[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-06 Thread Lionel

Aviram Jenik wrote:
What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that can 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations. Maybe 
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and 
hopefully start with this opinion leader.

Speaking with my sysadmin, netadmin & (sometimes) IT manager hats on, 
the reason *I* value full-disclosure security reports is simply because 
of the business politics involved in dealing with security issues at a 
company level. It's much, *much* easier to convince a CEO/CIO to 
allocate urgent resources (in both labour & funding) to deal with a 
*proven*,  security vulnerability, than to a 'theoretical' security issue.
And another business slant on this is that it's better to be one of 
millions of organisations being threatened by a well-documented, 
publically-known exploit that'll probably be patched by the software 
vendor or neutralised by the anti-virus companiess in a few days, than 
to be one of a few dozen organisations targetted by professional 
extortionists with *unreported* vulnerabilities in their toolkit, for 
which you have zero knowledge, & against which you are helpless.

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[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-05 Thread wnorth

Working at a major organization, I find the one thing that is most
frustrating is trying to validate whether a public exploit is actually a
threat or not, we rely on tools like nessus and such the like that may or
may not provide false positives. I believe public exploits (full disclosure)
is a necessity and whether or not top security firms believe it, doesn't
matter to me, it's not something that will never be stopped. I'd give you my
company name, but unfortunately I am not allowed to. Suffice to say it is a
major privately held organization that does business in the billions per
year. They are very adamant about putting security in place, and not just
from an attack and penetration perspective, but true engineering of
applications with security in mind.

If this analyst believes that all that public exploits do are put users at
risk, they are missing the bottom line of this whole thing, which
is...education. OK so we'll all simply rely on the vendors to patch our
systems, without fully investigating the ramifications of those patches on
3rd party applications that are either relying on the O/S or sharing an O/S
or that are integrated with the very system we are patching. The bottom line
is public exploits help to educate us security engineers and sys admins on
security, and provide us with an in-depth look at what other people are
doing to exploit systems, it's an education process, it helps us it does not
detour us. What detours us is when some kid or frustrated person decides to
wrap up the exploit in some mass-distribution application. 

Conversely the argument could be made that if public exploits where not
available the number of these worms/viruses would be far minimized, to which
my response would be, take away information from people and they will find
other means to obtain it. Sure we can try and argue against public exploits
because they give mischievous people opportunity to wreak havoc on systems
that we have to support, but if you have a good patch management and AV
solution in place, guess what...you have nothing to worry about.

This is my personal opinion having worked in security for quite a few years
as well as managing a team of senior systems engineers responsible for
enterprise systems.

-Wesley North

-Original Message-
From: Aviram Jenik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:14 AM
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk; bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for


I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with one of
the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was that
companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant for
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users at
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst remained
reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself, and
the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider
their position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their
own benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then I'll
change my opinion."

Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is for
most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user organization
and are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I
hope), drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact.

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure; all
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me about
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes these
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that
can explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations.
Maybe we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure,
and hopefully start with this opinion leader.


Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-02 Thread Harry Metcalfe
I agree that in some cases, release of exploit code is unnecessary - but in
other cases, it is completely essential. In an open source product - as was
recently the case with the osCommerce HTTP splitting vulnerability - it is
necessary for programmers to fix vulnerabilities, in cases where the
organisation that produces the software does not release a patch or updated
version in time. 

Also, open source products - especially web applications - are often
modified by their users. I am responsible for maintaining several osCommerce
carts that have been heavily modified to suit the needs of the companies
that use them. Even if a patch or new version were released for a security
problem, it would be of little help for me: to install it would require
remodifying each cart. This would be a horrendous waste of time; it is far
quicker simply to fix the vulnerability in each installed instance, and in
cases like that, proof of concept code is essential: without it, one cannot
reliably test fixes applied to the product.

Finally, proof of concept code has value - in all cases - as a means of
proving the existence of a vulnerability. It is the most efficient way to
provide other researchers with the proof that a vulnerability is real, with
the means to reproduce the problem, and with the ability to check the
original researcher's approach for flaws or related vulnerabilities that may
not have been discovered the first time round.

