Re: [Full-disclosure] targetted SSH bruteforce attacks

2010-06-17 Thread dink

Have you ever considered obfuscated-openssh?

I have a modified version of PuTTY available for it...

Still... you should change the freakin' port.

 Original Message 
Subject: [Full-disclosure] targetted SSH bruteforce attacks
From: Gary Baribault
Date: Thu, June 17, 2010 7:48 am

Hello list,

 I have a strange situation and would like information from the
list members. I have three Linux boxes exposed to the Internet. Two of
them are on cable modems, and both have two services that are publicly
available. In both cases, I have SSH and named running and available
to the public. Before you folks say it, yes I run SSH on TCP/22 and no
I don't want to move it to another port, and no I don't want to
restrict it to certain source IPs.

 Both of these systems are within one /21 and get attacked
regularly. I run Denyhosts on them, and update the central server once
an hour with attacking IPs, and obviously also download the public
hosts.deny list.

 These machines get hit regularly, so often that I don't really
care, it's fun to make the script kiddies waste their time! But in
this instance, only my home box is being attacked... someone is
burning a lot of cycles and hosts to do a distributed dictionary
attack on my one box! The named daemon is non recursive, properly
configured, up to date and not being attacked.

 Is anyone else seeing this type of attack? Or is someone really
targeting MY box?


Gary Baribault
GPG Key: 0x685430d1
Signature: 9E4D 1B7C CB9F 9239 11D9 71C3 6C35 C6B7 6854 30D1

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Re: [Full-disclosure] targetted SSH bruteforce attacks

2010-06-17 Thread dink

Point taken.  However, my ulterior motive was in promoting
obfuscated-openssh, which, IMHO, is an excellent and under-appreciated
enhancement to openssh.

Note that with iptables you can leave ssh on port 22 but have it answer
on other ports.  See

Why anyone would want to do that is beyond me.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] targetted SSH bruteforce attacks
From: Gary Baribault
Date: Thu, June 17, 2010 8:44 am

 I just knew that people would say that, and that's why I specified
 that I WANT to keep SSH on 22 .. it's fun to see the attacks, and it's
 interesting to see new types of attacks. The question here is whether
 anyone else is seeing such a targeted attack.
 Gary Baribault
 GPG Key: 0x685430d1
 Signature: 9E4D 1B7C CB9F 9239 11D9 71C3 6C35 C6B7 6854 30D1

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

2010-05-30 Thread dink

Chaining downstream proxies to ISA and requiring Windows Integrated Auth
has been an issue for a long time (it generally breaks the chain, so
that fixes the bypass problem right there), but frankly I'm guessing.

Windows Auth brings a lot of incompatibilities with it.  I wouldn't
recommend it unless it was absolutely required, but its
proxy-chain-breaking properties are legendary.

The ISA server will continue to log, even though Websense won't, so you
do have that.  But ISA won't filter, so you're back to square one.   And
comparing the two databases for discrepancies can get ugly.  By the time
you get around to comparing the databases, the damage has already been
done.  It becomes a forensics exercise at that point.

What I think is going on here is either:

A) The Websense ISA plug-in sees that the request has come in by proxy
and assumes it has already been filtered by the originating proxy


B) ISA sees the request has come in by proxy and therefore doesn't send
the request to the Websense ISA plug-in for filtering.

If it's B, then it's a Microsoft issue and it may never get fixed (and
it becomes marketing bullet point for ISA Server TMG).  

If the same problem occurs in a SQUID integration of Websense 6.3.3,
then it's definitely A.  

I have a feeling Websense fixed it in the 7.x series, so they're
probably not motivated to fix it in 6.x.  Again, I don't have the
resources to test that theory (and I asked Dan Hubbard politely for a
temporary license for research purposes).

My hunch is they did fix it in 7.x because they pretty much ignored me
after the first e-mail I sent back in October 2009.

