Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-06 Thread V Comics

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At that point,
> your only choice for stopping the flow of martyrs is
> cutting off the
> supply via genocide.
> Is that what you're advocating, Paul?  Now who's the
> extremist here?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

* Raoul in Die Another Day

Netional heroes?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-05 Thread Open Phugu
On 4/4/07, United Hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
>  | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
>  | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
>  |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
>Hackers United against the Threat of Islam

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-05 Thread Justin Klein Keane
Hash: SHA1

I think there might be a salient idea in this rant (and somewhat
meandering thread discussion).  That is that the greatest challenge to
learning black hat hacking techniques is the fact that it is illegal to
attempt in most countries.  If you choose a target with which your
native country has no normalized diplomatic relationship and no
extradition treaty as a target then even if you're caught legal action
against you becomes impossible.  For script kiddies in the US to attack
servers in North Korea, Iran and other countries with which the US has
poor diplomatic relationships is actually quite wise - well, much wiser
than trying to break into a domestic server or one in Western Europe
(just ask Gary McKinnon).

- --
Justin Klein Keane
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-05 Thread DUCK MAN!
On 4/4/07, Andrew Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a good example of what can happen to you after viewing Hackers
> and Swordfish back to back. You've been warned. I doubt Iran even has a
> Gibson to hack.
> - Andrew
> United Hackers wrote:
> >   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
> >  | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
> >  | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
> >  |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
> >Hackers United against the Threat of Islam
> >  
> > ---
> >  
> > ---
> >
> > April 04, 2007, 2100Z
> >
> > We, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam to the Freedom of Thought
> > and Peace are hereby declaring open war against the evils of Islam. The axis
> > of evil must be stopped and destroyed. The United States of America is 
> > planning
> > a demonstration of military force against the evil nation of Iran. As of the
> > moment of this announcement, a Cyber War has been declared against Iran. We
> > do this to assit the United States of America in their war against the evils
> > of Islam.
> >
> > The first operation in this war was the secretive Operation Screaming Eagle.
> > This has been an ongoing preparation for battle, mapping out critical
> > Internet infrastructure to the Nation of Iran, as well as determining
> > passwords, access codes and vulnerable attack vectors for gaining access to
> > Iranian systems, including routers and servers. Many Iranian machines have
> > backdoors installed, and many routers have been broken into had have had 
> > their
> > login security mechanisms comprimised.
> >
> > At dawn of April 06, 2007, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam 
> > shall
> > initiate the largest, multinational, coordinated attack against a nation's
> > infrastructure ever witnessed. Hackers from the United States of America,
> > Great Britain, Norway, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany and Russia will launch
> > attacks against Iran's infrastructure, disabling all IP-based communication
> > and facilitating attacks against their terrorist targets.
> >
> > Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam 
> > are
> > there to do the job.
> >
> > Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face this
> > threat to humanity.
> >
> >
> > =
> > Search for products and services at:
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> >
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Damn racist scumbags.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-05 Thread Timo Schoeler
   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
 | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
 | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
 |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
Hackers United against the Threat of Islam

>>> ---

>>> ---

>> WOW...I'm one has called you Nazi yet.
> You are a Nazi.

no, that's not quite correct. per definition, he's faschist, which is 
the highest rank of a capitalist.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-05 Thread Open Phugu
On 4/4/07, Dingo Ugly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 4/4/07, United Hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
> > > | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
> > > | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
> > > |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
> > >Hackers United against the Threat of Islam
> > >
> > >
> > ---
> > > LEAGUE
> > >
> > >
> > ---
> > >
> > >
> >
> WOW...I'm one has called you Nazi yet.
You are a Nazi.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread rgolodner
 This list has been somewhat of a cesspool for years now. It is more 
entertainment than EXPLOIT relevant now anyway. Sit back, crack a favorite 
beverage and have a few laughs.Where the hell is n3td3v when you need him?