Release of proof of concept code is obviously dangerous, but not *very*
dangerous: it's a trade-off between the verifying the quality of research
and the ability to fix problems, and the safety of the wider community. I
assert that, as is often the case with this type of problem, the benefits
outweigh the risks: blackhat communities will likely distribute their own
exploit code anyway, and determined attackers will not be put off by the
lack of proof of concept code. In other words, the lack of proof of concept
*can* harm the community, and is unlikely to make much difference to

Harry Metcalfe

-Original Message-
From: Aviram Jenik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 June 2005 13:14
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk; bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for


I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with one of

the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was that

companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant for 
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users at 
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst remained

reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself, and

the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider
position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their own 
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then I'll 
change my opinion."

Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is for

most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user organization
are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I hope), 
drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact.

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure; all 
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me about 
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes these 
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations.
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and 
hopefully start with this opinion leader.


Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-01 Thread Morales, David (Seta)
Hi Aviram,

I use this type of code to ensure that when patches are applied, it does
not "break" any part of the OS and or application which has already been
patched. Also I don't take anyone's word that a system has been patched
or a security hole has been fixed without testing and re-certifying the
application or the OS. 
Without the exploit code I would not be able to verify any of this and
could very well leave my systems wide open.
In a private sector company this code should be used in the same manner,
to ensure compliance with SOX. To leave systems untested would be
hanging your company out to dry.

David Morales

-Original Message-
From: Aviram Jenik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:14 AM
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk; bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for


I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with
one of 
the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was
companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst
reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself,
the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider
position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their own 
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then
change my opinion."

Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is
most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user
organization and 
are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I
drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact.

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure;
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin
that can 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations.
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure,
hopefully start with this opinion leader.


Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-01 Thread Socrates
I for one am glad to see PoC code. Too often vendors are very vague with 
their patchsets (Oracle basically says to install a huge tarball to fix 
'critical' vulnerabilities without listing exactly what it fixes and the 
recent Backup Exec vulnerability had a later patch version available for 
a different unrelated problem than the published advisory for the agent 
password overflow - you had to read three different advisories to find 
out if the later patchset had the fix - it did, even then it was a crap 
shoot). Given the lack of disclosure from the vendors, I like to have 
PoC code available to test if the patch really was applied correctly 
(and was the correct one). Don't forget the instances when either a 
patch silently fails, or if you are a security admin, don't trust that 
the admins really patched all of their machines. I would forgo most PoC 
codes if vendors would *exactly* explain what was in their patchsets 
(and provided a way to test for the existence of easily) and what they 
addressed without these matrix's of different versions of their product 
cross-referenced to a simple 'critical' reference. Even as vague as MS 
announcements are, they are still one of the better disclosing vendors 
when it comes to their announcements.

Then again, I like to learn from the PoC code to further my knowledge as 
how the inner workings of programs work and how much of a poor job 
someone did while coding it.

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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-07-01 Thread Curt Sampson

Interesting, becuase this just hit me the other day.

Wearing my sysadmin hat, I woke up one morning to find that the NetBSD
package converters/xlreader had a vulnerability. Nobody seemed to have
a patch for it, but looking at it, even with my rather limited level of
C coding skill, I reckoned I could fix it. (Standard buffer overflow:
replace sprintf with snprintf kinda thing.) So I did.

Or at least, I think I did. I can't get my hands on a working exploit,
so I don't feel truly comfortable that I did indeed fix the problem. Maybe
to someone more familiar with C it would be proved fixed by inspection,
but I don't feel that comfortable with it myself.

I didn't really used to think that exploits were so useful until this.

Curt Sampson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.NetBSD.org
 Make up enjoying your city life...produced by BIC CAMERA
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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Damian Menscher

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Aviram Jenik wrote:

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that can
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations. Maybe
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and
hopefully start with this opinion leader.

I'll skip over the obvious stuff (exploits are distributed anyway, 
knowing when exploits exist is helpful for prioritizing patches, etc) 
and jump to your specific question: how this helps me and my 
organization as end-users.