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass
From: Thor (Hammer of God)
Date: Sun, May 30, 2010 12:30 pm

Adding Via: completely bypasses monitoring too?? That is bad. I've
never used Websense, so pardon my ignorance, but this wouldn't apply to
with ISA's native monitoring and logging, so I'm just curious about
what's going on under the covers. Via: bypassing the filter is not
good but bypassing monitoring (and presumably logging) is really bad.
Nice find.

I am curious as to what your thoughts are regarding Windows Auth as a
mitigation. While it's nice that ISA could help solve a problem with
Websense, I'm don't see how that would work. How would requiring auth
solve Websense's inability to filter Via: headers?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:full-disclosure-] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 8:25 PM
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

discovered by mrhinkydink

PRODUCT: Websense Enterprise v6.3.3

EXPOSURE: Trivial Web Policy Bypass


By adding a Via: header to an HTTP request it is possible for a user to
completely bypass filtering and monitoring in a Websense Enterprise
6.3.3/Microsoft ISA Server (2004 or 2006) proxy integration environment.


The following works in a Websense 6.3.3 Enterprise system using the ISA
Server integration product and transparent authentication. It is assumed it 
work with other proxy integration products, but this has not been tested.

I. Install Firefox = 3.5

II. Obtain and install the Modify Headers plug-in by Gareth Hunt

III. Configure the plug-in to add a valid Via: header to every request

Example: Via: 1.1 VIAPROXY

IV. Browse to a filtered Web site

V. All content is allowed without monitoring



The Modify Headers plug-in does not work with SSL. However, in practice a
user could browse to a so-called (by Websense) Proxy Avoidance Web site
and use the SSL capabilities of the remote proxy.


Properly configured, a downstream SQUID proxy can send requests to the
upstream ISA server and all requests will pass through without blocking or
monitoring. No evidence of activity will be logged by Websense. This was in
fact how this vulnerability was originally discovered.
Considering the simplicity of the attack, the author suspects this bypass
technique is already well-known in certain circles.

Also, it is trivial to modify proxy-enabled Linux utilities to leverage this 
The author has recompiled (that is, HACKED) OpenVPN, connect-proxy,
PuTTY, stunnel, and others to take advantage of this policy bypass.

Obviously, the risk of undetected (by Websense, at least) covert tunnels is
high in a vulnerable installation of this product.

Linux platforms using this method in this specific environment will also enjoy
bypassing Websense's transparent authentication requirement.


For this 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

2010-05-30 Thread dink

When you look at the MUSTs for Via in RFC 2616, there are only three. 
None of them seem to be applicable here.  And, of course, nowhere does
it say a client MUST NOT fake a Via header. ;-)

So you have an assumption that if an HTTP request with a Via header
passes through your device it must have gotten there legitimately and it
must be treated accordingly.

In other words, this trick may have untapped potential.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass
From: Christian Sciberras
Date: Sun, May 30, 2010 1:40 pm
To: Thor (Hammer of God)

My first thought on this find was cool.

However the more I think about this, the more I think there's something
seriously amiss.

I would assume that there is some inside code which specifically tells
it to turn off everything when via is used?
 If this is so, what stops us from concluding this was some sort of
The only other reason for this would be them trying to support via but
did a(n extremely) bad job about it.

 Christian Sciberras

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
 Adding Via: completely bypasses monitoring too??  That is bad.  I've
never used Websense,  so pardon my ignorance, but this wouldn't apply to
with ISA's native monitoring and logging,  so I'm just curious about
what's going on under the covers.   Via: bypassing the filter is not
good but bypassing monitoring (and presumably logging) is really bad. 
Nice find.
 I am curious as to what your thoughts are regarding Windows Auth as a
mitigation.   While it's nice that ISA could help solve a problem with
Websense, I'm don't see how that would work.  How would requiring auth
solve Websense's inability to filter Via: headers?