>-Original Message-
>From: George Ou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 12:22 AM
>To: ''Randal T. Rioux'',
>Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran
>Is this really the place to be discussing this? This is a full disclosure
>mailing list about security issues. This is not a place for discussing
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randal T.
>Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran
>Paul Schmehl wrote:
>> You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
>> influence the extremists. There's only two actions that will influence
>> the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.
>> Anything else you might try, like trying to make nice with them or
>> negotiate with them, is a complete waste of time and merely hastens your
>> own death or imprisonment.
>I can't believe you made a public statement about killing or imprisoning
>Mr. Bush. Of course, along with a few dozen of his hench(wo)men as well.
>Be careful, they'll send you to another country to torture you. Or is
>that even necessary now since he's wiped his ass with our Constitution?
>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Kian Mohageri
Paul Schmehl wrote:
> --On April 4, 2007 11:06:24 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Radical idea number 1:  You can always ignore them, or merely accord
>> them a level of concern related to their *actual* threat level.  Figure
>> out the number of deaths and economic damage per year due to cancer,
>> cardiovascular illness, tobacco, various communicable diseases, and
>> terrorism. React accordingly.  Hint: How many Americans have gotten
>> killed due to terrorist action, and how many have gotten killed since
>> then due to our *choosing* to get involved in two wars?  Who's a bigger
>> hazard to American lives - the terrorists or our own commander in chief?
> I absolutely loathe this argument.  It goes something like this:
> Hey, so a few people are dying - I don't know any of them, and I don't
> feel personally threatened, so screw them.  I'm worried about cancer not
> IEDs.  Besides, statistically, I have more chances of dying from cancer
> than I do from an IED.  (Sorry about those folks in New York, London,
> Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Beirut, Bali, Darfur, Singapore, the
> Phillippines, Somalio, the Congo, and all the other places where jihadis
> have bombed and beheaded innocent people, but hey, that ain't in my back
> yard.)

You completely ignored the most important part of Valdis' argument.
Nobody is arguing that terrorism is not a threat.  The argument is about
how many people have died as a result of this war that is supposed to
"end" terrorism (but has probably just made matters worse).

>> Radical idea number 2: This guy Ghandi managed to kick the British out
>> of India without killing or imprisoning anybody - people just sat down.
>> *LOTS* of people.  For those of you who aren't old enough to remember,
>> this dude named Martin Luther King Jr used the same tactic - and keep in
>> mind that some of the people opposing King would easily qualify as
>> "extremists".  Yes, it can take a long time, and you may have a few
>> martyrs of your own - but it's possible to win the conflict while
>> retaining the moral high ground.
> Funny thing about the Brits - they're actually civilized.  They don't go
> around cutting off children's heads and blowing up innocent women.  So
> Ghandi's sit-down actually worked, because the Brits have a conscience.

People are fundamentally the same.  If you put "civilized" British
people in the situations facing many extremists in the Middle East, do
you think they would continue to act civilized?

Do you think no innocent men/women/children have died at the hands of
the civilized Brits?

Sure -- their foreign policy is better than the U.S. at the moment --
but don't make some ridiculous claim that they're "better" and "more
civilized."  Rich nations are just a lot better at covering it up.

>> When you've decided that killing them and imprisoning them are the *only*
>> two options, you've allowed them to frame the question and win the
>> debate, because you're guaranteeing them an endless supply of martyrs.
>> At that point, your only choice for stopping the flow of martyrs is
>> cutting off the supply via genocide.
> Oh, bullshit.  This isn't a debate.  And there isn't an endless flow of
> martyrs.  If you seriously think the vast majority of Muslims are only
> interested in martyring themselves for jihad, then you're a racist in
> the extreme.  Most Muslims are just like you and me.  They want to live
> a peaceable life, earn a decent living and take care of their family. 
> But until the cost of being a jihadi is not worth the reward compared to
> living in peace, they will continue to slaughter people by the millions.
> And just because you don't give a shit about the people dying in Darfur
> or the Muslims being slaughtered every day in Iraq, doesn't mean
> everyone thinks that way.

Do you realize that the U.S. put many of those radicals into power in
the first place?

> Let's see if I can put this in terms you can understand.
> A hoodlum is running around the neighborhood killing people.  You think
> it's a good idea to negotiate with him but he's just interested in
> killing people.  Since more people in the neighborhood have died in car
> crashes than the hoodlum has killed, you think he's not much of a
> threat. Unfortunately for Billy, tonight is his turn to be the hoodlum's
> next victim.  But that's OK with you because, hey, statistically, it's
> just a blip on the radar.  Eventually, if enough people die, he'll tire
> of his killing, and we'll be able to get him to reform his ways by
> convincing him there's a better way to live.  If a hundred have to die
> before we get there, it's OK, because 200 will die in car accidents anyway.

A better analogy would be this:

There are hoodlums running around various neighborhoods around the
world, killing people.  YOU think it is a good idea to start invading
other neighborhoods, enforcing curfews, searching their houses (and your
own neighbors'), passing unconstitutional laws, and killing a lot of

Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread scott
 >common george, its not like you ever contribute anything worth a shit.