When a vendor issues an advisory, it tells us that their software should 
be upgraded, and often gives mitigating factors.  But upgrading software 
all the time is risky: you never know when a patch will break something. 
So it's often helpful to wait a day before upgrading, if you know that 
there is no known exploit.  FD lists therefore help us prioritize 

Also, many times there are enough mitigating factors that it may be 
difficult to determine whether (in the case of an exploit being 
published before we've had a chance to patch) there was any period of 
vulnerability.  For example, with stack randomization enabled, the 
exploit might fail.  It would be reassuring to confirm that.

Finally, many vendors (RedHat being a notable one) backport security 
patches, rather than upgrading to the latest version (which may 
introduce new bugs^Wfeatures).  A side effect is that it's often 
difficult to determine whether your machines are vulnerable to any given 
exploit.  Yes, we could probably glean the information from changelogs 
and security advisories from the vendor, but that's often a confusing 
process (the inclusion of CAN/CVE numbers helps).

And, of course, if you're the security guy (I've worn this hat too), all 
you can see is that they're running (for the case of OpenSSH) 
OpenSSH_3.6.1p2, which might be vulnerable.  You don't know that the fix 
was backported into openssh-3.6.1p2-33.30.4.  So you need to test.  In 
fact, I suspect this is why your friend doesn't want the exploits to be 
released.  If organizations could test their own security (which 
*requires* having the exploits, as I just explained), it would cut into 
his company's market-share.

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
-=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=-
-=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=-
-=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=-
-=#| The above opinions are not necessarily those of my employers. |#=-
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[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Marvin Simkin
While performing penetration testing at the request of a Fortune 500
financial services company, I discovered a vulnerability that, if
abused, could have been used to initiate fraudulent funds transfers,
stock market transactions, etc.

The client was skeptical when told the exploit could occur in a matter
of two or three seconds, go unnoticed by the victim, and gain such
comprehensive unauthorized access. At the client's request, I wrote a
proof-of-concept exploit that demonstrated everything except the final
fraudulent action, but made it clear that exposure was only one more
tiny step away. The client overcame their skepticism.

While this particular exploit was not published, it shows a real-world
"end-user organization [with] legitimate needs for exploit code"
resulting in greater security for all customers of this organization.
Another penetration tester in similar circumstances might be able to use
or adapt a published exploit instead of writing a new one from scratch.

Marvin Simkin

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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Skip Carter

> I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with one of 
> the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was that 
> companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant for 
> bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users at 
> risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

> reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
> security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself, and 
> the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider their

I think its a question of what the role of the 'security administrator' is 
the enterprise.  If their job is primarily threat evaluation and appropriate
patching/updating in response, then I agree that the publication of an exploit
is not very helpful.  If, however, the job is firewall/IDS management or
incident investigation, then having access to actual exploit code is
extremely valuable to have.

 Dr. Everett (Skip) Carter   Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX:  831-641-0647
 Taygeta Network Security Services   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314 WWW: http://www.taygeta.net/
 Monterey, CA. 93940

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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread John Madden
Hash: SHA1

On (30/06/05 15:13), Aviram Jenik didst pronounce:
> What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin 
> that can explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR 
> organizations. Maybe we can start changing public opinion with regards 
> to full disclosure, and hopefully start with this opinion leader.
I sysadmin a small number of machines, mainly Debian based. When an
exploit comes out, it's usually released as "version X is vulnerable". 
Debian's version numbers don't always directly match releases of the 
vulnerable software, so having exploit code available helps to verify 
whether or not the software is vulnerable, without having to wait for 
Debians advisory, which are usually released later than the vulnerability 
release. It's also very useful to decide whether you need to use a 
workaround (which may cause disruption or change to the service) or not.

- -- 
Chat ya later,

- --
BOFH excuse #1: clock speed
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Thomas Reinke
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then I'll 
change my opinion."

Heh...very close-minded to begin with. Good luck trying any
argument with this "analyst".

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure; all 
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me about 
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes these 
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that can 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations. Maybe 
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and 
hopefully start with this opinion leader.


