*Advisory Information*

Title: Astaro Security Gateway - bypass using whitelist domain pattern

upSploit Ref: UPS-2011-0041

*Advisory Summary*

Astaro Security Gateway's default Web Filtering Exceptions allow
specially-named domains to bypass security features of the firewall.



*Affected Software*

Astaro Security Gateway

"Astaro Security Gateway hardware, software, and virtual appliances provide
full Unified Threat Management protection. All platforms include the
complete feature set and the same ease-of-use." - http://www.astaro.com/

*Description of Issue*

Astaro Security Gateway - Home edition was used, other versions may be

In the ASG WebAdmin console, choose Web Security, Web Filtering,
Exceptions. The following regular expressions form a default whitelist that
allow bypassing of the firewall's features at varying levels to achieve
compatibility (one would assume):


However, a savvy attacker need only serve malware from a drive-by web site
named www.exampleadobe.com (which would match the first regular expression
above) and the features of the firewall that would be bypassed include:
Antivirus / Extension blocking / Content Removal / Authentication / URL

The regular expressions need to be fixed to ensure the domain cannot be
prefixed with other letters.


Use of a domain name such as www.exampleadobe.com to serve up EICAR virus


Update to the latest version


Timeless Prototype


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