
SinFP is a new approach to OS fingerprinting, which bypasses 
limitations that nmap has. More info:
http://www.gomor.org/sinfp .

SinFP has now 140 signatures.

You can download it via CPAN, or via SourceForge:

Also, two benchmarks versus Nmap have been done:

This new release has been tested under Solaris 8/SPARC, 
and Mac OS X/PPC.

Example "advanced" usage:
# sinfp.pl -kai www.heise.de
P1: B00000 F0 W0 O0 M0
P2: B11113 F0x12 W4320 O0204ffff010303000101080affffffff4445414401010402 M1440
P3: B11123 F0x14 W0 O0 M0
IPv4: unknown
## Retry in offline active mode:
# sinfp.pl -1 -f sinfp4- -H
P2: B11113 F0x12 W4320 O0204ffff010303000101080affffffff4445414401010402 M1440
IPv4: BH0FH0WH2OH0MH1/P2: Unix: IRIX: 6.5

  ^  ___  ___             http://www.GomoR.org/          <-+
  | / __ |__/          Systems & Security Engineer         |
  | \__/ |  \     ---[ zsh$ alias psed='perl -pe ' ]---    |
  +-->  Net::Frame <=> http://search.cpan.org/~gomor/  <---+

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