You may wish to point out to your "analyst" that end-user benefits
are indirect  How many times have we seen organizations attempt
to sweep problems under the cover. This is an old, well understood
reason for full disclosure.  Now, how many times have their been
arguments about "this is not a code injection exploit, only a DoS,
so the customer impact is not severe, so we're delaying fixing this
until release X.Y in 3 months time", only to find someone
actually coded an exploit to prove that a vulnerability is fully

The end result:  Exploit code, responsibly handled, serves the exact
same purpose that vulnerability information disclosure serves: an
accountability mechanism to ensure that Vendors do not attempt to
bury information that they perceive to negatively impact their products
and services.  Thus, exploit code serves the customer by ensuring
that vendors handle vulnerabilities promptly because the vendor is
aware that exploits will likely be developed, and that the negative
publicity of exploits running wild against their products outweigh
the negative publicity of admitting (and fixing) a vulnerability.

But, somehow, giving the attitude your analyst is conveying, I'd say
more effort has been expended than is worthwhile.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread James C Slora Jr
I have used public exploits for:

1. Verifying that the manufacturer's recommendations have been followed and
that they work. This was invaluable in the first few rounds of Microsoft RPC
patches a couple of years ago - some patches appeared to have installed
correctly but the machines were still vulnerable. They would not have been
patched successfully without exploit testing. Yes, the public exploit code
helped lead to widespread malware outbreaks, but those first few bugs were
so blatant that black hats could exploit them easily anyway and the
outbreaks still would have happened. Witness the continuing success of those
vectors.  The public exploits at least let us test to see if we were

2. Developing methods to detect the exploits.

3. Understanding the exploitation process better. This way I can make the
hard sell on taking systems off line for patching with the appropriate

4. Blocking appropriate attack vectors (and thinking of other potential
vectors), and making sure the attacks don't get through.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Matt . Carpenter
We are a company that actively keeps up to date on publicly available 
exploits.  Their availability not only prompts us to understand the risks 
when prioritizing, but also provide us with the necessary tools to dispel 
nay-sayers arguments of disbelief.  Nothing like showing management the 
true risks...

Beyond that, from a more theoretical standpoint, we believe that 
full-disclosure and publicly accessible exploits serve as a cattle-prod 
for vendors that would otherwise ignore vulnerabilities.  Exploits are not 
easily available, so they must not exist.  We all know that this is not 
the case. 

My personal opinion is that full-disclosure allows those whose minds are 
inclined to break things something constructive to do, short of joining 
the dark side.  I'm much less likely to consider H.D. Moore a danger to my 
network since he is able to release his (their) toolset freely. Otherwise, 
the urge to "prove" how great they are might lead more hacker-types down 
the seductive path.  HDM is great, and we all know it.  He doesn't have to 
prove it by doing a "seriously righteous hack."

But that's just my thinking.  Dangerous to listen too closely.

Matthew Carpenter
IT Security Specialist
Alticor Corporation
Phone: 616-787-0287
Page Me (230 characters Max)
Email ITSS On-Call Account

PGP Fingerprint: 52C3 328D C29C 178B 2DFD 9EA8 C710 0042 8CB4 3CDB

Aviram Jenik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
30/06/2005 08:13

full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk, bugtraq@securityfocus.com

Publishing exploit code - what is it good for


I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with one 
the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was 
companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant 
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users 
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst 
reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself, 
the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider 
position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their own 
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then I'll 

change my opinion."

Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is 
most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user organization 
are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I 
drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact.

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure; 
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me 
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes 
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations. 
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and 
hopefully start with this opinion leader.


Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread John Horn
As the security officer for our organization, I find full disclosure 
to be an indispensable part of our software selection process. Software
that has not been thoroughly examined and tested is considered strongly
suspect by our organization and is not likely to find its way to our

Without the exploit code, we have only some unknown person's suggestion 
that the software is vulnerable. Without the code, it becomes difficult
discern the difference between a legitimate exploit and someone's
bias against a particular company or software package. 