LOL.I know that was in jest.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread jf
common george, its not like you ever contribute anything worth a shit.

On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, George Ou wrote:

> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 21:22:38 -0700
> From: George Ou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 'Randal T. Rioux' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran
> Is this really the place to be discussing this?  This is a full disclosure
> mailing list about security issues.  This is not a place for discussing
> politics.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randal T.
> Rioux
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran
> Paul Schmehl wrote:
> > You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
> > influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
> > the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.
> > Anything else you might try, like trying to make nice with them or
> > negotiate with them, is a complete waste of time and merely hastens your
> > own death or imprisonment.
> >
> I can't believe you made a public statement about killing or imprisoning
> Mr. Bush. Of course, along with a few dozen of his hench(wo)men as well.
> Be careful, they'll send you to another country to torture you. Or is
> that even necessary now since he's wiped his ass with our Constitution?
> Randy
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread George Ou
Is this really the place to be discussing this?  This is a full disclosure
mailing list about security issues.  This is not a place for discussing

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Randal T.
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

Paul Schmehl wrote:
> You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
> influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
> the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them. 
> Anything else you might try, like trying to make nice with them or
> negotiate with them, is a complete waste of time and merely hastens your
> own death or imprisonment.

I can't believe you made a public statement about killing or imprisoning
Mr. Bush. Of course, along with a few dozen of his hench(wo)men as well.

Be careful, they'll send you to another country to torture you. Or is
that even necessary now since he's wiped his ass with our Constitution?


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Nick Oliver
I believe that the greatest lesson in history is that if you are not
willing to fight for your freedoms, someone will come in and take them
away.  It has happened time and time again throughout the ages.  There
are always other peoples who will stretch their boundaries - and if
you are not willing to defend yourself, you will be taken over.

Yes, Ghandi and Martin Luther King were great men and won great
victories.  But in BOTH cases, they were "fighting" against peoples
that had a Christian moral character AND sympathetic populations back
home.  In NO case would the British, or the American powers that be,
solve the problem by going in and merely blowing away Ghandi and King.
 Make no mistake about it - the Islamic extremists against whom we
fight would have NO problem with going in and dealing with their
problems by eliminating them.  Ghandi and King would have lasted no
time at all in their world - whereas in our world they are accorded
rights and privileges - often to the detriment of established
authority and society.

Ethically you may be able to establish a moral high ground, but just
the same, Paul is right and you are wrong.

On 4/4/07, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On April 4, 2007 11:06:24 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 21:38:40 CDT, Paul Schmehl said:
> >> You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
> >> influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
> >> the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.
> >
> > Radical idea number 1:  You can always ignore them, or merely accord
> > them a level of concern related to their *actual* threat level.  Figure
> > out the number of deaths and economic damage per year due to cancer,
> > cardiovascular illness, tobacco, various communicable diseases, and
> > terrorism. React accordingly.  Hint: How many Americans have gotten
> > killed due to terrorist action, and how many have gotten killed since
> > then due to our *choosing* to get involved in two wars?  Who's a bigger
> > hazard to American lives - the terrorists or our own commander in chief?
> >
> I absolutely loathe this argument.  It goes something like this:
> Hey, so a few people are dying - I don't know any of them, and I don't
> feel personally threatened, so screw them.  I'm worried about cancer not
> IEDs.  Besides, statistically, I have more chances of dying from cancer
> than I do from an IED.  (Sorry about those folks in New York, London,
> Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Beirut, Bali, Darfur, Singapore, the Phillippines,
> Somalio, the Congo, and all the other places where jihadis have bombed and
> beheaded innocent people, but hey, that ain't in my back yard.)
> Nice to know you care.
> >
> > Radical idea number 2: This guy Ghandi managed to kick the British out
> > of India without killing or imprisoning anybody - people just sat down.
> > *LOTS* of people.  For those of you who aren't old enough to remember,
> > this dude named Martin Luther King Jr used the same tactic - and keep in
> > mind that some of the people opposing King would easily qualify as
> > "extremists".  Yes, it can take a long time, and you may have a few
> > martyrs of your own - but it's possible to win the conflict while
> > retaining the moral high ground.
> >
> Funny thing about the Brits - they're actually civilized.  They don't go
> around cutting off children's heads and blowing up innocent women.  So
> Ghandi's sit-down actually worked, because the Brits have a conscience.
> > When you've decided that killing them and imprisoning them are the *only*
> > two options, you've allowed them to frame the question and win the
> > debate, because you're guaranteeing them an endless supply of martyrs.
> > At that point, your only choice for stopping the flow of martyrs is
> > cutting off the supply via genocide.
> >
> Oh, bullshit.  This isn't a debate.  And there isn't an endless flow of
> martyrs.  If you seriously think the vast majority of Muslims are only
> interested in martyring themselves for jihad, then you're a racist in the
> extreme.  Most Muslims are just like you and me.  They want to live a
> peaceable life, earn a decent living and take care of their family.  But
> until the cost of being a jihadi is not worth the reward compared to
> living in peace, they will continue to slaughter people by the millions.
> And just because you don't give a shit about the people dying in Darfur or
> the Muslims being slaughtered every day in Iraq, doesn't mean everyone
> thinks that way.
> Let's see if I can put this in terms you can understand.
> A hoodlum is running around the neighborhood killing people.  You think
> it's a good idea to negotiate with him but he's just interested in killing
> people.  Since more people in the neighborhood have died in car crashes
> than the hoodlum has killed, you think he's not much of a threat.
> Unfortunately for Billy, tonight is his turn to be the hoodlum's next

Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Randal T. Rioux
Paul Schmehl wrote:
> You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
> influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
> the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them. 
> Anything else you might try, like trying to make nice with them or
> negotiate with them, is a complete waste of time and merely hastens your
> own death or imprisonment.

I can't believe you made a public statement about killing or imprisoning
Mr. Bush. Of course, along with a few dozen of his hench(wo)men as well.

Be careful, they'll send you to another country to torture you. Or is
that even necessary now since he's wiped his ass with our Constitution?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Paul Schmehl

--On April 4, 2007 11:06:24 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 21:38:40 CDT, Paul Schmehl said:

You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.

Radical idea number 1:  You can always ignore them, or merely accord
them a level of concern related to their *actual* threat level.  Figure
out the number of deaths and economic damage per year due to cancer,
cardiovascular illness, tobacco, various communicable diseases, and
terrorism. React accordingly.  Hint: How many Americans have gotten
killed due to terrorist action, and how many have gotten killed since
then due to our *choosing* to get involved in two wars?  Who's a bigger
hazard to American lives - the terrorists or our own commander in chief?

I absolutely loathe this argument.  It goes something like this:
Hey, so a few people are dying - I don't know any of them, and I don't 
feel personally threatened, so screw them.  I'm worried about cancer not 
IEDs.  Besides, statistically, I have more chances of dying from cancer 
than I do from an IED.  (Sorry about those folks in New York, London, 
Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Beirut, Bali, Darfur, Singapore, the Phillippines, 
Somalio, the Congo, and all the other places where jihadis have bombed and 
beheaded innocent people, but hey, that ain't in my back yard.)

Nice to know you care.

Radical idea number 2: This guy Ghandi managed to kick the British out
of India without killing or imprisoning anybody - people just sat down.
*LOTS* of people.  For those of you who aren't old enough to remember,
this dude named Martin Luther King Jr used the same tactic - and keep in
mind that some of the people opposing King would easily qualify as
"extremists".  Yes, it can take a long time, and you may have a few
martyrs of your own - but it's possible to win the conflict while
retaining the moral high ground.

Funny thing about the Brits - they're actually civilized.  They don't go 
around cutting off children's heads and blowing up innocent women.  So 
Ghandi's sit-down actually worked, because the Brits have a conscience.

When you've decided that killing them and imprisoning them are the *only*
two options, you've allowed them to frame the question and win the
debate, because you're guaranteeing them an endless supply of martyrs.
At that point, your only choice for stopping the flow of martyrs is
cutting off the supply via genocide.

Oh, bullshit.  This isn't a debate.  And there isn't an endless flow of 
martyrs.  If you seriously think the vast majority of Muslims are only 
interested in martyring themselves for jihad, then you're a racist in the 
extreme.  Most Muslims are just like you and me.  They want to live a 
peaceable life, earn a decent living and take care of their family.  But 
until the cost of being a jihadi is not worth the reward compared to 
living in peace, they will continue to slaughter people by the millions. 
And just because you don't give a shit about the people dying in Darfur or 
the Muslims being slaughtered every day in Iraq, doesn't mean everyone 
thinks that way.

Let's see if I can put this in terms you can understand.

