More and more Oracle Database customers are implementing IDS and auditing
solutions to satisfy legislative requirements like SOX and HIPAA.  Often
these tools are implemented with little testing or awareness that there are
potentially multiple techniques that can easily be used to evade these
solutions.  To highlight this issue, Integrigy has developed a short paper
on the topic to help people evaluate the effectiveness of their Oracle IDS
implementations.  The paper focuses on Snort and signature based products,
but should be applicable to other types of IDS and Oracle specific

This paper expands on three evasion techniques previously described by
Joxean Koret in his paper "Oracle Database IDS Evasion Techniques for
SQL*Net" with a number of new techniques and some variations on Joxean's
techniques.  Joxean's paper can be found at -

The Integrigy whitepaper can be found at -

Hope this helps.
Stephen Kost - Integrigy

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