 -Original Message-
[mailto:full-disclosure-] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 8:25 PM
 Subject: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass
 discovered by mrhinkydink
 PRODUCT: Websense Enterprise v6.3.3
 EXPOSURE: Trivial Web Policy Bypass
 By adding a Via: header to an HTTP request it is possible for a user
 completely bypass filtering and monitoring in a Websense Enterprise
 6.3.3/Microsoft ISA Server (2004 or 2006) proxy integration
 The following works in a Websense 6.3.3 Enterprise system using the
 Server integration product and transparent authentication. It is
assumed it will
 work with other proxy integration products, but this has not been
 I. Install Firefox = 3.5
 II. Obtain and install the Modify Headers plug-in by Gareth Hunt
 III. Configure the plug-in to add a valid Via: header to every
 Example: Via: 1.1 VIAPROXY
 IV. Browse to a filtered Web site
 V. All content is allowed without monitoring
 The Modify Headers plug-in does not work with SSL. However, in
practice a
 user could browse to a so-called (by Websense) Proxy Avoidance Web
 and use the SSL capabilities of the remote proxy.
 Properly configured, a downstream SQUID proxy can send requests to the
 upstream ISA server and all requests will pass through without
blocking or
 monitoring. No evidence of activity will be logged by Websense. This
was in
 fact how this vulnerability was originally discovered.
 Considering the simplicity of the attack, the author suspects this
 technique is already well-known in certain circles.
 Also, it is trivial to modify proxy-enabled Linux utilities to
leverage this bypass.
 The author has recompiled (that is, HACKED) OpenVPN, connect-proxy,
 PuTTY, stunnel, and others to take advantage of this policy bypass.
 Obviously, the risk of undetected (by Websense, at least) covert
tunnels is
 high in a vulnerable installation of this product.
 Linux platforms using this method in this specific environment will
also enjoy
 bypassing Websense's transparent authentication requirement.
 For this specific installation scenario (Websense 6.3.3 + ISA 2004/6 +
 transparent authentication), none are known. The following may work:
 * Use Windows Integrated Authentication on the ISA Server
 * Upgrade to Websense 7.x
 * Do not use a proxy integration product
 10/09/2009 - vendor notified
 05/29/2010 - PoC published
 c. MMX mrhinkydink
 Full-Disclosure - 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

2010-05-30 Thread dink

I wouldn't call breaking proxy chaining mitigation, either.  More like a
quick fix, if and only if it works.  Or maybe you'd call it a
work-around, which is what I called it in the first place.

No, there's nothing at all in the Websense database indicating you went
to  You are home free until someone decides to look at the
ISA logs (if logging is turned on) and finds it in there.  But you spent
good money on Websense and want pretty reports with charts and colors
and your company logo, right?

In that way, this is much better than my 2007 User-Agent hack (now
fixed).  Your indiscretions were logged, but not blocked or categorized.

Now, as far as stripping out the Via header at ISA goes, per RFC 2616...

Multiple Via field values represents each proxy or gateway that has
forwarded the message. Each recipient shout MUST /shout append its
information such that the end result is ordered according to the
sequence of forwarding applications.

MUST append... does not mean, in my understanding of the English
language (and RFC 2119), delete the downstream device's Via header. 
If you do anything other than append... (which you MUST do), you're
breaking the RFC.  

And if you go around breaking RFCs, you're BAD, m'kay? ;-)

Link to 2007 User-Agent hack, just in case you missed it...

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass
From: Thor (Hammer of God)
Date: Sun, May 30, 2010 2:19 pm

Ah, authenticating at the web proxy *chain*. That wasn't intuitive from
the original post... breaking the chain by requiring an auth mechanism
that the downstream proxy doesn't support really isn't a mitigation,
but now I understand the basis of the statement.

But, if they fixed it in 7.x, then it obviously wasn't B below. ISA
wouldn’t work like that anyway. It doesn't send requests to the
plug-in. You either use a filter or you don't. For instance, if I
simply used the web proxy filter instead, I could filter for Via: and
block it. But then again, if I had to do that, I wouldn't have purchased
Websense but rather handled all my blocking at ISA. 