A hoodlum is running around the neighborhood killing people.  You think 
it's a good idea to negotiate with him but he's just interested in killing 
people.  Since more people in the neighborhood have died in car crashes 
than the hoodlum has killed, you think he's not much of a threat. 
Unfortunately for Billy, tonight is his turn to be the hoodlum's next 
victim.  But that's OK with you because, hey, statistically, it's just a 
blip on the radar.  Eventually, if enough people die, he'll tire of his 
killing, and we'll be able to get him to reform his ways by convincing him 
there's a better way to live.  If a hundred have to die before we get 
there, it's OK, because 200 will die in car accidents anyway.

Is that what you're advocating, Paul?  Now who's the extremist here?

Well, I'm not surprised you asked the question since you obviously have no 
clue.  And your philosophy stinks.

You're a great security mind, Valdis, but your politics suck.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 21:38:40 CDT, Paul Schmehl said:
> You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow
> influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence
> the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.

Radical idea number 1:  You can always ignore them, or merely accord them a
level of concern related to their *actual* threat level.  Figure out the number
of deaths and economic damage per year due to cancer, cardiovascular illness,
tobacco, various communicable diseases, and terrorism. React accordingly.  Hint:
How many Americans have gotten killed due to terrorist action, and how many
have gotten killed since then due to our *choosing* to get involved in two
wars?  Who's a bigger hazard to American lives - the terrorists or our own
commander in chief?

"To the extent that we overreact, we proffer the terrorists the greatest 
-- High Court Judge Michael Kirby

Radical idea number 2: This guy Ghandi managed to kick the British out of India
without killing or imprisoning anybody - people just sat down. *LOTS* of
people.  For those of you who aren't old enough to remember, this dude named
Martin Luther King Jr used the same tactic - and keep in mind that some of
the people opposing King would easily qualify as "extremists".  Yes, it can
take a long time, and you may have a few martyrs of your own - but it's possible
to win the conflict while retaining the moral high ground.

When you've decided that killing them and imprisoning them are the *only*
two options, you've allowed them to frame the question and win the debate,
because you're guaranteeing them an endless supply of martyrs.  At that point,
your only choice for stopping the flow of martyrs is cutting off the
supply via genocide.

Is that what you're advocating, Paul?  Now who's the extremist here?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Paul Schmehl

--On April 4, 2007 7:19:17 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem isn't Islam. It's not Christianity.  It's extremists who
cloak themselves in one or the other to try to claim the moral high
ground in their attempt to rid the world of The Other Flavor, because
they never learned concepts like "tolerance" or "playing nice with

Failing to realize that, and then taking action on that failure, just
makes the situation worse, as it gives the intolerant of The Other Flavor
more fuel for their reprisals.  Ask yourself "Are They going to hate Us
more if We do this?" - if the answer is "yes", you're probably making a

You seem to be living under the delusion that your actions can somehow 
influence the extremists.  There's only two actions that will influence 
the extremists in any way and that is to kill or imprison them.  Anything 
else you might try, like trying to make nice with them or negotiate with 
them, is a complete waste of time and merely hastens your own death or 

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Dingo Ugly
> On 4/4/07, United Hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
> > | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
> > | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
> > |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
> >Hackers United against the Threat of Islam
> >
> >
> ---
> >
> >
> ---
> >
> >
WOW...I'm one has called you Nazi yet.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Kian Mohageri

On 4/4/07, United Hackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
| | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
| |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
|__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
   Hackers United against the Threat of Islam



Please post your "codenames" for further amusement.

Kian Mohageri
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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 15:14:29 CDT, United Hackers said:
> Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam are
> there to do the job.

> Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face this
> threat to humanity.

The problem isn't Islam. It's not Christianity.  It's extremists who cloak
themselves in one or the other to try to claim the moral high ground in their
attempt to rid the world of The Other Flavor, because they never learned
concepts like "tolerance" or "playing nice with others".

Failing to realize that, and then taking action on that failure, just
makes the situation worse, as it gives the intolerant of The Other Flavor
more fuel for their reprisals.  Ask yourself "Are They going to hate Us more
if We do this?" - if the answer is "yes", you're probably making a mistake

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Shyaam

I agree about the movie part :-)
Especially, SwordFish...

he he, Good one

On 4/4/07, Andrew Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a good example of what can happen to you after viewing Hackers
and Swordfish back to back. You've been warned. I doubt Iran even has a
Gibson to hack.