With the exploit code we can independently verify the vulnerability -
increasing our internal confidence in the opinions of the researcher and

the researcher's organization (if any).

The code is indispensable. Period.
>>>Aviram Jenik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/30 6:13 am >>> 
I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with
one of 
the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was
companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit. 
I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst
reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself,
the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider
position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their own 
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then
change my opinion." 
Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is
most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user
organization and 
are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I
drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact. 
Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure;
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work. 
What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin
that can 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations.
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure,
hopefully start with this opinion leader. 
Aviram Jenik 
Beyond Security 
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Steve Milner

Here is my quick $0.02:

In a lot of environments (including the one that I work on/in) we make 
our own modifications to software to get them to work in such a way that 
is more beneficial to our organization. Because we make modifications to 
the way software works we don't always know if the software we are using 
is actually vulnerable to exploits based upon version number. In some 
cases we have actually fixed a security problem without realizing it 
before any known vuln was released. It's also possible to open up older 
problems through patching and coding. Having exploit code available is a 
huge plus as it lets us test our software. Without it we wouldn't know 
(as quickly) if our in house version of XYZ is exploitable to the newest 
vuln release.

In a nutshell, exploit code allows people to easily find out if they are 
vulnerable to a specific problem without spending lots of time looking 
into it. After all, I'd rather exploit my own code and fix it as opposed 
to having someone else do it while I try to scramble to figure it out.


Aviram Jenik wrote:


I recently had a discussion about the concept of full disclosure with one of 
the top security analysts in a well-known analyst firm. Their claim was that 
companies that release exploit code (like us, but this is also relevant for 
bugtraq, full disclosure, and several security research firms) put users at 
risks while those at risk gain nothing from the release of the exploit.

I tried the regular 'full disclosure advocacy' bit, but the analyst remained 
reluctant. Their claim was that based on their own work experience, a 
security administrator does not have a need for the exploit code itself, and 
the vendor information is enough. The analyst was willing to reconsider their 
position if an end-user came forward and talked to them about their own 
benefit of public exploit codes. Quote: " If I speak to an end-user 
organization and they express legitimate needs for exploit code, then I'll 
change my opinion."

Help me out here. Full disclosure is important for me, as I'm sure it is for 
most of the people on these two lists. If you're an end-user organization and 
are willing to talk to this analyst and explain your view (pro-FD, I hope), 
drop me a note and I'll put you in direct contact.

Please note: I don't need any arguments pro or against full disclosure; all 
this has been discussed in the past. I also don't need you to tell me about 
someone else or some other project (e.g. nessus, snort) that utilizes these 
exploits. Tried that. Didn't work.

What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin that can 
explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations. Maybe 
we can start changing public opinion with regards to full disclosure, and 
hopefully start with this opinion leader.



Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] RE: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Matt Huston
I remember using a published exploit to show proof positive something 
malicious could be done to an email gateway. This so frightened the
higher ups they instituted a rigorous security policy and encouraged
me to keep abreast of constant developments. I have free reign to use
any code be it malicious or trustworthy to secure the systems I am
responsible for now.
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Re: Publishing exploit code - what is it good for

2005-06-30 Thread Gary E. Miller
Hash: SHA1

Yo Aviram!

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Aviram Jenik wrote:

> What I need is a security administrator, CSO, IT manager or sys admin th
> at can
> explain why they find public exploits are good for THEIR organizations.

Getting a serious bug fixed before full-disclosure was much harder.  Any
and all potential isssues were just denied by vendors.  Denial no longer
worked after everyone could just google for a working exploit.  Then
vendors got a bit of religion and started admitting and fixing a few

Same thing for customer networks.  "It ain't broke so we won't fix fix
it" was the ruile of the day.  Now when a pen test, using a public
exploit, pokes a hole in a customer system there is a chance they may
fix it.  They can no longer claim that just because you found it does
not mean the bad guys can.

Going back to the old ways is just burying our collective heads in the
sand again.  Nothing got fixed because no-one could "prove" there was
a problem.

Now that some things get fixed, the net is safer for all on the net.

- ---
Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/