Not that it really matters to me personally, but I am curious - is the
logging of the request completely dropped, or is it just not logged as a
filtered request. IOW, if I'm behind the downstream proxy, and I go to, Web sense logs the request and part of the logging is that
it was filtered or blocked or something. But if I set Via in the
downstream proxy (or at the client via something like firefox) and go to, not only do I reach the site, but there is no record
whatsoever that I went to playboy? If it is the latter, then they would
HAVE to fix it in 6.3.3 IMO. 


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Thor (Hammer of God)
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

Chaining downstream proxies to ISA and requiring Windows Integrated Auth
has been an issue for a long time (it generally breaks the chain, so that fixes
the bypass problem right there), but frankly I'm guessing.

Windows Auth brings a lot of incompatibilities with it. I wouldn't recommend
it unless it was absolutely required, but its proxy-chain-breaking properties
are legendary.

The ISA server will continue to log, even though Websense won't, so you
do have that. But ISA won't filter, so you're back to square one. And
comparing the two databases for discrepancies can get ugly. By the time you
get around to comparing the databases, the damage has already been done.
It becomes a forensics exercise at that point.

What I think is going on here is either:

A) The Websense ISA plug-in sees that the request has come in by proxy and
assumes it has already been filtered by the originating proxy


B) ISA sees the request has come in by proxy and therefore doesn't send the
request to the Websense ISA plug-in for filtering.

If it's B, then it's a Microsoft issue and it may never get fixed (and it
becomes marketing bullet point for ISA Server TMG).

If the same problem occurs in a SQUID integration of Websense 6.3.3, then it's
definitely A.

I have a feeling Websense fixed it in the 7.x series, so they're probably not
motivated to fix it in 6.x. Again, I don't have the resources to test that 
(and I asked Dan Hubbard politely for a temporary license for research

My hunch is they did fix it in 7.x because they pretty much ignored me after
the first e-mail I sent back in October 2009.

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass
From: Thor (Hammer of God) 
Date: Sun, May 30, 2010 12:30 

[Full-disclosure] Websense Enterprise 6.3.3 Policy Bypass

2010-05-29 Thread dink
discovered by mrhinkydink

PRODUCT: Websense Enterprise v6.3.3

EXPOSURE: Trivial Web Policy Bypass


By adding a Via: header to an HTTP request it is possible for a user
to completely bypass filtering and monitoring in a Websense Enterprise
6.3.3/Microsoft ISA Server (2004 or 2006) proxy integration environment.


The following works in a Websense 6.3.3 Enterprise system using the ISA
Server integration product and transparent authentication. It is assumed
it will work with other proxy integration products, but this has not
been tested.

I. Install Firefox = 3.5

II. Obtain and install the Modify Headers plug-in by Gareth Hunt

III. Configure the plug-in to add a valid Via: header to every request

Example: Via: 1.1 VIAPROXY

IV. Browse to a filtered Web site

V. All content is allowed without monitoring



The Modify Headers plug-in does not work with SSL. However, in practice
a user could browse to a so-called (by Websense) Proxy Avoidance Web
site and use the SSL capabilities of the remote proxy.


Properly configured, a downstream SQUID proxy can send requests to the
upstream ISA server and all requests will pass through without blocking
or monitoring. No evidence of activity will be logged by Websense. This
was in fact how this vulnerability was originally discovered.
Considering the simplicity of the attack, the author suspects this
bypass technique is already well-known in certain circles.

Also, it is trivial to modify proxy-enabled Linux utilities to leverage
this bypass. The author has recompiled (that is, HACKED) OpenVPN,
connect-proxy, PuTTY, stunnel, and others to take advantage of this
policy bypass.

Obviously, the risk of undetected (by Websense, at least) covert tunnels
is high in a vulnerable installation of this product.

Linux platforms using this method in this specific environment will also
enjoy bypassing Websense's transparent authentication requirement.


For this specific installation scenario (Websense 6.3.3 + ISA 2004/6 +
transparent authentication), none are known. The following may work:

* Use Windows Integrated Authentication on the ISA Server

* Upgrade to Websense 7.x

* Do not use a proxy integration product


10/09/2009 - vendor notified

05/29/2010 - PoC published


c. MMX mrhinkydink

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

2010-03-27 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
As far as RDP is concerned, it's much simpler (and more fun!) to host an 
Evil RDP Server than it is to hack into one.  There is no end to the 
shenanigans you can create or the havoc you can wreak, if you're into that 
kind of thing (just sayin'... as a Big Time Security Professional™, I'm 

For instance, this low quailty, seldom seen, crappy video (barely) shows how 
you can get a virus/Trojan/worm/etc. if you are insane enough to attach your 
local drives to an untrusted RDP server (the popup at the end is the AV 
going off).

EXTRA CREDIT: devise a Group Policy that will prevent users from attaching 
their local drives to a remote RDP server.

- Original Message - 
From: wicked clown
To: Thor (Hammer of God)
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 7:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

I think we are two different pages :)

what I was trying to show if you have a group policy that will only run a 
certain applications for example notepad.exe, the user is unable to access 
my computer, run or the start button or any other application. There would 
be a shortcut on the desktop for just notepad.exe for the user to execute.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

2010-03-27 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
In your case, had you answered the question correctly I would have promised 
to never (again) blog about you arguing with Craig S. Wright.

However, it was a trick question.  There is no way to do it with Group 
Policy (at least not with XP and Server 2003... maybe they changed that in 
Windows Vis7a and Server 2008, but I really haven't kept up with the tech).

- Original Message - 
From: Thor (Hammer of God)
To: Mr. Hinky Dink;
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

Oh, sorry I read the question wrong.  Just don't allow them to attach 
their local drives.  Simple.

Still, what do I win?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

2010-03-26 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
There is a section in RCP-Tcp Properties on the server under Environment for 
Do not allow an initial program to be launched.  Always show the desktop.

  - Original Message - 
  From: wicked clown 
  Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 5:04 AM
  Subject: [Full-disclosure] Possible RDP vulnerability

  Hi Guys,

  I think I possible may have found a vulnerability with using RDP / Terminal 
services on windows 2003. 

  If you lock down a server and only allow users who connect to your RDP 
connection to run certain applications, users can bypass this and run ANY 
application they want. You can do this by modifying the RDP profile / shortcut 
and add your application to the alternate shell and the shell working directory.

  When the user connects now to the RDP server the banned application will 
execute upon logging on even though the user isn’t allowed to execute the 
application if the user logs on normally. This doesn’t work with cmd.exe but I 
have been able to execute internet explorer, down a modified cmd version, 
modify the RDP profile to execute the new cmd and it works like a charm.

  I have only been able to tested this on windows 2003 using a local policy and 
works like a treat. Even in the wild! 

  I have done a quick basic video which can been seen here;

  Instead of modifying the RDP profile, I just added my application to the 
program tab.. I know the video is crappy but it’s just meant to give you an 
idea what I am talking about :)

  So in short, if anybody can access your server via RDP they are NOT 
restricted by the policy. I would be interested in any feed back about this 
possible exploit / vulnerability even if you don’t think it is.. or even better 
if someone knows how to defend againest it!! LOL! :)


  Wicked Clown.


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] The Hinky Dink Top 10 Koobface Infested Shitholes Report

2010-03-22 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
Today I was inspired by The Norton Top 10 Riskiest Online Cities Report 
( so 
I decided to do my own press release with my own data (in light of recent 

The Hinky Dink Top 10 Koobface Infested Shitholes Report Reveals Where Web 
2.0's Most PWN3D Users Live

Columbus, Ohio – March 22, 2010 – Mr. Hinky Dink, a Big Time Security 
Professional™ today released an analysis of the spread of the Koobface worm.
Based on an exhaustive study of his database of over two and a half million 
open Web proxies collected over two years, Hinky's findings demonstrate 
where the most vulnerable social networking users can be found.

The following are ranked the Hinky Top Ten Social Networking Shitholes:

 1.Saint Louis
 3.Kansas City
 7.Oklahoma City
 8.Los Angeles

The complete report is available at


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[Full-disclosure] Setting the record straight on The Return of Koobface

2010-03-20 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink
Today I ran across this article...

... in which it is noted that Kaspersky Labs recently discovered the 
resurgence of the malicious programme (Koobface) and sounded the alarm.

Gentlemen, I beg to differ.

I first mentioned the resurgence of Koobface on February 23rd, 2010 here...

I admit I did not sound the alarm.  I simply lol'd because Koobface is one 
sign of the EPIC FAIL of the security industry.

Just ask Dancho Danchev.  He's made quite a name for himself by doing 
absolutely nothing worthwhile about Koobface except raising his won blood 
pressure spewing vitriol about The Koobface Gang (sorry, Danny, but I'm 
not part of the gang.  I'm just another BlogSpot loser).

For those wondering, I am not a hacker.  I am a Big Time Security 
Professional (you may remember me if you Google Websense Policy Bypass - 
unfortuantely those bastards at Warner Brothers killed the soundtrack to my 
YouTube video).  But I am at heart a skeptic, disappointed at what the 
security industry has become.  I created my Proxy List 
( two years ago as a tool for an as 
yet unpublished paper on open SOCKS proxies in the wild.  It has had the 
unintended side effect of tracking the spread of Koobface, since Kooberz 
proxies exclusively (until this month) appear on TCP port 8085.  And it has 
tracked it quite well.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say Hello (no, not GREETZ) to all 
the Cameroonian Puppy Scammers (papa Dollars, STARVO, Dabbleed, et. al.) who 
abuse my proxy list.  Enough is enough.  Get a real job, fellas.  : (Follow me! I have no friends!) :

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Setting the record straight on The Return ofKoobface

2010-03-20 Thread Mr. Hinky Dink

Absolutely you are correct, but if you check the blog there are further 
references up to last Friday.  It was a tremendous, jaw-dropping flood of 
Kooberz proxies the last two weeks.  And it's still coming.

The point is us Little Guys are paying attention, too.  And sometimes we 
catch this shit before the Big Boys like Dancho and Kaspersky wake up and 
smell the coffee.  Since February I've been wondering Why The Hell I hadn't 
heard anything in the ITsec press on this new resurgence.  Did they hold 
back so Dancho could publish his Ten Things You Didn't Know About The 
Koobface Gang article?  Or so Microsoft could gloat over taking down the 
Wimpy Waledac botnet?  Is the Good News always published before the Bad News 
in the security industry press release cycle?

The fact remains, Koobface marches on and the security industry can't stop 
it.  Period.  I will be among the first to jump up and down and yell RA! 
when someone takes it down, but it ain't going to happen soon.  All I can do 
is sit back and watch while the Big Boys get their headlines.

BTW, I don't consider myself bitter.  I'm what you might call tangy.

Thanks for your support,


- Original Message - 
From: J Roger
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Setting the record straight on The Return 

This reads as waaa i noticed this first and didn't think much of it but now 
that someone else is making a big deal, i want my credit. Maybe you 
reported on it first on your blog, with a single sentence that wasn't even 
the primary focus of the post. Regardless if an up rise in koobface is 
significantly news worthy or not, you apparently failed to draw enough 
attention (or the right attention) to it at the time.

In other words, maybe you did it first, but someone else did it better.

What's more valuable to an enterprise, someone that quickly writes a risk 
assessment that's so sloppy the management with authority to act on the 
findings don't even bother to read it, or someone that takes the time to 
write a report on the same findings that actually speaks to the business and 
be able to make positive changes happen.

You talk about being bitter towards the security industry (which IS 
understandable) but maybe it's time to reflect back a little on yourself. 
Maybe it's not ALL the industries fault. Maybe the sources of your 
bitterness have a little something to do with your inability to make enough 
of the right things happen. Sure you're a Big Time Security Professional, 
but maybe your blog wasn't enough to get the word out. Maybe you felt it 
wasn't even worth getting the word out or sounding any alarms. If that's the 
case though, don't go back now and try to take credit.

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