[Full-disclosure] Renaissance

2007-10-14 Thread rpcxfsmd rpcxfsmd
I am not sure if this will be of any interest to anyone. anyway


Renaissance is Web2.0 client-side API which was designed to easy the
development of surface agents (ajax bots). The library was intended to
be used for cutting-edge Web2.0 security research, although later it
was found that it may serve other purposes as well. The project is
still at development stage. We recommend you to have a look at the For
my next trickā€¦ hacking Web2.0 purple paper for some insights how to
use the project.

the API documentation can be found over here:

Let me know if you find it useful.


-- pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov http://www.gnucitizen.org

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Why criticize security researchers? On the recent PDP case.

2007-10-14 Thread rpcxfsmd rpcxfsmd
Fist of all sorry for my English, I'm from Russia and can't speak very

I'm very sad for the current state of security, that includes people who
contest great contributions to the industry from people like pdp
(architect) and call them bullshit.

pdp does not give a damn about any of this sophomoric stuff. When he and
the other members of the think tank group post legitimate security
information in the true spirit of GNUCITIZEN half(partial)-disclosure
initiative pdp's and group's credibility is increased as well as the
amount of respect they receive amongst the security community.

GNUCITIZEN is more then a cutting-edge security blog. It is culture, way
of life, community. The GNUCITIZEN *ethos expands beyond* the boundaries
of the current domain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy).

You clearly haven't read http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/clear where
Petko D. Petkov, a.k.a pdp (architect), the founder and leading
contributer of the GNUCITIZEN group, explains why you are wrong. You
know when people is in right why the hell would admit to be in wrong?

A clear example of extremely important and military grade industrial
nuclear plant contribution is:

pdp (architect) wrote:
> http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/intel-video-ad-on-security-directed-by-christopher-guest
> the video is quite interesting I must say.

He is only trying to show you that *while* ppl can be in the industry
from *many many years doing serious stuff* (that doesn't mention _http_
requests and responses) he (that is younger) can *exploit and 0wn*
devices at a faster rate using techniques like Strategic Hacking using
a specially crafted GEOIP database and a specially crafted mouse cursor
that will not be revealed.

All an attacker needs to do to exploit the weakness is to lure a victim,
part of an integrated network, to a malicious website or trick them into
opening specially crafted ICA file.

Now i ask you: How can you ignore this and show criticism to somebody
that is that clear?

I guess you have not read his explanation of how things are since he
won't in any way support his thesis and what he says is as-is, immutable
and perfectly spheric.

The first general misconception is regarding the CITRIX posts [..] my
intention was not to familiarize you with the techniques but to draw
your attention to the ridiculous number of wide open CITIRIX service
located on government and military facilities. I don't know about you
but to me this is concerning. It has become even more concerning when I
accidentally stumbled across some nuclear power I don't know what, a
global logistics system and US Federal funding portal. Since, I don't
have the time and the facilities to contact each of the affected
organization individually I decided to go public and let the people know
about the problem, hoping that someone will bother. Fortunately for all
of us, the operation was successful!

This is *ethics*, using informations contained in a document of many
years before written by somebody else to publicly show how critical
infrastructures are vulnerable by the hand of anybody who is able to
read GNUCITIZEN's web 2.1 blog.

It's pretty clear and easy to understand: he don't have the time and the
facilities to contact each of the targets that were vulnerable and
reachable by a google dork he provided: Nuclear power plants, a global
logistics system and US Federal funding portal were respectably at page
14, 5 and 32 of the Google results so people can contact them or just
interact with the terminal server and leave the admins a txt file on the
desktop pointing them to the issue.

Everybody especially who is in the security industry and owns a CISP
CPSTER COPCOP knows that script kiddies can't go far than the second
results page in Google an YAHOO InterTUBES (a great hacking tool).

 _*No joke. We all should be thankful to pdp for this.*_

Additionally he and Adrian published a post (BT Home Flub: Pwnin the BT
Home Hub) on the vulnerabilities they found in BT Home
Hub/Thomson/Alcatel Speedtouch 7G router, currently affecting more then
2 000 000+ (two millions plus) users. You know it's pretty cool to find
high risk security holes like XSS and CRSF in SOHO appliances because
they are generally really locked down and secured. Dunno why HDM didn't
this before.

They don't even know the exact number of the 2 000 000 and plus
affected users, nor their names. As you can see they are a pretty good
think thank hackers trying to lower the high level of crime emanating
from the internet. They don't know the exact number and the SSN of all
the vulnerable users because they have not exploited all of them (in
fact they just hacked 200 000+ users to make sure the attack was
working). They believe the number has to be at least 4 or 5 millions
(GLOBALLY!) mainly because of similar issues found on the Speedtouch
routers shipped by other ISPs.

People from FD and BUGTRAQ have responded with some very interesting but
quite groundless claims stating that this is