- Andrew

United Hackers wrote:
>   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
>  | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
>  | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |//
>  |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/
>Hackers United against the Threat of Islam


> April 04, 2007, 2100Z
> We, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam to the Freedom of
> and Peace are hereby declaring open war against the evils of Islam. The
> of evil must be stopped and destroyed. The United States of America is
> a demonstration of military force against the evil nation of Iran. As of
> moment of this announcement, a Cyber War has been declared against Iran.
> do this to assit the United States of America in their war against the
> of Islam.
> The first operation in this war was the secretive Operation Screaming
> This has been an ongoing preparation for battle, mapping out critical
> Internet infrastructure to the Nation of Iran, as well as determining
> passwords, access codes and vulnerable attack vectors for gaining access
> Iranian systems, including routers and servers. Many Iranian machines
> backdoors installed, and many routers have been broken into had have had
> login security mechanisms comprimised.
> At dawn of April 06, 2007, the Hackers United against the Threat of
Islam shall
> initiate the largest, multinational, coordinated attack against a
> infrastructure ever witnessed. Hackers from the United States of
> Great Britain, Norway, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany and Russia will
> attacks against Iran's infrastructure, disabling all IP-based
> and facilitating attacks against their terrorist targets.
> Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of
Islam are
> there to do the job.
> Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face
> threat to humanity.
> =
> Search for products and services at:
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Shyaam Sundhar R.S., GREM, GHTQ, GWAS
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread Andrew Redman
This is a good example of what can happen to you after viewing Hackers 
and Swordfish back to back. You've been warned. I doubt Iran even has a 
Gibson to hack.

- Andrew

United Hackers wrote:
>   _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
>  | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
>  | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |// 
>  |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/  
>Hackers United against the Threat of Islam
> ---
> ---
> April 04, 2007, 2100Z
> We, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam to the Freedom of Thought
> and Peace are hereby declaring open war against the evils of Islam. The axis
> of evil must be stopped and destroyed. The United States of America is 
> planning
> a demonstration of military force against the evil nation of Iran. As of the
> moment of this announcement, a Cyber War has been declared against Iran. We
> do this to assit the United States of America in their war against the evils
> of Islam.
> The first operation in this war was the secretive Operation Screaming Eagle. 
> This has been an ongoing preparation for battle, mapping out critical 
> Internet infrastructure to the Nation of Iran, as well as determining
> passwords, access codes and vulnerable attack vectors for gaining access to
> Iranian systems, including routers and servers. Many Iranian machines have
> backdoors installed, and many routers have been broken into had have had their
> login security mechanisms comprimised.
> At dawn of April 06, 2007, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam 
> shall
> initiate the largest, multinational, coordinated attack against a nation's 
> infrastructure ever witnessed. Hackers from the United States of America,
> Great Britain, Norway, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany and Russia will launch
> attacks against Iran's infrastructure, disabling all IP-based communication
> and facilitating attacks against their terrorist targets.
> Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam are
> there to do the job.
> Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face this
> threat to humanity.
> =
> Search for products and services at: 
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] The Cyber war on Iran

2007-04-04 Thread United Hackers
  _  _   ___  _  __  ___  ___   _  __
 | | /| / / _ | / _ \  / __ \/ |/ / /  _/ _ \/ _ | / |/ /
 | |/ |/ / __ |/ , _/ / /_/ // _/ // , _/ __ |// 
 |__/|__/_/ |_/_/|_|  \/_/|_/ /___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/  
   Hackers United against the Threat of Islam

April 04, 2007, 2100Z

We, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam to the Freedom of Thought
and Peace are hereby declaring open war against the evils of Islam. The axis
of evil must be stopped and destroyed. The United States of America is planning
a demonstration of military force against the evil nation of Iran. As of the
moment of this announcement, a Cyber War has been declared against Iran. We
do this to assit the United States of America in their war against the evils
of Islam.

The first operation in this war was the secretive Operation Screaming Eagle. 
This has been an ongoing preparation for battle, mapping out critical 
Internet infrastructure to the Nation of Iran, as well as determining
passwords, access codes and vulnerable attack vectors for gaining access to
Iranian systems, including routers and servers. Many Iranian machines have
backdoors installed, and many routers have been broken into had have had their
login security mechanisms comprimised.

At dawn of April 06, 2007, the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam shall
initiate the largest, multinational, coordinated attack against a nation's 
infrastructure ever witnessed. Hackers from the United States of America,
Great Britain, Norway, France, Italy, Brazil, Germany and Russia will launch
attacks against Iran's infrastructure, disabling all IP-based communication
and facilitating attacks against their terrorist targets.

Islam must be stopped. And the Hackers United against the Threat of Islam are
there to do the job.

Shout outs to everyone united against Islam. We stand together to face this
threat to humanity.

Search for products and services at:

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -